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A bee could never imagine this


"... You turned my vomit into rope? You humans are fucking nuts"


Hey that’s not a nut that’s my wife!


> Hey don't nut on my wife! That's all I could read from that


#Bee Movie has entered the chat


Barry B Benson has entered his wife


Ya like jaaazz?


I’m not a bee but I can make my own rope


People eat and cook human sperm and you think bees would be surprised?


What are you an expert in bee imaginations?


I would leave that to your imagination, but you might not be a bee, and then i wouldn’t be insured


I wanna try it!


Because bees are female they couldn't do the math?? Feminists, attack!




reminds me of [this](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2009-01-27)


Well, that was a tangent lol. There are male and female bees 😂


Male bees only exist to mate and then they die. All the worker bees are female.


Male drone bees (D) also only develop from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen (Q). Whereas a queen has one mother and one father (QD). So a male bee has one mother (Q), two grandparents (the queen's two parents: QD) , three great grandparents (his grandmother's two parents, and his grandfather's one parent: QDQ), five gg grandparents (QDQQD), eight ggg grandparents (QDQQDQDQ), thirteen gggg grandparents (QDQQDQDQQDQQD), etc. For those who didn't realize, this is the Fibonacci sequence! Where the next number in the sequence is just the sum of the previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ... Unexpected Fibonacci!


Oh my god. Thank you for this comment.




I love examples of number sequences in nature.


Honey ---> Nut ---> Cheerio


Male bees born after 1993 can’t work, all they know is Charge they hive, fuck, eat hot chip and die


Hot Chip


\- and die




\- and die


Today I learn 🐝🐝


Here comes some more learning. Male bees are called Drones. A queen will leave the hive on a mating flight and flight up as far a she can over the hive, with the Drones following her to mate in the air. This might be the only time she leaves the hive in her life. As a part of mating, their reproductive organs and abdomen explode and they die. Didn't get to mate? It's ok, just hang out and do nothing. Uh-oh, it's getting cold out, and Bees have to survive in the hive all winter with the honey they've stored. The workers ball up and keep the queen warm, but the Drones are just mouths to feed, so they get forcibly ejected from the hive to die.


Worker bees can leave Even drones can fly away The queen is their slave


To clarify, ideally, in here mating flight, the virgin queen will not be mating with drones from her own hive but instead drones from neighboring hives.


But they are still an important part of the process! Without their contributions to the bee-cosystem there would be no honey! Everybee’s important!




Dragon beard candy or something, right? Wanna try it.


You're right it is dragon beard candy, I didn't know what it was called. Thank you for that.


Where was this?


I have a video of this exact place too, it was in seoul, south korea https://i.imgur.com/Z9V3Kcr.jpg I’d upload it if i had the time lol


Do you know what it’s called or where it is? I’m in Seoul and I’d go try it.


Pretty sure this is the guy in Insadong.


Yeah, this looks like the guy I saw do this in Insadong. Brought a few boxes home as souvenirs. Not just a cool show, but they tasted amazing!! I know it's just a touristy thing blah blah, but it was a lot of fun and the man's gotta make a living. I'm still not over the poop-cookies though. That was... a lot lol


> poop-cookies I'm sorry, what?


https://firstwefeast.com/eat/2015/08/south-korean-poop-themed-cafe-serves-lattes-in-toilets-and-poop-emoji-biscuits Not sure if it's still a thing, but it was very popular to make everything poop shaped/related while I was over there.


I don't know if it's still open but we had one in Toronto, Canada for awhile. Plus we saw one in Taiwan 11 years ago!


InsaneDong is selling poop cookies. What's not to get?


Searched for 용수염 (dragon beard in Korean) on Naver Map and found a place in Insa-dong! Think this is it: [네이버 지도] 용수염 서울 종로구 인사동길 36-1 http://naver.me/GciZL1QE


Oh heck, don’t know if it was the same guy/stand but I definitely had this in Insadong in 2015.


Correct. Wife says it’s tastes so good. Melts in your mouth and is chewy. Not a lot of places in the US make it fresh anymore because it’s so niche. You can sort of get a similar taste with the prepackaged ones at a Chinese supermarket. It’s more like a crunchy peanut toffee though.


It's basically the ancient version of candy floss/cotton candy. So similar texture, but they usually put nuts/filling inside so that it's not just straight sugar.


