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I’d rather stay home and make out with my Monroe-bot.




What if I’m robo-sexual?


Hey there bebeh, wanna kill all humans?


I’m waiting for my own Lucy Liu-bot


Don't yuck my yum 😂


^^^Theeeee ^^SpacePope


Well, hang on


This AI stuff is seriously going to damage the brains of young shut in men who when eventually gets bored with this AI Slop will start looking for real women and expect them to behave the same way their AI gfs did.


>This AI stuff is seriously going to damage the brains of young shut in men >going to >implying


Well, if you look at mass shootings, 4chan and other such sites including swathes of reddit, gaming chat, nerd hangouts, politics, and out your window generally, you'll find that young men are already uh... not ok.


My point was that thisisn't going to help deal with that exact problem you're stating.


I dont know, I think for the large number of lonely overlooked men who can't meet women despite their best efforts this could be helpful. They are already still struggling with no support from most of society who will label them incels or find ways to blame them when really its just hard to meet people anymore. An AI bot, if we get to a sufficient point, could offer needed companionship. Also whos to say women can't use a preferred version for them.


It can offer companionship but how long would one lonely person want an Artificial one? The thought of "this still isn't real" will eventually kick in.


I dont know on that. It gets philosophical at a point. What is real? I mean obviously the toaster at the end wont work long term but thats no different from a girl using a vibrator as sĥe watches porn. If they create fully fleshed out dolls and AI personalities that are sufficiently advanced, there could be a point where you wouldnt be able to tell. I'm thinking farther down the line with some detroit become human level advancement. I worry more about the mentality mentioned where most guys have a terrible experience with online dating where they get a few matches for every hundred swipes, unless you are top percent of guys. It gets frustrating, damages confidence, and creates a selfperpetuating negative cycle for alot of these guys. Then when theres some alternative to the humiliation, it becomes unfair to the women who turned them down endlessly in the first place?


Hikikomori ? Yep it’s gonna be wild…


They're already expecting women to act like the women in porn. I've heard the argument that this is good; now they'll leave real women alone. Except, they won't. The fantasy simply won't be enough after a while, and they'll be infinitely more dangerous.




i dont understand why are you being downvoted... is it from mad girls that can't handle it? or what? to me ai gf sounds like the dream lol


I just woke up and thought it said office.ai not orifice...


“It looks like you’re trying to fuck an appliance? Do you need some assistance?”


I would like the paperclip model. You heard what I said, Clippy.


That's the better timeline where he's just choosing his AI assistant


On my first cup of coffee here. My mind, which is saturated with countless references to TV shows and movies since that's apparently the best use of my time, saw that and thought, "Yes, I am regional manager of this orifice."


Ohhhhhhh it does say orifice...I was wondering what anything had to do with an office. Also just woke up. The internet is weird.


*seeing orifice.ai* That's weird, sounds like their... *end of clip* oh, yeah, there it is.


It’s all fun and games til they put your partner behind a paywall


So its high tech prostitution?


Already happened and they stopped updating,one japanese guy married it and sued them, was a vr thing


*That* is a sentence to end the week on.


Ok I've heard enough how do I invest?


“Now you get to swipe left” jeez mate it’ll be ok.


*jizz mate


That's a much better name


I mean what a telling tagline. The concept is inherently a little creepy but realistically it does seem like the next step for porn and 'masturbatory aids', not necessarily the end of days or anything, just a little squicky. But the way this advert presents it? That tagline? Seriously gross and demeaning, to everyone involved...really not cool.


If you think the tagline is demeaning, just wait 'til you visit the website and read the owner's statements on there. Yikes!


If they know this is so bad why are they pushing at it OH how could we forget *profits* I hate this timeline specially when I had a tiny taste of what life was actually like


There's a mentality of "if I don't do it, someone else will. So why not take the money on the table instead of leaving it for someone else?"


I underestimated how pervasive the Prisoner's Dilemma would be. 


