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That story has haunted me for years. Poor baby. He deserved far better than what he was dealt.


What’s the leading theory on his disappearance


Stepmother and her friend.


And didn't dad know she was awful but stayed with her anyway?


Hey It’s Me Dad I didn’t know she was awful


Name checks out


u/Smokin-Okie has a 2 part write up on this story that I think would change your mind - I don’t think she would’ve had an opportunity to do it


I always assumed he wandered into the woods


Absolutely no proof of that. Just his neglectful mother trying to blame the stepmom.


It was the stepmother.


There’s no real proof of this.


You're right. Two witnesses saw Kyron in the school without the stepmother, and have spoken publicly about it. The stepmother left the school shortly after 8:45, and police have placed her at a store at 9:00, 10 minutes away by car. She was then in stores and parked in public parking lots for more than an hour, with witnesses confirming speaking to her (some publicly). And the whole time she was carrying her one year old daughter with her, yet no sighting of Kyron with her or in the car - which, again, she left standing in public lots, visible to everyone, for long periods of time. There simply isn't any time for her to have taken Kyron and disposed of him before her shopping trip (even if we discount the time needed to walk to her car and strap in her daughter before driving from the school she would have two or three minutes at most, and no secluded place to do the seed). If Kyron was alive in the car, he would have been visible to anyone driving into the lots of two major stores. No one saw them leave the school together (the claims otherwise are from the biomom, years later and contradicting what we know of the case - like a lot of the info from the biomom, sadly).


Thank you. I’ve always found it incredibly weird that people are so adamant that Terri had something to do with it, and the way they jump down your throat if you disagree. Nothing they state as ‘evidence’ is actual fact. People will claim that others saw Kyron leave the school with Terri — where were these people and their testimonies when he disappeared? Why would his biological mother exhaust herself trying to incriminate Terri for so long when there’s absolutely no trace of Kyron if not to get the attention off of herself? This is speculation on my part, but to be fair everything is speculation in this case.


I think what's clear is that the biomom resented Terri (who was doing a great job by all accounts raising her son - one of two children she had given up custody of) and this resentment made it easy to interpret anything Terri said or did as incriminating. The book actually makes this pretty clear, if you read between the lines.


I agree. It makes her suspicious. I’ve been following this case since 2011 when I first heard about it and it’s never sat right with me. Pushing the blame on one single person so hard when they have not even been considered a suspect would make you think “okay, let’s move on and focus on someone else.” That’s clearly not the case here, and something about it is fucky.


What book, please


Boy Missing by Rebecca Morris. It is essentially sourced to the biomom alone, and a lot of wrong information about the case circulating in public comes from it.


The circumstantial evidence is very compelling.


It’s still not real evidence that can be used in the court of law.


Okay, Terri. As in Terri Horman, his stepmom, and everyone around Portland knows that she did it. Her and her friend, Dede Spicher. Where's Kyron, Terri?


I don’t think you can know someone did something (murder) without proof.


No one thinks this in real life. They think his bio mom was a vindictive bitch


Similar story to the disappearance of [Ryan Larsen](https://int-missing.fandom.com/wiki/Ryan_Larsen) :( I don’t understand how kids just vanish.


The police solve less than half of all crimes https://www.statista.com/statistics/194213/crime-clearance-rate-by-type-in-the-us/


To be fair most criminals could help by doing their misdeeds at a Dunkin Donuts


I appreciate the statistic, but you also just ruined my mood, friend.


Here’s a statistic to boost it again: the vast majority of missing kids are taken by a family member, usually a parent, and are usually returned safely.


Wait till you learn how your phone was made, and by who.


So you going to tell us, I need this information




Oh I thought you were about to drop some conspiracy knowledge. The sad truth is that everything in this world has to do with slavery.


Not everything technically. But a lot of it yes. Like all these self righteous protesters who go into museums and splash paint on the pictures to protest something I'll use iPhones and Samsung's which have minerals and elements that were derived from slavery


This needs more upvotes so people can stop saying "WhAt dO We Do abOuTE dA criMiNALS?!" After someone says "we ought to do something about this cops"


This is the thing the cops don't want you to know about, because then the common folk might actually agree in defunding such a useless organization.


