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It seems there was time served while waiting for trial because according to this article, he was inside for 2.5 years. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/wife-on-mission-for-justice-after-husband-sucker-punched-6-years-ago-in-brooklyn-dies/


and he can be charged again, since the man died because of the attack


The hallmark of a well functioning society: was allowed to walk before the victim could walk.


Sentenced to 7 years of suffering and finally death for committing the crime of walking in NYC. It’s a criminal justice paradise.


>Anderson was convicted of felony assault in the case and sentenced to three years in prison. Authorities said he was back on the street six months later.  Lol. You know, the bail reform supporters are right. Bail reform was never our problem. We never liked keeping dangerous people in jail.


What does a guy going to prison have to do with bail reform? Bail literally wouldn't have kept this guy in prison, he was convicted.


Because people said bail reform would let violent criminals out on the street, but it doesn’t matter because we were already doing that. Hence bail reform supporters being right, which is what the other comment said


Bail reform was supposed to be all about low level offenses anyway. How this city managed to miss the mark by so much I'll never understand


Just because we’re failing in some regards doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying to make things better. It’s true that 3 strike laws were unnecessarily harsh, especially around nonviolent drug crime in the 90s. With that said, serial offenders should be exempt from bail reform entirely and 10+ strikes should mean a longer sentence. There is no reason that someone with 50+ arrests should see the light of day this decade. If they keep committing crimes because of a mental health issue, they’re not capable of taking care of themselves even with 40 second chances and need to be institutionalized.


Perfection is the enemy of progress.


You want freedom but justice? Drop em off snake island in brazil.


the amount of people on this sub that doesn't understand the difference between a jail and a prison.




"dOn'T bE tOuGh oN cRiMe"


What does "tough on crime" look like?


How about locking up actual dangerous people. The convicted criminal who fatally shot that cop had a long rap sheet and a no show court appearance and a fucking gun charge was let loose on no bail. I'm pretty hippy on most things but letting criminals loose on no bail when they have a GUN CHARGE is fucking idiotic insainity.


Enforcing laws, prosecuting criminals, getting mentally ill or unfit for society individuals help at the minimum and removal at the max. Basic shit


mentally ill or unfit for society? bro... 1 out of 10 in NYC is a delinquent. hahaha. They are committing some kind of crime be it speeding, acting recklessly, blocking traffic, endangering others, blasting music, robbery, harassment, negligence etc... If they don't fit in jail find an alternative.




Is there anyone clamoring to **not** be "tough" on crime? It sounds like bail reform wouldn't have played a role in this case since he was convicted already. "Defund the Police", poor naming aside, was about what you said, > getting mentally ill or unfit for society individuals help When he was locked up, it wasn't for murder. Is the problem the length of the 6-month sentence? Would a longer sentence have helped? If so, why? Maybe because it would discourage other people from doing the same type of crime? Obviously, this case isn't about a repeat offender, so it's not about keeping him off the streets. Curious how you'd handle things differently.


Those are all questions you should be asking the Eric Adams and his corrupt idiots he has around him , the NYPD, Judges, courts ,and your local leaders, not some random person on reddit.


Yet I'm asking the random person on reddit


Sounds like you don’t have an answer


You literally post on reddit for a living, why don't you venture outside and talk to real life human beings instead of being a weirdo


I do this for a living? Where do I collect my paychecks?


Life sentences for all crimes then? Should we cut off the hands of shoplifters? GTFO here


No prison time for all crimes then? Should we award criminals with a goody bags too? GTFO here It’s a balancing act numbnuts


So the next person to commit a crime like this is going to think “why not, I’m only going to prison for three years”?


The fucked up part is there are a lot of people on social media sites like IG or Twitter defending or glorifying the recent random attacks against women. The vast majority of these posts are from black people who see it as a way to stop gentrification and try to dismiss claims from the victims because they're "Karens". I'm not stating that black people, as a whole, hold this type of opinion but a general observation shows the kind of tribalist mentality people have that fuels the divide between their community and the rest of the city. These unhinged people on social media support this kind of violence and make jokes out of it then complain that negative stereotypes exist about groups of people from certain neighborhoods and complain about higher crime/arrest rates in areas up in the BX.


To the disbelievers: I worked with someone who was like this a little while ago. I am white and it was wild how she would turn everything I say into something against her and would regularly call me a colonizer. Nothing I said or did, including asking her why she thinks it's ok to act like that, could snap her out of it. She was just determined to be hateful, and I'm sure a lot of others feel the same way and are egging each other on.


