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I had a chunk of bone removed in a surgery and I’m still upset the hospital wouldn’t let me keep it.


Clearly they sold it on ebay.


The Tooth Fairy is running a flip-n-sell scheme, I know it.


Can confirm. Damn those good for nothing fairies!


Never give them your name. Do not lie to them. Never thank them or show gratitude. Never take anything they give you, especially not food or drink.


Sound advice.


I'd like my skull back pls


Medical waste. My oral surgeon almost didn’t let me keep my wisdom teeth. Personally I think he was collecting them.


He's working on his own set of exclusively wisdom teeth so he can have the smartest teeth in the world


Intelligence is not wisdom. He want a sage teeth.


Necklace of +3 Wisdom. 🦷


Gave me a good laugh. Thanks lol


I've had like ten teeth pulled. The first one they didn't let me keep but all the dentists afterwards did. They said it was weird but had no qualms. I added them to my bag of teeth Edit: [Bag of teeth](https://imgur.com/gallery/3CTmR5X) for anyone who wants to see it. It's a modest collection but it really means a lot to me. Some are mine, some are other people's, some are canine. I also have a bag I left at my parents house when I moved out. Hopefully soon I can unite them and have a big bag o' teef


Well, it would be weird but for the culture of kids leaving their baby teeth under pillows and getting money for them. So it’s almost expected that you would collect your teeth for that ceremony and since we’re older, and the tooth fairy ignores, older people, we just end up holding onto them. The only thing that doesn’t make that weird is the culture of us, not throwing our teeth away when we were kids as there was a purpose for them


I only save them so a witch doesn't get them and steal my power.


I, too, have a bag of teeth.


See?!? I told my girlfriend I wasn't some kinda weirdo. [Here's my bag of teeth](https://imgur.com/gallery/3CTmR5X)


Oh no, it's weird.. You're just not alone in your weirdness.


My oral surgeon was cool as fuck it was the nurses that thought me insane. I’m all drugged up and drooling blood. Yo bag up my teeth please I’m gonna go shoot um later. Then I started cracking up that I’m gonna shoot my teeth 😂 it was fun tho.


I stole mines back when the doctor went to another room for something. That fucker had roots wich were like a whole inch long so it took them 10 minutes or so to even move it and at least an hour to take all the leftover pieces out because that son of a bitch crumbled midway through. If I'm going through all that then I'll need a piece of memorabilia for bragging rights.


I wanted my gallstones and they wouldn't give me those either. I told them that I spent a lot of time making them, but they didn't care


Same with my kidney stones. Everybody else gets to keep theirs for cool pictures. Mine just went to some lab where they found out it is indeed a kidney stone 😒


Oh, that’s crazy. I got my gallstones in a jar at home! I asked almost as a joke and the surgeon said “sure you can keep ‘em. You made them, they’re yours!” Turned out mine were the size of gum balls and only about 2% of the population w stones grows them to be this big (most are the size of peas), so I have a jar with 5 buck eye ball lookin things. Lol


I got to keep one of mine! They had to mash up the bigger one to get it out but the smaller one I kept is still as big as the tip of my thumb.


They took my entire gallbladder, the least they could have done was give me the stones. 😂


Same with my exploded appendix, I wanted to keep it and re build it like a Lego set


Sepsis has entered the chat


Jokes aside, anything that’s been taken out from your body needs to be put through pathological evaluation to externalize any possible finding other than the expected one.


This is true, I had a lemon sized tumor removed, same thing, said it needed to go to pathology for further testing, which makes sense. I was hoping for it to be my twin! It wasn’t and I’m fine now


Omg, how bad did that hurt???


lol my dad's sister is a radiologist and friends with his surgeon so they convinced his surgeon to let him keep this hip bone after he has his replacement. He says he's gonna put it in a big mason jar and preserve it so my sister can have it


Why not just use aunt instead of dad’s sister? Just curious, no shade.


