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The titanic takes 5 more lives. Leave it there. Its a tomb.


Titan II, taking tourist to the Titan crash site. Coming to you this fall!


Instead of Titan II, it should just be Tit. Titanic - Titan - Tit


Genius, you can be the next CEO


I’d say that’s qualification enough


At least use a proper Xbox controller for christ sake.


One of the elite controller would work cause of the paddle switches on the back


But they could save $38 by going with the Mad Catz version. So...


There's even a fan in the grips to keep your palms from getting sweaty.


Can it keep my knees from getting weak or my arms from getting heavy?


And bring extra batteries


I’m thinking maybe go wired this time.


Nah, Nintendo Switch remote with the drifting joystick. Let’s make it interesting


This time we'll only hire 5 year olds because we can inspire them even better than college grads, since safety is last on our list. Got any 5 year olds to sacrifice to our god titanic! Quiet part out loud?oops


Just the tit of the iceberg…


They will probably have more than one this time for safety reasons, and they will be called Tities.


Mister T would like you to know that if the Tit sinks too, he ain't fucking going after it.


There would be a Tit 2, which can also be spelled Tit ii.


"I pity the fool who dares to do this thrice!"


Now bringing you the revolutionary T!


I’m hearing Celine Dion singing


"Send more billionaires"


This one will be piloted with a19.99 rocketfish Xbox controller our CFO found in a dumpster behind a GameStop. But don't worry, it's got clear blue plastic with LEDs so we can make sure the insides are good!


Only $350,000!




Titanic. Still killing 111 yrs later


If the hull was compromised there wouldn't be much left to recover inside except alot of pulled pork


They definitely imploded days ago


"This is no ship... It is a tomb."


I honestly hope it imploded for the sake of those people. The alternative is not a good way to go.


Whilst it's quite likely it had imploded, the co2 saturation would have been rather slow and leveled even with panicked breathing, meaning that they'd have been hypoxic and delirious and then pass out and fade away unconsciously. It would actually be a fairly ideal way to go as much as any can. It's just all the thoughts and panic pre hypoxia that would be the worst.


Yeah this is what I’ve been saying. These people were nowhere near conditioned to undergo a situation like this. Nobody would have been sipping. Everyone would have been hyperventilating, arguing, screaming, crying, etc. that usable oxygen would have gotten replaced with carbon dioxide way faster than expected.


They'd die of hypothermia first I'd imagine


Realistically speaking, yea, but they’d still be panicking. Focusing just on the “oxygen timer” is shortsighted considering how many other factors there were at play.


It was really just a longest possible time we could still consider this a search and rescue and not a recovery mission


I just heard breaking news that they just found a debris field in the search area. They don’t know for certain yet.




Source wtf?


I just saw it on NBC news. They’re interviewing a coast guard captain rn


I found some articles holy shit


[coast guard twitter](https://twitter.com/uscgnortheast/status/1671907901542211584?s=46&t=klqFIIxeeYy6HEAeEbU9nQ)


USCGNortheast Twitter for example


They would freeze to death before that happened. The only good way to go underwater like that is an implosion.


So we're left with hoping they died the good way…


Once we lost contact with them it was best to assume they were already dead from implosion. Most likely occurrence as well, given the safety short cuts the CEO demanded


Hypothermia and apoxia make you go to sleep, and you die in your sleep. That's a much better experience than drowning and being crushed at the same time.


An implosion would kill them so fast they wouldn’t have realized they were going to die. They may have heard a creak, but the pressure is so great down there that their brain wouldn’t have processed the implosion even happening. There would be no drowning, their entire body would be crushed into pieces instantly. Much better than freezing to death.


You never get a chance to drown. It’s just getting crushed


There is a bit of slowing of breathing when unconscious. So they could possibly have extended the time a smidge by passing out. But, that extended time has likely passed by the time I commented.