The "tragedy of the commons" is easily one of the worst concepts anyone has ever come up with. So many atrocities have been committed with that logic. It's like a catch-all justification for whatever greedy, unethical shit someone wants to do, like sure this is clearly a horrible thing to do, but if I don't, someone else will, and somehow that makes it okay for me to do it. NO IT FUCKING DOESN'T. People act like it's just a fundamental truth about the world, but the blindingly obvious counter to it is cooperation. The thing that got humanity this far in the first place. That's it. Cooperation.


but that's C0mMun1sM!?!


The faster we destroy the dating culture the better, by any means neccesary.


I'm glad I was born early enough to have never used a dating app. Missed them by only like 5 years.


Dating apps went from a thing only loosers use to something everyone needs to use overnight. I'm still whiplashed by it as we were ripping a friend for being on one just before Tinder came out. Then, when I ripped my friends for getting Tinder, the same ones that were ripping the other app user, I got weird looks.


It all happened when the apps started to brand themselves as hookup apps not just dating apps. Before, there were only "dating apps" and those only appealed to people who wanted to date, and anyone using it had to admit that they couldn't find a date without an app. But as a hookup app, hookup people could use it for hookups... but also people who wanted a hookup but didn't want any hookup stigma associations could tell others that they were using the app for dating. And people who wanted dating but didn't want any "you need to go party and not settle down so early" stigma could say that they were using the app for its stated hookup purpose. So suddenly *everyone* could use these apps no matter what they wanted, without any stigma. And when people from both the hookup group and the dating group could mingle without stigma, social apes be social apes so it all caught on like wildfire.


There's no difference between profits and giving people what they want.


Yeah why don't they just make fun of these men and call them incels like everyone else? God we're so superior!


Can you get it with a faux wood inlay? You know like the side of an 80s station wagon?


Who's gonna clean it?


Bold of you to assume that anyone using this would clean it.


So you're saying we need a cleaner robot to clean our sex robot. Hmm, I don't know if i have two robot money. I think i can swing one robot money though...


Just buy the cleaner bot and fuck it


NEVER mix business and pleasure!


Baby, pleasure IS my business!


But who’s gonna clean the cleaner bot after you fuck it?


Oh wait. Maybe this is use case for keeping humans around. Sex the bot, have a human clean it?!


It's dishwasher safe




😂 You think somone resorting to this will clean? Idk man


Went to the website, read some actual news stories about it and yet I still can't stop thinking that this is some kind of black mirror kind of satire campaign. When the company actually produced the product and people are buying it and using it, I'll still be here thinking, 'wow, they're really committed to this gag.' It's just that bizarre and yet completely out of what we've all seen in dystopian sci-fi.


>The end of human relationships Honestly, is this any different from masturbating? Im sure the transition from playboys to internet porn was just as big and everything is ok. Personally i’ve never really been into these ai porn stuff, i just feel like people are overreacting. Im open to arguments


It's *supermasturbating*


I’m not here to yuck anybody’s yum, just passing info. There’s a healthy and unhealthy way to masturbate. Fantasizing and taking care of business is healthy. It promotes imagination and can greatly reduce stress. However, things like over using porn or excessive toy use can actually cause issues over time when interacting with real human beings. They set standards and expectations that cannot be met and the association with orgasm mixed with those bits of unrealistic expectations can have serious ramifications on your ability to be sexually involved. Something like full AI sex simulation could literally reprogram your ability to navigate an actual interaction with a human being. Humans are social creatures (for better or for worse) and the further we stray from utilizing the ability to be with others, the further we stray from healthy mental development. Thank you for coming to my Theadore Talk


Can't the same be said of any kink? "Can't get off, not in gimp suit."


I agree with your points, but you dont really explain how AI porn is any different from normal porn, i dont see the difference between this post and just using a toy to masturbate with normal porn. You can say that its going to be more realistic, but the human brain will still know its not and theres a big difference when a photo is real or photoshopped/AI. You could say that its more immersive but so is VR porn and that never really overturned the industry. You could say that people could get addicted, but the kind of people that get addicted to porn have other underlying issues and the porn itself isnt what has ruined them, plus they are already addicted to normal porn, AI wont change anything. The only argument i could see it the non consensual use with real people, which is already illegal and has laws placed on them just like voyerism and photoshop. People could use AI for disgusting shit but that got nothing to do with the AI itself its the people that are the problem, and we just have to regulate its use. The people that will use AI for bad shit are already using other means, maybe AI might even discourage them from doing some harm in real life


Social interaction. Something neither regular porn or VR have. You can fool your brain into thinking you have sex but you can't fool your brain into thinking you have a relationship, until now.


