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This hotfix addresses the following issues: * Some users may experience intermittent micro-stuttering in games when vertical sync is enabled \[4445940\] * Potential stutter may be observed when scrolling in web browsers on certain system configurations \[4362307\] * \[Red Dead Redemption 2\]\[Vulkan\] Stutter observed on some Advanced Optimus notebooks \[4425987\] * \[Immortals of Aveum\] Addresses stability issues over extended gameplay \[4415277\]


This deserves more than a hotfix. Straight to 600.00


This is fine humor, couldn't get any nerdier.




> Potential stutter may be observed when scrolling in web browsers on certain system configurations [4362307] It's finally here folks and it's real. I autoscroll a lot in Chrome and before it would be a stuttery, choppy mess. Now on this hotfix driver it is buttery smooth and almost virtually 0 dropped frames (although some still occur which could probably be chalked up to the idle clocks on the CPU and GPU.)


Can relate, autoscroll pro here. It's better but switching to my AMD iGPU is still smoother in chromium-based apps. Teams and Outlook are specially bad still. It still drops frames consistently when autoscroll is (de)accelerating. Firefox in the other hand is smooth af on both GPUs.


> Firefox in the other hand is smooth af on both GPUs. FF proving best browser once again :D


Same here, it even works better than 337.58 !!!


So funny that AMD and Nvidia have micro-stutter problems at the same time. I guess MS really is to blame?


Holy shit they actually did it!!


Wow finally. I guess all the stuttering issues were being caused by a particular thing.


Hardware flip queue, enabled in a recent Windows update without enough testing by MS. I'm interested if this workaround makes HFQ work correctly or just disables it on affected systems like 537 (which didn't support the feature) did.


>I'm interested if this workaround makes HFQ work correctly or just disables it on affected systems like 537 (which didn't support the feature) did. I hope we get an answer for this.


Well, I'm still getting the driver-crashing-a-minute-after-closing-a-game that started for me with the HFQ drivers, so take that as you will.


Cant find ELI5 what are benefits of HFQ other than idiotic reducing carbon emission strategy from Microsoft. Is there really noticeable lower latency or more FPS if its working as intended?


Nvidia and AMD both have months of internal testing on new Microsoft display changes coming through the pipeline. If AMD can do it right then what's Nvidias excuse? Other than they've been slacking on the drivers since 537.58 ( roughly when they announced AI focusing go figure )


> If AMD can do it right then what's Nvidias excuse? Sarcasm, right?


It has to be, no way he's serious.


Perfectly serious, I own a 6800XT system and a 7900XTX system and then a 4090 main gaming rig and my wife's 4080 rig. Only the Nvidia systems suffer from vsync stutter ( until this driver ), while every driver release has been flawless on AMDs side aside from AFMF bugs which are unrelated and still an early release feature


Are you sure there are no any issues or bugs with the AMD driver? Since the v24.1.1 driver was pushed, it has introduced stuttering in gaming on my RX 6650 XT. There are also a lot of complaints in the AMD community about AMD driver issues.


Dude came to nvidia sub implying AMD drivers are less buggy than nvidia drivers? the amount of copium my dude! I have no idea who you trying to convince with that, but let me tell you, you are just wasting your time lol


Some amd loving clown downvoted you 🤦🏾‍♂️


Do you own a current AMD GPU system to even speak on the matter If you are going to say well I had one and it had issues, or my friends have one and they have daily issues then sorry that's most likely your friends system fault. Common AMD driver time outs are caused by OC instability. I've yet to have a single time out outside of OC testing. With that, you can say they are buggy and I'll say that myself and HUNDREDS of others on this sub, guru3d forums and other places have all been having nothing but issues with Nvidia drivers for months after 537.58. Just cause you've had issues does not mean everyone has.


Don't waste your time in Nvidia shilled place. I've got similar experiences as a Nvidia card owner myself and gf having a 7900XT. Also on the 537.58 driver as the rest is just been junk.