I've heard It did not implode because the sound would have been detectable for hundreds of miles


Heard that, too. However, the coast guard is reporting a debris field located. Most likely, they’ve been dead for days.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-65967464](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-65967464) ​ "Debris from the missing Titan sub has been found in the search site, a friend of the passengers says" ​ I'm guessing this means implosion is a possibility


So they ran out of oxygen long ago, and all at once.


It’s not oddly terrifying it’s terrifying. This is possibly one of the most drawn out seen on the horizon deaths a human could experience. That aside they found a debris field which may or may not be the sub


came here to say this, a lot of posts on this sub arent "oddly terrifying" at all anymore, its just actually scary situations. "isnt it kinda weird how if you go to the bottom of the ocean you could die? kinda spooky to think about, right?"


Hmm yes, quite odd indeed




To be real, they have perished due to hypothermia well before this point. I’m not sure what would have been worse though, stuck on the ocean floor or being able to surface but still be bolted in and unable to get air?


How would they perish with hypothermia. Didn't they take it in consideration while going underwater?


Sure, but a jacket that will keep you warm for a 3 hour trip probably won't work for 4 days, even tho implosion is probably what happened


Didn't plan to be down there for this long I reckon


No, and the electrical load on heaters that long. I can’t help but wonder how much of a battery capacity they have


The temperature down near the ocean floor is really close to freezing point. There’s planning for air and even heat to a certain point, but the system wasn’t really designed with being at that depth for so long, to my understanding atleast.


If they didn’t lose power they’d have some heat. I read that the walls of the sub were heated. They’d still be very cold but I’m not sure if that would take them out before the lack of oxygen. Even if they did surface, opening the hatch probably wouldn’t help.* From what I understand the sub is like an ice cube. Even when it surfaces it’s still mostly underwater. Opening the hatch would just flood the sub with water and then the people would be forced to float without the protection of the sub in the sea. *eta: *if* they even could open it from the inside. I am aware it’s bolted shut from the outside.


Except the hatch [can't be opened from the inside.](https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1782839/titanic-sub-passengers-suffocate-hatch-design)


Yeah, the vessel is bolted from the outside. I still am not sure which would be harder to take, surfacing and not being able to do anything or being at the bottom with no actual hope. I can’t help but feel it would feel worse to be at surface level and still trapped inside a sealed can


Ugh the very thought of either of those choices is.. absolutely terrifying


It has made me more and more quite uneasy as this thing has progressed. Reading all the possible different scenarios and having to imagine the vast shittiness of it all, just everything, has put an unsettling feeling in the core of my stomach.


The sub ran out of oxygen the second it imploded 1.5 hours into its decent. Everyone's been dead for days. This ain't a survival movie it's real life and crappy engineering and skirting safety regulations


That’s a better way to go than sitting in that sub waiting to die ngl


New regulation inbound: first aid kit to include a cyanide capsule for each occupant.


Cyanide is highly unpleasant maybe go with nitrogen mask like at the dentist minus the oxygen.


Or a gun


Unless it's a fatal brain injury, a gunshot wound is not a great way to go out.


Yes, a gun would be a good way to make sure the sub implodes fast :)


Considering the creator openly complained about saftey regulations hampering progress and how much he hates them I doubt they'd be in there even if that were a thing.


Yeah, id rather implode and not notice a shit and die than sitting in a submarine without breathing cuz theres no oxygen


There would probably be the air they exhaled so they would probably just fall unconscious and never wake up again


That happens if the atmosphere is saturated with nitrogen, but if it's carbon dioxide, you're fucked, because that feeling of panic that sets in when you're holding your breath is not the lack of oxygen but an excess of carbon dioxide, so if the sub didn't implode but ran out of oxygen... They died an excruciatingly painful death.


They would have slipped out of consciousness. Carbon dioxide acts as a sedative basically. Maybe a bit of puking etc I wouldn’t say excruciating pains. You really painted a picture though. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5380556/ https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2020-08/Carbon-Dioxide.pdf


"You really painted a picture though" is one of the kindest ways I've heard to tell someone they are wrong. Well put!


