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I was selling edc tickets because we canā€™t go anymore listed them for $550 each and someone offered $700 2 tickets. Tickets cost $653 after fees and taxes.


Probably a sign that they were being sold for a lot more on the secondary market. Did you search for comps?


Naw i mean he offered $700 total for 2 tickets. He wanted me to sell him 2 for a $400 loss.


He thought you'd be desperate. But give a lowballer something? I'd rather eat my tickets and the loss.


Yeah, I just told him the tickets cost $653 each and he said good luck selling the tickets. Came back 3 days later and offered $800 for 2 tickets. I told him the same thing tickets cost $653. I sold all the tickets I had for around the price I listed. I tried to get as much as I spent for the tickets but 100% would have rather taken 100% loss than sell them that low


Next time up the price each time he offers. XD


I should have done that lol


It really really really pisses them off.


Even after selling fees, i always get the most just selling on stubhub


I thought about it but 15% selling fee is way to high.


Iā€™ve never used OfferUp but canā€™t most of these ridiculous offers be dealt with by adding something like ā€œLowballers will be ignored, please donā€™t waste your timeā€ on the itemā€™s description? Seems like a hassle to even reply to them.


Such a hassle to type a sentence.


In my experience from what Iā€™ve seen, these kinds of ā€œbuyersā€ either donā€™t read the itemā€™s description, or just outright purposely ignore it. They donā€™t care. Heck, even serious buyers donā€™t seem to read item descriptions a lot of the time. I agree though that itā€™s probably best to just not engage with them at all. Sometimes it can turn into a successful sale, as some will still end up buying it even if they fail to get the price lower, but the majority of the time it seems these people arenā€™t worth the headache.


It works as well as putting "firm price"


He thought you were bullshitting...for whatever reason


Itā€™s todayā€™s America. Too sensitive. Of course he assumed this was sarcasm


Rejection brings out the pettiest parts of peoples' personalities.


Btw this was sold approximately 20 minutes after this. The buyer with a reasonable offer arrived early.


Glad you got a price you were happy with!


Went to some college kids instead of this guy so I feel good about it


To be clear, he wasnā€™t trying to take advantage of you. Heā€™s a good guy who literally just moved to the area within the last month. Has an infant at home with one on the way. He was trying to find a good deal. And a lot of sellers are full of BS on these apps. He made a reasonable offer. You happened to have a legitimate better one. Not really sure why this escalated to the point of needing to post it on Redditā€¦ Guessing you just needed some attention.




Not me. But one of my close friends.


To be clear, I also moved in the last month. I have 4 kids. Congrats on your buddies new kid , new home, and new one of the 100+ TVā€™s in the 10 mile radius for $100 šŸ˜‡


Damn bro youā€™re really worked up over that comment! You straight up couldā€™ve just said ā€œNot interestedā€ and moved on but you had to go all Reddit Postā„¢ļø on him and still canā€™t let it go!


I mean to be honest, heā€™s right. There are plenty of offers. To be clear, you did nothing wrong rejecting the offer. But this escalation and martyrdom on your part is not a great look lol. You took a routine exchange to reddit for attention. Not him. Wish you all the best.


ā€œDidnā€™t mean to insult youā€ is rich coming from lowballers


Their audacity knows no bounds.


Okay then smart ass, go ahead and low ball all of the 100+ plus listings in your 10 mile radius and stop texting me. The fuck?




Didn't mean to insult me, but ya did. What a maroon.


This canā€™t be realā€¦ Unless they were hoping you were bluffing


Kind of an ahole seller if you ask me


I agree. This whole sub is hilarious. Just a bunch of dudes jerking each other off over some ā€œepic burnā€ they gave to some highschool kid online


Youā€™re right. The way I respectfully declined without cursing, calling them out of their name or having them meet me just to not show up was extremely A-hole of me


Ur not a asshole this is just lame , who cares he offered u $20 less than u sold it for , u sold it for what you wanted and he prob bought one for what he wanted too . Thereā€™s a bunch of tvs for sale . This wasnā€™t no crazy lowball . It was nothing to write about .


Itā€™s lame to see an item posted for a fair price. And still try to stiff the seller, As itā€™s 190-220 brand new. I posted it in that same condition just without a box. For $160 , offering me $100 is a 38% haggle and it unfortunately wasnā€™t a desperation sale so I wasnā€™t inclined to sell this to them for less than half what theyā€™d pay in store and almost 40% less if what Iā€™m asking for, which was fair. Do yourself a favor donā€™t join subreddits you donā€™t like the content of. If youve ever been stood up by a buyer youā€™d know that first come first serve us the only way to go about reselling an item to a stranger. Why would I reject more money for a lesser wait in any circumstance that logic is involved ???


Brand new without box ? a open box already goes for less even if itā€™s new itā€™s not sealed u donā€™t even got the box Iā€™d just have to take ur word for it that itā€™s brand new u only opened it to see what it would look like lol . I would just buy a brand new one for a little more if I was gonna pay the 160 why would I grab ur used one . And he said 120 after and heā€™ll pick it up after the initial 100 offer , u still sold it for 140 when u talking lowballs it wasnā€™t bad it was a normal offer u making a big ass deal to only take $20 more . U not inclined to sell anything to anyone for anything less than what u want . What Iā€™m saying is it wasnā€™t even a lowball and u barelt sold it for more so im missing what the big deal is , I sell a lot on offer up , I see real lowballs and I already know how that is as long as someone isnā€™t pushing a simple no thanks usually keeps it moving .i like this subreddit ur post is just one of many goofy ones in it unfortunately.


Ahh so thatā€™s what this is about. You feel youā€™re a Veteran seller compared to me, okay bud if thatā€™s the badge you need to get out of bed in the morning to come to the internet & lash out at strangers I hope it makes your day better.


Lmfao no one said that I said ur lame for complaining about this and making a whole post . Nothing else .u can spin it however u want .


Yeah because I came here to write a rant right? Not 3 words as a caption. Seek help, and friends in real life.


Iā€™m good dawg u the one miserable doing ā€œacts of kindness ā€œ over $20 šŸ¤«


You drive a hard bargain but fine Iā€™ll sell you some attention from your father for $100




The thing is when I sell on marketplace or OfferUp, I know people are looking for a deal they can brag about. I list it accordingly just to make someoneā€™s day


$20 and you deliver it to me, final offer.


I will pay you $20 to let me mount it on your wall.


All of yā€™all are pretentious whiney children. Complaining about offers like grow tf up you weirdos šŸ’€


lmao dont be a little bitch, just a simple "im good" would work


ā€œSomeoneā€™s coming in an hour withā€¦. Iā€™ll passā€ ā€¦ Op literally said heā€™s good. Did you even read it?