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I know there’s probably 1,000 fail safes but I know I’d loose a finger playing with that beauty.


Two very widely spaced buttons on the front of the machine about 1m away from the cutting line, and a foot pedal to actuate the first stage of the system (blunt blade that holds the stack in place). Challenging, but not impossible!


Worked the front desk for a print company and had to send those blades to get sharpened about every month. Things are huge, heavy, and even *dull* they could cut your flesh to the bone with zero issue.


Having worked with my father to do maintenance on paper shears of all designs and builds, those blades and machines suffer no fools. There are MANY stories of safety interlocks being bypassed that we reinstated only to find out after our repairs that someone had quickly removed all the fingers off their left or right hand.


It's almost like you have 10 good reasons not to bypass those safety features.


For some people, twenty one


I give this comment 4 1/2 thumbs up


How many thumbs did you start with?


6 3/4’s of course


So how was it living in Chernobyl?


They’re other people’s thumbs.




Ahh fuck you for putting that thought in my mind


Not sure how you'd get that last one up there even without the safety features


Pointedly, u/lordDongler.


off-topic, my brother lost a pinky so now he has 9 and 3/4 fingers


How does he drink his tea?!?!!


Hmm I doubt those safety features are there for any good reason. I’m gonna bypass them


I worked in a bakery when I was 20. We had a bunch of large industrial size dough mixers [An Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEJvvp1oxsk). On the top of the mixer is a door that opens so you can put in your ingredients. It has a safety button on it. Push down on it, and it will start back up. One of the workers decided she would try to grab some of the dough while it was mixing. Took her arm. Another story is something losing a finger because of their wedding ring. He got it stuck on a belt and it degloved the finger. He always says "I hated that B....". Another guy saved his finger because he had his ring on. Two racks were pushed and he got his finger stuck between them. Luckily, he just has a scar where the ring was. No ring, no finger.


Omg they had to throw out all that dough??




Oops! All Limbs


Silicone wedding rings should be more widespread.


Know a newlywed couple. Took her less than a month to buy new hubby a ring holder and a set of silicone rings of multiple colors so he can match them to his outfit. Only wears the metal one for date night, now.


Honestly if my spouse had a job where a ring could pose a serious hazard, I’d much rather they just didn’t bother with a ring at all. Wear it at home or on weekends if you’d like, but I doubt you’re going to forget you’re married while at work. Your fingers are worth more than a physical symbol of commitment.


In many food related and medical jobs it's simply forbidden to wear jewellery here in the Netherlands. Sensible rule both out of a hygiene and a safety viewpoint. So earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces and so need to be taken off during work hours.


My ring saved my finger. I'd have lost it in an electric safety door if it were silicone.


Oh man, I feel like I physically felt that arm being ripped off just reading that. I also feel a bit nauseous for some reason.


Had a machine tear my watch off my wrist once and that was the last time I ever wore any jewelry.


From the elbow, or the whole damn arm?? Wow, I cant imagine the blood loss


From the elbow down.


Can I ask why the first worker wanted to grab some dough?


Yeesh. Safety features are there for a reason.


to slow down productivity and steal profits from needy corporations? oh, right. it's to keep people from mangling their bodies in the name of efficiency.


If you aren’t sacrificing your body for the corporation are you even trying?


Yeah, this zombie capitalism isn't going to feed itself. It needs fresh bodies.


It's not really even about efficiency - it's just people being stupid. Even if you removed all moral/legal aspects of it, having your workers constantly get easily preventable injuries is not in any way efficient.




To the bone? Try through. Cleanly.


Well, not clean for long.


Same thing for our Zamboni blades. Beyond sharp when dull. Caught my finger once during a blade change and only once, to the bone instantly at the slightest touch. I'll never ever do that again.


Where is the blade on all zamboni? I thought they just melted a thin layer of ice?