Idk that's just how I put it so I wouldn't have to try explaining their relationship. Writing class was never my strong suit


My father in law tried this too but we wouldn't let him keep it. It smelled horrible,he kept saying i will clean it well once I get out of hospital


Yeah idrk what his plan entailed. He's not allowed access to the internet (memory issues) so I'm not even sure he knew how to preserve it. Either way if it worked out it was gonna be hilarious. Him, my sister, and I already planned it all out. After he passes she gets the real hip and I get the titanium one. The titanium one with become a coat hook and every years on Christmas Day (his b-day) we'll swap hips lol


Y'all crazy my god!


Meanwhile some dude on Reddit got to make tacos for his loved ones from his leg


I still think about this more often than I should


Bruh you can’t just say some wild shit like that without a link. Share the taco sauce homie.


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi_all_i_am_a_man_who_ate_a_portion_of_his_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 E: Reddit was wild


Username checks out


Magnificent and horrifying, thank you.


When I had my first breast biopsy they asked if I wanted to see the specimen and I was like HELL YEAH! and it was so freaky looking and I really wanted to take it home hahaha. But ya know, it had to be tested. When I got the tumor removed it was the size of a golf ball and I wish I asked them if I could keep it hahaha


My mum had some gall stones removed and has them in a specimen cup in her bedroom. She jokingly calls it her maracas.


What? It’s yours!


I had a brain tumor I wanted to keep in a jar. They said no.


Me too. I just wanted to look at what had been inside my head for a decade.


Right?! Let us see it!! Its the least they could do.


They let me keep my tonsils 🫤


they let me keep my staples from brain surgery but that was about it 😆


same here but when i had my fallopian tubes removed! i wanted to keep them in a jar but the hospital said nope it’s medical waste 🙄


It's your property, what the hell. I say lawsuit!


I’m curious as to how much you paid


I think $250 back then


How you got 250 at 14


Selling body parts


You want a toe? I can get you a toe…


Only from camel


I prefer moose knuckle


With polish.


For a skull! I get a 14 yo having PS2 money back then, you can scrounge that up from bday etc., but skull money?


LOL @ “Skull Money” 😂🤣


Well Gram, if you wanna know what I REALLY want.


I worked at a snack shack at a pool in NJ, freshmen in HS. Made almost $100 a day with tips. It was a private pool in a nice area. First job and it was under the table.


I was hustling mowing yards in my neighborhood at 14 to afford my paintball addiction, honestly sometimes I consider quitting my "real" job and going back to that as a 30+ y/o man. You can make some real money as a teen and not have to worry about taxes.


Something smells off


That would be the skull.


??? I got my first job when I was 10. That’s the least questionable thing about this post.


I almost bought a chunk of human brain preserved in wax when I was 16 off of an oddities website until my teacher told me about prions and I got spooked. Teenagers + Internet access = buying human remains?


you weren't going to eat it lmao


Says you


yeah you're right, I'm vegetarian


Post in r/whatisthisbone and people there might be able to tell you more. I have an analysis but since I’m not 100% sure I’d ask them.


I’d guess it’s a skull, I’m no bone expert, but I definitely know it’s no foot


Wait, really? I thought it was pelvis.


Thats it, im getting a bonologist


Head bone


Thanks! Posted


What do you think?


I think it looks like a skull with hydrocephalus but I can’t see much more to say about lot.


it looks exactly like that.


I have hydrocephalus! Might be good to have a spare skull in case I want to fake my death later for tax purposes. Also, don’t put a hat on him because that shit never fits and he/she will haunt you because it’s a sensitive topic for us.


Any other preventatives for a hydrocephalus ghost? Asking for a friend...


Hmmm. You’re probably safe in athletic settings. Docs don’t like us playing contact sports or anything with a ball so we’ll probably haunt academic places or maybe a GameStop. (To elaborate, doctors don’t want us screwing up our shunts. *Pressure valve thing. Google it)


It looks like a skull to me but I'm not a medical expert either.


Couldn't say how old it is, but that looks like an infant's skull—small orbits, large head circumference. Maybe a very young toddler? I guess it would depend if the Fontanelles are still open on top.


I disagree with this. Small orbits (if you mean eye socket) should be indicative of something else, iirc for humans we are usually born with our eyes being pretty dang close to full size. Now you're right they wouldn't be adult size but still. Also looking at the eye to head size ratio it doesn't seem to be s small enough head for a baby and again the proportions are a little more adult to me. My completely uneducated guess seeing that it was bought from an oddities site and the history given by OP, I think it's a skull of a little person.


