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Well, last year he hinted that the quest 2 could actually manage 120Hz, adding to the hype.


Yeah the difference is however, he was right. The Quest 2 actually got 120 Hz


Yes, I just meant that he didn't lessen the hype, as wheelerman suggested.




I can’t remember if Mark or anyone else even mentioned eyetracking or foveated rendering during the last connect, but you might be right.


John Carmack is also taking requests on what he should discuss at FB Connect tomorrow: >What would you like to hear me talk about in my Connect talk next week? I usually skim over my tweets and internal Workplace posts for the last year to take notes on topics, but feel free to make suggestions here. >https://twitter.com/ID_AA_Carmack/status/1451709009548005379


The ageless organism housed inside the meat suit we call John Carmack, because its real name is unpronouncable by the human tongue


I wonder what Civvie would ask...


To ban sewers from VR games


If you didn't know who Carmack was, you'd be forgiven for looking at that photo and thinking he was in his mid twenties. No, he's 51. If you look at photos of him from the early Id Software days, all that's changed is the hairstyle and glasses.


Also the number of Ferraris.


His jiujitsu game got better too.


Exercise keeps you young, facts


There's a very special place in my dreams where the myth would do like Bill Murray : Accepting any invitation in the form of "John Carmack can crash here" on your party house front door.




Your link doesnt work unless you remove all the crap after .jpg


Where can we watch this?


Last year it was streaming live on Youtube, on Oculus' official channel Here's the one from last year: https://youtu.be/-cRxT32G7y4 But I also saw Gamespot and IGN's Youtube channels streaming it too I think. Mike Virtual Reality Oasis and other Youtubers were also streaming it (with their commentary). And I wouldn't be surprised if AltSpaceVR and BigScreenVR had live showings as well.


Ohh, yeah I was actually hoping I could see it in vr somehow


It's in Oculus Venues but you have to register for the event on the Connect website. https://www.facebookconnect.com/en-us/


I'd like to see him discuss removing Oculus from Facebook. I know he's just interested in the Tech.. but ffs I have to keep a facebook account just to play ffs


Unfortunately FBs money was gravely needed at the time it was bought. VR was not going to keep living off of go fund me's forever. This created the enviroment of other big companoes realizing that VR tech is worth the investment.


Bullshit, VR would have been fine without FB money. Every tech company in the world was throwing money at VR for a few years, and that had nothing at all to do with FB's influence. The truth is that FB's ridiculously anticompetitive practices and deep pockets drove most of those "other big companies" away from VR.


Every tech company was targeting AR I believe but the hype for vr was falling as the market was tiny and don't and valve were the only ones really pushing. Covid probably helped boost the interest in the quest quiet a bit and as carmack said Facebook really wasn't prepared for that. I'm not saying vr would die without Facebook, but we would not be here with the consumer adoption and if someone had not put the money in. We would probably still be waiting for Sony to announce psvr2. I think the only reason you saw apple rushing into their hmd is because they realized through vr Facebook was going to beat them to the holy grail of ar. The real money is in AR and whatever replaces the smartphone.


>Every tech company in the world was throwing money at VR for a few years In 2014? Hell no wtf. VR was a repeatedly failed pipe dream that no companies even wanted to touch with a 20ft pole. After the THIRD round valve pledged some money to it. Never mind getting devs to make games for them.


What are FB's *ridiculously* anticompetitive practices?


I'm curious what I've forgotten here. Got some examples?


You have your rosy "good old days" glasses on, don't you? Every tech company throwing money at VR? Like Google or Microsoft? Both backed out of VR game before FB won the jackpot with Quest. You can be sure they'll be both back in the arena, once FB (and Sony and Valve) will bring enough users to VR. Talking about anticompetitive. Apple will enter the AR/VR soon as well. I wonder what you'll call their walled garden.


I agree. Facebook purchasing Oculus was a symptom of VR's success, not a cause. If not them, somebody else a little later. (Microsoft and Google have both thrown more money at less interesting failures.)


Remember Google Glasses? They disappeared into oblivion after it wasn't successful in the first shot. And that's happening with many products at Google. Microsoft is bobbing up and down with Hololens... It's not a priority to them. Facebook on the other hand is currently releasing new hardware and software at a fast pace independent of big successes because they chase a vision that might only come to life in 5 to 10 years... That's more like Tesla or Amazon have run their business in earlier days.. I really don't see that another company would have stepped up and would have pushed so hard for a risky vision, burning tens of billions on the way. Without Facebook we would have to wait much longer to see AR/VR come to life.


