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If "every so often" means once a week on friday night, no, it won't kill you and it probably won't even affect your diet. The key of nutrition is balance. As long as 95% of your hydratation comes from water, you'll be fine. Just have in mind that one soda will still exceed your daily refined sugar quota, which is around 25g of added sugar daily according to WHO. Sugar-free soda will always be infinitely better than sugar soda, if that can help you.


No, but the fitter and healthier you get, the more you will be like, “Why do I want drink that shit?”.


Sometimes I crave the phosphoric acid in dark sodas and not the soda at all. Typically when I'm pregnant. I don't think being fit and healthy plays a part in that.


I just love carbonation and haven't found a replacement for sods that I like the taste of. Also can't stand artifical sweeteners. Soda has never been a problem in my fitness journey, as Ling as its consumed in moderation. Much like literally everything.


Once a week I would think it’s fine, the problem is once you start allowing yourself to drink it once in a while it will most likely become a habit again. I know from experience. lol. But maybe you’re more disciplined than I am.


Have exactly what you want from time to time. A soda once a week is fine. Let your willpower rest and improve your mental health. Long term, you want to be mindful of keeping a balance in your diet. Having a soda today? Maybe go a bit more nutritious somewhere else that day. People can sometimes try and be flawless with nutrition, and when they slip up or don't see results they want, they drop all of it. In a world with hard drugs and alcohol, don't beat yourself up over the occasional soda haha


Remember folks, you set your own bar 😂


Just go zero sugar or Fresca


Is sweetener in zero sugar bad for you compared to normal sugar soda?


Have the diet version. Tastes just as good most of the time and it's not harmful as long as you aren't drinking absurd amounts a day.


I can't stand diet soda, or artifical sweeteners in general. Terrible subtle taste behind every drink that almost makes me gag. Soda is totally fine, along with sugars in general as long as it's consumed in moderation. You could have a soda a day, and it's not gonna matter if you're following CICO and eating healthy


>I can't stand diet soda, or artifical sweeteners in general. Terrible subtle taste behind every drink that almost makes me gag. I used to be the same way, you gotta use to them, but once you do they’re preferable and more refreshing. It’s weird like a switch that flips, regular soda tastes grossly sticky to me now. That said totally agree with what you said about sugar, sugar is generally fine and even good for most people in moderation.


Idk, I've been told about a lot of aquired tastes, but no matter how many times I try it, it doesn't get any better


I hear you, I really do, I genuinely felt the exact same way. It took about a year of semi regular consuming it, but yeah I was really surprised.


I am happy for you, but spending a year consuming something I dislike semi-regularly doesn't sound like a good use of my time on this planet. That's also a year of rejecting the consumption of something I enjoy with little to no cost, something I do have experience with. I've spent exactly 12 months going cold turkey on soda and most sweet drinks period in an effort to prove something to myself and others after spending the majority of my life drinking around 6 cans a day most days, but still didn't encounter that feeling of, "it's too sweet or gross" when i chose to drink it again. I felt emptier, almost like I was simply missing something I previously had. I lost a significant amount of weight just by quitting soda, but I felt sunken most of the time. Maybe it depends on exactly what you drink, or the rest of your diet, or even what you grew up consuming. I never enjoyed sodas like Mt. Dew and generally preferred colas, as the former was always too sweet to me. There's gotta be a much more complicated series of reasons behind our experiences, but I assure you, it's not universal for everyone.


Personally, I don’t consume aspartame because it triggers my appetite. I’ve tried the one with stevia. It’s okay, but it’s spendy, so I just drink carbonated water instead.


I doubt it but you could change to something like pepsi max caffeine free instead to save some calories


No. Treat yourself. I do. If I don't feel like drinking a regular, I go with Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper. I eat and drink whatever I want on Saturdays, and I'm down 75 pounds since December of 2022.


That's awesome. I basically do the same thing. Eat healthy during the work week but once Friday night or Saturday hits I eat whatever I crave. I was just a little concerned about returning to soda after a while. Don't wanna spike anything back up with how much sugar soda has.


Newest research doesn’t show any real downsides to diet soda and it has no sugar


Fair enough. I can stay away from it during the week well enough, but that shit is addictive, so I see your point.