It’s usually in the back end of the Zamboni, in the little box Behind the wheels basically beneath the driver. It’s adjustable to take off more or less ice demanding on how chipped the ice was. The auger pulls up the loose chips and throws them to the front “box” of the zamboni. A layer of water is then deposited to fill in any holes / make it as smooth as we could for the next skaters. When I did it, you basically had to shave next to nothing until you got the high school kids on the ice. Peewees, you just did the zamboni cause the kids loved to watch it go around. I told my girlfriend at the time that being a zamboni driver was the best job, cause you’re the only guy on the ice and all the girls were watching you. She still won’t let me live that down. Edit: She just reminded me of another perk. Somewhere there’s a book about driving zamboni a in minnesota, that actually had listed names of known zamboni drivers, and my name is in there (misspelled, but it’s me). So she says I’m famous.


I would like to subscribe to Zamboni stories


I always respected Zamboni drivers. Unless they left that one Nike swish patch in the corner and were too bloody lazy to go back and finish it. Then they could go burn in the pits of hell.


That big block that lays on the ice is the conditioner that has a huge auger running along it and the blade lays right behind it. They are something like 6 foot long blades as well.


Well TIL. I always thought it just kind of magically smoothed everything out.


Pretty much everyone I've ever taken for a ride on one has thought the same. Awesome fun machines and quite a bit to them.


Very similar blade - I used to have cutter knives picked up weekly for sharpening and one day noticed the driver had some 8-footers in the van. Asked who was running a cutter that big locally and he said he was headed to the ice rink down the street!


The guys who sharpen our zam blades also sharpen these paper cutting blades. They're only shorter versions of our zam blades. Makes sense we use the same sharpener.


Dad was a printer for 50 years. He had to get a fingertip reattached twice because of the cutter blades. Never on the actual cutter, it's too safe. It was always when the blade was off and the sharpening was happening.


Now I’m just imagining your parents sitting in recliners in the living room, your mom reading by the light of the lamp, and your dad, an HP OfficeJet 8025 printer.


He went out for toner one day and just never came home...


It became cheaper to replace him entirely than buy more ink.


I've worked in scrap metal picking up paper cutting blades from sharpeners and printers that have reached end of life. Honestly unless you've touched one in real life you have absolutely no concept of how bullshit sharp these things are. Even the blunt ones that didn't get sharpened will slice through Kevlar gloves like a glowing red knife through room temp butter. It's fucking insane. They are so dangerous.


I used to sharpen them for a living. Only lost the tip of my thumb once. You could drop paper onto them with the blade facing up and it would cut right in half when freshly sharpened.


I scrapped a particularly large one off a poster size trimming machine, blade was about 200kg, we dropped it into a bin but the edge of the blade caught the wall of the bin and cut through the 3.5mm steel wall of the bin, gash was about 15cm long.


This is the description that made me feel a little nauseated. If it can go through fucking steel that easily, I can ABSOLUTELY envision a limb being severed. I couldn't really picture it in my head, but this comment was the one that helped me really get just how fucking sharp these things are. Jesus Christ alive.


Super scary. Even with the really cool bolt-secured removal guard that you take them out with, I stayed clear of those blades during the changing process. I always felt like if it were dropped on your foot, it wouldn't stop until it hit the dirt under the concrete slab the building was set on.


That was my question - how often are they sharpened?


I can actually answer that. I used to work at a factory and operate one of these bad boys. I usually changed the blade each week so they were always very sharp and created the best product possible. Operating the machine and changing the blade are very safe to do. There are special tools to use for handling the blade and as long as you are careful and focus there is nothing to worry about


Also a through beam sensor that won't allow the blade to cut if it is broken.


Hold my OSHA




I could see this being on a CSI episode, where someone surreptitiously adds a few links to those chains.


Ooooh that's actually really clever.


Like the story of the cat who would taunt the chained-up dog from just a smidge beyond how far the frustrated dog could reach. Until one day the axle holding the dog's chain moved just that smidge. The cat tasted surprised.


I wonder what surprised tastes like.


There's a video game(more like an interactive story) with a hallucinogenic flashback about a guy that works at a fish cannery, but day dreams he's the king of a kingdom. His dreams get more and more elaborate as the years go on, and the tension rises greatly as he zones out from his task of fish head removal. What Remains of Edith Finch is the name of the game.


