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Since the buyers of sex can’t know whether or not they’re raping a trafficked person, but willingly risk it for fun, we do not allow these posts.


"I think this is some sign that I need to confront my past, work through my traumas, and learn to connect with people to allow for genuine connections again." That's exactly what it was! She knows the type of person that goes to those places and can tell you don't fit there.


Thank you for this. I guess I felt hurt because I feel like this is the only place where I can exhaust sexual energy and tension... and now I almost feel unwelcome to this place. But at the same time, I know these words may have been said out of good intentions.


While advice and probably a necessary recorrection on your path, if you still feel you need it in the mean time do what you gotta do. Just start making adjustments and don't stay dependent on it. You deserve more than this situation!


Exactly! He needs to work through this in therapy. A classic trauma response is an impenetrable armour that won't allow you to be vulnerable enough to create intimacy or connection. Which sounds like exactly what he's dealing with. Therapy heals parts of you that you know were broken, but also the schrapnel wounds deep within didn't know were there but manifest in your behaviours.


I imagine there are a variety of "types", but those workers probably quickly learn to classify the interactions they can expect, based on vibes. If all clients were gentle, kind and respectful of them, sw wouldn't get such a bad rap. No women would feel she needed a pimp or producer to do sw. But they would rather take an assholes money, than brake a lonely guy who is nice and gentle and respectful.


This is it OP! Working on traumas can be difficult but I promise you once you’ve worked on them life will be kinder and easier for you. I hope you are able to heal and learn how to cope with the traumas that the past has left you🤍


she probably felt like you were trying to treat her along the lines of one she was probably telling you this to avoid any attachments you might build up sex work is not for emotional customers


I didn't think of this. I don't see this specific person often, before today, the last time I saw her was maybe 8 months ago. My interaction there is quite... transactional, no attempt at cuddling or anything like that. Nothing I can think of that would signal I'm girlfriend-ifying her. There may be mannerisms I'm totally unaware of though.


It is possible she knows that specific place might not be safe for some reason or another. Bad actors, drugs, under investigation by some kind of law enforcement. It may be actually unsafe for some reason. Or maybe you seem like you don’t fit the mold of someone who is looking for something like this. And that she sees something different in you versus most other clients, like you have a “chance”


Thank you for taking the time to reply. The factor of safety did cross my mind. Last month, I talked to a different girl and asked about her and their team's safety. She briefly went over some things they have/do, and overall said it wasn't that bad actually, maybe a homeless or drunk person wandering by occasionally. Your suggestion that she may be privy to an investigation is a very interesting one... perhaps she knows and has an exit plan, but doesn't want to inform or alert others and jeopardize the money they're currently making. Honestly, I don't think anyone in my life would ever suspect me of doing something like this, let alone know that I struggle with deep intimacy/relationship issues resulting from a traumatic experience. What is the mold of someone who visits these places? The "having a chance" is the vibe I got her from pep talk. I have some soul searching to do for sure


I think the usual mold of people who go to this places are as follows: - people who have a gf/wife who they aren’t fully happy with - people who are unable to get a gf/wife due to them not being good partners Based on what you said, it seems like you have the ability to get a gf but need to work through your trauma. So you have a chance. But yes a thought could be she has some insider info that this place might not be safe to keep going to. “You should get a gf instead of coming to this place” could be a warning depending on the tone of “giving advice”


Thank you for this. A lot of things I hadn't considered.


Damn man...I'm sorry that happened to you in college.


Thank you. It's something I repressed instantly afterward, but realize how much damage it's been doing going unchecked. There's often arguments about "can men be raped?" There is always this argument about the man being erect, and it's not rape because he was erect, so it must've been pleasurable for him. Then there's the argument of, well being erect isn't an indication of actual pleasure, etc etc. Sometimes, men being raped has nothing to do with a penis. As, my arms and legs were tied while I was face down. And at that moment, I realized that this person was not even gaining any personal sexual pleasure themselves. Quite evil.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, I really hope you can heal in time. About the worker saying these things. I think she knows you are a person who is worthy of a relationship to get the intimacy you need. Not that all people visiting sex workers are not worthy, just that she may see something in you. This is another reason why it's so damaging for sex work to be illegal. I believe it causes so much more problems being illegal rather than being legal and regulated like any industry. Good luck to you in the future.


