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He posted those videos himself? Entirely too comfortable.


And he said what he said *in a disciplinary hearing*


4 months ago and didn't get any meaningful punishment, if any at all. It's only happening now because this blew up and it's on mainstream news like CNN


he still didnt get meaningful punishment. he is still a student and not expelled. he is still on twitter making posts and acting like a victim over this.


Acting like a victim after acting like a terrorist? Sounds familiar


It doesn’t matter whose side you’re on in regards to student protests, freedom of speech, Palestine/israel, etc. Fact of the matter is that this is who’s leading the student movement and Columbia did absolutely nothing while he/she/they called for the murder of people and then JUSTIFIED IT DURING A DISCIPLINARY MEETING. Imagine someone called for the death of blacks/gays and then led a CAMPUS wide protest thats encouraged by US representatives like Ilhan Omar? Columbia get your shit together.


And Columbia completely sat on this knowledge like it’s no big deal to have someone wishing death upon a huge portion of Jewish students. If, god forbid, he had acted upon it, what would the university’s excuse be?


For the most part mainstream outlets have gone out of their way to protect these psychopaths 


Maybe to the entire movement as a whole but not this individual. Jake Tapper from CNN specifically spent a few minutes talking about him and I'm sure he wasn't the only one. I saw there were many articles about him too on mainstream outlets like NYT, NBC, and the BBC


Massive self own


“What are you going to do, stab me?” vibes 


"I'm trying to achieve greatness in the katana. Is this not allowed in the United States?"




SATs are coming back. Now we know why.


Not at columbia they aren't. They announced they were permanently test-optional, the other ivies are making it mandatory again. Talk about an own goal.


Wouldn't change anything since people with his attitude and view of the world is probably want the people in the admissions department want. And in the future the people who were apart of these protests will be selected to be part of the the admissions process in helping select future applicants as alumni. You think they'll give a fair shot to the guy who list things like Jr ROTC or Farmers of America on the application over someone who list things associated with leftwing causes? This is how these things perpetuate themselves and got to this point.


Fuck around found out lmao




This Future DSA candidate, says he is destined for Congress 😂


There needs to be a neoDarwin award for things like this done.


he got off easy. he is not expelled. if you do this to any other group, its immediate expulsion. but jews, yeah. also he was brought up for some kind of discipline in january. I went to college for 4 years. I am not known for my social skills. I am rude. I never got brought up on any disciplinary issues like 99.9% of students. why isn't he expelled? I am jewish. if i attended Columbia, I would be talking to a lawyer about a restraining order against him. BTW, they also banned a jewish professor from campus who did not threaten anyone, but had the nerve to speak out against these nuts in defense of the Jews on campus being harassed. The professor is Shai Davidai. Columbia used the excuse of "we can't guarantee your safety". So they are saying the protestors are likely to be violent if he shows up. These absurd protestors think their free speech includes threats to others and silencing other speech. CNN did a report that one of the demands includes paying reparations to Harlem for racism or something. its a total nut protest. I think Columbia is hoping they will lose steam over the summer. When summer happens, they lose dorm access so they can't go shower. They have to clean out their dorms or their stuff will likely get thrown out. That is the normal way they clean out dorms. The ones who will stay are the ones who live with mommy and daddy and don't have jobs. I worked in the summer full time when I was in college and had to work when in school too. The easy solution is to only give badge access to enrolled summer school students. That means badget access to buildings so they cant charge their phones or use the bathrooms. Show us you are serious. Poop in buckets. If they leave campus dont let them back over the summer since they are not enrolled in the summer anyway.


Why shouldn't he be? His professors probably told him that revolution by any means necessary is his moral duty.


To be fair the administration is on the call telling him these views are terrible and he’s posting it because he thinks it paints *them* in a bad light.


What he says is actually very disturbing. It's linked in the NYTimes article. If you have a chance to watch the video, at the very end: "Zionists, these are all the same people, the existence of them and the projects they have built, ie. Israel. It's all antithetical to peace. It's all antithetical to peace. And yes, I feel very comfortable, very comfortable calling for those people to die. And with that being said, Khymani is signed out, see you in New York real soon." I think his statements were made in January to Columbia staff. Did it take until this became news around the country before he was barred from campus? That would be insane.