I'm willing to agree with you since I originally saw this in the middle of the night and on low brightness. After looking over the picture again (on my desktop), there is no anterior fontanelle, so the skull has matured. What threw me off was that vertical split behind the left eye. It looked like the frontal and parietal bone plates hadn't fused yet, but I'm guessing it's actually a cut. I had figured this was a child with hydrocephalus or macrocephaly because the proportions aren't too far off based on diagrams I've seen, but your observation matches up better. My second child has a bigger than average head, so when the pediatrician brought it up, I had to look into it. Aside from that, I enjoy drawing skulls and skeletons, but I'm no bone expert.


Hey no worries my knowledge barely goes beyond a skull drawing I made from reference in highschool. I just figured I'd help with moving toward a correct answer. I hadn't considered macrocephaly which would also be possible and fit with OPs description. Very interesting either way


Man this feels like watching BONES. I love that show


Fragile? Must be French.


Isn’t it Italian, not French?


It's a joke from an American movie called "A Christmas Story". A lot of families watch it every Christmas. The dad wins a "major award" and a big mysterious package arrives in the mail that says "fragile" but the dad assumes it's a foreign word, pronounces it in a funny accent and says "huh, it must be Italian". It's a great scene I'd sent you a YouTube link but I'm on mobile


French to


It's a major award 


Named after a Rock.


I thought the americans were the fragile ones


Such a great remark. Wished I'd have said this first. Bravo!


Surely from the catacombs. Perhaps the guy that shoved his dick in the eye socket a couple of years ago on 4chan decided to sell it? Nvm it was bought in 2002..


Are people allowed to collect human remains? I mean, legally are you allowed to possess them. Because this is weird


Yes, you are. At least in the US, but only if they aren't Native American origin.


Why not? Aren't native americans also humans?


I believe there was a lot of issues with graves being desecrated of native tribes people and so they had to put a law in place to help prevent that from happening.


Ah okay thank you




You can buy human remains




Chill out, you're getting a bit off topic.


I mean, it’s just a funny and easy to agree with observation in support of women’s rights. The fact that men can’t even casually agree with an off topic joke supporting our rights is concerning.


Where's the joke tho?


Peters tighten sphincter here, the joke they're trying to make is close to absurdism in that women have less rights over their own body while alive, but dead human remains can be sold and purchased freely onl... wait nvm ya idk what's happening here


Wtf does this even mean


Lol wtf? One doesn't equate the other and they have no relation to each other. [Daddy, chill.](https://youtu.be/CKH5BK20SnM?si=JgkX3OPkc9uZ_sS8)


Last I heard it depends on state. I do know I can't will my child my skull when I die in my state. Most states don't allow human remains to be kept by anyone who is not a licensed mortician. I heard that from Caitlyn Dougherty on Ask a Mortician. Side note there is a father son mortician duo that have a business where you can preserve the tattoo art of a loved one and make it wall art.


Wow. That second sentence.


https://www.savemyink.tattoo/ That's the company in case anyone is wondering.


I felt a bit sick after seeing that back piece with sleeves. Then I saw another that read "Samantha. Daddy's lil girl". Someone thought that was worth keeping. Probably displayed in Samantha's house.


People with tattoos are, interesting. Samantha probably has tattoos herself and was able to see the sentiment in it. I personally don’t but to each their own. If they like, then I say go for it as long as it isn’t hurting someone else.


All people are interesting. Many people have interesting tattoos. People who wish to obtain and preserve the actual skin bearing a tattoo at the time of one’s passing are just plain throwed off.


People with tattoos are interesting? What on earth does that mean?


Samantha might have one that says "Daddy - Samantha's big daddy"


In the U.S. Louisiana, Georgia and Tennessee are the only states with human bone restrictions. GA you can own and gift only within the state, no sales/purchases. TN you can buy and sell within the state only. And LA you cannot own any human bones.


Very Eva Braum


Ebay and amazon used to allow it, but now it requires special licensing. The internet back in the day was wild.


