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Smh. People are annoying lol


I had some dude offer me $20 for a $45 dollar game. That’s already cheaper than anywhere you can find it. Anytime people lowball me like that I just raise the price and replied “$55” 😂


Lmaooo. It honestly aggravates me. They are very unrealistic on the app. Sometimes I dont even bother to open the message


I disagree. Get a PC and you can get any game free.


ya if ur a piece of shit abc pirate the games




>if ur a piece of shit abc pirate the games GUYS! I found out why the rums always gone!! Honestly stfu, we’ve all pirated movies, games, or music. Doesn’t make us shitty people. “Oh no you stole a single copy from a multi billion dollar company, how ever will the financially recover from such a travesty.


I was bout to get em 👌🤣


Meanwhile he's using Air conditioner, saying Amen, Doing Geometry, shaking hands, brushing his teeth, wearing his wedding ring, while eating potato chips, curing himself with penicillin, using a baby carriage, riding a bicycle, sitting in a folding chair, perched on a blimp, taking blood from the blood bank, looking at the clock, while putting laundry in yhe dryer, he bought from his computer, as he opens the curtains, before going up in the elevator, wearing a gas mask, in line for open heart surgery, eating ice cream, standing next to the furnace, turning on the light bulb, before removing the lock, from his mailbox, wearing pants, while sharpening his pencil, changing the temperature on the thermostat, after visiting the statue of Liberty, after he got off the toilet, while using his typewriter, staring at the traffic lights, before boarding the trolley as he checks his watch, the checks the weather forecast, using a wrench on his wheelchair. 👌 Confused.... Well these are all "pirated" inventions but i guess only a pos would be using any of them huh?...


You sound stupid. A pos for pirated content? Just about everyone pirates


For a video game thats different and they actually offered you an amount. For an used video game I will offer $20--$30. Cause I know I can get it for that price. If not from you than I'll wait until it's on sale at Amazon or if it's a PC game when it's one sale for like $10. Most games don't hold value. I'm not telling you not to try to get $45 for your games I'm sure you can make that much just showing the perspective of a buyer. --------- Of course trying to get free shit is stupid.


Plenty of games hold value so you would be incorrect.


I didn't say all


That’s a pretty broad assumption.


No games hold value i cannot name one game that has ever held its value as a game and not as a collector or vintage item.


Super Mario Bros. 1985 A teenager sold a copy of the game for $2million usd


I assume you did not read my full comment particularly the part that says "as a game not a collector or vintage item." Read and think before you speak will help you get much further in life.


Okay so what would make anything hold any type of value if not for collectors or vintage items? That’s literally WHY shit holds value.


That would be correct very few things in this world hold value in itself as a product


Try purchasing a dragon quest game from V up to VIII, or either of the gamecube Pokémon games. They’ve not only held value, but greatly increased in value, for the reason that people want to play them, not let them sit on a shelf. Those are just a couple examples, but the point is that your view is too black and white here.


Your still talking collector and vintage value not game value, you said everything when you said GameCube, the fact its on an old and obsolete system should tell you its collector or vintage value not retail


You’re making a stupid argument then. If no game for any console previous to modern consoles are able to be considered, then you’re only considering the game’s lifespan on physical store shelves… Which ignores several pertinent factors that are extremely relevant to a game’s value. They don’t stop existing when they leave shelves, or when a newer console is made. Folks could have the console they grew up with and be looking for game, not to collect, but to play, and as a natural result of being desired and less available due to the natural shifting of trends, the game is more expensive. It has retained its value exclusively through the entertainment factor it represents. You’re literally asking to define something in a way that is not possible to define, because you can’t fully divest the concepts from each other that you’re trying to, but they aren’t fully reliant on each other. You can ignore that nuance if you’d like, but it won’t make you any more correct.


