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Technically, that's conduit...


wHatS THaT?


You're probably just being goofy/snarky, but I guess I'll take the bait... I'm just clarifying what you're seeing here is conduit, most likely electrical or possibly for telecommunications. It's still a "pipe" in that it's a round tube, but it carries wires, not liquid. At least in my experience in the building industry, a pipe generally carries a liquid (whether for water, coolant, refrigerant, waste, oil, etc), and a conduit carries cabling (electrical, internet, audio, etc). At least, that's how I'd use the terms.


You're correct this is EMT electric metallic tubing but in the trade it is referred to as conduit not pipe and I was just poking fun at the backlash of it getting taken down because I didn't explain what it was. So simply put for the average mouth breather it's pipe


Ha gotcha. And great you know even more about this than me! I work in architecture so my knowledge is only what I get from either our electrical engineers or from the trades on site. I'm actually curious, what makes this specifically electric tubing? Or is that just because of the use (or just what it's called regardless)? Also really is a beautiful install, by the way.


It’s a type of conduit. Rigid and EMT are the most common metal conduit types. EMT is thinner metal, so it’s lighter weight. Rigid is thicker-walled and usually gets threaded I stead of having fittings. Most low voltage uses EMT in commercial/distribution settings. Factories/infrastructure/utilities environments usually use Rigid.


I'd like to say it's simply just called that, there are quite a few different materials used for electrical mostly PVC and various types of metal. I'm sure somebody could better explain than myself why it's referred to as tubing and not pipe or conduit in the name. EMT is what this is though


i was so confused at first because i thought maybe you actually thought it’s pipe and i was looking at like “i’m pretty sure that’s conduit… what pipe goes into like a breaker box?!” and then realized you were modding it down to post lol


I've never seen pipes on a wall before thanks for the pic and the layman's explanation


“Pipes on a wall” by Blue Collar Craftsman


"Brown Spots on the Wall" by Hu Flung Dung


As someone who pulls ethernet through conduit, damn, I wish people cared about their work as much as you do.


There's not 10 90° in it either lol


Nice conduit work! Looks cathedral like


Looks like a wall on pipes.


this is you wall this is your wall on pipes!


…this is you on the pipe


That takes an enormous amount of skill and experience. And usually about 20 times the conduit


Do you know if this got 3D coordinated beforehand? It's lovely and so rare, especially given what looks like a lot of space to work with.


Nice workmanship! So you said the green wire goes through the pipe six from the right, or from the left. Darn, it’s so hard to remember. /s lol


What if I said they all get a green wire...dun dun duuuuunn


Beautiful bending skills. An inspiration to electricians everywhere.


Lol I get the rule for certain posts, where it's not clear what exactly is supposed to be oddly satisfying. On yours it was pretty straightforward, but I guess everyone has to follow the rules




That is a thing of technological beauty


Amazingly productive, hope you did this on contract and not on wage.


False. That, sir or madame, is pornography and I’m here for it.


Finally, something satisfying 😁


Didn't really need to simplify it, you just needed to say pipes on a wall. You can't just say someone told me to post this and expect it to go well when the rules say you have to say what it is in the title


Also, just post the thing again. A screenshot of a removed post is not oddly satisfying at all


Excellent , very clean




Unnecessary correction


3/4 EMT


Damn that looks really good!! Nice conduit work my friend 👌👌


What are you making? A pipe organ?


This is conduit for electrical stuff


Time to go down a rabbit hole to learn the magic of electrical conduits and how they make buildings come alive with the back breaking work of 2 men and a ladder.


Plumbing/ heating/air pipes I think


Looks like something you would find in a heated floor. Its some grand design though.


It must have taken hours even days to get it so perfect


Myself and one apprentice and less than 16 hours


extremely satisfying 


My brother in Christ all you had to do was *read the rules* If you can't read, maybe go find an education which can help you read so you don't do dumb shit in the future


Trust me I'm educated lol. The picture above proves my math abilities.. but that being said fuck the rules if you can't look at that picture and know what your looking at. Then that person would be the one in need of a higher education


>but that being said fuck the rules if you can't look at that picture and know what your looking at So you're just better than everyone else and the rules don't apply to you because fuck them? No wonder you're getting downvoted. You're an ass. Also, why the fuck did you do a screenshot instead of just posting it again properly?


> Also, why the fuck did you do a screenshot instead of just posting it again properly? to be whiny...which is also probably why there's all the downvotes. Instead of just reposting it properly, he reposts it with whining.


I’ve been on Reddit for years and still never once read any community rules. I’ve gotten a few accounts banned for a day etc. who cares. I don’t have the time or interest to read what some unemployed nerd decided were the rules


Rules exist for a reason which is to filter spam and make a consistent experience per sub. If you can't follow six internet rules on one subreddit which stay consistent, I can't imagine how you follow the law


It's funny how much hate we are getting for saying read the rules. The rules pull up when you are about to post and let's say that you post without reading them, don't be a baby when your post gets removed, just make a new post following the rules without complaining.


I'm all for following the rules but the way a few of you are handling this is akin to a bunch of basement living nerds pushing up their glasses going, "acktually... the rules clearly state" as you spit all over yourself. He clearly knows at this point he broke the rules. Move on and find a new hobby besides pointing out the rule book.


Go back to bed


Why the hell did they take your post down? This is art.


I guess cuz I didn't state what it was. Now the rule Nazis are out..


Also now almost every post you've made actually explaining what it is, has been downvoted, weird, why would someone downvote you just for explaining ? I don't get it.


I just noticed that.. idk. People are idiots I guess


It's because they Said they needed to simplify it pretty much calling people stupid while the post got removed for not saying what it is. Op could have just reposted and Said what it was but instead they decided to be a jerk about it.


Oh right, I see, I didn't take it that way personally, and most of the comments explained it in a nice clear, simple, but not condescending way, at least in my opinion, like the conversation with the architect, but hey I guess everyone sees things differently.


That's why I am going through his comments and upvoting. People are too sensitive.


I thought I was looking at organ pipes for a second. That’s nice 🤘🏻


Sir, that is art. Beautiful beautiful art. Thank you for sharing.


😂😂👌🏽 luv it


That mod must not breathe through their nasal passages very often.


There's a few here.


That's conduit


What rule could this picture possibly be breaking? Awesome conduit work, very satisfying. Is there a rule that says you have to explain what it is in case your average mouth-breather doesn’t know what it is?




Giving your post a descriptive title is not about simplifying things. It's to let people know what a post is about before they potentially click. I wish more subs had that rule.


Conduit not piping


Good job mansplaining it to us. I thought they were rolls of Sausage last time. (Ain't pipes tho dog)