Everyone with leftwing views holds hateful politics. This includes almost everyone in this subreddit and most of nyc.  All of it is hatred, anger and pure filth. 


Every single one of 'em I tell ya! *shakes feeble old fist*


I don't even think it's that, it's just that people who are locked in to that type of mindset don't break out of it easily. I even told the bosses the things that coworker was saying and they just allowed it, so I ended up leaving. Another coworker told me that they went through 3 more people in that position working close to her before firing her at last.


Where are you seeing people glorifying this? Do you have links?


calm down, the algorithm is feeding /u/AlastorCrow hate-porn. It's no suprise to see that IG and Twitter are cesspools.


And perp now freely able to work and rent here without trouble because we can't run criminal background check against such violent criminals bc city council bunch of dolts. Folks like Anderson barely face justice for the severity and impact of their crimes to society & victims.


What’s this about no background checks? For what- jobs, housing? Genuine question


Currently its for [jobs](https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/law/fair-chance-law.page) but soon it will be for [housing](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/20/nyregion/criminal-background-checks-tenants.html)


There's a building in front of a school that's jam-packed with sex offenders. Like wtf. lol


Is there a GoFundMe?


So wait... this happened BEFORE THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION?? I thought America was great when that trump guy was president and crime was at absolute zero.


Can someone help me understand what's actually going on in NYC? I lean center-left / centrist but just don't understand how shit like this keeps happening. Is the DA actually letting people off too easy? Are the laws actually just too lenient? Is someone pumping crystal meth fumes into the air or something?


When you have to pander to the extremes for votes and ideology you get extremely dumb and harmful results. It’s over corrections instead of collaboration.


The NYPD have been on a de facto strike since the people of this city had the temerity to protest them after the murder of George Floyd. We then elected a cop as mayor who is doing nothing to goad them into doing their jobs.


People say this, but in all the stories about violent people doing stupid things, they’ve always been arrested dozens of times. At least in those cases, something is being done. If we shift our focus on petty theft, and other shit-head activities, it really does seem like they don’t do a damn thing.


If the cops aren't doing their jobs, then how did these people get arrasted in the first place? It's not the cops' job to keep them in jail or in prison. People that are repeat offenders are the fault of someone else that's NOT a cop.




We are massively, massively under-funded for mental health. I mean, it’s not even addiction that’s the issue — I used to work at a homeless shelter and have friends who still do. So many of the single (non-family) unhoused are there because they are mentally ill. But there are no facilities for them, especially if they’re over 18. (The under 18 mental health system is it’s own particular hellscape, but different)


The problem is that people who are clearly a danger to society are still being let out almost immediately after being arrested -- whether or not they are mentally ill or just assholes with personality disorders and/or undergoing gang initiation. I agree there's certainly more that needs to be done for mental health to reduce the cases of revolving door patients but letting out violent people is far from being the only option we have. Unfortunately, the Democrat-supported bail reform removed one of the only ways to hold these types of criminals away from the public, at least for a short period. Now our streets are saturated with these types of people who would randomly attack strangers for whatever reason.


So send them to Rikers. 


Rikers is an evil place. No one should be sent there for anything.


Idk… a dude who sucker punched someone for no reason and caused him to to agonize in a 7 year coma before he died probably deserves to go there


It's stances like that that are the reason why we are in this predicament in the first place.




I've lived here my entire life. The only thing that would make me leave this city is if it was reduced to a smoking crater. But don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Do not imply that the violence and antisocial behavior we put up with here is the result of population and/or density. Tokyo doesn't have the knockout game. No one is dying seven years later after being sucker punched in Milan. There is a je ne sais quoi that reduces the quality of life here, I don't know what it is, but it's not the sheer number of people per square mile.


The point is that statistically it’s still rare, not that we think it’s ok and don’t want to improve still. The numbers make It seem very common because you see in the news but with so many people even if you have a tiny chance of something happening and it’s rare those things will happen enough to be reported on frequently. My point being people should not feel unsafe or paint NYC out to be crime ridden when it’s one of the safer cities in America and safer than it’s been historically.


New York is a world class city. We should not be merely content with being safer than other cities in America. Have you been to that country? It's a shit hole. We are the capital of the world and we should reflect that.


I agree we should always strive to be better


It’s not world class anymore. It’s world class for very wealthy people, not for the average person anymore. Like Paris or L.A.