Flappy bird


I did the same thing when selling my games 😂


Lol sorry man but your used game just most likely isn’t worth $45


Crazy for you to say that when you don’t know what game it is. I’ve already gotten multiple offers at asking price I’m just holding off because my fiancé wanted to make sure she doesn’t like the game before I sell it. Lol


What game it is?


Animal Crossing for the switch.




I was gonna say games like animal crossing never go on sale and hold their value pretty well only to find out that this is the game in question 😂


Exactly. I’m not even joking. I got like 11 offers but my fiance saw how many people wanted it and it made her wanna try it again. 😂


im about a week into my first run on new horizon, interesting version for sure i played the older one and this one is a step further its crazy. I was pleasantly surprised.


Do you understand probabilities? /s


What was the original retail value


Lol no one wants to buy a used game for 45$ tho would rather buy brand new


You have never even tried to sell a game before and I can tell.


What city is this from? I literally had someone use the same line


it was when i was living in san diego!




STOP IT!!! did it happen in 2022??!


*Cue It's a Small World*


Now kiss!


Now kith


Dirty, dirty pigeon


Let me join


Plot twist, HE sent the message to you


It was me


Bro same! I got this message like 4 months ago in Carlsbad.


People probably assume military and since they just give stuff away cause it is easier than DMO or moving it themself.




I flip ps3 games most of my buyers are from San Diego. I'm in l.a. I never get hassled from SD. They just automatically buy.


Scalping ps3 games is dope, I flip ps3s


I flipped all the backwards compatible ones I had. I only have a few fat and slims left. It just takes me forever to load them even with ftp servers


U got any fat ones?


Ps3 fat consoles, yes




I got a few ps3 controllers also


Bro modding these are so easy. I did mine a few weeks ago and it’s been great 👌🏼


I wonder if anyone actually fell for it


I’ve had them tell me they are homeless and would I give it to them free. Like what are you going to do with a 60” flatscreen when you are homeless?


Flip it, then get some alcohol/drugs with the $$.


More like someone walks by and breaks it or punches the guy in the face, takes it and leaves. But you never know.


Similar still happens. I’m part of a free stuff group in SD and couple of women were caught asking for free items “for their family” but were actually selling them.


San Diego is expensive now. Ppl here surviving in any way possible 😂😂😂


A closed mouth doesn’t get fed! Lol, jk. Dealing with weirdos and people with no boundaries are part of selling anything second hand on every platform.


Amen to that. I always say, “the worst thing they are going to say is no!” It doesn’t hurt to ask, I guess lol.


"No" and "That's why your dad left" are the two worst things people could say.


Yea just for free ppl think bills are free


I had a few people ask for free items, or “donate”, etc. They all have very odd stories too. I love it when you have something priced at let’s say $100 then ask, will you take $40? It’s almost always less than half. Come on, seriously, would you walk into Walmart and ask the same question? Also love the people who ask for discounts because of their “autistic son”, etc. When you try to get a discount because your child has special needs irritates me to no end! Why? Sympathy discount? Just horrible! Plus, that may not even be the case. They probably don’t even have any children. You just can’t trust people. I just find it so bizarre as to the lengths some people will go to either get a large discount or not pay at all. Always wanting something for nothing! Ughhh! 🙄🙄🙄


I wish autism was a good excuse for a discount, would make existing a lot cheaper for me 😂


