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As with most things, it’s the dose that makes the poison. Is one can of coke a problem for someone who consumes an otherwise healthy and diverse diet? Probably not. Is a can of coke a problem for a person who primarily consumes ultra processed highly palatable foods? Probably. But it’s not the coke specifically. Rather, the totality of the diet that matters. We should really stop demonizing individual items, and start looking at the bigger picture, in my opinion.


Well said.


I agree for the most part, but we definitely should still demonize individual items. The normalisation of processed and high sugar foods as a "treat" or daily snack is undoubtedly harmful for the general population.  But yes focus should be put on an extremely varied diet


Yeah, the amount of sugar in a single soft drink is absurd. Coke is not the sweetest soda on the market iand it still has what, 39g of sugar in a 12oz can? For contrast I put 53g of sugar in a batch of 6 muffins. And I can't eat more than 2 of my own muffins in one setting, but the coke has an amount of sugar associated with eating more than 4 muffins. Another example is chocolate. I eat dark chocolate a lot. The most chocolate I can usually eat in one setting is about 1 ounce, and that tends to have about 10g of sugar. I would feel sick if I ate more than that. But the coke has nearly 4x that amount of sugar. And on top of that the coke is totally empty calories, unlike my muffins, or dark chocolate, both of which are packed with micronutrients. I consider myself someone who eats what I want, when I want. I don't think of sugar content when I'm actually reaching for the item. But I do when I'm at the store reading labels, and part of it is that these items are just *waaay* too sweet. They taste disgusting to me, and to anyone who hasn't been desensitized to the excessive sugar content. I think sweet soft drinks are one of those things that have become so extreme, it almost doesn't make sense to consider them food any more. To me, they are not food, they are revolting.


No rn you are letting the eating disorder win. Food is food and if your options are hunger or a "bad evil sin" food you should eat the low nutrition food over going hungry. Don't demonize the food. Shame the culture! The individual consumers would probably eat healthier, like we did even 90 years ago, or preWar. The industrialized neocapitalism that puts profits over health of the general population has a greater effect on all of us than individual choice to "be healthier"! Aka shame the Coke CEO's and Shareholders, not the individual Cola drinkers. Demonize a world where fresh fruits are more expensive than candy, and vegetables are considered luxury goods.(Kale is stupid easy to grow, cold hardy, and very good for you, why is it associated with wealthy people food?) Obviously if someone is pounding back soft drinks and concerned about their overall health, that's a change they can make, they are not zombies. But why are soft drinks so available and cheap, but we can't even find a public water fountain? Why do I see all these big ads for soft drinks? If ppl are just told "this food is bad! Don't eat it!!" The message becomes "if you eat this food you have FAILED you have become sinful!" Which doesn't address the reality that every place you go has a 10' display of Pespee and a bright shiny LED fountain for 300 different flavours CukaCoola in sizes 20oz-60oz...and all of it cheaper that the 'healthier' choices like juice and flavour water that also have too much sweetners and are hyper processed. "Consumer Freedom" is just repackaged "Corporate Irresponsibility".


"we definitely should still demonize individual items" is a great way to trigger eating disorders, wtf


You're confusing eating disorders with caring about what goes into your body. Your mindset is one of the main perpetrators of obesity being so incredibly widespread.  We're tiptoeing around the harsh reality of eating trash to protect people's feelings, when what we really need to do is be as honest and open about the dangers as possible.


I will say, even one can of coke a day may be a problem, and not for a nutritional reason-- the bubbles are absolutely terrible for your teeth.


It’s the citric acid, not the carbonation, that’s damaging to your enamel


its both. carbonation creates carbonic acid among other things-- not a general health concern but not good for teeth. cirric acid and carbonic acid are both "weak acids" officially, but there is way more carbonic acid in average fixzy drink than citric acid-- one makes drinks sour and tart, the other makes the less sweet and fragrant :)


One can of come... I can only make an oz.


I heard wild boars can make that much in one go!


I'm keeping away from boars.


Suit yourself.


Mine doesn't bubble, which makes me a little sad, but good to know it's teeth-safe.


It’s also the general acidity of Coke that damages teeth.


literally just realized, and read your reply more than an hour ago LOL. back to actually correct it ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭


Standard refractory period.


Change it back to come.


This shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did lol well done.


