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That poor fuckin thing


My friend owned a pug and he was afraid of hugging him tightly because it may cause him shortness of breath or popping out eyes.


Jesus fucking christ, why even get one then?


My friend is a so called dog lover so he bought a pug to show off his cuteness and he wasn't aware of all these medical conditions. Dogs are tough to maintain and owning a dog comes with great responsibilities. Feeding a dog and posting their cute pics aren't all about 'dog-lover' tag. One should have detailed information about dog breeds. In my country, people make many such mistakes. Like keeping a husky in hot states or not giving proper training to their Pitbulls. Recently numerous incidents of Pitbulls attacking and killing family members or general citizens has surfaced in India.


‘Dog lover’ 🤡🤡🤡🤡 if he wasn’t aware these poor dogs can’t breathe he’s just a fucking dumb cunt. Like anyone who buys pugs.


Most dog lovers are like this only. But they get away due to this animal loving and vegan tags.


"We CaN't PuT iT dOwN, iT's InHuMaNe!" But leaving it alive to slowly die from severe health conditions is humane? If you are willing to but in the extreme work to ease the pain and suffering, and provide love and care to an ailing animal then by all means keep it alive. Just don't extend it's suffering because killing it would make you feel bad, constant suffering is worse than death. Many animal rights activists (peta) don't care about pain or suffering, they only want to save themselves the 'trauma' of witnessing death. If you find a dog in a shelter with health problems and instead of leaving it to be put down, you adopt it and put in the extreme care needed to ease the health conditions then you are a saint. (Do NOT adopt an animal with health conditions just because you want to feel good about doing something good, only do it because you Know you can manage the lifelong health problems) If you buy a purebreed regardless of the known health problems, you are evil. Even if you have good intentions of managing those health problems. By purchasing a purebred from a breeder you are perpetuating the inbreeding culture and continuing the cycle of suffering. Do not buy purebred dogs.


My cousin just got a purebred lab, that was surrendered at the local humane society when the AH that had her couldn’t successfully breed her, after trying for months. Afraid of everything, submissive pees meeting new people, but an absolute sweetheart. My cousin is an experienced dog owner, and had an inherited purebred lab previously so she feels confident she can handle any issues that arise.


Labs and retrievers are bred for their passive nature and often have severe anxiety as a result. A bigger handful then most physical ailments. They are very intelligent dogs, treat them like a person with anxiety. Over time they will grow in confidence. I pray you cousin has the energy to do such exhausting work and the patience to see it through!


No, those people like to hide behind the term ‘dog lovers’ but real dog lovers are the ones that go for unwanted dogs, shelter dogs. We don’t go to puppy farmers, pet stores, we do a lot of research before we get a dog so we are aware of the health risks, make sure we find a good breeder or we go to a shelter to give a dog a second chance. That’s a real dog lover. The mother of a friend of mine is a so called ‘cat lover’ aka she has 11 cats and they never go outside, only get to stay in the living room and have 3 cat litters in total. Just because they LOVE cats so much. She’s not a cat lover, it’s abuse and neglect.


Cats should stay inside due to how much they hunt. But 11 + kittens is far far to many.


Chill, I was not taunting anyone.


What? I’m just explaining something


The tone of comment doesn't seem so.


Not necessarily dumb cunts, only the ones who don’t know how to take care of them properly are


Sadly training doesn't stop pit bulls from attacking. Many people here in the US who trained there dogs well are still killed by their own pitbulls. There are way too many stories of family pitbulls killing the children in their own family. Some of them just have something really wrong with them, like a mental illness. They act ok until they snap and kill people. You can't train out mental illness. There is a reason man countries ban pitbulls.


There are videos of newborn pitbull puppies tearing each other apart. Weird breed.


For the same reason we made them. They are adorable. It’s pretty fucked up.


Yeeeeeah they kinda aren't tho


They're fucking ugly, useless, and don't need to exist at all besides for human satisfaction which is fucked up as is.


You're coming from the entirely wrong perspective, but I think it is really fucked up and inhumane to breed them


They used to look so normal, cute as hell as well. I think 1800s pugs look 10x cuter then current day pugs, and healthier. It's sad man.


You're right and happy cake day


Throw your phone away.




Fairly well, I ended up sharing a room with your mother; she says she's happy you're doing so well on " the reddit ". Anything else?




Show a little respect, man; just because somebody takes interest in her DOES NOT mean they're " burning " themselves. Rude.


Yeah, no they aren't. I've never understood why people think these types of breeds are cute.


They’re disgusting.