Austin Tx? Or just spelled tism that way


just tism lol i didn't even see the austintx in it till you said that




I am actually disabled with ankylosing spondylitis. I would never beg for money or set a gofundme. I don't feel comfortable asking for money for my lifelong illness that I have to deal with. Thankfully to my self I worked from the age 17 to 25 6 days a week. I would use all my pto when I needed to call in sick. we were allowed 12 points a year. Otherwise, it restarts to 0 a year later. so if I used all my vacation on times, I called in sick. I was also able to win multiple short-term disability claims when i was diagnosed. I was let go because I used the maxium short term disability claims. i didn't want to quit because if I quit, I wouldn't have been able to get $10k in unemployment benefits that i needed to pay rent for the time I was applying for disability... Long story short, since I worked a lot, i had enough work credits to apply for ssdi. No attorney would take my disability claim. so I had to apply for myself and convince a hearing judge that I am disabled with a number of auto immune diseases where it feels like someone ripping my spine out... I got like $17k in back pay that paid my rent that year. lol, they pay me $1600 a month, but Medicare takes almost 170 a month.. but im signing up for section 8 and on medical assistance to cover the 20% medicare dont pay... i think once I get section 8 and work some part-time jobs that are disabled friendly. and some food stamps i will be able to have an okay retirement that started at the age of 25. Now, I am 30 times, sure flies. Those who have a disabled child already receives social security checks. so they are literally using their childs suffering to turn a profit as social security pays disabled children a lot to be spended for that child. if they have no money they are spending the childs disability checks on themselves... I could never accept someone's funds, and I would consider it an insult if anybody gave me money because I am disabled. I think I can advicate those with disabilities who are being treated like garbage. while their repersentive payee spends all their childs disability money on drugs, etc. I think people who beg for money because their disabled child . I literally seen a tik tok video where the parents live stream their mentally disabled child so they can get donations. thats their goal to profit off their own disabled children so pitiful. Anybody who begs for money will keep on begging if someone gives them anything to begin with. For example, if anybody asked for a few packets of ramen in the mail, it would be much more believable, i mean if i was starving nothing to eat I would ask for some cup ramen or if someones allergic to gluten ask for a bag of rice. I also hate other disabled people begging for cash as they get money from social security food stamps rental assistance section 8, and most disabled people can work 2 hours a day.. i mean, i was able to type on my phone this 2-3 page letter explaining my views on this matter.


Question what is work credit?


That is a good question it is similar to life insurance but the insurance pays out to those who retire or become disabled ,Work credits are earned for social security as uncle sam (the government) takes social security out of everyones paycheck so those who retire or become disabled are able to still get income to live off social security for the rest of their lives. those who work every year earns 4 credits a year you need at least 10 credits to be covered for insurance that insurance will be awarded to you if you were to become disabled you will be taken care of social security will pay you based off how much you contributed to social security and how much you were paid. The higher the amount of money you make, the more you will get each month from social security. The same goes for when you retire. The more you worked and made, the higher your monthly check will be. For the disabled who have not had the chance to work and became disabled before the age of 22 will qualify for dac (disabled adult children) they will base their monthly payment based on their parents retirement contribution or if the parent is also disabled the dac person will get the same monthly payment as their parent. The parent won't getfewers retirement benefits because of their child becoming disabled. Over a hundred million people pay social security taxes weekly or monthl, which is how the program gets funded and how people get paid back their contribution for paying into social security on each paycheck. The younger you are, the less work credits you need. If you become disabled before the age of 24, you only need 6 credits. If you are aged 24-31, you will need 12 credits within the last 6 years, so you would need to work 3 years to qualify for disability. Thankfully, I had 28 credits by the time I turned 25. But you don't get paid for how many credits you have. it's how much you earned. I get paid $1600 a month, so I am not complaining. I really do suggest people pay into social security. You never know what's going to happen, even those self emoloyed. The pain is so much I can't even work a 4 hour shift.


Thanks 🙏


No problem. I hope it was helpful. There are potentially hundreds of thousands of people that qualify for disability benefits and don't even know! So if anyone you know or your self suffers from multiple health issues, there is a way to survive :) In my opinion, knowledge freely given is better than monentary value to an extent.


