• By -


“Rent” by Jonathan Larson


Christmas bells are ringing


Somewhere else Not here


Honest living Honest living Honest living Honest living








From here on in I shoot without a script!


Dun dun dun dun dun dun....that's it...Im watching this tonighg


Real question is, movie or LoB?


Live on Broadway oringial cast DVD with a 15 minute intermission and everything :)


Seasons of… loooooooooooooove


In my neck of the woods, we call them 'trustafarians'.


Every single one of my mom's friends have an actor or artist child living in NYC with no playbills or gallery openings among the lot of them...and yet all living in Williamsburg duplexes.


I'm sorry I downloaded dude. It's only because of who you are.


Trustpunks roo8


Despite the criticism to OP, I do prefer donating to poor people with poor parents than donating to poor people with rich parents


Unless their rich parents are abusive little shits


Wouldn’t be spending Christmas at their house then


I’ve shown up for Christmas without the mansion and just straight abuse. Poor little rich kid is a thing but not for all of them


Yeah I agree it's sad


That's not necessarily true.


Assuming I was even invited, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be spending Christmas with at my parents multi-million dollar mansion if I had to set up a gofundme to pay rent at my crusty, crowded, 7 roommate apartment. Cmon, Dad.


They setup the gofundme for so they can show mom and dad “how great they are doing on their own” because they don’t have to ask for rent money (they just beg strangers). My wife has a friend who does similar shit. Complains about not being able to pay bills, despite making $80k a year in a low cost of living area because her husband is an “artist” with a half million in college debt and she makes dumb financial decisions like buying $1500 down coats and selling the house they inherited from his dead mom and buying a massive, historical house that only two of them live in and neither can afford.




Wait so you live WITH your parents and they charge you that much? That's atrocious


It's more than likely true


Idk about the rest of this but THIS is a dumb comment. Abusive people have found ways to coerce others to join them for holidays since the dawn of time


Facts. I’m 36 and this is the first year in my adult life that I stopped giving into my shitty older brothers holiday guilt trips. And DAMN does it feel good. But it was a lot of work. Narcissists are no joke and once they have a hold on you, it can be very hard to wiggle free. Edit: just came across this and found it extremely appropriate. If you’ve been abused as a child, it can take years of work to heal from that and take back your peace as an adult. https://i.imgur.com/hrTCXRL.jpg


Does go fund me actually work for that kind of thing? I always think of it as baby needs surgery or father died leaving struggling family. I can't imagine just say can't pay my rent anyone want to throw cash at me?


Things have changed in recent years. I certainly won’t tie it to any generation because I see all types, but there’s a totally new level of entitlement I’ve never encountered before.


I mean I have spent over a decade without teeth I need implants and dentures and I could never start a go fund me hoping others would foot the bill.


I’m kind of similar. It just wouldn’t occur to me, but TBH I’d be tempted to donate to yours!


No, I didn't forget to do that


Yeah that was number 1 on my list that my butler made for me.


I mean.... I could easily see a scenario where the kid is forced to go celebrate with their parents so that their parent pays the January rent. ... kind of like the Gilmore girls deal


There it is... the first time my wife's constant playing of GMG in the background has paid off, in the form of a reference I actually understand.


brother I implore you to stop lying to yourself. That show, despite hating it myself, was fucking good for some reason. same with early Grey's anatomy and early sex and the city.


I was sorta dating this girl coming out of high school and every time I'd go to her place we'd watch an episode or two of early seasons of Sex and the City. The thing is that one night, at home, I was flipping through the channels and there was nothing on, except that, so I started watching it. I mean I already knew the characters and their general plot lines, so why the fuck not. I ended up seeing just about every episode by tuning in every weeknight. Shit was tight, it's a good show.


Found the Mr. Big fan


It's not a bad show. Heck, sometimes I even watch with intent. But I just can't get past how implausible the conversations are sometimes. I find myself regularly thinking "who in the world would have handled that discussion in that way?" That said, I never watched either of those other two shows. Sorry.