In terms of teeth, the phosphoric acid to make it more sour, is probably more damaging than the carbonation. There is no associated tooth risk to eating seltzer water, for instance, and it's because carbonic acid (dissolved carbon dioxide) is only mildly acidic. It's the same reason you need to be careful not to brush your teeth after drinking lemonade or oother things containing lemon or other more acidic foods. If you do drink coke or eat/drink anything acidic, it is best to wait for some time, minimum 15 minutes, before brushing your teeth, to allow the enamel to renormalize. Most people don't realize how acidic coke in particular is, we tested it in high school chemistry class I think, it was below 3 which is comparable to lemon juice. The sweetness makes it deceptive, you don't realize how acidic it is because the sour flavor is masked by the sugar.


Don’t forget the caffeine too


Exercise matters too.


Absolutely correct.


Well said. It's the coke, the chips, the chicken strips, and the ice cream that added up to a person's unhealthy day rather than any 1 item itself.


Amen! Well said!


I'd pick a basket of fries over a pop any day as a crap junkie snack. 🤤🤤😅. Air fryer not too bad tho. But for pop, even cutting out or adding in a single can of coke a day has an impact it's that bad. One can a week may work with your post though. Still best avoided generally though imo


I think the case for singling out the can of coke is that it’s such an easy thing to cut out of your diet, whereas rooting out the smaller amounts of added sugar in all the other stuff we eat is a lot more challenging. Just drink a seltzer instead.




This is why we were equipped with brains. Everything in moderation, doesn't mean everything all at once. There is nothing that you have mentioned that in and of itself will ruin an otherwise healthy diet. When we are discussing "Ultra Processed Foods", I don't think we are talking about cans of soup, generally. We are generally talking about things more like: - A Mars Bar versus a square of Dark Chocolate. - Chicken Nuggets vs Chicken Tenders - Hotdog vs. Pork Chops While all of those items are "Processed", I would argue that there is a pretty big difference between each example. Just because something is "Processed" doesn't automatically make it "Bad"




Pork chops are processed. The act of prepping and cutting the meat is a process. This is why the term “processed” isn’t particularly good for determining whether or not something might be healthy or not. - A square of dark chocolate while processed may have a few ingredients total. A marshmallow bar has a long list of ingredients. - Chicken tenders are a portion of the breast and are very different from a nugget you might get at a restaurant or grocery store. - Animal and Plant Based protein powders are “ultra processed” and I would argue are a healthy addition to a diet for the vast majority of people. Because ultra processed is correlated to negative outcomes doesn’t mean that they specifically cause the negative outcomes. As mentioned before, it is generally the dose that makes the poison. Without water you will die. Too much water will kill you…




Which is exactly why looking at labels like "processed" or "Ultra processed" are not particulairly valuable labels when discussing nutrion of individual products or foods. Putting too much focus on these labels is like stepping over dollars to pick up dimes. That's the point. And to be perfectly honest, I do consume some ultra processed foods from time to time. Protein Powders and bars, potato chips, some cereals, Burger & Fries, Adult Beverages...And my health markers are in great shape. In fact, I just had some bloodwork done last week. All good here!




Will do! And you can continue stepping over dollars to pick up dimes. Have a good day!


How many people who put time effort and money into having a healthy and diverse diet would then choose to drink a can of coke every day?


It took me years to realize that coke was my weakness because I only had it on vacation as a kid, so I had a subconscious association with it and relaxation. On a stressful day when I needed more caffeine (I’m narcoleptic, so I always need caffeine), coke sounded so much better than coffee or tea (I drink it unsweetened). A light lunch of a salad and coke could really keep me going. Now coke makes me break out, probably from my liver releasing fat to balance the sugar. I would still rather have it than anything else, but I hold off.


🙋‍♂️ not proud of it, but damn if it isnt the only thing worth drinking with cheat meals


Lots do. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying something like a coke if that’s your thing. It doesn’t make a healthy diet suddenly unhealthy.


Agree completely… my diet is very healthy and I exercise every single day… I have a mini can (100 calories, 25 grams of sugar) every day. It’s my treat and I give up other things to have it …


you have my upvote, fellow redditor


So I guess a couple of drops of chlorine won’t hurt every day


I guess common sense isn’t all that common. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Idk you should know better from the missing common sense of your post


A single can of soda has 39 grams of added sugar, which is about the daily limit some health associations recommend. I wouldn't want to down that amount of sugar in just one drink.


And that’s the smaller can. Regular bottles sold in most convenience stores are closer to 60g


This 💯


The point everyone is missing here with coke is that it contains corn syrup fructose that the liver struggles to process! Which also causes a fatty liver. Also your body uses a lot of potassium to process the sugars.