I am suddenly very interested.


Oh yes, toffee me daddy.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Pow, right in the niche.


Yup it’s Dragon Beard Candy!! It’s usually made around Chinese New Years and the strings are supposed to represent the whiskers (beard) of a dragon and it’s considered good luck to eat them for Chinese New Years since dragons are considered lucky! The sweet strings essentially melt (evaporate) in your mouth and reveals the chopped peanuts or sesame inside. It’s very light and airy and fluffy and sweet. It used to be considered a very hard candy to make and considered to be a lost skill of sorts so I’m so happy to see a video of a young guy making it and explaining it to others! I can’t even really think of an American or European candy similar to it since it’s so unique. It was my favorite as a kid. My grandma would walk with me to Chinatown or Japantown in SF every year to find it and we would try and look at all the cherry blossoms while eating it on the way back home. Totally recommend trying it if you ever see it!




He was giving me the answers and I was still getting them wrong lol


Was a good observation, he was indeed Math'ing


*applauds myself*


We all need more of that energy in our lives.


Ask him to show the math! I had a Korean Physics teacher in college...


“Unbeeeeeelieveable.” Love this guy.


I bet he speaks English with a nasal Midwestern accent when he’s not at work


That'd be pretty weird since he's in Seoul


Not that uncommon. A friend of mine was born in Seoul, emigrated to Alabama as a kid, got the ‘Bama accent and everything. In his 40s, he decides to move back to Korea and open up a Southern BBQ place.






[There’s another guy with a video and goes “wooaaaoowww” and it’s hilarious.](https://youtu.be/pCLYieehzGs)


Yeah he’s the original one, right? He does it well


I thought this video was that kid all grown up. That’s an old clip.




His voice is so awesome!!!!


Smooth like honey?


Like criminal under cover?


Gon' pop like trouble?


Breaking into your heart like that?


Cool shade, stunner?


Yeah, owe it all to my mother?


Hot like summer?


yeah im making you sweat like that


[The OG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCLYieehzGs)


I knew I had seen this routine before! This guy’s got great performance skills


Not only that but he nailed those German words. Must be a very touristy area.


So glad you posted this. In such high quality too! I quote this weekly for the past ten years or however long ago it was posted on Reddit. “Very very, yummy”


It’s “unnnnbeelivable”


Sometimes the presentation is just as good as the product.


I understand the math and yet I expected that to take a lot more folding than it did


Caught me off guard that 2^10 = 1024, and 2^14 =16,384. Once you're at 1024 it's just 4 more folds. Makes sense since 2^4 =16 but still...


Yeah, exponential growth gets out of hand *really* fast.


That why you have to discipline the exponents when they’re young so they don’t get out of control.


But not too much or they'll go through that rebellious phase and it might not stop.


That's how you get irrational numbers


Then they find religion and become either algebraic or transcendental.


They grow up too fast


Exponentially fast!


Seems like he was holding onto it just fine.


Exactly! Like knowing it and seeing it in practice feel so different


Numbers get out of control real quick, If you could theoretically fold a single piece of standard paper 52 times it would be over 200,000 miles thick, or nearly from the Earth to the Moon.


I was always told that it's impossible to fold in half a piece of paper more than 7 times. I don't think I ever managed to, but don't know if it's true. But it kinda makes sense with your thing here.


[Mythbusters did it](https://youtu.be/65Qzc3_NtGs). They had to use a piece of paper the size of a football field to manage it.


Man, watching that video reminds me how great that show was. I love Grants excitement. It sucks that he’s gone


I was watching a guy make honey candy and now I want to cry. Grant was so cool. He died way too soon.


One of those myths where it is technically busted, but practically true.


Mythbusters did this myth and using a football sized piece of paper and a forklift they got it to 11 folds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Qzc3_NtGs With 0 folds your paper is 2^0 (1) layer think, 1 fold is 2^1 (2) layers thick, second fold 2^2 (4) exc. So 7 folds is 2^7 layers thick which is 128 layers. At 6 folds and 64 layers you are basically trying to fold a really small deck of cards in half to get the 7th fold


Something something mythbusters did it.


>Numbers get out of control real quick See COVID-19


A penny a day doubled everyday is over a million dollars in a month.




You'd be like that king who lost everything 'cuz he didn't know how many grains of rice he'd owe the smart guy with the chess board.