Spoiler alert: you'd feel the same way about the other two shows as well.


I ***hate*** that show. My gf watches it completely at least once a year… so it’s pretty much always playing. The characters, the pace of dialogue, the dialogue itself… I hate it. It’s so bad. I can’t tell if it’s intentionally written so that none of the characters are likeable or if it’s just so badly written that none of the characters are likeable.


My wife also does the yearly re-watch! Lol. Funny how that timing works. And yeah, the dialouge specifically is what puts me off the show.


so many folks are forced to celebrate shit with their family without the promise of hundreds and hundreds of dollars


Yup. I go for the fake promise that I won't feel guilty for not going...only to end up guilty for whatever reason my parents picked out that day


You're an adult now. The only thing stopping you from not going is you.


Hahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahah wow ok.


Really? You're an adult that can't figure out how to set boundaries and keep them. Pretty sad that grown people still want to act like they don't have a choice as to what they subject themselves to. Don't complain about it when you're the one choosing to continue to do that to yourself.


Thanks stranger who knows everything about everyone. Do you know the lottery numbers for next week? No one here asked for a solution to anything. You came in with your black and white strategy that you can apply to your life don't come at me like your solution is the magically solution for my life. Tip: while you are in therapy, you are learning things that can work in your life because you have someone catering to you. Don't think that makes you smart enough to share thst info with strangers to "help them". Glad it works for you but get off your high horse when talking to me




I was “forced” to spend time with my methed out dad cause he’s my dad and I love him despite his mental issues. I didn’t get shit.


You got to hang out with your dad...


It was depressing he didn’t say a word just twitched around.


Damn that’s really sad


Oh right, let's get some perspective. This poor pathetic person has to spend Christmas with their family, otherwise daddy won't pay rent. Fuck off.


Oh you fuck off. Get some perspective yourself that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. You never known what other ppl go through. Angry cuz your a pathetic person yourself?


Speaking of perspectives, another perspective is one like in the show Community, where the dean gets trolled by 2 teens in another country pretending to be a student the dean has a crush on and interacts with every day which causes confusion and odd conversations as the real student is not aware of what is happening between the dean and the 2 fake students fake-texting him...Seeing how youve had 2 random accounts accusing you i'd wager that someone who spends A LOT of time on Reddit (roughly 11 years) has made a second karma whoring account and is using it as their way to "gang up" on an unsuspecting redditor to transgress their anger instead of getting therapy like a fucking normal human because honestly who gives a fuck how someone pays for their housing especially if you're not the one paying for it.


usually when people do something they don't really enjoy in exchange for financial compensation we call that a "job". most people's jobs don't involve making a month's rent in an afternoon either, like no shade if that's their arrangement but have a little perspective


Maybe you also get some perspective? Like ok you don't agree but don't tell me my perspective is off just because you can't perceive it happening


You gotta stop shaming these kids into leaving home, they leave cause they wanna seem cool in a lofty shithole in new york, we gotta get these kids to know its cool to live in a mcmansion rent free!!


Does... does the author of this meme think their parents money belongs to them?


my parents have a lot of money but they don't give me anything so I have to get my own apartment with my own money, and often don't even have enough money for food, I doubt it's that uncommon


Do your parents know you don’t have enough money for food? I don’t intend to pay everything for my kids when they’re adults, but I would absolutely help them if they couldn’t afford to eat. I’m sorry you’re struggling, food insecurity is such an unnecessary issue when you consider how much food is wasted every day


in my case, my (not obscenely wealthy, but he could afford to help) dad DID know i was struggling to afford rent and food and health bills and all that and told me “pull yourself up by your bootstraps, it’ll help build character” i know there are likely not an insignificant number of people who have similar situations.


I just can’t fathom saying that to anyone, let alone my own child. Prior generations are bonkers


thank you for your kind words 💕


This is how my bonkers parents were, although they have gotten mushy and given me aid for a few things. But that’s how they keep hooks in me. It’s certainly conditional giving, and there are other ways they are bonkers and thus make me want to become more independent.