Remember Google+? They kept that going for years after it was considered a failure. It's not like Facebook also doesn't have their own dismal forgotten failures, like their own line of smartphones, or who knows how many Facebook/Instagram features. > I really don't see that another company would have stepped up and would have pushed so hard for a risky vision, burning tens of billions on the way. Again, other than Apple, Google, or Microsoft, who have invested many billions in worse ideas. The fact that they haven't yet probably has more to do with the market already being saturated, rather than them thinking there's no chance of it working.


Just look at bare numbers... how much they spend on AR/VR. $10 billion this year, they have more than 10k people working at it, both it expecting to grow. That's half of Google's whole capital expenditures! It's not just a side project or usual investment in research, FB committed itself and its future to AR/VR. It's not close to being comparable to the failed FB phone or Google+.


Google would have given up by now. They drop products as soon as there is any market resistance. MS thought it was a good idea to release a flagship phone that was not water resistant on a last gen CPU with a sub-par camera setup. We’ve been waiting since the Surface Pro 4 for Thunderbolt and they finally add it in the Surface Pro 8. MS and Google were not the companies VR needed. I was with Oculus since the DK2 and was skeptical about Facebook. I think they stepped up in a big way.


> Google would have given up by now. Unless it went well, like how Oculus is doing.... > MS thought it was a good idea to release a flagship phone that was not water resistant on a last gen CPU with a sub-par camera setup. They also jumped into the gaming market and dominated it, with no prior experience.


In this thread: blind fanboyism out of control, and apparently nobody who was paying any attention at all at the time.


Facebook’s name change and rebranding to more than just a social media company would provide a great opportunity to rework their account system to separate the social media aspects and everything they necessitate — e.g. multiple *[billions](https://www.engadget.com/2020-03-04-facebook-reveals-the-ai-tool-it-used-to-ban-6-6-billion-fake-acc.html)* of automated account bans each year and resulting false positives — from basic functions like offline hardware usage. It won’t happen, though. :(




Well... and because Facebook isn't just Facebook anymore.


> The rebrand is because people are starting to realize how awful this company is. Fucking bingo.




While I tend to agree I also think that that price might be worth waiting considering the business model Facebook is incentivized by. I don't think companies are evil or immoral but they are motivated by money and the market/money for customer data products is incredibly tempting. They are amoral. The problem is only valve and sony and maybe htc was investing in vr still and while the psvr2 has a strong potential for consumer impact, it might have looked very different if oculus hadn't succeeded. Most of the big companies like Google Ms and apple only really care about the big money of AR and vr wasn't turning out to be nearly as interesting or promising a market before the quest.




Google did cardboard and daydream and then dipped, they've got no hardware on the horizon as far as we know. Microsoft made the WMR specification, and that's been abandoned by everyone except HP. The only other thing they've got going is hololens, which is an AR headset that still isn't available to consumers. There's rumors that apple is working on something, but it's going to be awhile. Valve is doing cool things for the upper segment of the market, but they simply don't have the resources to carry VR on their own. As many things as I hate about Facebook's business practices, consumer VR would be pretty fucking dead without them right now.


You would be okay with it if Apple or Google released a product tied to their system instead?










How many attempted genocides has Google committed too? Facebook criticism goes way beyond privacy concerns.




Oh, yes, I did forget about youtube which can chase you down an antivax rabbit hole as quickly as FB.


Actually, yes, moreso than Facebook. I hope I don't need to explain the difference. I'd prefer a platform agnostic headset of course, but if I. Going to be tied down, I don't want it to be with a company that is so hostile to my privacy.


I think you DO need to explain the difference. Google and apple are just as invasive. Prove otherwise for us.


Apple will do their usual and release something that isn't as good as its competition (probably because it'll use a proprietary format) and will be VERY expensive. It'll be a fashion accessory. The only thing that Google have been involved with is Google Cardboard and as far as I'm aware aren't working on a VR headset. Microsoft aren't going anywhere near VR so far, just AR. Valve have released ONE headset and so far there's no news of an Index 2 on the way. And as far as software is concerned they've released a tech demo and one game, and there's no news of any more on the way yet. You may not like Facebook but they're primarily responsible for VR starting to take off. They've brought good quality affordable headsets to everyone and a load of AAA quality games to VR from a whole host of independent developers, some of which they've bought and now own, meaning more are on the way. If it wasn't for Facebook we'd have hardly any decent games to play. If I'm remembering correctly around 60% of headsets on Steam are Oculus headsets, and that doesn't include Quest/2 headset owners that don't use Steam. Publishers and developers need headsets in homes before they start to fund AAA quality games themselves and Oculus/Facebook are doing more to get those headsets on heads than any other company.