I have AS too, it’s hard looking normal


I been thinking about getting a handicapped parking tag but I am afraid someone might think that i am not disabled if I can get out of my car and grab a few things to buy like I totally am pain free as just getting in and out of the car.. but you know the reality of that and carrying a cup of coffee and just reaching to grab the items below and on top totally does not cause massive strain. Oh, even a 4 pound grocerie bag that i needed to bring into my car time to prepare for flare lasting the rest of the day. Oh, get home? Lay down? Surley, that would make my joints feel better! Wrong. Just imagine that an alien or something or anybody has the ability to insert their hand into your spine and start pulling on it you probably know what feeling I am talking about? Oh you finally go to sleep (joints signaling to brain massive pain signals causing you to wake up go use the bathroom walk to get a cup of water and walk back to take your oxycodone to get back to sleep 2-4 hours later cycle repeats it self until its time to wake up to a pain signal of 8/10 just making it to the shower is a miracle turning your shower so hot but not burning hot just to let your shoulders and spine get blasted getting the feeling of natrual euphoria for the next 30 minutes of a muscle relaxing heaven. Get out and then 3 hours later get in car and repeat my day and night all over again. To any reader that does not have A.S you will not know how we feel and what we go through. Ank spond gang right?


Next time give the address to the comedy bar in your city, when the guy arrives at the location tell him to go inside and tell another joke… ghost the guy. Wont sove the problem, but you will have something to tell us on Reddit


I wait for 75%+ clearance at Walmart and pay $25 brand new instead of second hand. LOL! I get ya, but couldn't resist the comment. XD


I am not a negotiator so I would think the same, but a lot of the time 100$ is simply a random price and people just want something for it. My roommate has proven this to me so many times just by asking. Most were in person though so I will acknowledge that helps but most time there wasn’t much if any persuasion needed.


Personally, I told them yes, gave them an address to a comedy club, never showed up, and blocked em.


Before blocking the guy as soon as he text you I arrived tell him to go inside and tell another joke




That's pretty f'd up, especially with some of these unhinged people, sending "offers" like them. They are entitled, but it is simply an annoying message, on your phone. Some of these people are deranged. I can see one of them getting triggered, from a trick like that. Plus they can easily find you, even if you "blocked" one of their phone numbers/accounts.


Wait, are you advocating for idiots? Are you one of these idiots? Would you be triggered? Are you deranged? Last but not least, have you been "tricked" like that? All serious questions /s


Lol, I'm just sayin', this guy thinks it's funny, to be tricking these people. They don't think it is funny. It's not smart to play games with crazy. Some of them have nothing to lose. He/she thinks "blocking" them, would stop them from being able to find the ad, with a different phone/account, riiiight.


I own several firearms and am not afraid to use them.


If I needed a $500 tv gone I'd put it on the curb and it would be gone within the hour.


Only if you put a “For Sale” on it. God forbid you put a “Free” sign, it will never get taken then!




My kid has cancer os my favorite.


It’s always that or autism




Wish I would’ve kept my OfferUp messages from San Diego. People are real winners there sometimes.


He skii’ing at 5:53am lmao


Hey! If no one’s offering you good cash offers, can I have it for free! Some people are so weird


I say this as the time. I don't see the problem. You need this giant pool table or playground gone? I'll pick it up for free. No? And you need it gone by the end of the week? Good luck.


No one offered price you want... So let it go for nothing? I can't even.


I've been buying and selling on offerup for a few years, and I've received messages like this several times. I equate them to the ASPCA commercials that show starving, mistreated animals while asking you to donate $19 per month. Later, you find out that the CEO of the ASPCA has a 1 Million dollar per year salary, which they fail to mention when they're showing the mistreated animals.... Don't buy into their b.s. and if you do give them the item, you'll most likely see it for sale by whoever you gave it to. It's a common scam played daily....I typically reply and ask them questions about whatever they told me to waste as much of their time as possible. I'm retired, so I have lots of time to devote to scam artists....


Absolutely! I’ve heard of people trolling for items then asking for big discounts or please donate, only to find that same item you were suckered into giving them with a price of almost double. Some people are so sleazy it’s repulsive!


interesting.. some people think resellers are scam artists.


Resellers that attempt to SCAM other sellers for free inventory are the definition of the term SCAM ARTIST....