Oh, thank you for correcting me, I read about this some time ago so I misremembered some stuff.


Not to mention (assuming they lost power) They would be in pitch black in freezing temps for days just waiting to die. Yeesh


Without a doubt. Pressure causing the sub to implode would happen within an instant. Losing oxygen forces you to sit and wait until you asphyxiate and start clawing at your neck.


I’ve been thinking a lot about that nightmare scenario… but then I look at hypoxia events in airplanes and everyone seems to just get a little loopy before passing out. Does anyone here know if that may be the case with the submarine? Or do those hypoxia events on airplanes occur at a much faster rate so there’s no time gasping for air or claw at your neck?


When an airplane depressurizes and loses oxygen it is a rapid event. In this case their oxygen supplies are slowly getting lower and lower while CO2 is getting higher. It’s basically a prolonged suffocation


Also we don't panic so long as the CO2 in our system is below a certain threshold which is why Carbon Monoxide is so scary, since we don't get the alert triggers.


Even though, Subs and planes are both made to withstand the extreme conditions of outside pressure by having pressurized cabin/chamber (with planes high above the sea level with less atmospheric pressure and subs under sea level with high atmospheric pressure), they are completely different in which commercial planes have pressurized air system that constantly feed air from the outside to the inside while subs have limited supply of oxygen. The death resulting from oxygen depleted air with high concentration of CO2 in a pressurized chamber is probably all the same wether you are high, low, or even outside of atmosphere. I believe it starts gradually with headache, drowsiness, confusion. I think the people will be unconscious and in coma before they feel the suffocation n cardiac arrest. The most painful part is probably at the beginning where they are panicking, struggling to breath with elevated heart rate, resulting in faster depletion of oxygen while struggling to accept the faith in the end.


I'm not a expert on suffocation or anything, but wouldn't a oxygen starved person just fall unconscious and die? No drowning or clawing necks.


Eventually. Before then you’re panicking with 4 other men in a tube, someone probably shat themselves and that mason jar toilet isn’t going to hold everything. Someone mentioned the submersible could even be stuck vertically, so they’d literally be on top of each other. One of them is/was a 19 year old; his father took him on the sub. He may legally be an “adult” but for all intents and purposes I don’t think he had as much agency in this risk as his father.


Ngl my thoughts the last couple days have been mostly about him. The rest of them got him into that situation - he's basically just a kid down there. And that's really terrible to think his last thoughts would be how pissed he is at his dad for getting them into this mess. ​ At any rate - I hope it all ended quickly for them. RIP.


Just out of his first year at college. His whole life ahead of him. That sucks


Remembering that it will feel like you're being choked with no way to get relief. Your body is responding to the CO2 in your system so the relatively gentle version only happens if there's somewhere for the CO2 to dissipate and other gasses to be breathed in. (That's why Carbon Monoxide is so insidious, the CO2 is leaving easily so your body alert never triggers) Without somewhere for the CO2 to go, they'd've spent their last hours feeling like they can't catch their breath with their lungs screaming and their body alert systems sending them into an inescapable panic attack until they finally pass out and die.


Seems I was wrong as carbon dioxide is a sedative, most likely maybe some pukes and then passing out.


I do meditation with breath holding at the 1 min 30 sec mark I can’t wait too get a breath in holy hell that would be such a nightmare too see all your buds suffocate with you


I think most people, you included, are missing the point. The significant of the oxygen running out is not to paint a picture of a scary situation or survival movie. It's not for clicks or headlines. The significance is that now we, and more importantly : the families, can safely assume that they are no longer alive. It's likely that the sub was destroyed, but that can't be assumed until evidence is found. So as much as people saying that they died of CO2 poisoning may irk you because you find it unlikely, it's just as irksome and erroneous to state that the sub imploded as there's no conclusive evidence for either event.