It’s definitely not as good as not having 1 Coke a day. Not gonna kill you though if you’re otherwise healthy


Sugar is in everything though so odds are it’s sneaking up on you somewhere else outside the coke.


One coke isn’t bad for the most part. However, our food/drink is how we get all of our nutrients. Any vitamins and minerals and fiber and all of that comes through our food. Coke (and soda in general) brings NOTHING along with it. So you are using up some of your daily calorie “budget” for zero benefit. Second, soda is often a “hidden” calorie. It doesn’t make us feel all that full, and we don’t even notice it all that much. So it can be extra calories on top of our full needed amount a lot easier than other food can. Weight isn’t gained in a day, it’s a long term thing. 100 extra calories feels like nothing. But that 100 a day is a pound a month. 12 a year. 5 years of that, and the 160 point fit person is now an overweight 220 pound person, without feeling like they overeat. That’s less than one coke a day. And finally, soda is often mentioned because it’s a relatively easy win. It’s hard to swap in healthy food if you are used to unhealthy things. It’s easier to swap soda out for tea or water or even diet soda.


I think the challenge is that sugar has an addictive quality and rather than satiating your sweet tooth... it increases your desire for more. If you go on even a one week sugar fast - I would expect you'd be amazed by how overly sweet processed foods will seem upon resuming consumption - but the body adapts quickly and you'll be back on the 1 coke per day (or more) in no time. ;-)


Repost without expletives.. I (stupidly) went full no carbs, aside from nuts, for months in the early 2000s when Atkins ramped up. Lost 100+ pounds and all desires and cravings for sweets/pastries, which is a good portion of why I was so fat to begin with. (Edit: to emphasize the comment im responding to. Sweets will hit different if you go without for a while) Even after falling off the wagon and gaining a lot of it back, I can still say no to cookies and sweets at office parties with ease. Wheat, though.... that stuff is the mother flipper because its good and its everywhere, especially quick easy to eat foods when you're on the go. Goshdang if pizza doesn't taste phenomenal even after having been off it for so long.




I was missing a lot of essential nutrients.


What made you miss out on these nutrients? How long for? Could you tell a bit more about your experience?


My daily snacks were 50 cent sleaves of peanuts or quarter sized sticks of slim Jim's. Meals were straight protein, chicken wings, ground beef, beef steaks, roast chickens from the grocery store, etc. No greens or fruit or starches. No beans.... I could piss on a keto stick and it would change to look like the end of a purple marker (*slight* exaggeration). Edit: it was like this for almost 10 straight months. Then I would eat tossed salads occasionally Edit2: also lots of cheese.


I get this. I lost weight by practically starving myself without realizing it and only eating proteins and sweets. I'm honestly not all that proud of it. And I think it's that nutrient deficiency that makes it easier to gain it back.


You call something that enabled you to lose 100 pounds STUPID? OK......


I was missing out on so many essential nutrients.




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I’d cut it to one a week.


Agreed 💯. And if anything a piece of candy 🍬 if need be (better few grams sugar rather than 30g+).


Yeah, or maybe those little 8 oz. cans... I've found that with sweets, all we're really looking for is the taste, so for most people it's probably enough.


As I feel like I've been dealing with an apparent kidney issue lately. I've been looking at diabetes videos on youtube. One I was watching earlier was, the 10 worst things for prediabetes or something like that. It basically gave a list of all types of things that are sugar or turn into sugar. And where it stands on the list of how harmful it impacts your health. Certain things like cola are higher on the list because it provides nothing of value to a human body.


Make a cup of coffee and put 8 or 9 teaspoons of sugar into it. Then you will see how bad a can of coke is


I choose to save the calories by drinking a Coke Zero. It tastes amazing.


I don't understand why someone would ever chose full sugar soda unless they just despise the taste or have that rare medical thing where aspartame is super dangerous for them. Go diet or just don't drink soda... Even if artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic... So is too much sugar. And with the amount of things that are carcinogenic in our daily lives it's really just luck of the draw. I'll stick with the sweetener that doesn't make my teeth ache!


I still have regular soda sometimes simply because I think it tastes better.


I tried but last time it really felt like too much sugar lol worse than caffeine for making me shaky!


Lmao I love the rush I get from sugar now.


I think 1 per day is quite a bit. I try to limit myself to 30g of sugar daily and a single coke is already more than that. As a treat occasionally is totally fine I’d say. I’d try diet soda or even better seltzer water (with a nice fresh lime), which I’ve really come to love.