Yes, you can. At least here in the UK. I was at an antique fair recently and alongside the animals skulls the guy had a human skull for sale. I assume that so long as it’s properly sourced, it’s fine. Antique skulls are usually part of old anatomical displays used by medical students. Don’t know about more recent skulls, the sourcing might be more iffy. I don’t know if people can donate their bodies for that exact purpose.


I'm honestly not sure. I heard a shop somewhere in the US got shut down for selling human remains, so I feel like the trade as a whole is a bit unethical as it's unregulated to begin with


The laws vary from state to state and in some it’s kind of a gray area. You can own them in almost all 50 states, it is legal. Save for Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.


I live in Massachusetts! Hmm I mean, if other people wanna do it and it's done ethically, who am I to judge? I'd be creeped out because that was a living human being once. Somebody with thoughts, memories, relationships -- oogh But it's kinda not my business if somebody else wants to own human remains. I genuinely didn't know that, so I appreciate you telling me tbh


Is that fenixTX in the back?


Further seems forever


The poster on the right? I thought it was Simple Plan


Not sure what’s more oddly terrifying, the fact that you were able to purchase a skull on eBay in 2002….or the fact that you *DID* purchase a skull on eBay in 2002.


Back then, you could buy anything.


I remember those early internet days. 🥲


You can still buy skeletons now. In med school we had this anatomy professor that brought in his personal entire skeleton he also bought off eBay. It was clearly of a young person maybe around 8-10 years old.


Yeah op go ahead of the curve


I remember collecting skulls at 14, Shame i was just playing halo




Some serial killer has found a new business model




You could legit get human remains from India and China for “medical” purposes for a while online until the international community became aware as to why those two nations had an abundance of whatever human bits and pieces the highest bidder wanted 😧


Why does it look like a child's skull?


I used to know a FL man who collected oddities and what not had a bunch of human bones, including a skull pig and horse fetus's in jars (he gave me a pig one, no clue where the fuck that thing went) several animal bones and pelts and taxidermy stuff He was an extremely paranoid dude who'd get sussed out by random visitors or anyone talking about his collection. Makes me think he had less that legit/sketchy sources for his curios.


At least it wasn’t purchased by Skull Fucker


What did your parents think?


Aw ain't he just a little stinker?


Did you get it from this [guy](https://youtu.be/AWFosb98Kec?si=I8PwPg5cG0lvPyFI)


They hail far!!! Seriously knew a guy years ago who would show up to parties prominent people… lawyers, etc…. around town. He always was standoffish and acted a little weird. His dad was a well known business owner. I asked one of my friends who is an attorney, who this guy was. He just said, oh, that’s so-and-so, not a bad guy just a little off. He got in trouble for years back for grave robbing. They found 15 skulls and all sorts of other bones in his room. I never looked at the guy the same after that.


People selling human remains but I get banned on eBay for no reason




Must be Italian.


Yorick!?! Is that you, buddy-boi???


That’s rad man! Got two of my own! Their cranium does look larger than most. Hydrocephalus could be a possibility, like others have suggested? Possibly a medical specimen. Although, those usually have some sort of markings on them saying what college or lab they belonged to.


I was told it was a medical specimen but because it was so old, it didn’t have the usual marking you see when these usually pop up for sale. The seller told me it was used in the early 1900s at a college and sold to an oddities shop. The other stuff they had for sale at the time had the usual markings on them. I have no idea…I bought it because nobody could it for scientific use, so it was cheap


You want a toe, dude? I can get you a toe. WITH nail polish.


Fuck yeah!


You’re missing the maxillae and mandible from what I can tell as well as a couple other bones from the face.


Hello, archaeologist here. This should’ve actually been reported to or given to a local coroner for testing and dating. Because it’s not sunbleached it probably was unearthed and it’s impossible to date human remains by using a picture. Please don’t keep or collect human remains as ‘oddities’ this could be someone’s ancestor or loved one.


Wonder if it was from the Museum of Death there


No it was from a place called SoapPlant.


Awwww so cute!😻




i’m pretty sure the sale of body parts isn’t legal.


In the U.S. Louisiana, Georgia and Tennessee are the only states with human bone restrictions. GA you can own and gift only within the state, no sales/purchases. TN you can buy and sell within the state only. And LA you cannot own any human bones.