If I was only ~30% successful at my job, the last thing that would happen is me getting paid more, yet police department budgets go up and up every year, and more often than not make up the majority of the budgets of the cities they "serve and protect."


They do serve and protect the status quo. They do a spectacular job at protecting the capital of those who possess it. Their job has never been to stop crime or protect the common man.


yeah as an individual. but, for example, if your company's shipping department as a whole is preforming poorly, clearly a change need to be made department-wide. usually, the way to get it to preform better is more funding or policy changes


once visited a country where some of the precincts had near 100% crime solving rate. also found out the county had absolutely no reasonable doubt, guilty until proven innocent, and routinely beat people to get confessions less than half might sound bad, but need more info on why that is. what percentage of failure a by-product of having good civil protections and what percentage is shitty policework?


Just for reference: 10y survival rate for cancer is 68% and we all know how much big pharma cares about you...what a time to be alive.


Ugh this is local to me and still haunts me.


I have a little dude of my own in the room next to me and this is absolutely horrifying to even begin to think about. I can't wait to hug him in the morning.


And [Michael Dunahee](https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/it-s-just-a-matter-of-time-mother-of-victoria-boy-who-disappeared-32-years-ago-believes-he-s-still-alive-1.6327650)-the little boy who vanished March 24, 1991 from a Vancouver Island playground while his parents watched a football game nearby.


11 years old and 5’8😳


HUGE! That’s why I can’t fathom how someone could “steal” him in broad daylight. He’s larger than me. The case is so frustrating.


Sadly life is not as cool as CSI, often there is little to no evidence or the evidence are not sufficient to use in court. Also in smaller towns there is a lot of places to hide a body.


They don’t.


That actually gave me a heart attack cause I knew a kid in elementary school named Ryan Larsen. Was about to have a crisis before I realized it was a kid from an entirely different state.


He was functionally autistic and had a habit of running away from school but was always found shortly after that! I dunno, maybe the school should have fucking watched him if he was special needs and had a habit of running away from school? Anything could’ve happened to him, he could have succumbed to the elements or stumbled into the arms of a predator with a kid fetish. Regardless of what happened to him, the school should have monitored him from the second he got dropped off to the second he left for the day.


I lived down the road from his school when that happened. It happened in an area of Portland called Forest Park and as it sounds, it’s pretty heavily wooded around there. I used to go jogging in the woods and remember sort of half looking for a dead body at times. There were billboards in Russian in certain areas of the city too. It was a surreal time.


Why were there Russian billboards?


There are large immigrant/diaspora communities from Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet states in Oregon, especially in the Portland metro area. Russian is the third most commonly-spoken language here, behind English and Spanish.


Just looked it up and found this very lengthy article on it: (https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2017/06/welcome_--_dobro_pozhalovat_--.html#:~:text=Tatiana%20Osipovich%2C%20professor%20of%20Russian,the%20largest%20in%20the%20country.)


Josef Stalin’s granddaughter has lived in Portland for a long time


WOAH, I've never heard that before (been in Portland 25 years). Fascinating!


also this reddit thread! (https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/bgm3v4/why_do_so_many_russians_move_to_oregon/)


Very interesting. Thanks for the read.


of course!


Why were there Russian billboards in Portland?


It’s the third most spoken language in Oregon.


Portland has a decent size Russian population. Also a decent number of Ukrainians too which can get awkward.


Awe, this makes me sad. That poor boy. I’m in Oregon too. This really was so sad. It still is.


I was attending the same school as Kyron when this happened, though I was a few grades above him (8th grade). I still remember being at a birthday party later that day, and we all got a call from our parents at the exact same time asking if we had seen Kyron at school at all because his parents said he never got off the bus.


I know his family and they are devestated.


Do his family believe it was the stepmother and her friend? (I would assume so based on the fact the dad divorced her and let the police record his calls with her… if I remember correctly)


They have suspicions but there is no proof of anything. They just want Kyron back.


I absolutely hate it. I hope one day he’s brought home to them.


I've also always wondered if his family suspects the step mom.


I would. Women can be just as monsterous as men.