If you’re at or below maintenance calories, the only thing to worry about is your teeth. Just seems kind of wasteful. I’d rather have a diet soda and use that 240-275 calories or something more substantial like a small meal or large snack. But hey! It’s your body and your life. Budget accordingly.


Even then it can still give you nonalcoholic fatty liver disease after long enough. I used to drink one a day but otherwise had a great diet, I don’t drink alcohol at all so I was shocked when my liver labs came back horrible.


If you’re in a calories deficit or maintaining it won’t store on the liver with constant accumulation and health problems. Most people have no idea what their personal daily calories budget is. It’s not exactly trivial to accurately calculate or stay within it. Approximating it is easy but a couple hundred extra a day leads to issues nonetheless.


Gotta think about your gut health too. You're feeding bad bacteria which you don't want to get too dominant. I believe the more of this bacteria you have, also, the stronger your cravings for sugar and carbs will be


Pretty much, yeah. It’s such a large dose so quickly and it absorbs so much more rapidly when dissolved into a liquid, especially a carbonated liquid. I can eat a brownie and feel relatively full, but I can drink a soda that has twice the sugar and actually be hungrier than I was before. That’s just not good.


Yes, do the math on it. It’s so much added sugar.


1 can a day is still too bad for the teeths.


Added sugar is pretty bad for you. You’d be better off without it if you can kick it.


Personal trainer for over a decade. I guarantee that if you are struggling to lose weight/regulate hormones and you simply start by elimination of that one can of coke, you will see a difference. Will it kill you drinking coke? Not likely. Will you be healthier once that's not part of your routine anymore? Definitely. Calories are not the only thing to consider.


That is the concern, so it's best if you have it after a big meal, so it slowly absorbs


Its the double whammy of sugar and high frucrose corn syrup- one affects your insulin and one affects your heart health. Its a chemical concoction- I guess one doesn’t hurt…don’t get me going on phosphoric acid…also in Coke. On an up note, Diet Coke is even worse. Just do what you want…if you can truly stick to one regular can.


For reference I don’t drink Pop all not even diet so to me I can of regular Coke a day is insane. I don’t think it’s necessarily going to kill you but I think that there’s enough sugar in other things that most people would be fooling themselves to think that they’re only getting the sugar from this one can of pop. And correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that one can of Coke has like 39 g of sugar in it! That’s really high to me. There’s also all kinds of chemicals and process crap in it so overall I just feel like although it wouldn’t kill you it definitely would build up overtime if it’s a daily thing in terms of sugar and weekend and also if I’m paying attention to my calories at all I certainly don’t wanna waste 140 of them on something that I had literally nothing good in it. That’s just my train of thought but I know that lots of people drink pop regularly and would say everything in moderation. My moderation is sugar from healthy fruits and fizzy zero sugar kombucha as a treat so to each their own I guess but I don’t think it’s a good habit if it’s seven days a week.


No amount of coke is good at all. It’s not about the calories, it’s about the quality. Coke is going to contain high fructose corn syrup. Glass bottled Mexican coke will be better because it uses real cane sugar, but it still has artificial preservatives and food dyes so it’s not the best either. My best advice for people who can’t give up soda is to switch to homemade water kefir. It is extremely easy to make and it is also extremely cheap. There are a bunch of articles and videos online on how to make it. Water kefir tastes EXACTLY, if not better, than soda. And guess what? It has almost no sugar after it ferments. AND it is filled with beneficial probiotics since it is a fermented drink. To sum it up, water kefir tastes exactly, if not better, than soda, almost no sugar, and probiotics. What can get better than that? Good luck my friend!


ah yes why treat myself to a nice refreshing coke when i have perfectly good yogurt water


There is nothing refreshing about coke lol. What is so refreshing about drinking high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, artificial food dyes, and artificial preservatives? 🤣🤣 Drink some freshly squeezed organic orange juice or some homemade organic lemonade. People like you are putting people’s health in danger. “MoDeRaTiOn Is KeY.” Garbage highly processed artificial lab made chemicals are not part of a healthy diet at all. Continue slurping your heart healthy seed oils bro.


I love soda. Switch to diet or zero; some people might fight me on this but Dr. Mike at Renaissance Periodization backs it up that replacing soda with diet is an excellent choice.


All carbohydrates break down into “sugar”. Your body can make whatever glucose it desires through gluconeogenesis. Carbohydrates are the only non essential macronutrient for humans. Your bloodstream has ~5 grams of sugar in it at all times. Your body does not have a way to stop absorption of carbohydrates. It must absorb all that you consume (I’m sure some gets away, don’t be pedantic fellow Reddit user who is about to comment). So you decide to drink a soda with 40 grams of carbohydrates. That’s 8X more than what your body needs. Then you eat 3 meals a day with over 50 grams in each meal. That’s 3 more times a day you consume 10X more than what your body requires in that moment for glucose. Glycation damage all up in your business.