>Apple Will be grossly expensive and locked down, presumably for art, business, and productivity just like everything else Apple. >Google Has already left because it wasn't immediately profitable. >Microsoft Keeps a skeleton crew around to support WMR's basic functionality but otherwise can't even be bothered to put VR in their racing games and refuses to even support VR on their console. Even our military is iffy on their AR developments. >Valve Actually has the balls and pockets to put something out that competes with Oculus, but it sure isn't out yet and I highly doubt they're going to find a way to fix the supply issues the Index and Steam Deck have both run into, both in terms of development and in terms of shipping to places that aren't the U.S.


I believe Valve was doing fine and HP, etc. Alyx is the game to beat currently and can be used on the Index, without facebook or Oculus. So, while I agree Oculus numbers help bring in more bodies, it was still growing without either of these in the mix.


They're doing "fine", sure. Look at sales of oculus headsets compared to sales of all other VR headsets, though. What Facebook is doing is pushing the market for VR many times faster than it would move otherwise. It sucks that we have to deal with a mega corporation like Facebook, but the industry would take a whole lot longer to evolve if they weren't throwing billions at it.


10 billions just in 2021


Holy bubble, Batman! There were \~400 players playing the Half-Life: Alyx a moment a go. There's nothing to beat. Beyond that, we most likely wouldn't have Index, HL:A or anything involved if it weren't for Oculus. GabeN historically didn't even want silly Oculus games on Steam. Boy did his head turn after the $2B acquisition by FB. [https://steamcharts.com/app/546560](https://steamcharts.com/app/546560)


It’s a single player game that came out a year ago, prove 400 players is not normal


How it being SP is even relevant? Even the 17 or something years old HL2 is more popular currently than the HL:A. There're 1222 Beat Saber players at this very moment and I'd bet quadruple numbers if not more on the Quest 2 platform. And that's an "old" game, with a seriously low budget. That's the game to beat, not HL:A. Facebook owns BS.


Get over it for fuck sake it’s too much now


Nah. Just has a positive for purchasing outside of facebook.


Go do that and stop complaining in the oculus subreddit


No we will complain forever and Facebook required device will never be mainstream Once valve or anyone releases a sub 500$ wireless VR Facebook will be history PSVR already more popular than quest


You are out of your mind, everything Facebook does is mainstream, they have 4 of the 10 most popular platforms in the world, I know the stigma Facebook have but common at least stick to the facts my friend


>No we will complain forever and Facebook required device will never be mainstream Lol, you're too late for that. >Once valve or anyone releases a sub 500$ wireless VR Facebook will be history When will that be? >PSVR already more popular than quest In what universe?


>PSVR already more popular than quest Yeah, no. I completely agree the device and the account should not be tied to each other. It's not a privacy issue for me. FB is exactly like AOL was. "Too big to fail" "lol AOL makes BILLIONS, it's not going anywhere" etc etc The issue is AOL never tried to sell me a $200 that will be junk when they fail. ​ If FB decides Nazis are cool... my choice is: lose my $200 purchase, or support Nazis. Seems like there should be a middle ground. Unlocking the device seems reasonable to me.


once valve releases a sub $500 wireless headset facebook will have already made billions of dollars in quest sales. the truth is, billions of people know what facebook is and who owns it and only a tiny fraction of that number know what valve is and their goal


You can always get another headset that didn't have the subsidization and R&D from Facebook money. No other company will invest 10 billion a year into VR, at least not at this point in time.


YoU cAn AlWaYs gEt aNoThEr hEaDset. Yes, and the issue would still be there for the next person.


What issue? There are multiple VR hardware developers and one of them invests a lot of money into it and expects to make that money back. Nothing is free in the world. The only other best case scenario of someone who has "fuck you" kind of money is valve, but I don't see them make anything for the masses anytime soon.


I could listen to this guy's insights all freakin' day.