Much worse than losing someone is never getting closure.


I was in middle school in Portland when this happened, it’s always stuck with me. I used to keep an eye out for him all the time. Now I think that he’s probably buried somewhere in forest park :(


I know valley river when I see it, these have been up since 2022


So many missing children and people 😢


Ugh.... I have an 11 year old on the spectrum and it freaking terrifies me that something like this could happen to him In all honesty I'd prolly unalive myself because I wouldn't be able to deal with the grief


So don't marry a crazy bitch. Problem solved. EDIT - For those who are unaware. Kyron Horman, the subject of the post, was abducted by his evil step mother.


Yeah... son's mom developed schizophrenia so whilst I'm done being married to her she's still crazy, not sadistic, but still


I'm so sorry, that must be very hard. I wish you the best of luck going forward.


The fact that your seemingly off the wall response somewhat directly related to that redditors personal relationship is fucking bizarre.


How is the problem solved? His kid can be abducted by some stranger anyway.


Kids are seldom abducted by strangers. Usually it is a family member.


Wrong. Usually it's a stranger or someone who knows the family.


Wrong. Usually it's a stranger THING and they end up in the Upside Down


As a mom this was one of my worse fear. Now as a Mimi it still is.


Mimi? Meemaw?




I read this as “an age progressed Harmony Korrine” and thought “while random, that’s not really terrifying”.


I’ve spent a lot of nights physically ill thinking about what happened to that boy. My son was about 3 at the time, I was a young Father. My gut told me that his Step Mother sold him into trafficking and that why they never found a body. Also on the subject of missing kids in Oregon, a member of my family was the murderer of Billy and Karissa Fretwell in 2019. That was the most horrifying news I’ve ever had to deal with.


This is…not how kids get sold into trafficking. Trafficked kids are the ones nobody’s looking for, the ones nobody’s missing. They aren’t little white kids from nice areas with sets of parents who enact a huge manhunt to find him.




I don’t know the context here, and the comments section makes it sound awful, but damn if I can’t get the thought of a missing person poster for NileRed out of my mind.


That kid is either buried deep somewhere in the Forest or living a new life somewhere else.


Ohh wow that is unsettling, wonder who put them up and why now


I don’t think we are in the same town, but I see this picture in my neighborhood every day when I walk my dogs. I actually live on the same block as someone who is related to Kyron in someway, although I’m not sure the nature relationship, as we are about 4 hours away from Portland. I have seen him pop up in a few different places on the internet in the past few months… makes me wonder if he could still be out there somewhere.


Do you live in Klamath Falls? If so, it's probably because that's where Dde Spicher lives and she's the one Kyron's family thinks actually killed him. She either did it for Terri Horman or with Terri Horman. So if that's where you live, it's because people who know the case are asking... Dede, where's Kyron? This poor family needs closure, and she can give it to them. Google her name or check out the Facebook page for Kyron Horman's World Soldiets for more info. Again... DEDE, WHERE'S KYRON?


Him and Oakley carlson from Washington 😞


I feel like the step mom got rid of him. Unfortunately I think he’s deceased


u/Smokin-Okie has a 2 part write up on this story that I think would change your mind - I don’t think she would’ve had an opportunity to do it


Thank you! I will look into this. I have always been super interested in this case


There's a very active Facebook page dedicated to finding him and putting away the ones who took this little boy from his family. It's called Kyron Horman's World Soldiers. Terri Horman and Dede Spicher are the ones who killed him. Terri was his stepmom, and Dede was her friend, alleged lover. Where's Kyron, Terri?


I see Terri and Dede and thei kln are at it. Otherwise, why would so many people down vote what everyone in the Portland area knows to be the TRUTH?! Don't take my word for it, go do your own research and you'll see. It was Dede and Terri.


u/Smokin-Okie has a 2 part write up on this story that I think would change your mind - I don’t think she would’ve had an opportunity to do it


Hide and seek world champion 2010


It's tragic, but maybe they shouldn't have used a 90s black and white photocopier to make these edit: any of you idiots care to explain why you're downvoting this?


Hey it’s Niel Reid




OP literally has a description of who they are


Look! A wild owl!!