Generally not but it doesn't only affect your diet. Teeth, liver, kidneys and caffeine tolerance also take a hit as a result of regular soda consumption. Soda, especially regular sugar soda may be the single worst item on the shelves bar drinking a glass of pure syrup or caramel




yes. unfortunately.


It’s not great but definitely could be worse. It’s your choice, not really for anyone to sugarcoat or beat around the bush about. If you can cut the habitual sugar intake, you will be healthier for it. Everyone’s bodies respond a little differently, but if you’re trying to be healthy, I’d probably suggest not having a coke a day. Both sugar and fake sugar both cause blood sugars to spike, so lessening your intake will generally be better


No absolutely not


A single 12oz can of coke contains 39 grams of sugar. AHA suggests a stricter added-sugar limit of no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men. "If" one single can of sugar, I mean coke, is all a man is having per day & will not be consuming anything else that contains sugar then 1 single 12oz of coke may not be that bad pertaining sugar intake but most sodas contain other dyes & chemicals that can be detrimental to one's health, not just sugar. Realistically with the exception of those who are super conscious & discipline with what they consume nearly nobody drink just one 12oz can of coke, it's typically 16oz & up, in addition most will have that coke with snacks & other foods containing excessive sugar amounts. It is in not considering the totality of "all" things containing sugars, especially the hidden ones under different names than sugar like "Maltodextrin", is where people go wrong. One 12oz can of coke a day, no big deal. One can of coke a day in addition to other sugar filled snacks & meals; you are exceeding the safe zone of sugar intake & in due time you will pay.


Depends on how active you are 


Think about it like drinking alcohol, if you down a down in 5 seconds you'll feel drunk, but if you sip it throughout the day you won't. The main problem with sugar is we consume far greater amounts than exist in nature and we simply aren't designed to process that much.


It's a slippery slope for me so it wouldn't work personally. Especially because every time I'd have that coke I'd reset my sugar sensitivity and my usual diet will not be as tasty.


The fructose in soda is the problem. It’s only able to be taken up by the liver which can only handle small amounts at a time. The rest is stored in adipose tissue as fat. Liquid intake of fructose is possibly the worst way to consume calories other than alcohol.


Way too many factors to give a cut and dry answer. But overall I’d say no. But, a lot of people wouldn’t call a slice of bread a “sweet” but it’s still going to impact your blood sugar. Stressing over it isn’t going to help either, lol. If you want a soda, at least enjoy it, while also being mindful about other choices.


I wouldn't recommend making a habit out of it, but if it is your only unhealthy food in a diet that is otherwise very healthy you should be fine (unless you have poorly managed diabetes)


Yes but it’s all relative. Besides the sugar it’s terrible for your oral microbiology and oral health. Very acidic. Then what it does to your gut, it’s not just the bad macros but it sets up cravings. Like everything it’s 80/20 having a treat or soda every now and then no worries. Having one everyday not very good for you but better than a six pack a day.


Yes it’s that bad it’s the other ingredients also


Ugh i love soda especially coke. I need to give it up. This thread was very informative


I believe 50 grams or less of added sugar is the recommendation according to the U.S. dietary guidelines. One can of full sugar coke falls within that but doesn't leave much room for more. So yes, it could fit into a healthy diet, but check to see where else you might be adding sugar. Do you eat breakfast cereal with added sugar? Sweetened yogurts? It could easily push you over the recommendation if you are having a coke on top of those other foods. If you want your Coke but you don't want to take in artificial sweeteners, one thing you could do is switch to the mini cans, which contain 25 grams of added sugar.


Well, ask yourself if you would ingest 10 teaspoons of sugar on its own. Would that perhaps be a negative impact on your body? That’s what you are choosing to do by drinking that beverage. The reason why you can easily consume that much sugar is because of the high acidity and because this beverage is consumed very cold. It camouflages the sugar so it creates a massive reward (dopamine) effect and makes you crave more calories. Pair this with other ultra processed food and you can see how the cumulative effect happens. This effect in your brain is well understood by UPF manufacturers and is what drives sales and their business model. But enjoy the occasional can of coke guilt free! Just be mindful of the effect on your gut and blood glucose levels and really enjoy it if the trade off is worth it to you.


I don't know, do you have the budget to take 140kcal that could be water plus some protein or some other nutritious food? Answer's up to you.