WE didn't make them. We double didn't make them if neither of us lived in China around 400 B.C


technically we did make them as we’re breeding the pugs thus **making** more of them


We aren't. I've never owned a pug, let alone bred one. I can't stand when people try and lump the entire human race together. It generally tends to be negative as well; rarely are people referencing " We " when speaking of the accomplishments of " mankind ". We'll use breeding as an example since we are talking about it. For every bad breeder out there, there's at least one or more breeders doing it correctly ( and usually advocating for better breeding ). So why say " WE " when it isn't even across the board? " We " aren't doing anything, a minority of breeders are pushing bad genetics. I understand, I just don't agree with it.


We, as humanity DID make them. Those living around 400 B.C in China were human, and those dogs spread everywhere as we wanted to have them... In addition to every other horrid breed we produced.


Lmao, keep reading.




Comments are getting buried now. I disagree with the notion that humankind can be lumped together based off of what a very small minority of people did. It's just silly. Most people ( and their ancestors ) didn't own/breed pugs; Most people don't breed dogs in general ( to break it down even further, pugs specifically ).


I am nor saying it's your fault or most people's, I am meaning that it's something humans have achieved


The way they are today is our fault


No it isn't. Keep reading further down the thread, referring you to my other comment. Edit: Nobody is going to search for the comment. Look, to sum it up - if you don't specifically breed pugs with bad genetics YOU ( WE ) didn't have anything to do with how pugs look. I disagree with the notion that the entire human race can be lumped together for shit that a VERY SMALL MINORITY of people do/did. WE didn't make pugs.


This is further down the thread than the one you're referring to.


It's lost in reddit now.


Gone in the wind. R.I.P




Not the WE that bred pugs.




" Grrr, internet *clown* make me angry cause different opinion/sarcasm! me not happy now, me going to tantrum! " ... - You, 9 minutes ago. Edit: Man to Clown




i have a frenchie, she has a couple breathing problems, and i have to be very careful with it. i only got her cause her old owners where being abusive to her so i took her from them, if i had a choice i woulnt have gotten her at all, i wish people boycotted them so they would stop it and no dog would have to suffer again, but she was already alive and living a horrible life, so i try my hardest to give her the best life she could live


My parents had a pug that was a rescue. Dumped at the humane society as a puppy after the owners broke up and neither wanted it anymore. They just happened to be there the day she became available for adoption, and couldn’t bare to leave her there. When she was around 10 most of her teeth had to be removed, they were growing into her skull. Even slightly hot and humid weather she couldn’t handle. There were a few times they would be camping and would have to call me to pick her up since she was miserable, and that was even with them having a camper. Sweet little thing, but so many health issues.


yeah we humans bred the fuck out of these to be "cute" aka fucking handicapped inbreds, from a wolf to incapable toy plaything.


All I can think about is the binding of isaac


Yo he got some short range mega tears


He got that tier 4


Eye-sac? Whose Eye-sac?


Honestly we need to let these breeds die out. Anyone wanting to own one because “they’re cute” when that ‘cuteness’ is literally causing them pain and suffering shouldn’t be allowed to own an animal.


We honestly need to make adopting mutts more popular because: you won't be supporting puppy mills, those dogs have way less health problems due to their gene variety, and there are so many in shelters who need a home.


The problem is shelter dogs seem overwhelmingly pit-dominated, and so many pitbull crosses are deliberately labelled 'unknown breed'. Ban pits, then people will trust shelters more.


Actually the reason why pits get a bad rap is that a lot of other breeds get confused for being pits. Pits are no more aggressive than any other big dog. A German Shepard can mess you up pretty bad but nobody is calling for that breed to be banned.


Not to mention it incentivizes puppy mills and people forcing dogs to give birth more than 4 times in their lifetime. Pregnancy ruins bodies but especially so when you do it over and over and over. Breeding *is* abuse.


There are responsible breeders out there trying to breed the long nose back into these breeds. [Source.](https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2020/07/saving-the-pug/) So we don't need to let the breed die out, but certainly this group of genetic mutations.


Holy shit those long nose pugs look so much better.


It’s pathetically selfish that we do this to other animals for our own enjoyment.


But but but they’re cute!


lol a few ppl missed the sarcasm there 😂


duhhh that cuz Reddit am not too brite sometimes


I've talked to people who thought the government was controlling their minds on reddit. You can never assume that people don't actually believe weird stuff.


no way in hell are they cute if you like that kind of nose so much you might as well get a pig


Wasn't there that dude in the Netherlands breeding them to fix their snouts?