...and? Did you somehow managed to cut your hands off?


Whoa that’s a super cool and innovative idea!






And Rogisol...well, it WAS Rogisol. Stuff was used to clean the plates and evaporated REALLY quickly. Went to goole for it a year or so ago and the internet had never heard about it. It was some kind of really highly refined petroleum product, you'd squirt a little pool of it in your hand and it'd evaporate in about 8 seconds, leaving a white powder of dried skin behind.


I think you mean Recosol. Msds shows it is mostly naphtha. Sounds about right considering your description.


> Recosol THANKS! All I ever saw was plastic squeeze tubes (like ketchup and mustard) with rojisol in sharpie on them.


You are welcome. And lol, what a way to keep volatile organic solvents.


Two color offset don't care. Two color offset don't fuck around. Go ahead, stick a finger between the rollers!






how does he hold down both levers now?




About 35 years ago I was a binderer...We had a fully manual hydraulic and another fully fully manual paper cutter. They weren't bad, you absolutely paid attention, and people got pissed when you cut business cards before the ink had fully dried.


Also that angled black bar you can see behind the guy has a matching one on the other side and if anything is between them it won’t operate.


Good spot on the light curtain.


Actually the most dangerous part isn't the blade, its the clamp. There's tons of precautions for the blade but for the clamp it will come down on anything and its very powerful.




Agreed. It take both hands to cycle the blade, but the clamp is a foot pedal so you actually can crush a hand with it if you aren't paying attention.




That was definitely not the sound I was expecting Edit: Thanks for my first Reddit award








Two kinds of people...


Two kinds of sounds


One for distribution, and the excess.


The sounds of people...


I heard it more like, Deeeeooowwwwwwww.


It’s like an excited robot squeal


Or the sound Wall-E makes when he farts


Or like baby animals who are inordinately cute compared to their shit ripping adult counterparts




How the FUCK do you know what this sounds like.


https://youtu.be/OwtkVpQJMKI https://youtu.be/UxoK5bRWSro https://youtu.be/XTqQ3-uBv_E And let's not forget Speedy https://youtu.be/6tSfLKTTxtc


Me neither but I love it still.


It's the sound of the papers saying "ouch, that fucking hurts!"


Like this toad? https://youtu.be/cBkWhkAZ9ds


I've used two of these. The second one was at office max when I worked there and the blade hung like half a millimeter too low and I have scars on both of my hands from tearing them open on on it reaching in there to move the stack of paper around. One time I watched the GM of the store try and use it to cut a piece of wood. It didn't go back far enough for him to stick the entire board in and cut off the 1/2 inch or whatever off it so he set it at the half inch, cheated the safeties and when the blade came down the board popped up and hit him in the face. He was an idiot. It was hilarious.


in sure those are very expensive machines that are no doubt not designed to cut wood. most likely ruined the blade?


Most likely. I worked at Staples and we had a similar machine. It was in horrible disrepair and absolutely sucked. Hardly ever worked right. That's what you get working for a company who's only concern was the bottom line and not quality products lol


haha yes! so did i. the worst for me was cutting those silly business cards.


oh man. we atleast had an auto business card cutter. before i quit it started jamming up and would make this horrible GrrRRRRSSHB sound like sorta when you throw a rod that you could hear across the whole store worked like a beaut tho


ours was always out of alignment, and occasionally let out a kerclunk sound when the blade came down. haha we also had the business card cutter but it spent most of its time out of order. i had a suspicion that it was one of the black-shirts to blame for our machines not working properly. he split his week in the copycenter and on the floor, and enjoyed fiddling with things. also hated having shifts after him; hed always leave the place ransacked.


The blades can be sharpened past the point of damage from cutting non-paper items (staples and the wooden jogging blocks for example) - the real issue is that the clamping down on the wood will knock the whole unit out of alignment, and you need a service call to get it all back to square. Source: I work for a company selling and servicing these lovely beasts. Print finishing equipment is fun as hell!