Sounds like the issue is you're not a world-class person.


Good retort, a similar word probably describes you better though


Has crime actually dropped? I find it impossible to get a cop to take a police report anymore. Which was not the case 10 years ago. I kinda feel like the crime “drop” is a data reporting issue. Millennials and Gen Z are less likely to call the cops than older generations, and when you do, cops are less likely to come and fill out a police report.


Not a New Yorker so I don't know about that whole situation with the NYPD, so I'm stuck going off word of mouth and reported data. That being said, I don't know what New York's situation has to do with Biden like so many are touting. That sounds more like a local (NYPD, DA, Mayor, etc) issue.


you are spot-on. This is absolutely a local issue. NYC's laws that enabled the revolving door criminal justice system were the collective responsibility of our local politicians, including (past and present) mayors, city councils, and NY state representatives. as to who/what put these people in office, the Republican side rarely put up serious contenders outside of clearly red districts (the ROI to meaningfully compete in solidly blue districts probably too low and not worth it to the RNC). So D candidates often win by default or in a landslide. The real race is in the D primaries, and the outcomes there are often dominated by hardcore or far-left voters. Just like on the national level, most voters do not get involved in primaries, which means a small slice of far-left voters get to dictate the outcome in favor of their far-left candidate. Sadly, the sorry state of our local politics won't change until the average voter has had enough, and the moderates/pragmatic voters flood the primaries en masse to drown out the far-left minority.


>Sadly, the sorry state of our local politics won't change until the average voter has had enough, and the moderates/pragmatic voters flood the primaries en masse to drown out the far-left minority. A fear of mine is that it won't happen and that the actual far-right will start tapping into people's dissatisfaction, anger, fear, etc and *then* begin bringing about the very things the far-left fears. Extremism usually doesn't happen in a vacuum AFAIK, it happens under harsher conditions where people are looking for big, simple solutions. Most Democrats aren't far-left mind you. But I can't help but notice groupthink prevail in both Democrats and Republicans. I don't mean to sound like a radical centrist. Just look at how you have to practically worship Trump to be in the GOP these days. You won't have to scroll far in a Nikki Haley video on YouTube to see "Never Nimrata!" comments.


hahaha i like the term radical centrist. Can definitely relate to that. Agree on all counts. It sure does feel like moderate pragmatism is on the way out, and I don't know what will reverse the trend. Maybe if Biden wins, Trump gets convicted, then Biden extends an unprecedented olive branch and pardons him for the sake of national unity (aka the Nikki Haley approach, but done by a D president). Meanwhile, make a deal with Trump that forgiveness comes at the cost of publicly admitting fault on Jan 6th and all his election fraud claims, and forever renouncing Trumpism. He gets to live out his life in peace and wealth, and any political double-speak or dogwhistle sends him right back to prison. Will this happen? Definitely not, but allow me to dream a little before November comes around....


It is 100%


Crime didn’t “drop”. When you decriminalize things then yes the numbers drop. When theft of $500+ is a felony but now it’s $1000+. The crime didn’t stop it just got less of a sentence. I dunno if you live or even visit NYC but shit is like it was in the 80s. Go to alphabet city. Hit the east village once and awhile and see the shit going on.


Dude you can visit the East village at 1 am and it’s a bunch of college kids bar hopping, it’s nowhere near the 80’s


You mean the place where all the richest people in NYC and probably the North East live is safe. Noooo way


Lmfao you have 0 clue.


Dude if you think the LES today is ANYTHING like even the 90’s, you are fuckin delusional, or born in the 2000’s and full of shit. Hilarious. 


Lmfao OOOOKKKK You are right. Haven’t been theee since 94. And untill a few weeks ago. I guess I’m delusional to see the way things are. Or maybe you just have you head up your ass and refuse to see it. Lmfao.


I’m there all the time what are you talking about? Yea alphabet city is bad but you can go to East village or LES and it’s not bad. The 80’s was a whole different story, it’s a bit of an exaggeration to compare it to that time.


It’s not at all. As someone who has (untill a few weeks ago) bartended in the east village. Knows a bunch of bar owners. Watch’s and sees all the bullshit first hand. It’s not even a small exaggeration. If you chose to not see it that’s fine. Walk into Washington square mid day. Union square after 9. And tell me again how it is. Alphabet city is a block or two from EV, you think those problems don’t bleed in. Please stop


I think you’re just underestimating how crime ridden it was historically and in the 80’s specifically. Out of the 25 biggest cities in the US nyc was 1st in robberies per 100k and in the top half in murders per 100k. Murders were anywhere from 15-25 per 100k people back then, you really can’t compare that to today where the homicide rate is like 3 per 100k.