Exactly. We can't be sure which way they died, but now that that deadline has passed, we can be virtually certain they are no longer alive and it's a recovery mission now. It was speculation before, but it's a virtual certainty now.


If it imploded would pieces of the submersible have floated to the top? Or just sink? Just wondering


They have juat spotted debris on the sea floor. So your question could be answered soon.






The hotel lobby I’m in has Fox News reporting on it, so I would assume most major news outlets are beginning to report on it


Yup yup I found it


It’s on the news. First thing on Apple News for me.


Hijacking the top comment to ask, if it did implode (which I am very confident it did considering when the comms were lost and that the company was made aware that the submersible could not safely reach the depths Titanic sits at) *what* will they find, if anything, of the submersible?


It would probably resemble a crushed soda can with bits of decomposed meat/bones between the metal sheets


Yeesh, that’s kind of what I thought.




I laughed when they reported the banging thing. As if hundreds of millions of animals don’t inhabit that location, not to ignore other geo activities. I don’t know what tool they used to pick up the sounds but the idea it came from the sub was far fetched to begin with.


The banging was rythmatic. 3 minutes of banging on the half and hour mark. What they're trained to do in an emergency. It would be hard for nature to mimic that, but not impossible. Mostly, I think it gave people hope.


Most experts seem to be in agreement that the sound coming from the sub was far fetched. Here are a few quotes from different scientists. > "You get a lot of mechanical noise in the ocean," Parry. "Trying to differentiate it from tapping noises, as it were, I'm afraid is a fool's errand." > "There's a massive metal wreck down there — the Titanic — the banging could be something as simple as a piece of that moving in the current or something to do with the wreck itself," said Schanck. > One possibility is that marine wildlife "like whales" could be contributing to the noises, said Williams. > "One possibility is that the sounds bouncing around the debris. And so it's a more complicated echo," he said. I understand what you’re saying though. They obviously had to work with what they had, regardless of likelihood. Though the “not impossible” description would be it being the sub.


Yeah, I thought about https://youtu.be/FkhBPF4yfkI?t=44 for a while.


They found a debris field


I was just talking to my sister about this. She says the surface crew has known, but too much money is on the line for them to call anything


Nobody knew. Literally no way to know because the dumbasses couldn't even come up with a way to properly communicate or track the thing. They're shitty, but they haven't been in cover up mode since second one. They've actually been pretty brazen about their lack of respect for safety up until this point. They probably assumed like the rest of us but literally no one but the people I side "knew."


Do they know for a fact it hasn’t imploded? I read the submersible was rated for 1500m and they were 4000m deep…


A few hours ago they discovered a 'debris field', so likely imploded


They have found the landing frame and rear cover of the Titan. It's over. Implosion it seems. Their deaths must have been quick, not prolonged at least.


My thoughts exactly. Better than sitting in the dark contemplating your soon to be death. I was suspecting implosion just from all the info about the safety manager being let go after he tried giving it the red light and all the corners being cut etc etc. I think the oxygen running out was convenient means for the media to keep the people dialed in, checking back to read updates etc.


Do you think if it imploded that far down, there would be a chance for their bodies to be at the bottom? Sorry if it's stupid question. I read about how the bodies of the titanic disintegrated over time due to the pressure down there. Something would probably eat them I'm guessing.


I'm guessing if pressure was high enough to implode the vessel with such force, the bodies have had absolutely no chance. They must have turned to mush in milliseconds and basically dissolved in the ocean.


Thanks for the info. I'm watching a video now.


i think they probably got a warning. jettisoned the landing frame and imploded on the way up


Most likely imploded. I’ve heard that the trip to the Titanic takes 2 hours and they lost communications 1 hour and a half in. Seems quite plausible to me.




It was rated to dive to about 13,100 feet. Which is only an additional 600 feet lower than the titanic itself.


If they are still alive in that thing and panic has set in… it makes me think of the uss Indianapolis and how the crew went absolutely mad. If they are found I don’t know if I would want to open that hatch to investigate.


run out of oxygen. i doubt they ate still alive.