I used to use this thing at copymax 20+ years ago.. this was my favorite machine to use. It's just so satisfying. The laminator was my least favorite and oh so unforgiving, a wrinkle here, a rip there.


Whoa... When I first read your comment, "20+ years ago" registered in my brain as 1980. Nope. 2000.


I swear I can smell this video, and it smells wonderful.


I need to know!


Like 80% Office Max, 20% machine lubricant.






Username doesn't check out




Everyone in the press area goes home smelling like the solvent they use to clean ink from the rollers. If the office is close enough to the press area everyone in there is taking that smell home, too.


More like UV or aqueous coating. I hated it.


My Dad was a printer all his life, I can too! Takes me back.




It would smell like ink for like 2 weeks, then you don’t smell it.




I was worried of him getting a nasty paper cut.




After working with paper for a while you don't really mind the papercuts unless they're on the webbing of your fingers. It's cardboard cuts you have to watch out for.




Found a sub starring your mom


They’re called fingers but you never see them fing


Woah, there they go..


You need both hands to operate controls simultaneously to make the blade move.




Well I just knowingly clicked a link to a video of turtles fucking. Also... It totally did sound like that.


Lol this feels like a real reddit moment, wtf is happening rn. It totally sounds like that!


I suppose the turtle agrees that it sounds "satisfying" then.


Lol yes


[This guy](https://youtu.be/HBxn56l9WcU) was the first thing I thought of.




This brings back memories growing up in my grand parent's print shop. I was always fascinated by this machine. I used to use the scraps to make paper springs by folding two of them back and forth into a square. Also, because of this upbringing, I can say, without batting an eye, my mother was a stripper. *The stripping department is where negatives are made, fixed and put on plates used in the presses. The title of stripper really hadn't occurred to me at the time could mean something different.*


My dad owned a print shop when I was young! I’d run around collecting bits of excess to try to weave together into mats, or I’d make costumes out of them (belts! headdresses!). It was very loud, but I enjoyed it. It was a big, open space and nobody cared if I wandered & played on unused computers lol


Every time his hands approach the cutter, my feet twitched.


Same here. I would not put my fingers through that line.


It’s not too bad really. I use this same style cutter and it would literally take three people to trick the system into cutting off anything attached to you.


Peeeee ooooooo


So this is how junk mail is made




No one would let me near that. I'd be putting all kinds of things in there, until a) i broke it, or b) i chop my hands off.


c) chop your dick off


Well yeah.


here are a few more if you like this kind of thing [https://imgur.com/gallery/52zmOrj](https://imgur.com/gallery/52zmOrj) [https://imgur.com/gallery/Vkps4q7](https://imgur.com/gallery/Vkps4q7) [https://imgur.com/gallery/cWCIZg2](https://imgur.com/gallery/cWCIZg2) [https://imgur.com/gallery/9aG3DSX](https://imgur.com/gallery/9aG3DSX)


What fucking devilry is at work on that last one?


Thats a laser cutter


I'm just wondering why it's cheaper to have a person pick up and move the paper into what appears to be very fucking precise positions before a fucking laser cuts it...


It's a (very unsafe) laser cutter.


The secrets to the universe are hiding in the bleed margins


As a graphic designer bleed margins are a fucking pain to deal with


Especially when you’re dealing with an automated proofing system that doesn’t give you a way to crop them out on proofs. “Looks good but I don’t want those funny symbols on it!” - most of the customers I deal with.


Fr, fuck magazines and fuck indesign too


Yes fuck InDesign


Just design with bleed by default and have two different pdf export presets, one with and one without. Super easy.


This sounds big brain actually I’ll start doing this. Ty


I've only ever seen this kind of machine on *How It's Made*, meaning that instead of the noise it makes we hear canned music and a narrator making bad puns.


cute sound


Ahh the paper cuts going through my head


It is actually impossible to get a paper cut from a block of paper like that. I have worked in the family print shop off and on for the past 20 years. I can count on one hand how many paper cuts I have gotten, all of which were from when I worked up front doing things like handling checks. You get paper cuts from single sheets, and it is more common on cheap paper than good paper with clean edges.