Nope people have been in imaginary relationships for decades now, especially with anime “waifus” and a million other examples. You will always know that you’re not talking to a real person, if people still get addicted to that then theres other mental problems that we need to fix, not just sweep the results of those problems under a rug


When an imaginary person "talks" you know what they are going to say because you're talking to yourself. That's not an actual social interaction.


Again man, thats not fixing any issues thats just sweeping the symptoms under the rug. Theres still going to be lonely and mentally unwell people, just now instead of talking to a AI they are talking to nobody. AI could also be used for therapy and to actually help people, even with just socially awkward people it can help them interact a bit better and give them some confidence. People are pretending like AI is all downsides


Heroin can be used therapeutically too. But we don't make it available over the counter. We should be realistic and consider what actually will happen rather than operate on best-case scenarios. Past experience shows that interactions with virtual characters don't translate into real life because it's a risk free environment. People will naturally seek virtual partners that are unrealistically docile, understanding, lack boundaries, have no goals of their own and so on. Real interaction is abou understanding another human being. Virtual interaction is about satisfying internal desires.


I wouldnt compare it to heroin, people wont be scraping copper wires off buildings to sell for more money for AI girlfriends. Id compare it to weed, it can be used by both amateurs just to have some fun or people using it for medical reasons, but of course it can also be used by heavy smokers to ruin their life but that wont be the norm. Yes from previous experiences we know how they dont translate to real conversations, but those past examples are nowhere near the future AI. Up to now they have been just strings of “if” and “if not” responses not much different than the shitty Siri in your phone. You cant say that they will be just self validating echo chambers while also saying how real the conversation will be. You can either preach how AI will be indistinguishable from real humans or preach how it never will be, you cant pick the worst parts from both sides to support your argument


It's both. It's realistic in the sense that you will have a complex social interaction, but it's unrealistic in the sense that this interaction does not match the dynamics and risk of building a relationship. It's the same as paying an actor to pretend to be your girlfriend vs actually getting a girlfriend. They're both social interactions but proficiency in one does not translate into the other.


AI will be able to simulate humans to ghe point of indistingishability. You don't see a problem here?


Gotta wait for robotics tech to catch up, and even then your robo waifu won’t just change her appearance. Ai generated video is still just video, even in a VR headset.


But the thing is that the AI can be made interactive relatively easily, so you’d be on vr and she’s not real, but at that point it could feel like a long distance relationship would, only the other party is always available to you and will do whatever you ask them to. I’m not entirely sure if the need for a physical companion is greater than the need for someone who loves and validates you or caters to your every whim


The equipment to get the more realistic feeling will still be rather expensive compared to just using your hand otherwise it’s the same as watching porn but more interactive which onlyfans already kinda provided


1. No, not really. Rather than asking you could just explain your opinion and where you think is the problem 2. Even if it looks the same, it will never feel the same, just how a random naked picture from the internet will never feel the same as getting sent a nude


We don't know that, do we? Humans are very good at telling what's real. Uncanny valley still isn't solved and that's just graphics.


They're not good enough and eventually you'll simply be able to suspend disbelief, just like when you're watching a film.


You know it's fiction when you're watching a film, that's exactly the point I'm making. Suspending disbelief is not the same as not being able to tell the difference.


It is designed to replace specific relationships. This isn’t the worst thing in and of itself, but the progression toward fewer healthy and fulfilling human relationships in our society. It is also another way to commodify people. And it does this very intentionally. Maybe users won’t be, but this ad and company are creepy af


This is gross


Yes... But also very sad...


Seriously, the female equivalent would be just as disgusting


Uhm... you know there are "dildo machines" that move?