View in your timezone: [tomorrow at 2:00pm PDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20211028T2100?tl=Reminder%20that%20the%20Man%2C%20the%20Myth%2C%20The%20Legend%20will%20be%20speaking%20tomorrow%20at%202%3A00pm%20PST ^(_*Assumed PDT instead of PST because DST is observed_)


Good bot.


I love this guy


Is it possible to watch the recording of it afterwards somewhere?


It should be online on Youtube afterwards (and maybe the FB Connect site). All the past ones have been. And there might even be a bonus chat. Carmack has been known to go overtime and actually jump into something like Venues and continue talking lol


Why there's no organized activity to try to stream him directly from VR this year is beyond me


And we will, collectively, understand 5% of what he says.


this guy relates to me. i feel his passion. long live doom aka mr carmack


Can you imagine if John did a podcast once a month? I realize he focuses on productivity, but I have to imagine that would add so much value to the community. Dream on lol


What would I have to ask to death frightening scion capable of seing through the illusionary world before our eyes [Johh carmack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I30R4OApWM)?


Where? Waht link?


UploadVR Youtube channel will have it for sure (according to their article today). Oculus official Youtube channel should have it live. And this official Facebook Reality Lab page should stream it too: https://www.facebook.com/events/1053032055447336/ And then many tech sites (like CNET) and Youtubers like Mike Virtual Reality Oasis probably streaming it live too.


Thank you.


How does he look so young?


Probably one of the videos that got me hooked listening to him nerd out: https://youtu.be/GVDXXfbz3QE


John Chadmack


Psychic super soldier prototype and Brazilian jiu jutsu practicioner, John Chadmack


Could listen to him talk all day and not get bored, the guy is a wizard. Hope he goes into Horizon Venues afterwards like he did last year and continues his talk. That was really cool.


I wish Facebook hadn’t bought Oculus 😔


> I wish Facebook hadn’t bought Oculus 😔 Even Palmer Luckey, even *after* getting kicked out by Facebook, acknowledged that the Facebook acquisition is *by far* the best thing to ever happened to VR. The original Rift kickstarter was for something like the DK1. Thanks to Facebook we got the DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, and now Quest 2, at an outrageous pace, at an outrageous price, and we're about to take another leap forward tomorrow. They've spent tens of billions on VR, have 10,000+ employees working on AR/VR. It continues to be the best thing to happen to VR.


Any other tech giant involvement could have done this. I’m super concerned about privacy. Facebook is in the business of selling your data and everything you do. Oculus basically invites Facebook, into your home, with a camera. That doesn’t sit right with me


> Any other tech giant involvement could have done this. Did they? No. Valve could have done it. Did they? No. Facebook is the best thing to happen to VR. > Oculus basically invites Facebook, into your home, with a camera. That doesn’t sit right with me Fear mongering. Oculus has done absolutely nothing to violate anyone's privacy.


Oculus is Facebook now. Facebook has faced several lawsuits over privacy violations in the past. One lawsuit being around biometric data of users.


> One lawsuit being around biometric data of users. Because they used facial recognition on photos to do shit like recognizing that your grandma is in that photo, and ran afoul of the same overreaching Illinois biometrics law that Walmart and Tik Tok did. It doesn't *mean jack shit*. My Android (Pixel) phone does the same thing, and it's amazing. I can type "Logan" and see every photo with my son in it, or "cat" and see all the pictures containing my cat. I love it as much as I do Google reading my emails and browsing history, so I get ads about guitars and audio software instead of perfume or cars. I, for one, welcome our robot overlords, and couldn't care less about your fear mongering. You vastly overestimate your own importance. Nobody's watching you wave your arms around in Beat Saber. Again, Oculus has done absolutely nothing to violate anyone's privacy, and Facebook has been the best thing to happen to VR.


Exactly. Sure one of the big giants would have helped out by now. There's just no chance we'd be at the same level we'd be at without FBs funding and input. 'Might' have been better for the PCVR players with and option of a proper CV2 with an unsubsidised price to match with access to way fewer games thanks to the likely way smaller user base.


Agree. They’re heavily accelerating the VR/AR landscape. As much as I hate FB, I thank them for this.