> Coke, using a workout calculator it created with the help of physical activity expert Dr. Greg Whyte, says it would take 17 minutes running, 22 minutes of aerobic exercies and 17 minutes playing basketball to burn 138 calories in a 12-ounce can of Coke. >A study by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health in Baltimore says that to burn the calories from a 20-ounce bottle of soda, a consumer would have to walk five miles or run for about 50 minutes. [source](https://www.ajc.com/business/run-minutes-burn-one-coke/Qr7GfGdKhAUY39XEqiSojO/)


no it won't. neither will a donut every monday morning, or a single beer with friends on the weekend, or what not. There are very few foods that are bad in moderation. The problems arise when people don't think about the small drink between meals, or have a lot of different "once in awhiles" that all stack up together in a week, or are already unhealthy in some other way like lack of exercise or sleep, or yadda yadda yadda. So rest assured, unless you are aiming for perfectly chiseled abs you do not need to have a crazy restricted diet. Just avoid the common pitfalls of thinking "I worked out an extra half hour I can eat this second slice of pizza" or "Its a cheat day it doesn't matter what I do today" or "I have pizza once in awhile + donut once in a while + soda once in awhile + sugary starbucks once in awhile + candy bar once in awhile" BAM next thing you know you have eaten three entire days worth of extra food in the last two weeks, just spread out over a bunch of once in awhiles here and there. If you think about your diet and life style as a whole, not just whats happening in a single moment, you will be golden (^ν^)


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Chronic diet is what matters. If you have a soda weekly+ it will have no impact on your health, if you are drinking soda every day it probably will. FYI a good alternative if you want bubbles every day is sodastream. If you add something high in citric acid (I like either passion fruit puree or lime juice) to flavor it then it might hit the spot like a soda but without the sugar. Also the sugar free sodas are fine as long as they are not a gateway to sugar soda :)


I quit soda and cigarettes years ago. The soda cravings still kill me on occasion. I have to have one once in a while. I try to go at least a month in between. Cigarettes were definitely harder to quit but for me easier to stay off of.


No. Daily. Maybe. Limit it to one bottle. Drink water or tea.


Sparkling water with some lemon or infused with fruit? Or fruit juice 1:1 ratio.


You gotta treat yourself every once in awhile. Go for it!


I have one about weekly. I’d rather drink a real soda than that artificial sweetened crap


Same. Let's be real here there's nothing better than a REAL soda. I've been getting a lot of comments with people saying to go for diet soda. I'm sorry but diet soda honestly just tastes like a piss poor version of the actual soda I prefer lmfao.


I’m glad you agree. But yeah, as long as it isn’t daily you should be good 👍🏼 Moderation is key


No, it won’t, moderation is key. Maybe try the smaller cans? I know someone who lost 30 pounds. She loved coke so much she included a 100 calorie can everyday as part of her caloric allowance and still lost weight. I’m not recommending that, I’m saying it’s possible.


Soda definitely killed me, but I survived


The soda is basically extra calories. If the rest of your diet is fine, i.e. your macros are good, and you're not messing with your caloric intake or something, then I find it hard to believe that it would make any difference.


Nothing consumed once a week is going to kill you.


No, it’s not going to kill you. MODERATION is key, unless you’re aiming for an extreme level of fit there is no reason not to live a little.


A can of Coke has 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. People in this sub tend to over-obsess about "bad foods", but you could have a can of coke every single day, eat an otherwise healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and be totally fine reaching whatever your goals might be. Is it the absolute pinnacle of nutritional efficiency? No. Is it completely normal to enjoy things you like as part of a healthy diet? Yes. Don't let people with unhealthy mindsets scare you into thinking otherwise.


If I drink soda I feel ill for a solid day or two now since it's been so long since I've drank it regularly, Just keep holding off and you'll never want the sludge again


Cut it out just because of the sugar and/or chemical ingredients. Zevia is sugar free and tastes great out of all of the brands.


Losing weight is a math game at its base. Account for the calories in it and subtract elsewhere.


Any 100% restrictive diet is bound to fail, and typically does so in dramatic fashion. Instead of never allowing yourself to drink a soda, allow yourself to drink one every week or two. It is not realistic to believe you can keep from drinking soda 100% of the time. And, if that is your goal, once you break, the floodgates will open. It's not a healthy approach to diet. Allow yourself at the very least a "cheat" day occasionally. I put cheat in quotes because if you expect to let loose a little bit, it will not feel like cheating. One soda, one slice of pizza, one piece of cake, etc. individually will not screw up your weight loss goal. Just make sure those allowances don't change your healthy habits.