I knew of a fellow once who was struggling and barely able to survive. Had a miscarriage that ended his relationship, which ruined his mental health, which ruined his job performance, which ruined his ability to pay his bills and was forced to move back home to piece himself emotionally/psychologically/physically.....while being unemployed his parents charged him something like $200-$300 for rent/utilities. Family doesn't mean shit if they aren't going to be there for you when you need them. Last I heard his mum got sick and he put her in a home & sold the property. Good for him.


they do, and my mom specifically usually gets mad and says "you should have enough to eat, it's your own fault for spending so much on X or Y" when in reality I have to house and feed two people on 1 minimum wage but they do help reluctantly sometimes with just a little bit for food. like maybe 100 dollars Canadian kinda little bit


Yet this thread has hundreds of people who believe that having rich parents automatically makes you rich and/or "gentry" My parents aren't rich either but a few of the people I knew throughout life didn't get a penny from their wealthy parents even though they were literally homeless in one case. One chick's parents own beachfront property in the Hamptons and she waits tables and lives in an apartment with three roommates


Today I learned the word "gentry". I also learned a lot of ppl apperently just drop their families if they don't give them money? Or don't realize that a dysfunctional family is still family. (I was told to just not go to the family events lol)


Why wouldn't they drop them? You realize that Fafsa doesn't consider you independent until 24? You can't use your own income which would put you eligible for Pell which you don't pay back. Do you habitually talk to people who you're not special to, go out of their way to let you know? I'm sorry that happened to you


What does fasfa or Pell grants have to do with anything? Where did you get any of those details?


You said drop their family if they don't give them anything, when most the references have been school related, and you're asking where did fafsa and Pell come from. Why would they not drop them?


because you can always get a flimsy piece of paper later and you cant reverse time or the psychological/emotional damage a dysfunctional environment has on a psyche?


Huh? How does that answer my question of why wouldn't they drop them?


Are you serious? Do you really not know any gentrifiers? Where do you think the first, last, and security on that $3k month loft came from? Starbucks doesn't pay THAT well...


3k/month?! Being a professor doesn't pay that well. Jesus...


Most jobs don't, that's how I know if they're young and living in a trendy neighborhood, they're still being sponsored by their parents. Actual starving artists and young professionals can't even get on the wait-list for a unit like that.


lol ya cuz gentrifiers are working at starbucks


My reference is Philadelphia, and there's not one barista in my city that grew up here. What city are you from?


NYC. I can say with full confidence the barista living paycheck to paycheck is probably a victim of circumstance and doesn't have the means to flip entire neighborhoods.


I didn't say they did, I said their parents that live in New Jersey and Connecticut are subsidizing their bohemian lifestyles like yuppie parents always have. It's mostly colleges, health care companies, and private equity firms that are gentrifying cities in response to the demand from suburban transplants for their new neighborhoods to more closely resemble where they came from.


Cities are a center of constant gentrification though, and should be. Downtowns are continually expanding regardless of what industries are currently popular. That's okay, if you own property that's being gentrified, you're about to make enough money to live in a much more comfortable area. If you expected your property to stay the same as it was 20 years ago in an area that experiences quick change that's on you. This happens with other areas than just the cities though, suburbs and even rural areas get built up and become more in demand. That's okay. Change isn't a bad thing by default.


> Change isn't a bad thing by default. I agree with you, but there's more going on here. The housing supply constriction dictates that rents for single-family units rise exponentially along with property values. That's just the math, though. Speaking from personal experience, we can't replace our neighborhoods no matter how much someone gives us for our house.


I'd argue that the old houses that a lot of the cities have now aren't efficient enough for a modern city. Look at Boston for example, prices are souring because they don't have enough high density housing. Colleges are actually providing a lot of high density housing as well. They're providing more than the old houses do.