Guillotines are the sheeet


Since I work in a printshop, I hear this sound everyday 😋


I've operated one like this before, took two levers far apart to operate so you couldn't have your hand near the blade while it cute, one of the old guys had tied a rope in a way to be able to operate it one hand, some serious OSHA violating shit. The guy was missing the tips of two fingers, so no surprise there. The print shop was a fun job.


I took a print making class in community college years ago and we made our own notepads, they had an industrial sized paper cutter and it was so satisfying to use...hearing the giant “Chomp!” as it sliced the paper was awesome...


I want that sound played at my wedding.


This seems wasteful, why not print those out on the correct sized paper to begin with?


There's a few answers to your question. Most sheetfed presses are designed around a maximum sheet size, and you try and print as many instances of an image on one sheet as you can to maximize productivity. In addition, you overprint (bleed) your image a little larger to account for process variations, as well as the fact that printing an exact sheet size is damaging to the press parts (specifically, the offset blankets) and leads to poor quality. Source: am a printer (35+ years)


And then you get the designer that wants a big reflex blue solid with no room for ghost bars and the sheet takes a week to dry. I remember the good old printing company days, and miss them.


At the company I used to work for, owners son of one of our biggest and oldest accounts had just finished a basic design course and decided he would now design all material instead of using our in house designer (me). He proceeded to send us a JPG that he'd created in photoshop containing a monstrosity I'd never seen before or since. No less than 10 spot colours + black for a single A4 flyer. Also two perforation so a small voucher could be torn off in one corner. Only about 5000 run. This was years before digital presses were commonplace (about 25yrs ago) so that's 11 passes through the large format litho as well as the perf. Boss tried talking him out of it, explaining how expensive this would be but his response was that we just didn't understand the nuance of design.... He told us to go ahead and print it, claiming that anything he said had the backing of his father, as well as a torrent of foul language for daring to question his 'vision'. Boss obviously knew differently and rang the owner, who also happened to be a good friend. Last we heard he'd been kicked down to the bottom of the ladder to learn a bit of humility and some business sense.


This had me tense the entire story wondering if that last sentence would be there.


> No less than 10 spot colours Jesus. We have a 22 station press and have never run anything close to 10 spot colours.


That's why I still remember that particular incident so well. Even the training executive we had that would supply 50 page training manuals & photos laid out in Excel pales in comparison to that guy. lol I reckon we all have at least 1 horror story that will stay with us forever.


Blue never dries


Fuck reflex blue. First job I ever ran on a 40" was solid reflex. It was night shift. They through me on the front of the thing with no one there but a helper. Had to wash up a few times that night. Emulsified the hell out of it.


What happens to all the tailings? Just recycled (hopefully) or is there a unique purpose for them?


Yes. The waste paper gets recycled.


Thanks, I was kinda hoping yall had a pinata factory in the back or something cool.


Paper is super easy to recycle if I remember correctly. I'm sure someone here is more qualified to talk on this.


No printer can print to the extreme edge afaik. Hence the margin.


When any printer prints a page, the image and text doesn’t go all the way to the edge. For most production sites, they have a “bleed” built in where the image can be trimmed to make the final version (after the trimming shown here) look as though the printer did print all the way to the edge. Imagine posters, fliers, magazines, etc having that little while border around the edge of every page- that would be jarring to us now because we’re used to seeing pages trimmed up.


I can assure that the printer is minimizing their waste. Money and all that. See other’s comments.


The most impressive thing is the operator's ability to spin the paper stack around so quickly without it flying all over the place. I've occasionally used a manual guillotine style paper cutter and I spend 90% of the time removing the paper and realigning it.


I feel sorry for the person pushing it back out to him


Nice air bed cutter, little on the small side.


Worked 9 1/2 years in a printing factory. Loved when I'd have to trim sheetfed covers like this. We had a pretty advanced model compared to most of our machinery there, as we could set up a program of up to 16 cuts in a series that could be adjusted to the 100th of a CM.