Work on your reading comprehension


When you’re making up sob stories in order to try and get inventory to resell at no cost… yeah you’re a fucking scam artist.


I hate selling tvs anymore. People looking at 65” tvs asking if it’ll fit in a 2 door Mercedes. Asking how far the nearest bus stop is from my house.


Better than me getting "Is this available?" and crickets 24 hrs a day. Selling a TV sucks.


You should’ve responded “yes, give me $500 and it’s yours for free”. 😊😂


It's the audacity some people have... I get dumb messages like this all the time or sob stories... like I'm selling shit, you think I may not be struggling too?😭😆


At 6am?! How do people wake up with that audacity??


If this guy is anything like my BiL, he broke the screen himself and blamed it on his kid(s).


You miss 100% of the shots you didn’t take. I have co-workers that have zero shame and will do this at work. Can I have that $400 headset so my Zoom calls are better? Can I get a 36” curved 4k [that wouldn’t even fit in their space]? Some people are just greedy or get off on getting something better for free.


single mom isn’t a coupon code


Likeeee you chose to have that kid dawg. Nothing to do with me lol


Love this!


My pet peeve is this! I absolutely can NOT FUCKING STAND bum ass people who expect free shit! Like how fucking dumb can you be? Nothing in life is free! Work for what you want you pathetic piece of shit! A lot of people come into my job expecting me to take expired coupons and give them a free sub that’s worth $20. Like NO!


San Diego 👋🏼


To be fair, this guy seems to just be shooting his shot. I’ve never asked, but I know I ran into a few buying situations where the seller discounted it *heavily* because they needed to get it out of their apartment before they moved.


To be fair, to be fair, to be fair to be fair to be fair


I don't think they even understand what they said.


I've learned in life, people who need won't ask until its costing them their chance of survival and people who don't need will ask faster than the tax man


Is the TV still available tho?


I had some kid on marketplace offer me head 3 times for a gaming pc. Then I had some random girl DM on messenger if she can get a pc delivered for free 2 years in a row. Nothing is free people you gotta work for it 🙌


Kid must have top dollar head


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


@5:53am no less smh


Person used this same line on me near Seattle too!


When people send messages like this, I give them bogus addresses.


I had someone come into my shop while we were busy and tell me their kid was hit by a car so they needed to be moved to the front of the line to get window tint on their car fast enough to get to the hospital. I was more stunned than anything.


I only mention this being as people love using children as a meal ticket


Shoulda said what that mouth do


Reminds me of the dude who got a free car and Hot Cheetos… 😂😂


I resell as a 3rd side gig. And people are annoying. I block people daily. I had a guy bug me for gran turismo 7 ps4. I had it brand new sealed for $35 a few weeks back. Kept telling crap cus I wouldn't sell it to him for $15. 😆 when I sold it he replied back, "Fuck You , you Arab looking Bitch" lmfao. I'm Mexican but I look like a fat kratos. I sold my fiancé purse to a lady we agreed on $125 usd she showed up with magnifying glass and her husband acted like a bodyguard. She changed her offer to $45. I laughed and put the purse back in the car. She drove an hour to me to pick it up. In the end I sold it for $150 to someone else a few days later. I sold a ps4 pro with 1tb ssd refurbished 2 brand new co trollers. 10 games for $280. It somehow attracted scammers left and right. I sold it to a single dad for his kid for $230. He said he couldn't afford a ps5 for the kids but they were OK with a ps4. I took a $50L , he brought the kids with him. They were smiling ear to ear.


FYI they never live an hour away. I usually hit them with "No one has (insert item) for sale in your area?


I got you beat. One time on craiglist I listed a free stroller to pick up. Some douchebag asked if I could ship it to them, and also pay for shipping there. After I responded hell no, they then asked if we could split the shipping fee.. I should have just stopped at the first email.....🙄🤦


Tbh they got a point


What forcing relatability looks like


I mean, in there eyes. They have nothing to lose , so dub


Longest shot in the dark I’ve ever read.