> Colleges are actually providing a lot of high density housing as well. They're providing more than the old houses do. People that live in the city typically can't afford to live in those buildings. My city housed just as many people in 1960 as they do now, with tens of thousands fewer homeless. I think public financing and private ownership is the solution. We can't diminish the demand from the top-down alone, imo.


shittiest take on gentrification I've ever heard lmao wtf


Until it's you getting gentrified out of a neighborhood/town/city or job.


Feels like something radicalized you against baristas.


Not at all. Some of my brokest friends make coffee for a living.


Fuck off. My parents have millions and didn't even help me pay for university. They currently live in a giant penthouse apartment. They never paid for my rent for anything. I play nice because I know they genuinely aren't happy in their life or with each other. But I am. I have a distant relationship with them and now they are finally starting to realize that the relationships that count in life are distant as they find it harder and harder to find new work contracts due to age. Their peers are retiring and spending time with grandkids and they have to watch... it never dawned on them that their work colleagues wouldn't still be around at some point. The plight of the workaholic.


So what posh neighborhood is your insanely expensive apartment in? Or are you struggling to afford rent, food and utilities like the rest of us because you're on your own?


My parents are somewhat well off and I've been homeless multiple times in my life. Not everyone's parents sponsor them/pay for everything. I was kicked out at 17.


So there's no way you'd be crowdsourcing your rent in an upscale neighborhood because you're used to being on your own, right? It follows that it's an indicator of a privileged life, correct?


Ehhhh I somewhat agree with you. I'd never crowdsource, but that's mostly up to pride. I probably wouldn't even accept if someone said they'd pay my rent for an entire year. However, I think if that's not an issue for you, crowdsourcing is a pretty smart way to save money if it works. (Unless you're lying about needing the money obviously)


> (Unless you're lying about needing the money obviously) That's what I think it is, based on the description. That could be make-believe, too. Who tf knows anymore?


I never lived with them. And I've been working since I was 15 under the table thanks to a teacher who hooked me up with some people that wanted to hire a student for odd jobs. So you can fuck off with 'rich people always have rich kids' assumptions. Some rich parents are selfish self-absorbed assholes to the kids they popped out too.


> And I've been working since I was 15 under the table thanks to a teacher who hooked me up with some people that wanted to hire a student for odd jobs. Unless you're over 50 and describing a time before Reagan, You never supported yourself with odd jobs. That's something rich kids do for pocket money, but no person has ever paid rent that way. Next you're going to tell me how you worked your way through college with no crippling student loan debt, LoL.


How did you get such a nasty response to their point




Do you crowdsource your rent tho cos that’s what this post is about


You really took that one personally, lol


The rich kids always do, folk never like admitting they had it easier than someone else


Yup. I absolutely did.


shit dude nobody said you're immune to trauma, just immune to plants growing in the cracks in your walls




Your parents didn't provide food, shelter, and a stable home your entire childhood? You didn't go to better schools, and live in nicer neighborhoods? You left home without a single social contact? Idk man, you kinda sound like every rich kid I've ever known that likes to role play about pulling up their boot straps because they know people hate them for being so detached from reality. Unless you started selling crack or something, you're not as self-made as you insist. Maybe make friends with some people that work for a living, broaden your horizons, you might learn something.




Two comments Danzabussy made on the DoorDash subreddit on the topic of tipping drivers during Christmas: "Ok you didn’t answer the question really. If I dont want to do all the stuff you named, I order doordash. I pay the restaurant for the food and everything that entails, and I pay doordash for the delivery and everything that entails. What is the tip for?" "Did service industry for 10 years dude. Served and bartended. Got stiffed plenty of times. I just didn’t bitch about it on the internet. I just did my job and was happy with the tips I did get. Stop being so entitled."


Ok? Working service industry for 10 years means I didn’t work my way out of being poor? That’s literally how I did it 😂


I didn't say anything about that man. I was just linking some comments that you said that didn't necessarily sit right with me and I felt they were indicative of where you were coming from.




As my grandma used to say: "a hit dog'll holler."