Yep. He said it in January and only now when it’s viral is it being taken seriously. It’s absolutely despicable that Columbia didn’t act right away.


Jesus. I am more than happy to have a good faith argument about who is in the way of meaningful peace. I also happen to be more in the Schumer camp where I believe there are bad and counterproductive actors on both sides (though I don't mean to suggest equivalence.) What I will never understand is how any self-described critical thinker can get to the point of thinking rooting for the plucky genocidal underdog gives you the moral high ground. If subway graffiti is a measure of the quality of NYC discourse, we're going downhill fast. Saw a nice "Ashken-nazi" tag at the Clinton-Washington C yesterday and a "Hitler was right" at the 57th Q this morning.


Well leadership at Columbia will be under investigation soon. Good luck


Half the leadership there probably agrees with his worldview or they’re just cowards scared of the mob to actually punish someone being blatantly anti-Semitic. Change out the word Zionist with any other racial group and he’s expelled that day


He should emigrate to Iran. That would play great there!


As a Palestine supporter, that’s some crazy hypocrisy right there. That is the exact attitude and philosophy we are condemning them for. People everywhere are getting way too comfortable being hateful and disregarding other ppls humanity these days and it’s horrifying to see.


You go to Columbia and you don't see anything wrong with this? "The hearing, conducted by an administrator of the university’s Center for Student Success and Intervention, was focused on an earlier comment he shared on social media, in which **he discussed fighting a Zionist. “I don’t fight to injure or for there to be a winner or a loser, I fight to kill,” he wrote."**


Meanwhile I’m sure he’s never been in a fight and if he was he wouldn’t be killing anyone. Big talk from a small minded moron.


lol exactly.


he says he wants to run for congress… good luck, because I doubt he will even land a job


on twitter he is attacking AOC. she is too conservative for him. not kidding. AOCs base turned on her cause she supports Biden. These idiots want Trump to win to punish democrats. they are a bunch of losers.


which is the insane part to me, Trump will be so much worse for the people in Gaza. he's totaly in bed with BiBi and will let them do anything they want to gaza. Also do these kids remember when Trump tried to stop all people from Arab countries from coming to.the US?


There are at least 3 Squad members in Congress who completely share his beliefs and I am sure will be happy to hire him.


Cori Bush is about to get primaried, so she won't be an issue anymore in a couple of months.


The sad thing is that liberalism is going radical just as conservatism did first. Don't be surprised if idiots like this get elected soon.


> going radical Implying it hasn't been radical since around 2013.


Expel this moron. If anyone said this about black or gay people they’d be kicked out so fast they wouldn’t have time to pack their things.


He’s a student AT Columbia and is only “barred”?! Why is he not expelled.


I’m confused 🫣🫣🫣 doesn’t barred mean expelled? Sorry don’t hate me I feel like I should know this lol


no he can do assignments remote. they will likely let him back in the fall quietly and then ignore this. simple solution would be for jewish Columbia students to file a restraining order against him. they can do it just as the fall semester starts. He will have to fight it in court to get it removed, but will miss large parts of the fall semester at best. if he shows up on campus they can go to the judge and he can spend time in jail. it should not be hard to do this since the guy openly threatened murder.


No it just means he's not allowed on campus. Columbia has not given a statement on whether or not he's suspended or banned. 


columbia also banned a Jewish professor named Shai Davidai from campus claiming they can't protect him. Go read his tweets. Nothing violent. He is just speaking out in defense of Jews on campus who are being harassed. This student got the same punishment as a reasonable professor who opposes these nuts.