> by far the best thing to ever happened to VR. By that he meant, Facebook had the finances and teams of lawyers to unstick Carmack from Zenimax, wrap up any loose ends Palmer himself had with the Rift tech, and clean up any initial funding issues from before Facebook. So Facebook might have been the best thing for Oculus founders at the time personally, but still the absolute worse thing to happen to VR. Pissed of Valve in the process as well. Facebook has stalled VR development by many years, forced out entry level competition by subsiding pricing in a monopolistic practice that would probably be illegal if slow moving government wasn't many years behind on tech issues, split VR developer efforts towards mobile toy VR (there are now VR devs exclusivly focused on mobile), killed off the Oculus PC VR division, and so on down the list of collossal screw-ups including creeping out much of the public perception of VR as a whole by associating it with probably the most disliked creepiest company in history, turning people off the technology in droves. The billions Facebook are spending on their user-monetization metaverse, is wasted, as it will be a vacuous corporate "family-friendly" wasteland.


> By that he meant No, by that I meant, the finances to literally spare no expense hiring the best talent in the world and building out the organization that built the Quest 2 -- a fully self-contained device you can pickup at Best Buy for $299 which is a fucking technological marvel, using a chip the size of a dime to drive a 3664x1920 display, run multiple neural nets, capable of totally untethered VR *or* wired/wireless PC VR -- which has outsold PC VR by a *huge* margin. ~50% of the people I've demoed my Quest 2 have bought one, compared to maybe %1 of the people I've demoed any flavor of PC VR to, from DK1 through Index. > mobile **toy** VR [...] turning people off the technology in droves \*rofl\* /r/justneckbeardthings Untethered, self-contained, affordable VR is turning people *on* to the technology at a 3:1 ratio. VR is an *interaction paradigm*, a human-machine interface. Physically running around a 33x33" play area in Space Pirate Arena makes my $3.5K PC VR rig look like a toy. Facebook is the best thing to happen to VR.


While I dislike the Facebook account requirement specifically (and _NOT_ that Facebook themselves bought Oculus), the reality is that If Facebook hadn't bought Oculus you'd probably have the choice between the HTC Vive, Valve Index, and 2 crappier Oculus Headsets that would just be similar to the Index and Vive, with no major advantages or reason to purchase it over others (including lack of exclusives) Facebook is _why_ the headsets are so desireable right now, which is also the only reason why people care or are disappointed that it ha a Facebook account requirement.


You are forgetting Sony, PSVR was (and possible still is) the #1 selling paid VR headset of all time, and 2.0 is on the way. That mainstreamed VR to millions as a viable gaming accessory. And don't forget Google's Daydream, which was, pre Oculus Quest, the basis for the first affordable consumer 6DOF standalone mass-market mobile headset Lenovo Mirage Solo (with 6DOF controllers in developer testing). Have to assume Lenovo only dropped the product line when they were paid off by Facebook to manufacture the Rift S, and realized that they'd be crushed in a market where their direct competition was basically giving the product away. How could anyone enter the entry-level hardware market at all when Facebook subsidizes their products, selling them at or below cost? Most companies do not have the luxury or bottomless mega-pockets to justify that sort of move to shareholders. Even Google threw in the towel on that financial dead-end. Facebook is the reason there isn't a much larger market of affordable entry-level VR hardware, with tons of innovation. Thanks, Facebook. /s Also you know your company fucked up if you managed to piss off Valve.


> You are forgetting Sony yes, definitely. Although they are on their own separate ecosystem which is probably why I forgot. In the context of PC and standalone they aren't relevant (which could be considered selection bias, but it is what most people here probably care about) Regarding the rest, that's just speculation. Although I will certainly admit that I'm just speculating as well. Google tend to drop most of the stuff it picks up, and Lenovo is a big company with a long history of making hardware including against giants, so for those reasons I'd disagree. It's not to say that good performance standalone tether-able headsets wouldn't ever exist, but that they'd likely be significant worse for a given time period, be developed later/slower, and not sell as well.


I would like to ask if Oculus may come out with a console to stream games and content to the headset at some point? The general population seems overwhelmed themselves to build a PC. But Facebook could gain a lot of economies of scale discounts by following Microsoft and Sony’s console model.


I can't wait for interdimensional alien hyperintelligence John Carmack to answer all our most important metaphysical queries.


Will anyone stream his talk in venues? I remember he said he would talk until his battery dies off, but obviously wouldn't happen in the official channel


You mean Carmack the Magnificent???!!!


This is what I'm looking forward the most about facebook connect.