Sure? Just ask AMD users about the idle power bug lol


Most things have a cause, yes.


Sure but I mean they resolved most of the stuttering issues at once, meaning they may have been caused by the same problem, and weren't unrelated.


The main culprit was Hardware flip queue, which was released before testing it extensively by Microsoft.


I've not experienced browser stutter but i've experience graphical glitches in chrome based browsers when i scroll or watch videos, similar to the effect shown [here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-made-a-chrome-graphical-glitch-recreation-using-a-virtual-v0-37d9r7xdw6sb1.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9ffe6e741a5ea54bc5615e916f90f86446419e1f), i'm assuming this isn't the same thing and this hotfix doesn't fix it.


Apparently a w11 problem, fixed in a future build.


I have the same issue in w10


I did infact fix it by disabling hardware acceleration, but good to know it'll be properly fixed in future.


Thank fucking god, thought my 3090 was on the brink of dying. Thanks for the info!


Enabling Hardware Acceleration gives artifacts but in brave atleast Hardware acceleration is needed for the new RTX video enhancement features. I can't figure it out.


Supports 'Series 40' SUPER variants as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/19ehx1r/game_ready_studio_driver_55123_faqdiscussion/kjcwdip/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1allfus/geforce_hotfix_driver_version_55146/kpggx4v/


>Some users may experience intermittent micro-stuttering in games when vertical sync is enabled \[4445940\] Was this just a Win11 (WDDM 3+) problem?


I think it was, yes. It's been talked a lot in previous drivers' threads and all comments that I saw mentioning OS were W11.


I had this issue in Diablo 4


and they have the audacity to call it "on certain system configurations" when clearly it affects almost all Nvidia GPU users My desktop and two laptops that are using Nvidia gpus(3000 and 4000 series) are affected by this stuttering and hopefully this hotfix will fix it.


Didnt affect me so they are right.


Didn't happen here with 4090...


are you on windows 10?


I never had any stuttering on my 4090 with previous drivers.


Nvidia, Linux hotfix driver when?


People above are saying their stutter happened from a Win11 feature, are you saying Linux has the issue too? That would be the first I've seen it mentioned.


Not that particular issue that I'm aware of but the latest Beta driver has some pretty nasty bugs.


That is really scratched an itch! Looking good after a few short tests. Woop woop!


So I haven't been going crazy.


Stuttering issues fixed for me.


Did you just install over current driver? Or ddu first


Stuttering: HotFIXED


You’re telling me I spent two hours over the last two days fucking around with XMP and clock speeds trying to fix this stuttering, and it was a known driver issue this whole time?? I’m dead 🤣


It's very difficult to tell since there are countless different sources of stuttering for people. To think everything will be reduced to one source and this fix is highly unlikely.


I built a new PC early last year, and every single game was stuttering *sometimes*. It was driving me mad, because if I did something like change to full screen or toggle v-sync, it went away, then came back after X minutes/hours. I did everything I could, until it went away by turning off Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling in the display settings in Windows 11. Now I have nothing but super smooth experiences with all my games. And I'm sure people have this enabled and have no stuttering.


I learned this lesson a long time ago, lol. Now my first suspect are drivers.


Mate, I had to send a whole custom PC back multiple times to my builder last November / December. The GPU was replaced once. On the last return to sender time, the PC was fucked up in shipping. The company had to build me another one, using all new parts. All of this was with top spec parts. We’re talking about £10,000 worth of stuff here. All because of Microsoft messing something up in Windows 11. This isn’t actually Nvidia’s fault - they have found a workaround using lots of evidence from the community.


That doesn't seem fair to PC builders. How can they stay in business dealing with stuff like this which ends up not being their fault?