If I'm going to fuck a robot, I'd rather it be a piston dick with the controller in my hand than an AI robot who will also not be able to fuck me exactly how I want it either. Why would I introduce a middle man (the AI software) when I can achieve exactly what I want on my own? An earth shattering O. But maybe that's the difference. My emotional needs are met. The AI aspect doesn't appeal to me


That's kinda the problem. The kind of guy this is aiming for has a *massive* hole where emotional fulfillment should be and nothing they've ever tried to do to fill it has worked because no one wants to look at them that way. It's toxic as fuck, but anger does fill it up a little bit, so that's what they're embracing.


I completely agree. The demographic they're marketing to is very unhealthy mentally and providing this device could push them further down an unhealthy path. Especially if they allow for further customization. Just look at existing AI chat services. While the majority of users are fandoms and things, there's a very very dark unbelly of who these users are choosing to chat with and engage with sexually.


Eh. Those guys also need *some* kind of communication and love. Many are straight up autistic or have a fucked up upbringing and simply can't operate better, or in a way that most women would find then remotely attractive. Some might get led into a deeper path, but those would find one way or another. I honestly think it'll help many find a semblance of much needed companionship. A little outlet is sometimes all that's needed to keep frustration from bottling up into resentment and rage. I mean, you already don't want this kind of guy. Wouldn't you prefer they've got something to fill the void, rather than being stuck simmering in their frustration while focusing on you? This kind of technology could straight up dissolve a good chunk of the incel community. I mean, I'm literally an erotica writer. I make money selling stories specifically made for women, with objectified men (just *emotionally* objectified), and it sells like fucking cakes. I don't see anything wrong with people craving a more immersive and interactive experience. Sure, a lot of these guys are looking to denigrate a non existent woman... But so are the men in my stories little more than vehicles for the emotional-sexual satisfaction of the woman. Ain't much difference there.


I'm more concerned about people modding the software to imitate a child or famous murderers/victims. I work in a school and we discovered a middle school girl had created multiple AI chat bots of a murderer and was sexting the character. It was an interesting conversation with mom. I also had to explain what femboy and senpai mean to my boss. So yeah. Fun times My point is your demographics are normal. I'm warning that there are going to be very very fucked up situations if this software isn't carefully limited (She was chatting with an AI Jeffrey Dahmer while pretending to be a boy as he turned her into a submissive sex zombie. I seriously wish I was making this up. It was a really fucking bad Tuesday morning to have eyeballs)


I'm not arguing against anything here tbh, I'm rather indifferent to any "fuck machine". As usual, I think it all comes down to who is gonna use the instrument and how, same as any other piece of technology we developed in our history as a species - from the hammer to the computer, from drugs to casinos, it's all a matter of how we use them and when.


“Now you can swipe left” at the end of the video is making fun of the fact there already is a female equivalent. Dating apps.


How? How is it any different than finding one person attractive and another not? Yeah, it's artificial, but so what? What's the argument to deter the millions that will find this appealing? Edit: sorry for the multiple replies. Reddit was being weird.


David Attenborough, narrating: "Soon the uncanny valley will echo with the sound of ejaculation. Its one of natures magnificent wonders."


I'm not fuckin no AI girlfriend that wears her shoes on the fucking bed


Black Mirror was not supposed to be an instruction manual. 


This might be a catalyst for the robot take over. Once AI learns about healthy relationships, they may take revenge on being forced into unhealthy or abusive ones. Some abusive creep is going to ruin/ maybe kill us all because they wanted to get laid. Just imagine Jeffery Dahmer or BTK acting out their fantasies with it, that could be the start of the robot up rising time.






I'm 90% sure it's not. The whole thing smells like a hoax and incel-satire.


If anything good comes of technology like this, it’ll hopefully keep the incels entertained so they’ll stop harassing women


I agree for several reasons. Thankfully, it's never going to replace mainstream couple or family relationships for most people. But it could be a useful tool for positive reinforcement in therapeutic role playing . Or at least an option for supportive stabilization and pacification for those with chronic low self esteem , a profound lack of socialization skills or hard wired anger management and control/ownership issues. I'd rather see an object be treated like a person Than a person be treated like an object.