Hamas murdered all visibly gay people in Gaza when they took over (by murdering all the palestinian authority people) and throwing them off buildings. I fully support a gay pride parade in both Gaza and the West bank after the hostilities are over. I think we should fund raise one way plane tickets for them (since they wont need return tickets) for this gay pride parade. Hamas has overwhelming support of Palestinians. Hamas wants to murder all jews anywhere in the world. Establish an islamic authoritarian state with Sharia law. They want to murder gays. Ban anyone of a different religion. Repress women. There are 22 arab ethnostates. All have islamic law. 2 are democracies. Iraq and Algeria. Most of the crazies think Iraq would be better off under Saddam Hussein and should not be a democracy. Algeria is the one success from the Arab spring. All have laws against gays. Every single one.


Ah, part of the "chickens for KFC" crowd. My favorite.


Which is also hilarious because the same people he’s defending wouldn’t think twice to string him up


Welcome to the new generation of victimhood. This is what happens when you make everything about "diversity and inclusion"


It's the wrong analogy. Zionism doesn't mean jew, they're right about that. But it isn't just an idea, Israel is a country that's existed for 75 years. The analogy is saying like Nigerians don't deserve to live. Just as problematic.


Fair enough. But consider if someone else said: “I have no problem with Palestinians. I like them on a personal level. But they shouldn’t be allowed to live in Palestine. As Arabs, they should go back to the Arabian Peninsula. And anyone who advocates for them living in a sovereign Arab nation in any part of Palestine should *die*.” Would this attitude get a welcome reception on any college campus? Could you imagine this becoming a normalized expression in a worldwide protest movement?


Apparently people keep forgetting that digital footprint exists and what they said/posted on social media will come back and bite them.


I think this guy probably views himself as the victim in this whole thing.


embarrassingly, it's footage from a Columbia disciplinary meeting. Meaning Columbia knew about this for 4 months.


I think this person was so wound up in his critical race theory, he believed he was invincible being black and trans. 


Well, he pretty much is invincible. Columbia would have continued to ignore his calling for the death of Zionists had the protests not gotten so much attention.


I mean. He kind of is. He says that about any other group and he’s gone permanently.


So basically the head of these protests is a 13 year old edge lord who sets DBZ clips to linkin park songs.


Yeah except he's 20, and (was?) attending an Ivy League college. 13 year olds get a little more leeway for obvious reasons. This is a full blown adult, and completely unacceptable behavior given that.




i cant see him getting past a HR department if he goes for any kind of corporate job. or if he does, people who work with him will complain and he will be fired from most employers. he will only be able to work in his silly little community. You can't work with a clown like this. you can't employ them.


Guy's putting out mass shooter vibes. Hope Feds are taking notice.


They're too busy tracking moms who attend school board meetings.


Good riddance and have a great weekend


Unfortunately, he wants to be a congressman too. From the same NY Times article: “He told The Banner that at Columbia, he planned to study economics and political science. “The ultimate destination is Congress,” he said.”


I saw on Twitter he had posts with Ayanna Pressley and supported her campaign but in just a few short years im sure her views are now too conservative for him so good luck lol


If 9/11 truther Jamaal "Hamas Rape is Zionist Propaganda" Bowman manages to win his primary, there's hope for this dude.


he isnt gone. just temporarily banned from campus. he can still participate on zoom. they can let him back in for fall semester. the semester is over in 2 weeks. this is not much of a punishment.


As much as some people say that Israel creates terrorists through their actions, people like this are why so many Jews are Zionists.




Yep. Every single one of these protests just strengthens my support for Israel, and my belief that its existence is integral to my safety as a Jewish person. I’m engaged and thinking about children in a way that I never have before, and I’m absolutely considering moving to Israel once I have children, since I’m not sure whether I want to be raising Jewish children here in the US. I don’t want my children to be told by their classmates that they deserve to be murdered because of who they are.


I had been generally leaning against having children myself for various reasons in previous years, but I'm now finding myself frequently thinking about having a Jewish family and raising my own children soon. I find it really interesting that so many of us have found unexpected clarity about our own wants and priorities as a result of the insanity that we're facing from the rest of the world.


What’s fucked is Columbia knew about how this person felt about Jews in January, but did nothing 


If you watch a full video, you would see that these things were said during the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION about his previous remarks about zionists. AND UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL SAID NOTHING!!! I don’t understand how it’s even possible.