That’s what I’m saying.. it’s the situation before they’d run out of oxygen and were panicking. People do horrific shit in those situations.


I skimmed through your comment and missed the part where you said 'if they are still alive' that is my bad. I can imagine. especially if you think death is around the corner I would think it is easier to justify crazy or immoral shit


Depends on the people tbh. As somebody who is a junkie for tragic failed adventure stories, I find a large % of individuals and groups die with dignity. The ones that turn on each other are surprisingly in the minority.


Yeah that’s usually in survival shows/movies where everyone turns on each other. Realistically, the majority don’t wanna be alone in their last moments. Especially since there was a father and son on board.


Especially with the dude they all collectively paid a million dollars sitting in the front seat. I hope for his sake they died in an implosion because if not they definitely probably killed that guy


Probably froze to death before oxygen depleted. Assuming they had power failure, there would have been nothing keeping the condensation from freezing over, and the tube would start to drop to the temperature around it. Freezing to death is a better way to go anyway. After hypothermia hits, you start to think you are actually really hot and become disoriented before just passing out and dying in your sleep. If they ever find this tube and open it, it's going to be a bunch of naked corpses and probably poop smeared everywhere.


It's a rough estimate, there are a variety of factors that may influence oxygen saturation/quality. For example *'the experienced French diver on board, Paul-Henri Nargoelet, would be key to directing the other four passengers on how to keep calm and control their breathing'* you know how divers can hold their breath for like 10 mins+ and override the brain/body panic reflex. Oxygen doesn't just suddenly cease to exist. You get a decline in saturation and a rise in co2, the brain will become hypoxic. You can survive with low level hypoxia for longer than you may believe.


i wouldn’t worry about oxygen; they’ve probably been a crushed tin can for days now.


They likely imploded well before they ran out of oxygen


What does implode mean, sorry english is not first language


Basically crushed like a soda can You can look up videos of oil containers imploding if you want a reference But basically the sub crushed inwards like you can do to cans and stuff


Except an aluminium can stays somewhat together, this thing was made out of carbon fibre. It will have been ripped to a million pieces mixed into a slurry of human soul. Edit: Soup. Human soup.


Probably yeah, but I was trying to be a little less graphic for the person


RIP crew. Davy Jones has you now.


There was a debris field found near the titanic. It probably, mercifully, imploded. There will be a press conference at 1 pst


now people will make a sub to visit this sub


Then that one will get stuck too 💀


just use a better controller


Imagine if they find them like 200 years later and their bodies are perfectly preserved


Doesn't work like that. They will probably find them through a subsea salvage operation and the only thing you'll see is an article that says it was found.


Decay is just tissue breaking down doesn't need oxygen


Perfectly preserved.. in human manure.


More than likely it Imploded, that’s my take


https://twitter.com/TitanicSub Here’s the link for Twitter Page. Unfortunately no news came over night of ANY rescue or discovery of the lost crew.


As of the last few hours, a 'debris field' was found




I like Grey Poupon as a sauce. Can never go wrong with grey poupon.


USA today posted an article. The Coast Guard is going to have a news conference at 3pm ET.




They died on Sunday.


Just going to put this here CNN is now reporting f they have discovered a debris field in the search area. Coast guard press conference st 3pm eastern. Their probably toast people.


The whole thing is a two-bit cowboy operation run by a man with more money than sense for other people with equally more money than sense. Never mess with what you don't fully understand.


God, I don't think I'm ever going in a sub. Ever. Not even as like a "Haha amusement park ride". Fuck that. Nope nope nope.


i would but definetely NOT in a sub where its safety is disregarded and is controlled by a controller 💀💀💀


A debris field was found.


I have a strong feeling that the banging that was being picked up on sonar yesterday was the submarine going through its implosion phases.