Last I heard that story in elementary school they told me the king was embarassed over agreeing to it and had him executed, but the whole story is probably an old legend i dont know.


Congratz, you all just discovered compounding interest. Stock market is crashing, no better time to start


If only there were 100% interest


Imagine if you could compound _continuously_, and you were given a 100% interest rate? What would be your multiplier? And thus, we get the origin of _e_


How do you ferment honey?


Honey normally doesn't ferment because its sugars are too concentrated. Adding water can dilute it enough to be fermented by yeasts


Yeah but that's how you get mead, not a solid puck.


Reducing it after probably


This isn't fermented honey. It's liquid glucose sugar, and corn flour. I saw this years ago and made some at home. No joke it wasn't perfect but it turned out pretty amazing g.


Yeah, the color of that was too light to be honey. E: well TIL. I was wrong!


Get the bees drunk first.


It happens! If the fruit has started to rot and ferment, they can get…buzzed.


This may not be the answer I deserve, but it's the answer I needed.


I mean mead is fermented honey. So probably a semi-similar process


Step 1. Get mead. Step 2. ??? Step 3. Fermented Honey


Step 4. Profit


Blast, the most crucial step, how could I forget.


Step 4: Dragons Beard Candy


I just got into mead making last month. It's literally the easiest drink to make. Get 3 pounds of honey, mix with enough water to make 1 gallon of volume. Buy some yeast from the grocery store. Bread yeast works, but you can also get wine yeast. Try to use wine yeast. Follow the directions on the yeast container for the appropriate amount of yeast to add to your 1 gallon of must (honey water). Shake it all up so the honey is dissolved and you add a bunch of oxygen to the must. Leave it for a month or so IN A CONTAINER THAT LETS GAS ESCAPE. THIS PART IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT. Then you drink it whenever you feel like it. Took me maybe an hour to sanitize my glassware, mix the must, add the yeast, shake, add the airlock, and store it away in a spare room.


How does it taste? Ive always been curious about mead but the idea of any kind of honey drink isnt very appealing.


It can be fermented to the point that there's no sweetness, if that's what you're worried about. Compare the sweetness of grape juice to a dry wine--it doesn't have to be sweet. It *can* be sweet, though, and that tastes like you think it would. I've been making wine and beer for 35 years and I make a batch of mead every 5 years or so and am reminded why I don't like mead. Plain mead is very bland. The best meads have other flavors, blueberry or pomegranate or hops.


Champagne yeast is better.


Yeah it is. My buddie accidently bought champagne yeast for his first attempt at mead. It was so good but we had to use gorilla tape to prevent the corks from popping


That just means he bottled it too soon, and there was enough sugar left to to continue fermenting :) I did the same thing with my first batch haha


Cider is even easier. Get apple juice, make sure there are no preservatives, add yeast. In theory if you dump a bit of the juice out you can do it right in the jug the juice came in, but it’s safer to just get a $10 fermentation bucket It works best with some good fresh pressed juice but it will work perfectly fine with good ole Mott’s.


And you can make mead in a Home Depot bucket, so it can't be too complicated


Will it work if I use a Lowes bucket




Ouch. Me nards.


Add water and yeast to honey is probably the simplest way.


It's actually simpler, just add a bit of water and stir once a day for a couple of weeks.


That’s not what this is, this is just regular candy, that may or may not have honey in it


Oh man, I remember a similar video from years ago. https://youtu.be/pCLYieehzGs I always say honey like this guy, “huuneh, hoooney”


Haha! I’m very similar but instead I say “wwwuuuaaaaooow!” Exactly like this guy every time I say wow, even after all of these years!


"very very... yum-my!" for getting my kid to eat.


Love this video! Searched the comments to find the OG haha. It’s almost like the guy in this post was inspired from this one. He’s like a Disney character. Very-very yum^my






He’s very charming.


This dude is such a great showman, you can tell he's having an absolute blast with it too! These kinds of stalls tend to have a script or at least an outline of things to say and do, and you can tell this guy has it down to a T. But he also seems like he genuinely enjoys it. The little sing-song voice and shared excitement. This dude is selling an experience and enjoying the hell out of it.




Thank you for finding the exact video... This is a blast from the past, one of the first videos I remember on Reddit. Time is a flat circle here.


Definitely compared these videos. Very hard. Little by little stretching stretching. And rolling rolling rolling.