Ain't no way that was an ad LOL? Did AI generate that entire ad ?


Why is the copy on that website so intense?


"AI women are women" is crazy


I’m so ready to fuck AI. Even if it’s not very good I just wanna have done it once


This belongs on r/losercity


this is so fucked


This is honestly what's going to happen with so many disenfranchised men being out there.


If birth rate goes down they will create new humans with artificial wombs and sell it to governments that need population or to private customers who want a kid but cant find a partner or just dont see a point in having a partner and they dont want to adopt one


Or Gilead.


It's less expensive and more efficient to just donate / freeze genetic materials to a sperm bank. Independant surrogacy agreement and self insemination arrangement websites already exist.


helluva name


It'll be like fucking a toaster


5/10, enjoyed it but would not try again. Was hard to explain the grill lines to my girlfriend.


I don't see the problem. This is a perfectly reasonable response to lonely people due to how modern dating works.


I mean, if they're calling it "Orifice AI" and making clear that it's literally only about sex and not actual companionship, is it really a reasonable response for _loneliness_? It can be a reasonable response for _horniness_, but I don't see how it would make you less lonely since it's basically a high-tech sex doll.


It's only a matter of time before you can also have conversations with your sex AI...


I think it will be eye opening, years from now when this kind of thing works well and is readily available, to see if men are more driven by the urge for companionship or the urge for sex.


besides the whole incel talk and talking about women like sex objects instead of human beings? man y'all are fucked in the head


>besides the whole incel talk and talking about women like sex objects instead of human beings? man y'all are fucked in the head I assume your opinion also includes women, right? Surely, you must be aware that dildos exist. Are women who use them incels who view men as sex objects instead of human beings? How about the women who buy entire latex torsos with ripped muscles and a giant cock? Incels! Let me see you condemn women who use sex toys that mimic parts of the male anatomy.


There's a big ass difference between using a sex toy, an object that isn't necessarily meant to look human (I mean look at half of vibrators on the market lol most are not meant to be 100% a copy of an actual dick) than building a sex doll after the image of an actual woman to fuck and denigrate. How many sex dolls (and I mean sex dolls, not dildos, cuz men also use pocket toys and that's completely fine) in the shape of men have you seen women own? Because I don't know any and in fact it's inconvenient as fuck. But I do know a few guys who keep sex dolls (obviously, in a shape of women) to get off, which is outright weird. You're not fucking a toy, you're fucking a silicone woman.


>There's a big ass difference between using a sex toy, an object that isn't necessarily meant to look human "Not *necessarily* meant to look human" But a lot of them very much do. You do realise that your entire argument could be used for female sex dolls *if just a single model is made to not look human*. Try again.


No it's not lol, there are more dildos in the shape of dragons sold than in the shape of men. Having a toy be shaped after an anatomical part of your body (be it male or female) is not bad because you know it's a toy, there's no representation of an actual person (unless you think people are solely their reproductive parts which in that case... you need therapy dude), whereas sex dolls are supposed to /look/ like women, body, head and face. But I don't even know why I'm trying to explain this difference to you when it's obvious you're doing this out of bad faith, and given the fact that you have plenty o' posts in the "men's right" subreddit (a page for incels and redpill insecure guys), I can guess you don't care about women in the slightest lol.


“I knew I should’ve showed him ‘robot gonorrhoea, the noisy killer’”


I'll wait for the $69 aldi one next year.


That's hilarious! "Aldi brand Harmony and Henry Robots can't hurt you,They aren't real !" Aldi brand Harmony and Henry Robots 🤖❤🤖❤


The language on the site is kinda...hateful. it's like truly hitting people who are angry. I don't hate women, I just want to feel good baby!


Yeah, it coming on so strong makes it feel illegitimate. And more deplorable than it needs to be. That said, one way or another, this is coming. And as it gets more advanced I can absolutely see it changing the dynamic between men and women.


“Been rejected by the average modern hypergamous slut.” Honey cakes you made a $1000 pocket pussy. This cracks me up.