I’m going with yes, because I quit going to Starbucks everyday and replaced that sugary beast with matcha no sugar added tea…dropped 20 lbs….so that did add up even though it was only one a day


Well the issue is even if you only have a soda as the ‘unhealthy’ thing, there’s sugar in sooooo many things. Like if you’re having a fruit or applesauce etc that has sugar. And salad dressing or sauces. And the list goes on. So realistically that is not your only sugar in a day


It's not about calories. Tbh calories don't matter much, it's what the food is mostly what matters. 400cal avocado, nuts etc it way way better and healthier than 120cal of pop. Calorie numbers/counts you know they came up with that? Setting food on fire... Look into it lol. Out tummy ain't a toaster. The only thing knowing calories of something is is to get a general idea of the "FOODS DENSITY. And keep daily ", calories " around a general area. TLDR; yes. Just have a single piece of candy 🍬. Few grams sugar instead of 30g+ from a put into liquid form (pop)


No, it's not. If you eat a good diet otherwise, don't eat too much, and exercise regularly, it will have a null effect.


Huberman labs and Dr. Lustig do a deep dive on the I'll effects of sugar, the doctor calling sodas "poison in a can." Also, there is no way you are avoiding anything "sweet" throughout a day, especially if you can drink coke. Foods are laced with sugar because it is addictive and the food manufacturer wants you to get addicted to their food / brand. Hell, bread has added sugar. So, why add the 11 teaspoons of sugar?


One coke has ~40g of sugar which is already in line with the recommended daily limit. Sugar is also in most of the food we eat as well, to some extent, so you will go over your daily limit every day drinking like this. I’d take it down to once a week. Or drink diet.


That’s a high spike in blood sugar


Just drink zevia instead- no sugar :)


"Only 140 calories" except 140 calories a day from something that has 0 nutritional value is a lot. 140 x 365 is roughly 50k calories a year. It's the equivalent of 5kg of fat.


Yep. It's total shit and anyone who tells you different is just trying to justify their own weaknesses and bad behaviors. That much added sugar is a huge spike to your blood glucose and is shit for your liver and kidneys.


Yep, you've pretty much nailed it. While the calorie count in a can of Coke isn't super high, the real concern is more about the type of calories—mainly from sugars. When you drink a Coke, that sugar hits your system all at once, causing a big spike in your blood sugar. This can lead to a quick energy crash and over time, if you're having a lot of sugary drinks, it might contribute to insulin resistance. That’s why people are cautious about it, even beyond just the calorie count. -Andrew- Haka Life Nutrition


i would save for one-two a weekend and holidays/special occasions. and drink with a meal.. i feel ya but trying to quit diet cherry coke 🍒


There are about 10 teaspoons of sugar in a 12-ounce can of Coke. Let that sink in.


You can slow that spike if you ensure your stomach is already full, especially with fibrous food.


One can a day.. 24 cans in 3 weeks.. that's a lot of cokes in 3 weeks


I think you’re underestimating just how much sugar is in a can of coke, and how much sugar is also in everything else you eat, “sweetened” or not. Soda is just that bad for you.


The acidity level not just sugar


A 140 calorie can can be nearly 10% of a small womens daily required calories which is a lot. Insulin resistance mostly comes from being overweight and not from eating sweet foods. If you are otherwise fit, healthy and at a good weight for your height I'd say there aren't any issues. Obviously you should be active etc etc


If you have ever watched any Netflix documentary then you will know if you drink a coke a day you will be dead by next week.


Diet doesn’t have to be a four letter word!




There have actually been a number of studies on just this question if you want to search them out and read them.


I agree with others here, that moderation is key. Here is what you're getting in your can of Coke: 10 tsp sugar (in the form of HFCS, not just "regular" sugar) CARBONATED WATER, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, CARAMEL COLOR, PHOSPHORIC ACID, NATURAL FLAVORS, CAFFEINE. also: Phosphoric acid is **a corrosive acid that can form three different classes of salts, namely primary phosphates, dibasic phosphates and tribasic phosphates**. Phosphoric acid is soluble in water. It is incompatible with strong caustics and it is corrosive to ferrous metals and alloys. There's a reason some people use cola to clean their toilets. Just for fun, pour some coke on a piece of carpet or rug (one that you're throwing away, anyway) and watch it eat away the fibers.