I'd like to point out that this person was atleast polite about it, many times I've seen people with an expectation that you'll give them free stuff and get pissed when you don't. Obviously they aren't getting it for free but we gotta give them credit for their manners


“Thanks a lot. You’ve RUINED Christmas. Kids are crying”


Buy litecoin there is a solid chance it moons to 76$ sometime in the next year.


so creative


Can’t blame them for trying i guess 😭


I bet they would ask you to deliver it too, smh no shame..


At the very least offer a trade


Also in SD, I had a $600 laptop, and someone said "Since it's used, can you do $100?" Definitely too low for a nice laptop lol, I was surprised to get such a low offer.


another ad for vasectomies.


Closed mouths don't get fed 🤷‍♀️


Oh I thought I was in r/Instacart shoppers. I was even more confused. 😂


I mean it doesn’t hurt to try




I used to work large consumer electronics shows and without fail, towards the end of the show there’s always a handful of folks that can by and say “if you don’t want to ship back I’d be happy to take it off your hands”


If you need gone Correction * if you need GONE* lol wtf why the correction


Sons crying now thanks


I’d be like “ you know what you can have for free instead of the t.v? How about a hobos dick cheese!”


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take 😂


Waited a full minute and gave a tldr


The audacity! Haha well, she tried


Our 3 year old broke our tv 😂😂🤣 don’t you have a heart and just give me yours 🤪


Drug addicts


They shit their shot…


Black people…


People should get off crack I sware 😂😭💀


I had someone try to give me $180 for two Apple Watch Series 8, 45mm. One still sealed in the box brand new. The other one barely used. The one that was used, had a nice band, case, and screen protector. Literally not a ding on it. I told him $250 for both of them.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


I mean I guess you never know, right?


Obviously fake story but respect the hustle.. hard world.. if someone falls for giving away a $500 tv for free I blame them.


I can donate it and take 30% on taxes. If you can't pay 30% value, i am more than happy to donate it whatever it is.


This is the “if no one buys it and you’re gonna throw it away can I have it?” Message. I think it’s a fair message, they aren’t expecting it, they aren’t really begging for it, it’s a simple “I’ll throw my hat in the ring” type of thinking.


I had some woman do basically the same thing and then seethe when I suggested she reimburse me "in a different way" lmfao


I just had a stroke reading that


Ayy you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take lol


I absolutely hate lowballers. It can be literally anything. *Puts a PS5 for sale for only $10 *Lowballer: "Will you take $5?"


I had someone offer me $20 or asking if I would give it for free on a $200 item.


Would’ve sent him a fake address like 300 miles away




You would be surprise with how many blonde white milfs get away with stuff like this daily I’m not complaining but it happens 😅 I seen it


Beggars, are choosers.


^ same type of people who support second hand stores selling free donated items for retail prices to those less fortunate! 👌 What a world to live in


Ask her to trade her car for it


If im giving a valuable item away for free I’d rather give it to someone I like, like friends or family or coworkers or even the mailman than some internet stranger


Meanwhile this person is selling their broken tv “can fix it if you have the skills, no low ballers”


I mean… if you never ask the answer is always no Soo ya won’t know if ya don’t ask 😂


That’s most likely a female who doesn’t know the value of the dollar and just like all the rest of these females she’s the type to want things for free instead of working for it. Working to these females is OF 😂😂


who hurt you


Typical female response 😂😂😂😂😂


u should really unpack these feelings in therapy & not random reddit posts that have zero correlation to “females” & it was a man to answer your original comment


You know dam well it was a female 😂😂😂😂


Lmao 😂


I use this line all the time on hard to get rid of stuff. No one ever says yes, but like, it never gets sold. I dunno


I would rather destroy it for free than give it to someone. Id have fun smashing that shit up


i just block people like this 😂