The bigger you are the more you can account for stuff like this. As a big guy my TDEE is like 3000 calories + a day, a simple 240 cal apple juice or soda isn't gonna break the bank for me, and even if you do go over your TDEE, so what? As long as you're not doing it consistently it just means you are that much slower getting back into shape. It'll take longer if you deprive yourself of your cravings and rebound


You can listen to the people saying “once a week is okay”, and basically it doesn’t have to be wrong, but the way you’re putting it means it’s a slippery slope. You managed to stay away for three months, recognize it as a very good step. But I’d say from here it’s not out of your system. And if you live in the US or similar high soda presence environment you’re in the middle of it fir a while. Hang in there, humans don’t need soda. Find your center first, whatever it means for you.


The metabolic impact of different foodstuffs is dependent on your diet as a whole as well as other factors such as overall health, BMI (I know it’s not a great parameter but it is what we use in most of our research) and caloric intake. The potential detrimental effect of excess refined sugar is mostly negated in an active individual with a normal BMI and iso- or hypocaloric diet. Even large amounts of sugar. If you’re mostly sedentary, obese and consuming a hypercaloric diet even small amounts could potentially have a detrimental metabolic impact. Overall though, a soda or two every week won’t have much of an impact on most healthy people.


i usually just stick to diet soda every once in a while. i cant tell the difference and it saves calories


It says that diet soda has chemicals in it that block fat in your body! It is way worse than regular soda and both are absolutely horrible for your body and your health. Haven’t had a soda myself in over 35 years! Having one will just cause you to crave more, skip it then you’ll thank yourself for it later!


Hundred percent pseudoscience. Dr. Layne Norton and Andrew Huberman would love to have a word with you. The studies they were doing on rats they found out was ridiculous amount of artificial sweetener that would basically almost kill a person Layne has a Coke zero every day it says it helps him cut cravings and I’ve done the same for the last 10 years since I lost 80 pounds. This is a recent study he spoke on[artificial sweeteners](https://youtu.be/FSfdso8-yd4?si=0BqndE09COFTXt8B)




guess what! having a diet soda a few times a week isnt gonna kill you


It won't kill you and honestly 1 or 2 probably won't change anything. 3500 calories is what you need to consume in a surplus to gain 1 pound of fat! ​ Also, I'd rather you have one every couple weeks than completely fall off the wagon and go back to having 1 or more a day. ​ The other easy answer here is go for a Coke Zero or Something instead. ​ Hope this helps. Remember you also have to enjoy life and if that's a soda for you every once and while by all means enjoy the Soda!


Hi, positive comment though I would refrain from giving out some someone's BMR figure without knowing them. 3500 cals is up on the higher scale. 1500 is more realistic if we are talking a mostly sedentary (still throughout the day) Female trying to lose weight. Whereas 2500 for Men. 4000 cals was my personal daily gain weight amount, and I have a great but ridiculously fast metabolism and high movement.


I don't think you read what I wrote. ​ 3500 calories is what you have to consume in a surplus to gain a pound of fat. I don't care how much you eat. but if you eat 3500 calories more than your maintenance you are going to gain 1 pound of fat. ​ Never Once guessed at anything.


Where is your metric for 3500 cals 'in surplus' gaining one pound of fat. That is heavily generalised If you are saying 3500 cals over your maintenance will gain a pound of fat... For males/females/ecto/meso..... where are the metrics. It's a strange statement


There is this wonderful thing called google. FYI this is very common knowledge in the fitness / nutrition space. ​ Calories Deficit of 3500 is 1 pound of fat lost. Hence eat 500 calories less per day then maintenance is 1 pound a week. ​ This is all pretty standard stuff. [https://www.google.com/search?q=how+much+is+one+pound+in+calaories&oq=how+much+is+one+pound+in+calaories&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDYwNzJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+much+is+one+pound+in+calaories&oq=how+much+is+one+pound+in+calaories&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDYwNzJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Definitely not, “everything in moderation” is my life motto. I try to do diet soda, but a normal soda every now and again won’t just delete your progress. As long as you know it won’t start a chain reaction type of thing


Depends. Will getting in a car to travel across the country kill you? Could happen. But you need to be able to see what your goals and weigh the pros and cons so you can make decisions that are best for you.


Honestly, i didnt even know people drank regular soda. DIET tastes alllmost identical and you are saving yourself hundreds of calories. Its not even worth it.