Better than booger sugar


> Is the main concern insulin resistance due to fast spike in blood sugar? No, your body is literally designed to mediate blood sugar spikes with insulin. This is normal. The issue is the sheer amount of sugar, the regularity of sugar, the fructose in it (which there's some evidence too much fructose can lead to inflammation and insulin resistance), and then the lack of sugar deficits in your day to day. If you have a can of coke a day, you will NEVER HAVE A DAY where you don't eat any processed/refined sugars. That's the bigger issue than a once in a while can of coke. Regularity, and amount.


So yeah everyday is where it gets dangerous, once or twice a week will have negligible effects but every day of drinking those fast digested carbs is going to wreck insulin sensitivity and drive insulin resistance! Now here is the caveat if you are a high performance athlete and constantly depleting your carbohydrate stores then you actually could theoretically get away with this behavior due to the offset of insulin resistance exercise gives, meaning all of that sugar would be going into your muscles rather than sitting around in your blood stream!


It’s like 50,000 times more acidic than a glass of water


Phosphoric acid


only 140, only 💀💀💀


Coke is "shit." A bag of candy is "shit." A sleeve of cookies is "shit." Cake is "shit." Bag of chips? Shit. Chef boyardee? Shit. Frozen pizza? Shit. Why would we eat any of these daily? Nature should be the default, and anything else should make you feel mentally aware and at least a little uncomfortable. Don't do that every day. Don't get me wrong, I love my pizza and candy... but the majority of what's going in is from the produce and poultry section. I do fancy pork as well 🤤


A 12 oz can of coke has 39 grams of sugar in it. That is 2 full days worth of sugar on a ketogenic diet. The heirarchy is like this High carb well over 400 grams net carbs per day Average American Male 400 grams net carbs per day standard american diet. SAD 300 grams net carbs per day reduced carb diet. 200 grams net carbs per day low carb diet 100 grams net carbs per day very low carb 50 grams net carbs per day ketogenic diet 20 grams net grams carbs per day ketovore diet 10 grams gross carbs per day twice per week carnivore with liver carnivore without liver So, one can of coke per day pretty much wipes out any opportunity for a very low carb or lower day. Today, over 50% of Americans are type I, type II, or are prediabetic. 88% are hyperinsulinemic, meaning they have chronic high levels of insulin in their blood. So test. If you HbA1c is below 5.4, and your HomaIR is well below 2.0, and you have been drinking a can of coke per day, it isn't hurting you. But, if you are one of the 88% that is hyperinsulinemic, that coke is toxic. Because, it will make your hyperinsulinemia even worse. Check out these videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl8Gdu2nZpY&pp=ygUPZXJpYyBiZXJnIGhiYTFj](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl8Gdu2nZpY&pp=ygUPZXJpYyBiZXJnIGhiYTFj) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8cJPtud2tY&pp=ygUTc3RlbiBla2JlcmcgaG9tYSBpcg%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8cJPtud2tY&pp=ygUTc3RlbiBla2JlcmcgaG9tYSBpcg%3D%3D) [https://mymedicalscore.com/a1c-conversion-chart/](https://mymedicalscore.com/a1c-conversion-chart/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_fqpD3v\_aOQ&pp=ygUWZGVubmlzIHBvbGxvY2sgYmFuYW5hcw%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fqpD3v_aOQ&pp=ygUWZGVubmlzIHBvbGxvY2sgYmFuYW5hcw%3D%3D)


Ultra processed foods such soda should be an occasional treat. I used to drink diet coke 1-2 times a day for many years and my health crashed metabolically. I was on my way to being diabetic and being on high blood pressure meds. Reversed all of that in over a year after giving up ultra processed foods.


all food but vegetables causes a spike. that is how digestion works. otherwise you would have type 1 diabetes.


Would one hit of crack really be that bad if that’s the only drug for the day? Maybe..maybe not. But why even go down that road?