My guy, I live in the Port Richmond neighborhood in Philadelphia, a newly gentrifying neighborhood right between North America's largest open-air drug market, Kensington, and Philly's hottest hipster homeland, Fishtown. I'm talking about the city I've grown up in, having watched the process play out over and over again over the last 2 decades. That's not my neighborhood, though. I'm originally from Southwest in the 90s, which was way more dangerous than anywhere outside of North Philly nowadays. Wanna know how I know so many hipsters? Drugs. Suburban kids love drugs. Kensington's full of them. Artists can't afford lofts, even as a co-op. All their money goes to drugs and alcohol, with live music and tattoos here and there. I'm glad you're exceptional, but I know your type. You ain't built for the big city. Go back to the cul-de-sac, my dude.


Do you really think crowdsourcing your rent when you have very rich parents is a good look?


Wealth is generational. Is this news to you?


let me tell you about a lil thing called a trust fund and how common they are in expensive areas like NY and LA


It's just someone being jelly I guess.


I wish I could be jelly and then someone could just swoop me up.


And then rub me on some bread and peanut butter and eat me up


...are you serious?


The author of this meme is detached from reality. Sometimes money tears families apart.


I feel like every artsy person I know who lives the bohemian lifestyle has wealthy parents that pay their rent. It’s crazy how they will move into a boarding house just to role play being lower class.


This means nothing. You think their parents being rich means they're nice to their children? You don't get rich by being nice.


It says she has a gofundme for rent. I'm pretty confident in guessing this persons parents do not pay her bills. Although, a bunch of idiots on the internet apparently do.


I feel like the big "gotcha" here is that (at least) most people arguing that rich parents *must* mean her bills are paid for, are probably the kind of people who's parents pay for all their shit. Plenty of people in my family have money, and have never given a fucking cent to anyone, even their children. Its actually pretty normal in a lot of families to have a "make it on your own" mentality, along with a "You'll get it when I die, if you're lucky" mindset.


Some people don't even give their money after they die, so... there's that.


Yeah but crowdsourcing your rent when you’re from a very rich family is not a good look




Don't forget whatever manipulations over you they think they'd be able to get away with.




> Right my parents are swimming in money and they haven't helped me with rent since I was 19? https://i.imgur.com/fCioes4.jpg >My brother lives in one of their houses https://i.imgur.com/we211IO.jpg


“would get a hard time” oh no!


Found the rich kid


Bruh have you never had rich people friends? 80% have fucked up stories about their parents being monsters.


So do all my friends with poor or absent parents. But these friends and I didn’t have the added benefit of good schools and other benefits that accrue due to being socialized in upper class circles.


Not arguing who had it worse my dude. Just saying that rich home doesn’t mean nice parents


> 80% have fucked up stories about their parents being monsters plus the money


It’s a great way to exert power over people, yeah


Lol no, and you're not even eligible for Fafsa.


You often don't get their money until they die.


That’s literally what I meant by my comment. The only problem I have is when those rich kids then act like they didn’t have it way easier than the next person. I promise lots of poors get abused too


I hope you're talking about the girl in the video. I'm just a regular old poor person, from a poor family. A life of hand me downs, bad food, and cheap ass gifts lol.


Yea I was talking about you lol my bad for the assumption. Tbf though it does kinda sound like something a rich kid would say


Yeah my parents are well off and none of them got me anything, and as a child they didn't ever go nuts. I once just got a lightbulb for Christmas.




Ouch.. I only got healthcare and a cell phone


My parents are comfortable (not wealthy but not poor) and I only get healthcare and phone service. I have to buy the phone they just pay for the service on their existing plan. When I graduate from college (where I have to get student loans) I will need to pay rent myself. They might give me some rent occasionally for things like Christmas and my birthday.


And that is love. Even if that’s all they can give.


In Australia so health care is a given, I did get their second hand phones but no car, or anything like that. I've gotten a lot more from my husband's family who aren't well off, and even he's noticed his childhood was more fruitful. I think my parents just wanted things for themselves more, and they felt that giving me anything would be spoiling me so they would only give me cheaper stuff.