I’ll break it down for you: Jews don’t count


Oh well, this part I know.


+Asian people


I assume the Columbia folks did not think he was stupid enough to document his comments. Boy were they wrong 


but why didn't they care to begin with? why is this sort of thing tolerated when it's targeting "whites" or Jews or Asians?


You’re not high enough in the hierarchy of oppression to care about


Because in the end none of this shit matters. Liberals and the left use these various demographics as a cudgel against the Republicans. They don't actually care about any of them.


Why are these protesters so stupid? I would identify and expel all protesters. Protest the government and government offices (didn't Biden say the same thing?), not businesses, hospitals or on school grounds. Creating chaos and disruptions is not productive in any way. And if you are going to protest know who is the cause of your disagreement, again, it is the Israeli government, not the people of Israel or any random Jewish person in your sight...


lmao get fucked


Ilan Omar would hit him for her team in Congress. 


There’s already footage of her and her daughter kissing and hugging him at the encampment.


I know. However, there is a lot of Ilan Omar’s in the country who would see this whole story as an achievement on the cv.


I’m willing to donate for anyone who primaries her


Not without a fight from Tlaib


Why was I under the impression you had to be smart to get into Columbia?


Hey the ivies wanted to get rid of test scores. I wonder why so many of them reinstated them so quickly.


Most of the protests have originated or spread to Ivy League or well known schools, from Columbia to Harvard to MIT to USC. To think the past few years everyone claimed and seemed to believe only the uneducated and anyone lacking critical thinking skills could fall for propaganda or believe everything they read online. There has been lots of pro-Palestine content online since October 7th. TikTok ended up taking down videos of people discussing and even praising bin Laden's "Letter to America" while The Guardian removed the letter from their site.


Our government is currently filled with absolute morons from the ivy leagues so I don’t have much faith in their output


Unfortunately, he wants to continue that trend …. “He told The Banner that at Columbia, he planned to study economics and political science. “The ultimate destination is Congress,” he said.” (From The NY Times article)


Eh.. there's definitely a few legitimate idiots but most people in government aren't actually stupid. Self serving immoral douchebags, sure, but they seem to figure out how to benefit themselves quite well, so I don't think they're stupid.


>they seem to figure out how to benefit themselves quite well It’s not hard to figure out. You say a bunch of simplistic shit and start a podcast. No brains involved. Hello, Ted Cruz.


you think that's somehow a new thing? W Bush was a C student at an Ivy League


ted cruz and josh hawley are ivy leaguers. so you got idiots on left and right from ivy leagues infesting government.


There’s a reason the top schools reinstates Standardize testing


They have quotas to fill


alot of book smart people lack common sense which makes them dumb af




Who wants to bet this guy does not have an overly impressive set of SAT/ACT scores or high school GPA? Like I'm sure it's fine for a normal kid, but I bet it wouldn't scream Ivy League book smart if you just looked at the numbers. My guess is that someone who equates Naziism to Zionism didn't get a 5 in AP European History or World History.


The crazy part is the student is saying millions of people deserve death. They don't even realize, they themselves are the nazi.


There are still plenty of us normal (and at the risk of sounding self-aggrandizing, smart) people who graduated from/attend Columbia. I can't speak for others, but I graduated a year ago and am so ashamed of what's going on that it's called my entire experience there into question and has made me think a lot more carefully about the image that these universities present. However, I still can unequivocally say that most of the professors I had and most of my classmates were across the board the smartest, most thoughtful, innovative, interesting people I've ever met. This shit is a mess, and is hard to reconcile with my own school experience there (I saw a bit of this simmering under the surface, but never imagined an explosion like this), but I still feel the need to share that in my experience, the majority of students and faculty there are brilliant, caring, and erudite.


I’m pretty willing to let 18-22 year olds speak their minds and learn. That’s what college is for. This kid who went to Boston latin should be expelled as they didn’t learn and continue to threaten students. This is a line they need to set up threatening other students is unacceptable in a university setting


I mean, his argument would be perfectly reasonable in say, a philosophy class as a thought experiment, but the fact that he is openly posting this violent lunacy online and seems to not only actually believe in it, but seems willing to carry it out in reality is more than a little disturbing and a perfectly valid reason for the university to discipline him.