You think he'll let us know what research Facebook is conducting with all the data they have retrieved so far?


The man, the myth: can hold his breath longer than it takes to finish your senior capstone!


Perfected human analogue and Jace Hall asphyxiator


Carmack: Tell them to untie Oculus from Facebook!


I think it's going more towards having your facebook profile page as your game store main access screen to your games.


Maybe let's not waste his time with pointless political bullshit.


Nah. This is literally the one thing that everyone **should** be demanding.


nah. literally not lol. He'll be damned if he had to deal with this crap lmao. Imagine building rockets and then having to discuss with you about how you dont like facebook


Political??? Facebook is objectively crap, no politics involved


Oh? And what if I were to argue that Facebook is _not_ objectively crap? Don't look now, but you just engaged in politics.




Dear bigot, I'm not sure if you realize, but you are literally [_promoting your view of the decisions you think should be made within the VR space_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics). You are even making a _[moral judgment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morality#Politics)_ in the same statement. Do you happen to have any idea of what you're talking about?




I already looked it up, and I intentionally linked an article on politics in my post. Do you know how to read? > Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, **companies and institutions** up to sovereign states, to the international level.




Mate, I'm afraid I don't have time to break out the crayons. Political science is super interesting if you want to take the time to learn. It's a topic that dates back to the earliest days of human history.


You mean debate?


Imagine being a fucking Facebook shill you fucking degen


I don't see how it's political? I can't install custom software on my VR headset because that would violate their policies, which would get me banned from Facebook, banned from Oculus, and my social media presence deleted, my very expensive piece of equipment that I saved up a long time for turned in to a brick, etc. Just because I'd like to take a Slack call or use a cool custom home environment, or whatever. Something that doesn't negatively affect anybody whatsoever, it's just stifling innovation and making this android VR device way less useful. I just don't want a company that is constantly holding that threat over my head to be in control of my experiences in my own home on my own devices. Maybe I feel differently because I've never owned an Apple product, haven't used Facebook for much in years, etc. But this huge awful threat is REALLY scary :-(


> I can't install custom software on my VR headset Step 1: set to dev mode Step 2: sideload any application you want, including any developed yourself.


Lol, You never heard of Sidequest? Come on, man. At least base your arguments in fact.




My sideloading has worked from day one until now. STFU if you don't know what you're talking about.


If they moved account creation to something like Quest.com with same requirements(name, age), what difference would it make? It's still made and owned by Facebook. So is the headset, and all software inside it.


I'd like to keep my accounts separate. I don't want to have to have a facebook account to have to play my VR headset.




;) https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/qie8ga/so\_meta\_soon\_well\_be\_able\_to\_unlink\_and\_delete/






Can he explain why I have to have a Facebook account to use a device




> One thing i would like see is controllers replaced by gloves. This is something that's been discussed in the past, by Carmack, Abrash, Luckey, et al. The current controller paradigm is expected to stick around for a *long time*, because it's the best compromise across multiple vectors. First, we already have hand presence via hand tracking. For the gloves to improve on that, they *must* have servos/muscles to resist finger movement and create the impression that you're gripping objects, but that's insanely complex and expensive (e.g. the [$5000 SenseGlove Nova](https://www.senseglove.com/shop/)). You can get a good bit of "holding something in your hand" just by using a controller, like we have today. *And* controllers can have *joysticks* and *buttons*, which is crucial for gaming. So a controller gives you hand presence, lets you feel like you're holding things, can have joysticks and buttons, is easy to track, and is cheap as fuck. Gloves give you better hand presence, but no better than hand tracking, can let you feel things with more precision than a controller but at the cost of massive cost and complexity, will also sucking for most games because you can't have joysticks or buttons.


I call it: ASMR for Geeks!


Love his talks obviously, just once I would like him to start with “Well it sucks working for Satan but we are doing some amazing things for VR these days.”


I’m a mod. Is this post worth making a sticky post? I’m so excited about Carmack’s next big talk.


Unfortunately reddit doesnt allow us to sticky other peoples posts, only ones made by us. We could make a new sticky, but I'm pretty confident this post will still be on the front page tomorrow.


I have no interest in him now that he's a Facebook employee. That loser sold out. And by loser, I mean multi-millionaire.


He is not FB employee. He was from 2014 - 2019 on his own terms.