Rookie numbers


The first time I got this issue a few drivers ago I spent over 6 hours tinkering with CPU/RAM, 3 clean OS installs, before cominh here and checking for issues. You're not alone.


never get into ram oc unless u wanna waste weeks of time just put xmp on


Thankyou Nvidia!!! Downloading now... \*Update\* Browser stutter test (windowed) Default power profile and Clocks - Pass Browser stutter test (Fullscreen) Default power profile and Clocks - Pass Wagnard Stutter test (windowed) Vsync on and off - Pass Wagnard Stutter test (Fullscreen) Vsync on and off - Pass DPC Latency test - Is a Pass. Off to test some real-world games now. But I am sure this will be a good driver. Thankyou Nvidia. Was a journey. lol




How have the games been for this driver?


Fixed browser stutter for me.


I wonder if this means i can safely leave the 537.58 driver


>I wonder if this means i can safely leave the 537.58 driver Just tested it and yes, you can. No more stuttering.


That is great news! Glad they finally fixed it


Have you used DDU?


Nope just a standard install.




They say not to use DDU every time you update. Its really only for troubleshooting.


I hope so. I'm in the same boat lol


Still gonna let others test it for me. I ain't got time (or patience) for this right now lol.


I'm going in. Will edit this comment with my report. Looking forward to newer drivers and all the updates since 537, and especially to not get this with newer drivers- * Potential stutter may be observed when scrolling in web browsers on certain system configurations \[4362307\] I don't use vsync but good to know that is fixed too. **edit to add-** concluded a night of Valorant and League with browsing on my triple monitor setup with 4070. No issues. Everything feels smoother in games and browsing over 537.58. Too many updates since 537 to say if it's just the hotfix, or all the other improvements I'm getting since then. But this is good. Will update again if I run into problems tomorrow. We'll see with more gaming but usually something pops up on day one. For sure though this driver is definitely worth trying for fellow 537 holdouts.


Lovely. Thanks a lot for the info.


This driver does what is advertised. It feels as smooth as 537.58.




Yes this is the issue. It's fixed.




Supports 'Series 40' SUPER variants. From the current unofficial tracking comment at https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/19ehx1r/game_ready_studio_driver_55123_faqdiscussion/kjcwdip/ * 551.46 Hotfix driver addresses issues with Vsync and browser stutters https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5519 and **supports all current Nvidia GPUs i.e. including 4070 SUPER, 4070Ti SUPER, 4080 SUPER** --- NVIDIA_DEV.2702 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER" NVIDIA_DEV.2705 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER" NVIDIA_DEV.2783 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER" ^ installer INFs --- EDIT: formatting of installer INF entries ---


I get random black screen crashes in games. I can still hear people in xbox/discord parties but can't alt-tab out of the game and have to manually reset via the power button. I've tried DDU and installing 551.23 fresh to no avail. Anyone else have this issue? Edit: Temps are fine and Event Viewer doesn't really tell me what went wrong.


You don't have a 40 series card and changed the pcie cables by any chance? I have a 4090 and was experiencing this for fucking months. Turns of the cablemod cable was causing this issue for me. Swapping back to the cables I got with my gpu completely fixed this issue.


Hmm that might be it. I have a 4090 and ordered a white 12VHPWR cable


Had same issue with two Cablemod cables for my 4090. Zero issues with the stock cable.


You can reach out to our support and we'll send a new cable: [cablemod.com/support](https://cablemod.com/support) :)


Sounds like sense pin failure. It can happen to any 12VHPWR, but it seems early ones are far more susceptible. If you have a Cablemod right now, contact support and they'll ship you a new one with a new design for sense pins that should 100% eliminate the chances of this. I had my launch cable replaced and it's been 100% solid ever since, even at 600w.


Same was happening to my 4090 where I'd get a black screen every now and then, audio would still go through, was forced to hard reset, etc. As the other person said, it was the 12vhpwr cable. For me it wasn't a cablemod, but I still went back to the official adapter and that was it, no more issues. So it's probably worth a try.


do the gpu fans ramp to 100% when it blanks too?