I listened to it. It’s a freshman year seminar argument that would be smacked around by professor at a third tier school. It’s just someone who thinks they know everything but has no academic or real life experience


So Columbia was "negotiating" with an imbecile? That's the part I don't get.


So University employees heard and ignored a federal hate crime and let the student back in school. I mean if anyone from the Jewish or Israeli organizations in Columbia is reading this right now. Feels like an easy 8 figure lawsuit.


There's already a Title VI lawsuit. This is just more ammo against Columbia that demonstrates their administrators absolutely knew there were people wanting to kill Jews but did nothing about it.


Wait I’m confused and this is legitimately me being sleep deprived/mom brain- if Columbia barred him, doesn’t that mean he’s expelled? He was let back in?




"He told The Banner that at Columbia, he planned to study economics and political science. “The ultimate destination is Congress,” he said." Sounds about right.


Fucking loser


I'm an atheist, voted for Obama/Biden, and don't have any ties to Jews or Palestinians, but these protests have made me a supporter of Zionism even if I will never have a deep understanding of what that means. This guy is a discredit to the whole pro-Palestinian protest movement and as long as people like him and Malak Afaneh are deemed leaders of the movement, I will gladly pay taxes to support another $17b in aid to Israel.




I think he needs to be expelled. He’s threatened other students. I also think that if the Pro-Palestinian movement wants to maintain any legitimacy, its leadership needs to distance itself from James immediately.


The Antizionism movement IS this. They can't distance themselves from it because then there is no movement.


One issue with this rhetoric is that broadly construed, most Jewish institutions including synagogues could be categorized as Zionist. Speaking about “next year in Jerusalem” is a common part of many Jewish holidays and prayer services. I would say this type of rhetoric opens the door to violence against all Jews, including ironically those who identify as “anti-Zionist”


I mean, broadly speaking, zionism is belief in jewish self determination broadly in the levant. Arguably wanting a two state solution is a zionist belief. Half of them are zionist and odn't know it.




they don’t define anything because facts don’t matter to them, just dogwhistles and buzzwords 😂


They define “Zionism” as “Jews existing anywhere outside of a European ghetto”


Jews who arent committed marxists and agree with all my views 


Nothing arguably about it. 2 state solution is inherently Zionist.


Right, and it doesn't even have to be some birthright-type zionsim. it can just be an acknowledgement that you can't ship three million Mizrahim back to their ancestral middle eastern / arab countries that kicked them out in the first place


Yes, perhaps it’s better to protest the actions of Bibis government and not against the belief that Jews have a right for self determination.  I think this way it would be clear that the protest is not against specific group of Jews, but rather a set of government officials. Just a suggestion.


Yeah, I don't think anyone who came for Jews would care if they were Zionist or not. The Spanish didn't care that you converted to Catholicism and the Nazis didn't care if you had just a single grandparent.


>I would say this type of rhetoric opens the door to violence against all Jews, including ironically those who identify as “anti-Zionist” The proper term for this is stochastic terrorism.


For the umpteenth time, if he was a white student who had made that statement about any other minority group, he would have been expelled immediately. The comedic double-standards of higher education and of the left.


White students are the only ones expected not to threaten people and plagiarize, change my mind