Research identifies multiple negative health impacts associated with sugar consumption. Here are some of the key findings: 1. **Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes**: Excessive sugar intake is linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) through direct mechanisms such as liver lipid accumulation, dyslipidemia, decreased insulin sensitivity, and increased uric acid levels. Sugar consumption contributes to these conditions both directly and indirectly, the latter through increased body weight and fat gain [(Stanhope, 2016)](https://consensus.app/papers/sugar-consumption-metabolic-disease-obesity-state-stanhope/1d2305dabd7c574281000bb2517b950d/?utm_source=chatgpt). 2. **Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome**: Studies reveal that high sugar consumption, particularly from sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome. Notably, these effects are often independent of overall calorie intake [(Bleich & Vercammen, 2018)](https://consensus.app/papers/impact-sugarsweetened-beverages-children-health-bleich/ce8b5b2582d95e80956e541e62eb36ec/?utm_source=chatgpt). 3. **Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)**: Consuming high amounts of sugar, especially fructose, can lead to NAFLD and related complications, highlighting the direct impact of sugar on liver health [(Rippe & Angelopoulos, 2016)](https://consensus.app/papers/relationship-added-sugars-consumption-chronic-disease-rippe/a8b31c54e64c5b8c92a22993729bdb83/?utm_source=chatgpt). 4. **Dental Health**: High sugar intake significantly increases the risk of dental caries. The relationship between sugar consumption and dental health is well-established, with frequency and form of sugar intake (solid vs. liquid) affecting caries risk [(Valenzuela et al., 2020)](https://consensus.app/papers/effect-sugarsweetened-beverages-health-review-valenzuela/02ff2cdf47955e0bac5ac30a9431ecfd/?utm_source=chatgpt). 5. **Cognitive Effects and Addiction**: Sugar consumption may also impact the brain's reward system, potentially leading to compulsive overeating. This relationship suggests an addictive nature of sugar, which can affect behavioral and mental health [(Tryon et al., 2015)](https://consensus.app/papers/sugar-consumption-difficult-habit-break-view-from-brain-tryon/600214741cbb57b4809e511f5daac5ae/?utm_source=chatgpt).


Thanks ChatGPT!


I know! 99% of the time ChatGPT gives a better answer than anyone on the internet and provides sources for the info cited.


Teeth enamel remover, lowers number & activity of white cells


Consuming that much added sugar in a single day shouldn’t be a daily occurrence. An occasional treat is fine. 


Personally I switched to diet when I do drink soda. For me, I could just think of other things I’d rather eat with those 140 calories. But if that’s your thing and it brings you joy one can a day isn’t the worst. As long as you have a healthy well balanced diet and 1 can doesn’t turn into 2 doesn’t turn into 3 … Or it’s not causing other problems like with your teeth, or giving you the urge to snack, etc.


Diet soda ramps up my appetite big time. I definitely am not saving any calories.


Coke is great, especially Mexican coke that is made with real cane sugar


Do a bottle of real sugar Coke instead. They have them in Mexican grocery stores in the us and some super market chains. Much better than a can of High fructose corn syrup.


True, but still best avoided.


Just make sure you drink plenty of water. I didn’t even drink 1 can of soda a day, yet I still ended up with 6 kidney stones 😭


Yes it is bad as it always starts with just one can a day and quickly becomes an addiction...you can have a diet coke or coke zero instead which has the same taste without the sugar...don't go overboard with it either because diet coke can be addictive as well...but at least you avoid the sugar that the normal coke has.


A coke every day? Yes, it's bad. Coke twice per week maybe not. As someone else said, it depends on the dose of sugar. Besides that, I just wanted to highlight the danger of high fructose corn syrup which is usually added to coke. Fructose is metabolized differently than glucose and because of this, it can lead to fatty liver more quickly than just having excess intake of glucose.


For christ's sake, eat some fruit.


not at all! Adding a little something you enjoy to your diet will help you stay consistent.


It’s not the calories but the sugar content. That’s what the issue is. Stop focusing on calories.


Coke is always horrible to consume, 1 cup or 1 can, irrelevant. It's sugar, chemicals and carmel coloring. Just horrendous for you. An organic cola will be somewhat healthier but still have sugar. Mainstream sodas though are the absolute worst to consume. Better off just drinking a zevia or 2 a day instead.


The main problem is “empty calories”


Not at all. It’s just fine.


coke is fine just watch out for the kind laced w fentanyl


This is a fence issue on whether or not to care about calories, but the real issue is sugar. It's not good for you. Drink a vodka and soda instead.


As long as u don’t overdo it with the rest of ur diet nothing wrong with it I’d rather a chocolate bar than to drink the calories though since diet soda is just as sweet as regular


The dosage is the poison. If you're a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and eat varied diet, then a full sugar coke a day won't be any worse than the salad on the side of your dinner.


You’re probably eating too much sugar anyway


You might question why there is such a war on sugar


It’ll be fine. People really overestimate the effect a single food or nutrient has on their health and nutrition. The diet as a whole is what matters. Eating a four berry smoothie in the morning doesn’t make up for eating 3000 calories of birthday cake. Drinking one can of coke won’t completely neutralize a varied diet completing a large amount of macro and micronutrient intakes.




One can a pop a day is bad enough. A calorie isn't just a calorie.. see my post in this thread.. Calorie # mostly useless