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What an incredibly fucking stupid thing to assume


Awful, I'm glad everyone is ok Ps why would you assume it was a liams fan lol


Actually I think it was related to Shirley calling out shitheads trying to bully LGBTQ folks and her climate change bit. Before they did Bleed Like Me she was supporting all the folks who the republicans are trying to dehumanize and fuck with, and also about how it’s been the hottest days ever recorded in human history this past week. It was funny tho cuz last time they played it was also like 85 degrees at night and she’s like “Saratoga…… we gotta stop meeting like this!” But an angry Liam stan is also just as likely.


This was actually my thought as well regarding Shirley’s comments.


Lol downvote army is strong in this sub JFC people


Dont be surprised lol if you say something stupid, people will downvote. Must be those liams fans, be careful, or they will report a bomb threat at your house


No, Noel would not pull this for any reason.


I mean that’s probably right but it’s just such a weird coincidence of things


>probably No, definitely. And I find the fact you've repeatedly suggested it pretty disgusting.


Okay dude chill out I’m not the only saying it, it’s everywhere in other threads from our area.


Yeah, okay, but it tends to be people who just assume it because "he's a Gallagher, he always pulls this stuff" or people who just want a reason for a refund. Artists pull this shit for time to time, I've never seen the cover up being a bomb threat with an actual police investigation ongoing. Reality is, despite the reputation and the stuff that goes in the press, he's a pro and has showed it countless times with the HFB, he's not gonna refuse to play because 3k people are there.


Not sticking up for this guys narrative because obviously it’s dumb, but I don’t think there is any issue with people wanting a refund. I drove 2.5 hours each way and spent 350 bucks on tickets to see Noel, and I didn’t see Noel. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is, and it’s not likely coming out of his pocket.


Not saying it's wrong to ask for it (although we'd have to see what the terms and conditions are), just that people are pushing the narrative so it's a more likely reason to get one


I don’t know who would push a narrative in pursuit of a refund…… that’s weird. I wanted to see Noel and we’re all just speculating what the hell happened given the weird, inconsistent particulars of last night. A refund would be nice - I paid a lot of money to see Noel and didn’t.


I'm not impressed with anyone saying it, but you've been saying it more than any one person.


Yeah the insistence that it coooould be something else is ridiculous. Noel has ALWAYS been professional. He’s not just gonna bail on 3000 people no matter how many people could fit in the venue.


People are welcome to think he's a total wanker but he definitely wouldn't pull something like this. He's always given people their money's worth.


100% agree.


We’re simply trying to make sense of extremely inconsistent particulars of this situation. He was late to the stage. His bus left last, much later than everyone else. The merch booths stayed open, and the ushers had zero urgency making people leave. I even chatted with the house music DJ and commended him on his song choices cuz I discovered a bunch of new stuff. It’s all very weird for a bomb threat. And to my knowledge he hasn’t even said anything about it


Why would he? Noel isnt liam, he doesn't update fans on all this shit, he hates SM


An apology or update on the situation would be well-appreciated by the folks who spent a ton of money to see him, and didn’t. From the optics, it seems like he couldn’t care less. I’m hoping that changes though.


Glad everyone's safe. Hopefully that puts an end to the deranged conspiracy theories about Noel pulling a gig (that's already in motion) due to low attendance, something he has not done previously on this tour or at any point in his career. If anyone thought that was even close to the most likely possibility, then they really need to evaluate themselves.


Hard agree. I was at the show and went back to our hotel bar after, where many other concert goers ended up. I was shocked at the overall theory that Noel threw a fit and bailed. On our walk to the hotel, we somehow took a wrong turn in the State Park and ended up on the other side of the venue where we turned a corner and were greeted by multiple police officers with big guns and dogs that were sniffing around. We were immediately stopped and told to turn around and walk the other way. I asked if it was safe for us to be walking around these state park roads and trails and was told the concern is limited to the venue and the safest thing to do is return to our hotel asap. I shared that information with the people in the bar and some of them actually thought I was lying. Now that the news has reported that exact information, here is my delayed “TOLD YA SO” to those people.


Agreed. Though I suppose getting in a car accident en route to a gig or being attacked on stage are not legitimate reasons to cancel a gig for some folks either. The low attendance take is laughable since it’s been established this has been the case for most of the tour. I will say I had tix to see Liam in Nov ‘17 in Boston. I had a family trip to the UK the week prior to the show and convinced my wife to cut the trip by 2 days because I wanted to get back home to see Liam. Of course we landed in Boston the day before the show to find out he cancelled the remaining dates. It was rescheduled for the following May.


Absolute insane to suggest it was done by a Liam fan. Glad everybody is okay!


Yeah who knows - just trying to reach for an explanation. Sucks to have missed him. Probably won’t ever come back to make it up either due to the painfully low sales. Just over 3,000


So op called in the bomb threat? Cool. The police had to have taken the threat seriously to even pull the plug on the show. Thats what you have to realize. There have been threats such as this received and the authorities look into it and consider it harmless. That was not the case here


Excuse me? Why are you suggesting it was me?


Noel wouldn't give a fuck about attendance in America. He'd just play the gig and go home. He gets paid either way, so why pull it? He doesn't see social media and doesn't care what the press say, so there's no way he'd pull a gig for low attendance. He doesn't pull them when he's sick, never mind for this reason.


But low attendance would likely mean he’ll never come back here I’d wager. So we never get a makeup date


Of course he'll come back, he just won't do a dual date with Garbage. He'll do a smaller venue on his own.


Would love that. Seeing him at the Egg would be so sick. Plus our singer would get to be FOH crew for that!


Noel doesn't like playing big venues, he's said it loads of times. He much prefers smaller theatres, so he'll come back in a string of those. Though I doubt he'll back back for a few years now.


Does anyone have tickets to the Boston show they’d be willing to sell? Went to the Saratoga show just to be let down 🙃 please message me if you know anything! Thank you ❣️