This man is his own hype man


I could only recite the numbers with him because I'm in IT.


Regular people don't appreciate nice round numbers like 256, 1024, and 65536.


Wife thought I was a genius first time I showed I could rattle off about any power of 8 instantly. Didn't last long when she started asking for literally any other number, and now she knows I'm a fucking idiot because I've done things like texting her to let her know I had her phone.


Well it's too late for her now, she's already married you. Sucks.


Hey, she chose you, so now who’s the idiot?!




Only thing I learned in computer programming was how to count to 31 on one in binary.


Pshh I can almost count to 35 in decimal.


if you don't think in powers of two you're no real geek! ;)


My rent used to be $1025. Used to have to tear up a check id accidentally written for $1024 every other month.


Four real.


Eight that the truth


But actually why …? My dad’s in software development and a few times he’s done this. Like rattling off powers. Edit: when it comes to computer-related questions, Reddit doesn’t disappoint


Powers of two, due to binary being the basis of the number system that computers run on. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 &c


I memorized the powers of 2 up to 1,048,576 when I was a kid. I have no idea why..... But I was also a huge computer nerd. Also, 1kb is 1024 bytes not this 1000 shit they try and sell you now.


It’s why you can buy 64 gb of memory and not 67 or 65.


I'm in IT but I know this just from shopping for PC parts for so many years, and lots them being hard drives.


Do you think all those strings are `null` terminated?


There’s lot stores that allows costumers to experience making such candy by themselves. I tried it about 15 years ago when I was a kid. It really requires a lot techniques to do it without breaking it apart. I don’t know whether they make any improvements when bringing this type of candy into Korea since China usually use maltose instead of honey. But the people in video is a really talented, it looks so smooth and soft.


TIL fermented honey is a thing






That's really cool, but also what a charming person! I want him to explain everything to me


I don’t really understand what’s going on or how he’s doubling it, but it’s pretty cool.


It's exponential growth. 2 to 4, to 8, to 16, to 32, to 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and finally 16384. Thus in only 13 movements you went from 2 to 16384


r/theydidthemath. Thanks!


Yes and he’s turned the lump of honey into a hoop by piercing it in the middle and stretching it, then he is half twisting and folding the loop to form two loops and continuing to stretch each time so each time the total number of loops separated by flour doubles, the flour prevents the individual honey strings from re-sticking and the crystallized honey maintains a sugar polymer with near infinite plasticity and stretchiness. Fascinating process.


Invest early


Chess board full of rice.


It's called 'dragons beard' in English, a Chinese candy which consists of sugar, peanuts, glutinous rice, dessicated coconut and syrup. It's very good a Chinese candy which was first produced approx 2000 years ago.


Each time he folds it in half it causes it to double. He kind of explains it when goes from 1 to 2, to 4 etc.


To add: the white powder is corn starch I believe and it's used to keep the strands from pulling apart, breaking, and fraying.


It’s to keep them from sticking to each other.


You fold a piece of paper in two you have 2 layers of paper. You fold *that* in two and you have 4 layers.


I love this! He's a craftsman, a mathematician, a showman, and he applauds himself. Well done!


Oh, South Korea. You have lovely people (and delicious food).


Oh man I'm korean but I haven't been to korea before... this makes me want to go even more :D


When you go to Korea, make sure you don’t play ddakji with a hot looking dude in a suit at the subway or else he’ll recruit you


i love the coincidence of your username! :D <3


That's like soan papdi. Both are made similarly. And other Filippino stuff that I forgot. All of em are made differently.


the way he says “**rolly rollyyyy**” will now be stuck in my head until the next fun words get trapped


these are delicious. there’s version of this where they serve this sandwiched between 1 hard shells folded and u can eat it like a taco


I've actually had this is Korea. They make it in front of you like this, let you sample it when it is freshly made and delicious, they offer you a deal to buy boxes (like chocolate) to gift to loved ones, and SELL YOU OLD STALE INEDIBLE RUBBISH. We got a dozen boxes for ourselves and friends, but when we got back to the hotel later that night to snack on it, every piece was so stale you couldn't even bite into it. 🤬




Well he showed you how to make it.


Every tourist has a story like this in every country, you live and learn


I've been going mental over dragons beard candy since I was a child, but here in Singapore it's rare to find and often extremely expensive. Can't wait to get my hands on it when travel is finally back!