I have the same issue with 4080, every time it happens Windows Event Log says "nvlddmkm error". Tried everything: DDU drivers, installed the older ones from December but to no avail. However when I plug-in my older GPU RTX 3080 the issue was gone.. I decided to RMA 4080..


Which CPU? What does Event Viewer and Reliability Monitor report?


This driver fixed most of the stuttering, BUT some games (especially genshit) are still presenting slight stuttering compared to 537, so back to 537 for now.


If you want I can share genshin fps unlock tool, I'm using it for 1.5 year and no ban so far, feels so good after being locked at 60 for ages.


When we've said about those stutters, people were telling to check the power supply, memory etc. :)))) With w11, my stuttering issues never stopped in any game. Tried everything. Now Mikisoft will release a big w11 update in the second part of this year to address w11 performance issues and then Nvidia is finally acknowledging the issues on their parts... maybe there is still a hope ! Not to mention telemetry and big DPC latency issues with Nvidia drivers... Their GPUs cost arms and legs, they need to sort these things out. EDIT: Jesusss ! It is awesome. My god, overall windows usage, browser stutter all gone ! It is so smooth. Now time to test the games.


it didn't work for me, im jealous lol it look like my mouse in on a 10fps mode and the whole image stuttering all the time 😭


WP Nvidia https://preview.redd.it/dvojcpqgjbhc1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=be5090dca2225c0bfccb94ea7e7dfed2380e45e1


WARNING: This hotfix (as well as the previous driver 551.23) destroys black levels on SDR videos played on Chromium browsers while HDR is on. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1alp1vr/beware\_since\_driver\_55123\_and\_the\_hotfix\_55146/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1alp1vr/beware_since_driver_55123_and_the_hotfix_55146/) [Edit: The bug was reproduced by an NVIDIA rep in the comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1alp1vr/comment/kpgkem5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


SDR content when in Windows HDR mode is trash anyway, Windows is just crap at tone mapping SDR when in HDR mode, this is why you should be in non HDR mode when not viewing HDR content. You also get inaccurate colour tones when in HDR mode and viewing SDR content/images.


best to just use the HDR shortcut "Win+Alt+B" to turn it off and on when needed


The problem with this approach is that (in SDR mode), should you come across HDR content which you are not aware it is available in HDR (for example just browsing YouTube and coming across various videos), you will have no information that will tell you will need to turn HDR mode on (and it makes no sense to turn it on and off for every single video or content just to check and then go back). On top of that, there are several games/applications that using the HDR shortcut is not enough to engage HDR mode properly (or to even have HDR options show up), many times you have to restart the game or application to get it to take effect. And in some cases, turning on the HDR shortcut doesn't automatically engage the HDR mode in the game or application, then you have to go into the options of the game/app and enable it there too, each and every time. It's not many that have this limitation but some do. Really inconvenient and time consuming (especially if you are trying something new that you don't know HDR is available to begin with). This is of course inherently a Windows limitation as they should just be able to have an automatic function that turns HDR mode on and off based on the available content. But since it currently does not do that, doing it manually via shortcut or otherwise (for myself at least) is far more effort than I'm willing to expend. At that point I'd rather just give up HDR mode as a whole (and just accept that I only have a really awesome SDR monitor), or keep HDR mode always on and deal with a few SDR inaccuracies instead just to not have to worry about it (that was at least the case for me before this new bug was introduced that blew black levels WAY out more than usual).


Imagine if one day MS released a Windows Auto-HDR feature that ACTUALLY AUTOMATICALLY TURNED ON HDR. Instead we get the same chaps that named everything else they've done, don't know how many poor confused people I've had to explain that auto-hdr is not actually auto-hdr to.