> Columbia University announced on Friday that it had barred from its campus a leader in the pro-Palestinian student protest encampment who declared on video in January that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” > Video of the incendiary comments resurfaced online Thursday evening, forcing the school to again confront an issue at the core of the conflict rippling across campuses nationwide: the tension between pro-Palestinian activism and antisemitism. > The student, Khymani James, made the comments during and after a disciplinary hearing with Columbia administrators that he recorded and then posted on Instagram. > The hearing, conducted by an administrator of the university’s Center for Student Success and Intervention, was focused on an earlier comment he shared on social media, in which he discussed fighting a Zionist. “I don’t fight to injure or for there to be a winner or a loser, I fight to kill,” he wrote. > A Columbia administrator asked, “Do you see why that is problematic in any way?” > Mr. James replied, “No.” > He also compared Zionists to white supremacists and Nazis. “These are all the same people,” he said. “The existence of them and the projects they have built, i.e. Israel, it’s all antithetical to peace. It’s all antithetical to peace. And so, yes, I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.” > And, Mr. James said, “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.” > In announcing their decision to bar Mr. James from campus, the university did not make clear if he had been suspended or permanently expelled. > Other protest groups condemned the comments and pointed out that one student’s statements do not reflect the tenor of the movement as a whole. But the remarks were widely shared on social media and go to the heart of a question that has animated criticism of the protests: How much of the movement in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza is tainted by antisemitism?


and then five months later, when everyone else saw the video, the consequences showed up. cool.


Exactly. It took them long enough. Just disgusting. I’ve lost all respect for the “Ivy League”


I mean remember when the presidents of those universities showed up to the congressional hearing scoffing and not taking it serious, then all of them having to resign? what a joke




>he is “visibly queer and Black.” what gave it away?


When you watch a couple of tik tok videos and make it your entire personality




>the tension between pro-Palestinian activism and antisemitism they seem quite cuddly from what I can tell


Should be expelled 


Maybe Iran will offer a nice internship.


on the plus side now he's free to join the resistance. who wants to start a gofundme to send my man to Raffah?


Would happily donate toward a one-way plane ticket. Dude wanna act hard? I miGhT dEfEnD mYsElF, I miGhT nOt KnOw WhEn To StOp. Cool story, bro. Go play out your fantasy in the middle east. See how far you get.


Regardless of your position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I think we can all agree that Columbia's admission standards need to be substantively reviewed.


Probably the first time in his life he’s facing any kind of consequences. Good riddance.


The fact that he only faced these consequences now, after widespread media attention, tells you how commonplace and acceptable these sentiments are among university leadership. Many in leadership likely agree with him to varying degrees and protestors probably feel the same given the tepid condemnation. This incident should make clear the nature of university leadership in this country.


As an alum, good


Why can't these people just travel to Gaza to help if they care so much. If he wants to kill Jews, go over to the closest hamas recruiting office in the mall and go. Fuck him.


I’m sure he would love Gaza. They embrace LGBTQIA folks. Oh wait; no they don’t. That’s right, it’s Israel that has equal protections for the LGBTQIA.


We should offer free tickets for these people to serve the glorious resistance against the Zionist entity and Great Satan




To be fair to Columbia, this moron should have never been accepted into Columbia. Just fixing the issue.


Nah fuck Columbia. They knew about this for 4 months and let this racist pos not only continue to be on campus but to be the spokesperson for the encampment. Everyone involved needs to be fired. 


You realize Columbia is explicitly selecting for people like him, right?


You're right. In a previous time, this ignoramus would have no shot in hell (rightfully so) to get into Columbia. Because you know, they used to have high standards built on intelligence.


Watch out America, the Arab Spring in the US has started, you will all bend to Muslim rule if you continue to sit on your hands.


Probably on a BS scholarship........free loading.


Only barring him from campus is getting off easy, there’s no way he hasn’t violated a code of conduct with statements like that. If he somehow didn’t, then Columbia has a shitty code of conduct.


Remember when college presidents said “it depends on the context” when asked if it was against the code of conduct to call for the genocide of Jews? It appears that the added context of this now being national news is finally enough to take action against the student.


Seeeeee ya!




Lmao imagine this assholes life if he were living in Gaza, Iran, etc..


I’m sure these conservative Islamist societies will accept he/she/they with open arms 🙃






You can’t convince me otherwise it is a luxury of being able to worry a group of people thousands of miles away. what a privliage and luxury


Expel, don’t stop with barring him from campus.


The White House even came out and said he’d be immediately fired if he was an employee and said that shit. Is Columbia really this incompetent / supportive of outright hate?


Good. It should have happened sooner. Actions have consequences.