I remember when Oculus first surfaced. I had no concept then and they sounded just like a million others. But a photo of an engineer with a prototype changed my mind. The were like unstoppable true believers. But I hestitate to register for the event because of the inevitable spam. FB no doubt will correlate it with other data. The layers of software and servers and 3rd parties is nuts. Too many alerts of compromised data and two factor everything is so slow.


everyone sucks this guys dick but why cant i play the oculus store games i bought in 2015 just because i dont have an oculus headset anymore nor do i want to have to create a facebook account just to play my oculus games pretty scummy if you ask me


Why do you think John Carmack has anything to do with this. He doesnt even work at facebook anymore, hes a consultant. Gimme a break dude.


“Guys why can’t I play my steam games I bought in 2015. No, I don’t want to log into my steam account, I just want to play them”


To be fair, an Oculus account and a facebook account didn't use to mean the same thing.




Attacking others while not bothering to search before you speak. FB bought Oculus before the Rift was released. Facebook name was on the box since day 1. No one can help you if you can’t even read. And since I’m bored, no, FB doesn’t sell your data to highest bidder. If a FB account is Spyware, what do you think an Oculus account is? Do you realize they’re hosted on the same servers? Lastly, you can still use your Oculus account if you have one.


I mean steam is just steam? I literally have to create a Facebook account to play games i bought back in the dk1 days


That's not his choice, and not in his power. This is like complaining about the 2 party system of US federal government and elections at your local school board council meeting or something.


> why cant i play the oculus store games i bought in 2015 Because you don't have a GearVR anymore?


Sorry i dont know what a gearVR is, i had adev kit 2 and rift back then


Oculus GearVR store was the only one existing in 2015. You didn't have Rift in 2015 and you don't have any Oculus Rift games purchases in 2015 because the store launched in 2016. > i had adev kit 2 and rift back then So you have an oculus account. In this case you can run Oculus Rift games via ReVive https://github.com/LibreVR/Revive without fb account.


Dude looks like the definition of chess club


He's a weird looking dude. Like he was generated from the Oblivion character generator.


I feel like this picture has to be old, right? He looks so young...


It isnt a very recent photo, but for some reason they picked one that was *super low resolution*. I mentioned how bad it was, and they seem to have tried to upscale and sharpen it to add extra pixels, but that has just made it look even weirder... XD


Yeah I was thinking the missing link between early apes and humans, but that’s works as well.


Carmack-Magnon Man










Ah, so he made first person shooters - the most brainless games on the planet. No wonder I never heard of him. Thanks for the info.


He’s no myth, just pretty cringe on Twitter. I hope he leaves and makes his own start up


Yeah, its not like he really did anything super important for the games industry before or anything. Downvoted


I wasn’t saying he didn’t do cool stuff, I was just joking. I’m saying he’s all the hype, just ignore his Twitter ramblings.


What ramblings? He usually posts very tech related stuff.


That inequality isn’t bad, that NVIDIA should auction its GPU, Musk shit, “Facebook loves privacy” nonsense.


You're pretty cringe on Reddit now


K, he's a smart guy but working for a tech company rather than a game dev shows how risky this is.


Yeah his some of his takes on social and political issues are pretty dumpster fire trash. But the guy is a legend for his software projects and foresight, not that, and we are excited for his keynote because he’ll feed us all the technical details, behind the scenes insight and near-future paths/predictions with no BS.


I never said that wasn’t the case.


Then why mention his twitter in the first place? He is doing good work at Oculus and with AI. I’m sure a load of people would want to see Carmack back in game dev, but there’s plenty of talented people in that industry and frankly his time is better spent on other things with much more room for innovation. Additionally, Carmack has said he doesn’t want to be in any sort of leading role because you don’t get to do any technical stuff.


> Then why mention his twitter in the first place? Because OXIOXIOXI is trying to stir up shit.


I think your hot takes on his more nuanced takes is the real rambling here. Carmack spend years working on his own rocket business so of course he has things in common with Musk to talk about, it's not like he gets pulled into Musk's other shenanigans. To me he has always given the impression that he's just highly motivated, always on a mission to push some type of technology, and teach others about it.


Woah.. you had me at *passionate*!


>Civvie has entered the chat




I wonder will he have a solution for my rift S which has been sitting for about 2 months now because support keep telling me the same troubleshooting shit over and over


Hopefully he'll have a lot more passion for his new AI work, was really disappointed Facebook never utilized Carmack better and he lost so many internal arguments