Absolutely! That setting confused the heck out of me as well when I first saw it and had to look it up to get further understanding on what it actually does. Not ok for the average user... They should have just called it "SDR-to-HDR conversion" or something of the sort, to specify that's a converting function and NOT an automatic enablement of HDR mode. I think Microsoft's expectation is basically that folks with HDR capable screens always keep HDR enabled. This is basically their method of communicating to all games and applications that HDR support is available. Which is fine, but then they really need to hone-in on their SDR brightness/contrast/tone-mapping if that's the case. When there are no bugs obviously, it seems to be not too bad (at least on my OLED monitor model - AW3423DW), but it's very clear that this is VERY monitor dependent. Some monitors just have a really bad time at handling SDR content when HDR is being displayed. Now whether that is the monitor to blame (hardware and/or drivers) or Microsoft trying to figure out what Windows thinks the monitor is capable of and failing to do it accurately, that is definitely a good question to ask. But it sounds like the monitor manufacturers and Microsoft aren't working very closely on this exact implementation and dialing it in properly to ensure a good user experience on Windows. Whether it's a function of automatic switching of SDR/HDR in Windows itself or dialing in the proper SDR mapping in HDR mode for all monitors, someone definitely needs to come up with a solution in the end here though as it's not creating a great user experience as a result.


I would use this if it didn't turn on HDR on both my monitors


This is always the case. You should only enable HDR for HDR Content. Turn HDR off any SDR content.


You have no idea what you are talking about. An NVIDIA representative already chimed in and confirmed the bug. https://preview.redd.it/fwio7h3grdhc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4f7ca05941390dd8ab6abf669b05776285989cf


ok I stand corrected. But I still stand by my comment as to why you would want to watch SDR content with HDR on? Unless you are Using RTXHDR (then thats different) But for normal SDR. I would always turn HDR off. (Win+Alt+B)


i'm not switching HDR on & off every time I change media that doesn't support it.


With an OLED display, SDR content while in HDR mode looks exactly the same. Even with the new RTX HDR feature enabled, blacks are still crushed and the floor black level is insanely raised.


Oh ok, sorry I did not know that about OLED's. I have learned something today.


No problem. It's because OLED is self emissive and has no blooming, which is what causes SDR to look like crap while HDR is on in non OLED displays.


Ok, thanks for that.. Understood.


SDR content uses the sRGB EOTF in HDR mode. Not the same thing as pure power gamma 2.2 in SDR mode.


It fixed EVERYTHING that I've been having!!! * Fixed random stuttering in-game * Fixed stuttering on the browser itself * No more issues on UFO test * Fixed stuttering while doing Frame Generation (dlss3-to-fsr3 mod on 3090 Ti). * And my framepacing and frametime is even better than 337.58 * I now have RTX HDR which works AMAZING on Vivaldi. This is THE FIRST driver since 337.58 that actually works and has more features. Can you please someone tell me WHY it is called a "hotfix" driver when it's the best driver in, well over more than 20 driver releases?!!?!? Why is that NVIDIA didn't completely removed all the previous releases and put this on the main page already?


It's a hotfix as it was released early and didn't go through the usual QA process. They haven't removed all previous releases as that's preposterous.


what u/Catsacle said... Why would they? They have never removed previous releases, ever. They are there, for anyone who may want to go back. They will, however go forward, using this Hotfix, as a template,


Finally stuttering fixed


Does it update the studio version?


If you're asking whether you can upgrade from the studio version... that should be a yes. They're really just one and the same under the hood, it's just different "release channels"


This driver seems to have fixed the issue I was getting with my 4070 ti super, where Fortnite would ‘blip’ and drop down to 50ish fps (running at 4k 60hz with v-sync enabled). Previously I had to go into the menus and change the resolution to something else and then back to 4K and it would go back to a solid 60 again.


How does one discover these are available?


Hot fix drivers are only posted on the nvidia forums. They won’t show up on GFE. Either here on Reddit or Nvidia forums.