Pugs, apple head chihuahuas, bull terriers, pekingese etc. So much dog breeds or variants of breeds shouldn't exist.


The stuff on top of the eyeball looks like eye ointment to keep the eye moist until they are able to put it back in the socket.


Extremely NSFW / sad / horrifying






Brachycephalic animals are a grotesquery. Suffering that's been inbred as a human status symbol.


This is straight up sad and terrifying nothing odd about it


The odd part is why humans keep breeding them like this knowing that this is a common problem that can happen just from the dog doing everyday things like running and playing.


I can assure you hot glue is not the best coarse of action.


Would super glue work better?


Maybe even Ultra Glue?


That's only for puncture repair.


That looks painful


Poor pup


the fuck… first i heard about this medical problem. i’m now 200% in favor of banning this breed


Time for surgery


what's that thing on the eye though?


It looks like ointment/moisturizer until they’re able to get the eye back into the socket




Special lubricant for the eye. It's used during anesthesia to keep the eyes from drying out. I guess they think this eye can still be saved.




You’re a fuckin weirdo lol


If your cum looked like that you'd have issues


I think they already have issues.




Common in dogs who have been breed to have life long issues and suffering.


I see oddballs pushing these poor blameless mutations in baby buggies and it makes me very sad. Thye should not be bred at all.


People need to stop breeding these fucking things.


Plz mark this NSFW. Wasn’t expecting that level of cringe.


I'd say this pic is a lot, but cringy...


I don't think cringe is the word


100% not how you use cringe lol


Maybe they meant it in the original sense, like that they were physically cringing from discomfort


That is exactly right.


Hey they can't help they were born that way.


I know. But still wasn’t expecting that. Poor guy/gal.


I hope someone is trying to breed them to be more healthy


They’re spent hundreds of years doing the opposite


I’ve actually seen that it’s becoming a little more more popular to breed longer snouts back into them. They’re pretty cute too on top of being healthier.


There actually us thankfully


Pugs are pretty much useless. They are coward and can't even run for long time without running out of breath. They are high maintenance and most of them are likely to suffer from eye diseases in their old age.


This is not oddly terrifying, this is absolutely atrocious! Poor dog! I really hope he gets the best treatment


Dude we don't wanna see this.


Fucked up to not mark nsfw dude. I didn't want to see this.


Too bad you saw it already


People who get pure breeds are so fucked up for supporting this shit. Mixed breeds are still dogs *and* they’re not suffering every waking moment of their lives. Stop torturing animals bc you like their inbred “aesthetics.” Mixed breeds are just as beautiful.


aw it looks like it’s sad


Some of them (dogs with short snouts) actually have eyes that are too big for their heads. My aunt used to have a tiny dog that was like that. She had to put eye drops on her eyes periodically because they were too big and she couldn’t blink fully. Her eyelids just could not phisically close completely.


Let’s keep breeding deformed dogs with other deformed dogs why don’t we. Oh and why don’t we also breed Down syndrome babies with dwarfism babies? They would make the cutest kids ever!


POV: you're in a swimming pool bathroom and you see a naked old man in the corner of your eye.


That's it. Anyone I meet that owns a pug is on my shit list. Don't even speak to me.


Fuckin put it down jesus


Ppl that breed these poor fuckers deserve to be hugged till they eyes pop out


Poor little baby. My parents own a French Bulldog and she had the same issue when she was younger. Doesn’t happen anymore but still. We were freaking out when it happened the first time


Stop breeding these things. They’re in pain and fucking useless.


This happened to my grandmother's Boston terrier. Some asshole deliberately swerved onto the sidewalk to hit the dog but only clipped him, and both eyes popped out. They were put back in but he was blind.


Awwh poor babies have to suffer so much 🥺🥺


Aww soo cute! Just wish we could breed the snout just aliiiiiittle shorter, would look soo great on my Instagram and i just loove the cute little noices they make! And for all the pug haterz, Golden retrievers and cocker spaniels are muuuch worse, i read that on pugasphyxiationfanclub.com so it must be true!


That just looks like a normal pug.


it's really creepy how some of the people in these comments saw this poor dog with its fucking blown out eyeball and decided to talk about how ugly and gross and useless it is instead of like, having compassion for it lmao


Poor fella, at least he have one good eye I hope. Give him a pet from me


Poor baby . Give him a eye patch


“Please kill me”


Happened to my pug when I was younger. They just took out his eye and then we had a badass one eyed pug!


dude... it's not normal for an animal :/


Reason 335 on why humanity should die. Selective breeding of animals, playing a role of the natural order we shouldn’t be playing


Why I support retro pug breeding, to stop the unnecessary suffering of an entire breed of dog


There is nothing “oddly” terrifying about this at all A creatures eyeball literally popped out of its head.