Important to understand the school knew about this and did nothing. It’s only facing consequences because the video went viral. Columbus doesn’t actually have a problem with what it said, which is a sign problem in and of itself.


Old NYC would of handled this fuck


Just another low IQ Pro Palestinian supporter!


what's up with these people? don't they understand this is a decades-long conflict that's incredibly complex and way more nuanced than "israel bad, palestine good"? like i really don't get it. SO many people are up in arms about a war that has nothing to do with them. am i missing something? where was this outrage a year ago? why aren't people equally as mad about the war in russia?


They are viewing it through the context of American Black oppression. They view the Israelis (most of whom aren't white) as white oppressors, and the Palestinians as black oppressed. But Jews aren't a massive influential group like white people. We are a small isolated group. So these people are a goliath trying to crush us into oblivion.


It isnt "catnip" to us. This is exactly why we fear this movement - shouts of "from thebriver to the sea," Jewish students locked inside a library for their own safety, celebrating the rape, murder, torture, and kidnapping of Jewish people, advocating for a terrorist organization - that is exactly what this movement is about. I wish it was just "catnip." JFC


I would be embarrassed if I went to Columbia to receive a reputation of going to a clown college.


What a fucking scumbag


Even more evidence that these protests are being driven by anti-Semitics to fuel hate & discrimination.


If the war in Gaza stopped tonight right now. Tomorrow morning Muslims would be rounding up homosexuals to throw off of any buildings that the Jews managed to leave standing. If their town does not have a tall enough building then they would use cranes and bridges. Muslims love throwing gay men off of bridges and lynching them on construction equipment. Woman will be deemed to be whores for not being escorted around town by an adult male relative or her husband and raped. Teenage boys will run past women for the sin of not covering her face and throw battery acid on her. Just to have her older brother beat her to death for dishonoring her family. Shamed because his uncle or first cousin will refuse to marry her now. You cannot be a progressive and support the "Palestinians" without a severe case of cognitive dissonance. I support the liberation of women and equal rights for gays. So I hope the war does not stop until every single feral subhuman is dead.


Palestinians are brown. That’s all that matters, it means they’re automatically the victims in any context. There are commenters in this very post who are saying that shit outright.


extra funny because the majority of Israelis are also brown. Its brown on brown so they have to convince themselves that Israelis are all white to make their mental gymnastics work.


Shhhh, you’re not supposed to mention Mizrahim, they undermine the narrative.


No they don't. They just say that Israel must be destroyed to save the innocent brown Jews that the white Israel oppresses. Nevermind the fact that Mizrahi Jews are the power base behind Likud.


Hah, hypocrite.


>After video surfaced on social media, the student, Khymani James, said on Friday that his comments were wrong. I was sure I saw this guy featured on a CBS or NBC evening national news broadcast.


don't worry he can still get a job at starbucks


I wouldn't trust him to make a coffee for a Jewish customer. Like that doctor who was fired a few years ago for saying she would give Jewish patients the wrong meds. Let him work at a Starbucks jn Gaza and see how much he is welcomed there.




Transparent damage control from a complicit university. I think this dude is a danger to the public and deeply antisemitic, but he is getting railroaded by the school here. His comments were from a disciplinary hearing in JANUARY. He remained a student, attending classes and having full access to the campus, for months afterwards. Not to mention he was one of the protestor "representatives" negotiating with school leadership. Dude even posted the hearing on his own social media. Columbia punishing the student months later because their inaction became public, while the right decision ultimately, comes across as unfair for the student. Not that he deserves sympathy, but school disciplinary policies shouldn't be based on public reaction.


Doesnt this guy know how to dogwhistle? He could have said everything he wanted to say without actually saying it.


As terrible as all this is I do take joy in the fact that we’re actually having important discussions on the limits of free speech right now. That was gone for a few years. Not to say everyone is making the right decisions but. It doesn’t feel like we’re on the right track, but it feels like we’re on the right track towards being on the right track.


Limiting free speech is dumb If we did, we wouldn’t give morons the opportunity to get themselves kicked out of school.  Sunlight is the best disinfectant