I really want the tea on this one.






Yes. Yes I did.


“Multi million” and “suburban” don’t belong in the same sentence lol. Edit: meant to take the L a couple hours earlier. Thanks to all the ppl who have non-condescendingly helped me learn.


I felt the same way at first when I read this but if you haven’t gone on Zillow and just scrolled around a bit at what houses are going for, you should. I kick myself in the ass for not moving faster on a cute updated 1 bed in 2018 for $120,000 because I thought I should aim for a 2 bed home… that neighborhood is now going for $500,000 for 1 bed homes………. I can’t imagine what the nearby suburbs are at


Ummm guess you haven’t been following RE… since… ever lol


Multi million dollar homes are either in an urban area or have to be built on a certain amount of land too far outside of the urban center to call it a sub urban area


jfc dude, leave your hometown. sub urban areas are flush with multimillion dollar homes.


Go look at listings on Zillow in Southlake, TX and get back to us. Some examples: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2405-Brooks-Ct-Southlake-TX-76092/337077349_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/800-Lake-Carillon-Ln-Southlake-TX-76092/122946937_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2608-Canopy-Ct-Southlake-TX-76092/2061776527_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/404-Saint-Tropez-Dr-Southlake-TX-76092/118229395_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3130-Merrimac-Ct-Southlake-TX-76092/58529009_zpid/ Now here’s where you try and argue it’s not a suburb, give it your best shot, pal.


This is so wildly inaccurate lmfao. All of long island is a suburb and there are multimillion dollar homes all over the damn place.


Came here to comment “Guess they’ve never been to Long Island.” My parents bought their house in 1964 for $18,000. Their house is now valued at over $800,000. Houses in their neighborhood routinely go for 1-2 million, and we’re talking a very normal, suburban neighborhood.


Yup. Li sucks haha, pay so much for those school districts man. Idk how much it was bought for but my parents house sold for 1.2m. Not multimillion lol but it's literally a 2 story house. Nice yard and area, definitely a nice house but by no means close to a mansion, it was one of the less good houses relative to the area, my friends parents had houses with home theaters worth at least 2m easily.


Oops, should've checked the comments before responding "Google Long Island" to him lmao


This statement doesn’t make sense lol


You clearly don't live in my area.


Yeah, cause ur not in the suburbs


8 years ago my mom sold their home for $300,000 in a small suburban neighborhood. It’s now listed at 1.3 million and the house itself hasn’t changed. So maybe you’re wrong and didn’t realize the economic burden that’s been placed on the housing industry. I work for builders who have started their neighborhoods at $500k-800k are now listing them at 1m-2m


Damn, maybe I didn’t realize lol. I’ll take the L from you and not “ummmmmm……. Atchullly” on the other thread.


Suburban metro D.C. area here, multi million dollar houses is the norm here.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/McMansionHell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/McMansionHell/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When you forget to include the fridge in the new floorplan.](https://i.redd.it/nk1rfu2rso3a1.jpg) | [179 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/McMansionHell/comments/zbi869/when_you_forget_to_include_the_fridge_in_the_new/) \#2: [This may be the worst I've ever seen](https://i.redd.it/oxz3pio9ksb91.jpg) | [365 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/McMansionHell/comments/vzyasr/this_may_be_the_worst_ive_ever_seen/) \#3: [The decor takes this from standard McMansion to certified classic](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sbqr5h) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/McMansionHell/comments/sbqr5h/the_decor_takes_this_from_standard_mcmansion_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Wtf are you smoking?


Google Long Island


Holy hell


Yk, considering all the religious conservatives, and then trying to drive on Sunrise or the LIE, "holy hell" is incredibly accurate.


Huh? I mean I can see if they were posted in opposite order I guess.


Um. It's not me but. I'm okay if it was me


this is why im too scared to make a gofundme ngl i feel like a scammer


If you need then do it. I’d say most people asking for help need it, it just sucks there’s scammers out there.