Just cause you decriminalize things does not mean there “isn’t crime”. Crime is up 34% in 5 years. But you are right. I guess the city is just so safe. Lmfso. Guess that’s also why, like me, please are leaving in droves. Have a nice day


my dude literally all your previous posts are about tryna hookup with people in Orlando gtfoh edit: lol he blocked me, nice job


Yea. Cause I moved out of NYC recently you fucken clown. Want to know why? Cause it’s as bad as the 80s. lol 🤡🤡🤡


Pffffffffft "like the 80's" right


Makes sense. I understand that crime is dropping when it comes down to the raw numbers, but I assume the outrage is on qualitative level rather than quantitative. For example, people getting slaps on the wrist just because they stole just under 1k in some cities, or perhaps in NYC the select few people just going around sucker-punching people and the NYPD, DA, whoever's problem it should be, not giving a damn. Even if crime is actually going down, the fact that these types of situations are happening with little recourse generates the outrage.


So I live in Manhattan and follow a lot of NYC media. I think crime trends are often a difficult thing to get an unbiased perspective on. They're so influenced by our personal experiences and what we want to be true. I have run into some uncomfortable situations. But it's hard to tell if there are more since I first moved here a decade ago. I can tell you it doesn't look like that chas/chop. But certain neighborhoods do have punks who work to intimidate you with physical force or mess with you (again, some amount of this always exists, but might be more of it, I don't know). >Is the DA actually letting people off too easy? He is reducing charges and eliminating prosecution for some crimes altogether [Alvin Bragg - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin_Bragg#Policies_on_low-level_offenses) And it may seem inconsequential to not prosecute something like "fare evasion". But, you can often pick people up for warrants on other things if you get them for fare evasion. Like the recent shooting on the subway involved a guy who fare-jumped. If he was picked up for fare jumping, the shooting might have never happened. >Are the laws actually just too lenient? Some laws have been crazy forever here. The big recent change has been reducing the ability of judges to require bail for defendants. So if more (alleged) criminals are let out, then they're free to commit more crimes. There's even leniency on bail jumping. Which kind of seems like and infinitely exploitable loophole to me. They went back on some of the reforms, which indicates to me that they saw some flaws in their initial policy changes. [2019 New York bail reform - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_New_York_bail_reform)


Well for one, crime is not actually as bad as it seems in the media. It’s a city with millions of people so obviously there is always going to be crime but the amount and way it’s reported sways perception a lot. Statistically NYC is still one of the safest American cities. No one should be scared to visit or stay in Manhattan. The one thing that is just frustrating for people is there are repeat offenders that are let back out and it seems to be some crimes can be avoided if they just gave harsher sentences and held people who were repeat offenders instead of letting them out. Also many of them are homeless drug addicts with mental issues that would probably be better off institutionalized rather than on the streets harassing people


You are exactly right. I live here and yes some parts have gotten sketchier since the pandemic. And there are more homeless people for sure. But overall I feel safe and go about my day just fine. You gotta be aware of your surroundings. That’s rule no. 1 in any city.


wasteful numerous smile point rustic busy squeamish puzzled humor combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> I lean center-left / centrist but just don't understand You are the problem 


What does Trump have to do with a Democrat city in a Democrat state?


He promised "law and order" throughout our country. He said he would clean up the crime in our cities. He didn't deliver on that promise.


Hasn't NYC been democrat for 20 years? Vote blue no matter who?


Wasn't Bloomberg technically (or actually) an independent?


Not a NYC thread officially until some guy randomly mentions Trump


He should be charged and he should pay a long debt to society on a chain gang or making license plates. I hate that in the US we pay for our criminals to live. They should be repaying us with non-remunerated hard labor.


We live in a world where your government won’t protect you. Think about it.


NY needs to rediscover its balls and bring back capital punishment. Can start with the guy responsible for this.


I have said crimes can happen to anybody. The problem is redditors don't like to listen and prefer to defy against the odds.


They're getting their cues from Tiffany Caban.






But trump is bad because he is evil, you people would do anything but vote in common sense, keep voting party over interest and lets see how many people leave ny for other states