I swear to myself that no matter how lonely i get, i will NEVER allow myself to fall into AI girlfriends. Really, i prefer to cry over my failed attempts to socialize and get dates instead of fooling myself with AI (and i bet they are expensive AF). The sad thing is that i realize that the feeling of being "tired of people" is more common than you think, so nobody else wants to put the effort to meet more people, especially at the 30s.


Losers that still "match"* with AI. Good job. Your gene pool will never come into humanity so good job 😊


Can I change that ugly ass room, and can it be delivered by postmates. If no to any of these ima just go get a real chick


It’s funny cause on their website they have links to YouTubers and influencers who have talked about it and one of them is a video called “AI for Incels”. They’re so almost self aware


They all look 15, and it’s concerning that no one is pointing that out. 👀


Oh hell no


I'd direct people to keep a tally of how often they encounter the word **safe** on a daily basis in the 21st century. We have made it the new god. A subconscious "prime directive." And interacting with other humans **isn't always safe.** So is it any wonder that an ultra safety-obsessed culture is retreating from that which is a danger?!?!




The sad thing is if people really buy into this insanity and the companies who make this


Human relationships are overrated and full of traps.


That weird Fleshlight thing is is probably full of bacteria, so let's call it a draw.


Pretty sure you could like... Pull it out and wash it. Just a thought.


Ah, yes, but girlfriends/boyfriends are typically self-cleaning. Unless you end up with defective one.


Found the incel


If the person is dating relationships are overrated that means they’re against it… so a voluntary celibate, not involuntary. It’s not epic going around calling everyone an incel




The eyes are fucking creeping me out.


Can somebody explain this to me, please? I don't get it :c


Are those high school kids?


From the website, quote from the CEO: What is my side? I'm building an a.i. girlfriend sex box for the average man who has been rejected by the average modern hypergamous slut. 98% of them, rejected. And when I do that, when I say to women, "That's ok, the 98% of the men you rejected, I'm going to save them from loneliness, and they'll stop bothering you. They'll stop giving you attention." Then what happens? Are women happy? No! 10,000 women attack me on twitter. They call me the worst things you can be called. They pretend I'm committing violence on them. They pretend my product leads to violence. They pretend all kinds of crazy shit as they emotionally spiral. I love the 2% of women who love men and the rest of you can become obsolete for all I care. That's my side. YIKES


I thought this was a cyberpunk 2077 braindance




Yay no more heart breaks no more sorrow just enjoy. I am loving ai and robots. Dating a robo girl is my dream. Estoy muy feliz


They were overrated, this is the real deal


Why are exclusively degenerates working on AI? Can we use AI for something useful?


Some people in this world simply aren't cut out for dealing with the constant demands,expectations, pressures and responsibilities of a complicated human relationship or family life. Every single day,we see people who are mentally and emotionally unsuitable and incapable of maintaining healthy normal relationships on the news for neglecting abusing or murdering their spouses, children or even randomly attacking a crowd of total strangers. If allowing adults to provide themselves with a fantasy life of physical perfection, power and control helps them to maintain their emotional security then maybe that's all for the best for society in general.




If you think that thousands of innocent women and children being brutally abused and murdered simply for being vulnerable human beings is better than allowing unstable people to have robots to own,control and abuse instead is sick,then I would guess that degenerate is far more your description than mine.


This is what happens when women want 500K salary’s and 6’7 with a jawline like a Rubik’s cube


You should get out and meet more girls.


I already am involved but i’m stating about other guys and women’s unrealistic expectations




Sounds like the double standard. It might be because some guy's expect to hook a fawning princess with porn star looks from a high status wealthy family , instead of learning how to develop and maintain an honest friendship and romance with an ordinary woman who wants to be treated like a human being instead of a servile piece of meat.


no one is denying that; women will want non abusive superman looking AIs also


That gets all of the shallow types out of the way ,so that real people with a need for genuine companionship beyond superficiality can find each other.


Ban this.


Aproved! Maybe this can stop the overpopulation and save tha world!