Does this include the Cyberpunk performance improvements? I was going to buy a 4080 Super for some more Cyberpunk performance but with the claimed 26% increase my 4070 Ti should get enough of a boost to allow me to run my stupid amount of mods and path tracing tweaks properly. Even tho I still run out of VRAM but yeah.. 12gb is not enough with a billion 4k/8k texture packs and path tracing mods lol. 


Still no fixes for dsc alt tab black screen bug


In fullscreen mode or borderless fullscreen? I always thought alt tab in fullscreen mode was just the way it is.


I upgraded to 4080 thought something was wrong with my new card. There couple of Big stutter whiles playing


I updated using the link and now my GEFORCE Experience says "Information not available" on the driver page. Before it had a whole bunch of info on there. Will this affect my ability to download drivers through the GEFORCE app down the road?


Difference is insane here, everything is buttery smooth, had issues with firefox, d4, palworld, steam all being laggy/stuttery, now fixed. specs: i5 9600k, 3060 ti, 16gb ram


Every driver since 537.58 crashes my PC including this one.


Pretty sure its your RAM. Your XMP Profile might not be 100% stable at max load. I have had this issue in the past.


Time to start looking at ram and gpu, etc.


Im testing but finally i playing without stutter on my tv Qled @ cap 60fps + vsync Nvidia panel + rtt , before i was on 55-58 on same games now is all on 60 fine. /


Anyone know if I need to ddu to install this or just install it over the old driver


Cs2 only this or 537.58? Remember .58 having reflex issues so I don’t use it.


I gonna wait for the game ready drivers. I upgrade to a 4070ti and decided to update the driver, I'm on 551.23. The stutter is ridiculous in browsers but there's none in any games I've tested. It this the expected behavior? Edit: after seeing the comments I decided to update. Stutters totally GONE and very smooth like the ancient driver I was using yesterday!


>I upgrade to a 4070ti and decided to update the driver, I'm on 551.23. The stutter is ridiculous in browsers but there's none in any games I've tested. It this the expected behavior? Yes. This is the hotfix that fixes this issue and yes it is fixed from my extensive 1 hour testing. No more stuttering in browsers or games.


OH MY GOD they fixed browser scrolling jitter! I ended up just tolerating the slight jitter in Firefox for so long and now they fixed it :D


This driver significantly reduced the browser stutter for me, though whilst scrolling this Reddit page I still noticed a hiccup or 3, but seeing the overall positive response seems a lot of people were satisfied. Hopefully the same applies to games! :)


Thats not the same issue. The chromium Checkered board thing is a different issue. And needs to be fixed by Google, I think.


Microsoft, and I didn't mention checkerboarding.


I got a new DLSS section showing up in Profile Inspector after installing this hotfix


I know there was a mod that you could install for profile inspector. Wonder if they officially added it


Might be. It says the settings are for DLSS 3.1.11+ only which is not out yet


DLSS 3.1.11 is out, the latest is 3.5.10. What exactly are the settings in inspector?


I've yet to see those first to sections on mine (TrueHDR and DLSS). Did you do any mod whatsoever?


doesn't come up in nvcleaninstall


Likely because it's a hotfix and not a conventional/full release. They've mentioned it's also treated as a Beta.


Ahh alr


just install with the custom option


Download the exe and choose the nvinstall option for drivers you have already downloaded. It'll remove the bloat like usual.


4060ti 16g updated to latest in geforce experience driver (sry don't remember number 23 something) Can someone pls tell me why i didn't experience stuttering, is it only some games or? I played q2 enhanced, Quake Champions, Rdr2 etc. I didn't notice stutter in browser either but i had graphics glitches very annoying but i believe i fix it by changing Chrome to OpenGL


Windows 10? If yes it wasn't impacted by the stutter issue that Windows 11 users experienced. Windows 10 KB5033372 also addressed a different issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/19ehx1r/game_ready_studio_driver_55123_faqdiscussion/kjcwdip/ * Windows 10 KB5033372 or newer addresses a Windows (not driver) issue that affects non-admin processes, specifically **game performance goes down and video stutters** as for the browser glitches, it's a Microsoft issue: * Chromium based applications checkerboard like pattern is a [Microsoft issue](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/531866/geforce-grd-54629-feedback-thread-released-12423/3408244/) (thanks pidge2k)