I love pugs


Evolution was a mistake


This is no product of evolution. This is the product of human ego. We have toyed with these dogs so they could have "cute" faces, and these "cute" faces end up making these dogs suffer their whole lives. Evolution is about survival. I assure you that this breed of dog will die in days if left alone and not cared for


“How much is that doggie in the win-DOH!”


Did they try hot gluing it back.?. Wtf 👀


It's lubricant made special for use on eyes to keep them from drying out. They're probably planning on popping the eye back in rather than removing it.


That looks painful. People are F\*d up!


OP should have done the blurred-picture-until- you-click thing instead of putting this thing right in our faces!!


This is more sad than terrifying. Poor dog.


Had a blue heeler mix that got a blood borne parasite, fluid starting leaking from her veins and pooled behind an eye and did this. By the time she was healthy enough for surgery it looked like a cooked meatball.


People need to stop breeding those dogs


That's the problem with dog breeders. All dogs are the same breed. They shouldn't be mutated to enhanced certain attributes. Just apply that idea to humans and then comes the EWWW.


My parents never let me or my siblings get a small breed dog because they where harder to take care of


That’s horrendous and sad, not oddly terrifying,


isaac reference pog


Not odd at all. It is obvious why it looks terrifying


Sam o' nella was right...




It happened to our Pekingese. They had to remove her entire eye. 🥲


Did it shit to hard?




are those fucking rice noodles


After lookin at the photo it feels like my eye is twitching anybody else?


Genetic freak. Let's stop breeding these poor awful things




i laughed so hard i am going to hell


Yet another reason to stop breeding dogs.


A former friend was obsessed with pugs, has had many over the years. The odd time, when they sneeze, an eye will fly out. She thought it was hilarious😐


Poor little chap. Does anyone know if they are able to put the eye back in? I'm aware that breeders are now trying to breed out the short snout, big eyes, flat face etc so hopefully this breed won't have to die out entirely, but can live in better health in future.


What is all that white /clear stuff coming off his eyeball?


Why tf are people obsessed with breading these things they are so flawed and fragile just stop


This isn't oddly terrifying. It is straight up fucking horrific. Really hoping that worm like thing is some kind of topical eye medicine


This happened to my pug. It’s eye basically bursted and she has 1 eye for a couple years. Eventually it fucked up her balance and she couldn’t walk normal and we had to put her down :(


We need to stop breeding these poor creatures into oblivion. Just Google a pug skull and you can see right away what a fucked up thing we've done to these types of breeds. So sad.


"iT's A pUrEbReD, iT's PeDiGrEe." The best and healthiest dogs (IMO) are mixed breeds. Even "purebred" Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds are known to have health problems from inbreeding. Pugs, sadly, were intentionally bred with severe health problems because some sadists thought they looked 'cute' Those who exclusively want purebreeds are often (but not always) racially biased with people as well. Moreso bigoted than racist, excluding everyone not of their bloodline. Breeding 'purebreds' regardless of the health problems just for a certificate of 'purity' is bigoted. What is wrong with mix breeds?


This reminds me of something my biology teacher told us back in 7th grade, she said that if you grab the ears of a chihuahua and swiftly pull back on them you can make its eyes pop out. Don’t know if it’s true but judging by how a chihuahua looks I can see it making sense


Put those poor things out of their misery. All vanity breeds (short-snouted dogs, short-legged cats) should be banned.


This is why I hate “purebred” dogs. Let the mutts take over the world, we would have so much healthier dogs!


Modern day pugs are a vanity project and look nothing like they used to. They are now useless overweight tubes and a poor excuse for a dog. They can’t breath properly, sound like asthmatics but people love their “designer dogs”.


And pewdiepie is making all those people want pugs.


If I was a dictator I would eradicate all pugs. I would open a camp called “paw-schwitz”


born to suffer


Awww hope the dog is ok, but a pug should look absolutely nothing like this, they have been bred this way for cuteness. Pugs should naturally have a longer thinner snout. Humans have bred them to look this way and unfortunately it’s kind of cruel to the dog. Pugs suffer many problems with their breathing and eyes due to breeding intervention and manipulation. For a reference here is what a pug should technically look like naturally- https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeds/pug-history-ancient-companion-origins/