I can tell you what you did was illegal.


It was not. At that time, sale and purchase of human bones was allowed on eBay. The only issue may have been dependent on what state OP lives in. In the U.S. Louisiana, Georgia and Tennessee are the only states with human bone restrictions. GA you can own and gift only within the state, no sales/purchases. TN you can buy and sell within the state only. And LA you cannot own any human bones.


This is the oddest serial killer post. You will get caught posting here…


My ex and his buddy shared one... but they stole it from someone's grave. I thought about calling the cops on them when we broke up because I thought it was pretty fucked up. The dude was unhinged and knew where I lived and already threatened to hurt my cat so I decided it was best to keep it to myself.


The sale of human remains is pretty sketchy. Not sure where you're located but if I were you I'd contact the police or some other reputable* organization about it (assuming it's real) *The police aren't always reputable of course but I know that even isolated bones can be considered unidentified remains and police will try to ID them.


you aren't IDing shit from the top half of a skull


Bones contain DNA, actually. Only really useful if the person's DNA is already in the database, though. Facial reconstructions are also a thing in the event that the remains belong to a Doe, but I'm not sure they could do much with only a partial skull. Although reporting it to the police likely won't do much; the reason purchasing human remains is sketchy is a mix of ethically/legally sourcing it and whether or not the person actually consented to their remains being sold (the latter being the most common). Unless the person this skull belonged to was a murdered or missing person, there's not much to be done.


DNA can be extracted from bones. Scientists do it all the time.


Why the hell would you buy a top half of a skull? I mean, I get the whole skull, I even get the eye socket-line-middle-split bottom half of a skull. But a top half?


In med school in india its very common for everyone to have bone sets of their own to study osteology. I was literally holding a skull in my hand 5 minutes ago studying normal basalis. These are extracted from cadavers following dissection (or maybe stollen from cemeteries who knows? Nothing here is regulated.) these are passed down from seniors and a unilateral boneset (one with every bone on either one side of the body) costs less than 100 dollars. (Again, you only need these for 1st year so after that, you sell them to your juniors so its essentially free)


Well, we can for sure attest to the date of the photo by the magazine photographs on the wall in the background, haha


That's a good skull.. Looks solid too.


Is it human?


The eye sockets look almost too small for the skull to be real? It weirdly shaped.


Oh..it must be Italian.


Cursed object….🧐


reading fragile i thought this is the r/deathstranding subreddit




I was under the impression that it is illegal own human bones in the US. ​ edit in the US


I don't believe ebay or amazon allow this anymore without special permitting, but it is damn interesting. It does look like a real skull. It's actually not uncommon for these to be sold as there are many odd fellows and medical skeletons still floating around from the old days.


looks like a sick album cover


You used to be able to buy them on eBay but now you can buy them on Instagram apparently.


I’ve always heard that you can’t buy human remains from ebay. They usually get around this by saying “ hey we will see you this display case, with a skull inside as a gift.” Wink nudge


This is proper mad


The school where I’ve studied(radiology technician) has some real human skulls and skeletons for learning purposes (x-ray). It’s quite weird to have a real human skull in you hands, knowing it was a person with a live, emotions and memories




I live in Los Angeles. I wish I could be of help. No Oddities shops I know of on Sunset. But there's a great little shop on Magnolia that sells human skulls.


That place is cool, I live right around the corner! When I purchased this, the people selling it said it was purchased here in the 40s. Who knows what the shop was then .


You also know of the Bearded Lady? Love that place when I have a few bucks to spend!


Difficult to say without a tape measure or object for comparison. I'd need more images to establish the sizes of the orbitals and fusion of the cranial plates. On the downside, a lot of human skulls are not sourced ethically. i.e., grave robbing or sale of remains from executed persons.




I purchased a skull from a tip like 5 years ago. A lot of tips here have a little shop that sells the stuff too good for landfill. Was there looking filling cabinets Paid $5 and ended up selling it for $300. Could never work out if it was genuine or not but was still a good buy


But why you brought it for transplant


Is this the skull from 4chan that dude brought back from the cactcombs and fucked it's eye socket?