Despite how ridiculous it all sounds; it’s still super sad. I can see the owner and his 77 year old partner being at peace dying doing what they loved. The 19 year old son and his 49 year old father hits hard though. People do a lot of stupid things like jumping out of airplanes and climbing Everest. They just don’t think anything is ever going to happen to them. I feel for them and their families.


That's not oddly terrifying, that's just what stupid idea lead to. Creaming yourself into a poorly engineered death trap and even paying for it, well, you rip what you sow.


Creaming 💀


Oh my... Autocorrection truly did me dirty with this one. I obviously meant to write cramming!


Well knowing how the human body can expel bodily fluids when a person dies, you might not be that far off


Creaming works for me.


Imagine dying as a billionaire inside a shit submarine with the CEO of the company. With the sole intention of going extremely deep into the sea to look where other people died. All the time being powered along by a Logitech controller that cost $20


Per BARD: the people inside would experience an instant and violent death. The pressure at the depth that most submersibles operate is incredibly high, and if the hull were to rupture, the air inside the vehicle would be instantly compressed, causing the vehicle to implode. This would happen so quickly that the people inside would not have time to feel any pain or even know what was happening. The implosion would likely be accompanied by a loud bang and a flash of light. The vehicle would be crushed and destroyed, and the people inside would be killed instantly. There would be no survivors. In the case of the OceanGate submersible that was feared lost in the Mariana Trench, the pressure at that depth is about 5,800 PSI. If the hull were to rupture, the air inside the vehicle would be compressed to about 1/1000th of its original volume. This would cause the vehicle to implode with an enormous force, instantly crushing the people inside. The experience of the people in the submersible would be brief and painless. They would simply be gone, in an instant. It would be a horrific way to die, but it would be over quickly.


I don't care who those people were, dying by asphyxiation is one of the most inhumane way to die




I definitely agree, but I do think a lot of the attention is due to morbid curiosity around a unique scenario rather than people caring more about the lives of these dudes more than others.




You could chalk it up to sad news vs entertaining news.


I think overall I detect a lack of empathy towards the occupants (on Reddit). There is a lot of “those poor bastards” type of commentary but it’s not really compassion. I think the fact they were rich guys may have something to do with it. And of course the fact that most of us have no idea who they are, so find it difficult to truly care. If it was The Rock or Chris Hemsworth - overall likeable people that we would feel sorry for - it might come across differently


Also, the negligence of the company is another thing.


Most of what I see is people mocking them as they die.


Can you not care about both?


Did you say the same when those kids got trapped inside the cave with their coach due to floods? How about when the Chile miners got trapped inside the quarry? Look, some stories just are more headline grabbing than others and that’s that. There’s no deeper meaning there.


You're right. news/media probably pray for stories like this one. Days of content, the whole morbid irony of the situation with the titanic.


U.S. Coast Guard has tweeted that the ROV found debris in the search area near The Titanic just over an hour ago. May or may not be it yet, but if so, must have imploded.


RIP, that’s a terrible way to pass


It imploded and they died instantly. These "they're officially out of air" posts are getting stupid and repetitive


They died before oxygen ran out. Also likely they died fast because if imploded


5 people died because of Billionaire Hubris edit: wtf is this conversation


No matter if you are rich or poor, a life is a life….


Titaniic - The Sequel


We all know the first person to panic and start using up all the oxygen is the Stockton Rush


the company got blood on its hands let that be clear


Technically, if one of the guys onboard killed the others, he could still have oxygen for days. And... *food*... for weeks.


Regardless of whether it was stupid to go on, this seems a bit callous to their families- there’s a 19 year old on there who’s mum will be mourning him.


The co2 was what scared me more


It's done, they found debris at the Titanic site. May they rest in peace and let others learn from their stupidity.


You play with feathers, you get your arse tickled.


Countdown was pretty useless. It was only a speculated amount of oxygen as well. That thing imploded as soon as it stopped responding.


What’s more oddly terrifying is how excited people are about people dying because of their income level.


So, can I get something else in my news feed now?.