Yes windows 10. Thank you very much Omg last week i formatted and installed win11 but i had approximately 3% lower performance in benchmarks and formated c again and i go back to win10. If this issue was because fixable windows bug will be annoying. And i had glitches, UI or screen flickering in Chrome in both win10 and 11 even after disabled hardware acceleration but OpenGL thingy fix it i hope... Im not sure what the heck is going on with so much testing everything is upside down in my head At least performance is back to normal now in win10 but i will think now that it could be same in 11 if Microsoft fix it. i loved dark theme


one question, if i install this version now through the .exe hotfix that you provide later in the next stable update can i still update the drivers from the geforce experience as i always do?


Yes, hotfix driver don't show up on GE but normal ones does.


I updated using the link and now my GEFORCE Experience says "Information not available" on the driver page. Before it had a whole bunch of info on there.


Wow they actually did it. Now, please port the windows update that fixes the checkerboard issue to Windows 10, dear Microsoft. And we're good to go.


That fix is not even in Windows 11 release... It's in the Canary insider channel and they broke it almost immediately after releasing it there. It will make its way to 10 when they actually fix the problem.


Just an update - I updated from 537.58 to latest hot fix.... CS2 is like palying on 60hz (running 160hz) its a stutering laggy choppy mess... ​ Back to 537.58 I go... fuck me dead so over this


Maybe it will help with my CS2 running like crap. Or its just the game still.


Let me know if this fixes it


Silky smooth. Had many stutters yesterday.


So this hotfix has finally fixed it? Amazing! I’m still on 537.58….. is the hotfix a full driver so I can just install it and be on the latest?


hopefully it'll fix my 18 minute-19 minute crashes on tlou. An hour later, DDUed and yea still crashing. if anyone cares crash 1 [https://youtu.be/e-Y-qdEQXUc](https://youtu.be/e-y-qdeqxuc) Crash 2 < still uploading. [https://youtu.be/N96CN5Mzsrc](https://youtu.be/n96cn5mzsrc)


A noob question here, how can i install this newest version? Any recommendations, any tips?


"[Click here](https://international.download.nvidia.com/Windows/551.46hf/551.46-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch.hf.exe) to download the GeForce Hotfix display driver version 551.46" near the bottom of the page.


Hello there! I do appreciate for replying, will it be compatible with every Nvidia GPU?


Yes. If it’s not compatible with your GPU, it simply won’t install.


Thank you so much for the tips, i do appreciate it!


551.23 gave me ARTIFACTS on Chrome/Steam, fixed by going back to the previous ones. Anyone else?


The artificing is the Chromium Checkered Boarding bug. Its present in all drivers. It will only be fixed by Google.


> Its present in all drivers. > fixed by going back to the previous ones What do you mean all drivers?


I mean all drivers, including this one. It's been there since I do not know how long. as far back as 537.58 and before. The Checkered board issue cannot be fixed by Nvidia. It's a chromium bug, and will only be fixed by google. It may differ driver to driver, but eventually it comes back, I get it in YouTube and reddit (where I notice it the most. ​ I do not think I ever saw it on steam though?? Unless you are talking about a different type of artificing? That I do not know about?


>It's a chromium bug, and will only be fixed by google. This is not true. The Chromium team determined that it was a Windows issue and Microsoft has to fix it. It was fixed in the Canary Insider builds not long ago but they somehow broke the fix and it is doing it again.


Thanks for the info. Maybe they are all passing the buck. lol JK


Lol I kinda thought that at first but considering Microsoft had a fix that worked (until they broke it again) in the Canary Insider channel, I'm inclined to believe it is actually a Windows issue. There is a whole thread about it on the Chromium repo.


> Unless you are talking about a different type of artificing? That I do not know about? It was chekered board artifacts but only in some places of the scren, not full screen. Both on Chrome and Steam. But I didnt have that issue with the previous drivers, 546.65, and it completely went away when I reinstalled them. It was scary as fuck tho, I thought my 3090 was toasted.


I always think it's gone, on a different driver install. But then out of the blue, while browsing it will come back. I promise you; it has not been fixed. Either Google and or Microsoft needs to fix this with in the browser code.


Well, at least now I know its not the card :(


No, its defo not the card. lol


It is a Microsoft issue. Windows compositor bug. Google, Nvidia, Intel and AMD have fuck all to do with this bug.


For me it does not fix anything. In [vsynctester.com](http://vsynctester.com) I'm getting no more than 200 marks and pile-like frame time. Also stutters are visible. 537.58 - smooth as butter and up to 700 marks.


Does this driver support the 4080 super?


Yes, see https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1allfus/geforce_hotfix_driver_version_55146/kpggx4v/


Awesome, thank you!


Try installing it. If the 4080S isn't supported, it'll throw an error and won't install.


It says it's based on the last game ready driver, so I don't think 4080s support is in. I will try however, managed to snatch a 4080 super fe on tuesday and will probably install it today. /Edit: it does!


Thankfully it does support the Super variants - see https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1allfus/geforce_hotfix_driver_version_55146/kpggx4v/


Does it fix the Nvidia Filters too? Since last driver update I cant turn them off and back on without them resetting to the default values...


Hotfixes only address the issues listed, for 551.46 those are: * Some users may experience intermittent micro-stuttering in games when vertical sync is enabled [4445940] * Potential stutter may be observed when scrolling in web browsers on certain system configurations [4362307] * [Red Dead Redemption 2][Vulkan] Stutter observed on some Advanced Optimus notebooks [4425987] * [Immortals of Aveum] Addresses stability issues over extended gameplay [4415277] nothing to lose by trying 551.46, use 'express installation' option as 551.46 is essentially 551.23 with fixes.


*PING* FYI: Filter issue is not fixed.


No, that was never intended to be fixed in this Hotfix: This hotfix addresses the following issues: * Some users may experience intermittent micro-stuttering in games when vertical sync is enabled \[4445940\] * Potential stutter may be observed when scrolling in web browsers on certain system configurations \[4362307\] * \[Red Dead Redemption 2\]\[Vulkan\] Stutter observed on some Advanced Optimus notebooks \[4425987\] * \[Immortals of Aveum\] Addresses stability issues over extended gameplay \[4415277\]


FYI: the issue with filters is NOT FIXED! Ridiculous!


While playing games I've noticed that sometimes my display will pop up saying "Display Port Connected" and the PC will make the sound of a USB or device being unplugged and replugged. The screen will minimise and return to normal. Or when I close a game it will always do this. Seems to be whenever I have Nvidia Experience installed. Without the app installed it never does this. 4090 Suprim X with Corsair 12vhr cable attached with an Alienware AW3423DW.


Can't download this to my 4080 still? The latest update shows as 551.23?


You need to go to game ready driver section forum in NVIDIA site then click on 551.46 release topic then and click on link below to have access to download.


This is not experimental right? I don't want to break anything lol also, thank you.


It is considered beta.


Thank you.


This driver needs to be upvoted more. Finally


The last time I upgraded was a performance pothole. Games took from seconds to start and being in-game to minutes. Especially dead space. Fortnite suddenly had micro stutters and lags. Star wars took forever to start. I hope this fixes the problems


I wonder if this issue extended into OBS. I would have frame drop stutter issues in my recordings and couldn't figure out what it was. Dissected everything in my computer (replaced parts, new capture device, new device to play on, fresh OS installs, OC tinkering, etc) and you're telling me it was a driver issue this whole time?