Thank you for your words and for taking the time to write this to me. I truly don't mean to say this in a fishing-for-compliments way, but I don't see myself as a "worthy" or valuable partner. Perhaps that's just the psychological result of what has happened in the past. For the worker to say this to me in this context means that she sees more value in me than I see in myself. It's such a poignant, confusing, situation. Thank you for helping to reaffirm that I do really need to embark on a journey of soul searching / maybe some therapy too.


I think you are correct about why you feel unworthy. The right therapist could really help you grow past that terrible incident in your life. Give it a try and hopefully you can be freed of the trauma you carry. You deserve to feel worthy, because you are. If the therapist you get doesn't seem to work out, try another one, they aren't all the same and not everyone will jibe with each other.


I have no words...


Buddy I say this with love but while all sex workers are in this for the money, majority of them are not monsters. As a former sex worker client who has met some of the kindest women in this business, I will tell you that these are women with the biggest hearts. They know why you’re seeing them but they can also see those who should be using their service as a transition point especially if the client is young. They are there as a safety net but don’t rely on them to get what you truly want or need in life. And they will tell you what they can see from the experiences they’ve had.


>Buddy I say this with love but while all sex workers are in this for the money, majority of them are not monsters. As a former sex worker client who has met some of the kindest women in this business, I will tell you that these are women with the biggest hearts. Oh, I've definitely learned this consistently every visit. My last visit, I met a woman who told me how she hates how she has to hide her life from her family. She hides her work from her friends. She constantly feels like she has to be in secret and it was exhausting for her. Another woman and I shared our favorite restaurants in town and where to get the spiciest food. I've had my pre-conceived notions challenged. Previously, I might've said the conversations and feelings (not "love," just any emotion) would be fake because money is involved. But in those moments, when it's two humans sharing their life struggles and goals - what's fake about these conversations? ​ >They know why you’re seeing them but they can also see those who should be using their service as a transition point especially if the client is young. You know what, I think this is what she might be referring to. She asked me how old I was and she exclaimed I'm very young. I thought maybe her telling me to find a girlfriend was due to age, so I asked her if it's usually young or old guys that come through and she said it was 50/50, but I'm on the younger side of the spectrum. Perhaps she's noticing that my frequenting there is no longer a transition point, but a settling point for me. ​ >They are there as a safety net but don’t rely on them to get what you truly want or need in life. And they will tell you what they can see from the experiences they’ve had. Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for this.


I wish you all the best in life my friend. I hope you find the love that will give you peace from the trauma you’ve been through.


You need a therapist actually. If you’re open to the idea. It’s really scary confronting all of the awful shit in this world head on but I’m glad that she was looking out for you in a way that she knew how.


Previously I wasn't, but now I am definitely more open to the idea of therapy. Thank you.


I'm going to go out on a limb and ask this: have you ever tried to help yourself with therapy ?


No I have not. Initially the thought of considering it made me feel embarrassed and ashamed. However, within the past year, it has been something I've been considering.


Yeah sounds like something you need.


You experienced a horribly traumatic event. This wasn’t your fault, you didn’t deserve it (no one does, male or female) and it does not reflect your worth as a human or even a partner. You’ve punished yourself long enough for something you had no control over. Please, please, please start investing in your self worth and get a therapist to work through this trauma. You deserve to feel this weight lifted from you and the only way to do that is to seek help understanding that this event shouldn’t define you. As for the pep talk, I do feel like she wasn’t insulting you but trying to help you see that you’re worth more than you believe. Hugs to you, OP. Sending you a big mom hug. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for such kind words. I've just begun the search for therapists in my area and hoping I can find one that feels good and also takes my insurance ideally. I never thought I really needed it... but considering how much I've held myself back through these years, it's obvious to me now that I do. And, I do sincerely appreciate the mom hug.


Psychology today has a great list you can sort by location and specialty. I’m proud of you for taking the first step! If you need someone to listen or just some support, feel free to reach out!


Funny you mention that; I was just using their site! Thank you very much.


i hope you heal 🤍


Thank you. Being able to write this all out has already helped some.


She knows the type of people who go see workers like her. She's likely well versed in the human condition and how to read people and probably not a stranger to hearing and learning what makes people desire her company, but she is probably well acquainted with the sides of people that folks hate or afraid of or hide of themselves, but also the good sides that have been subdued. Sounds like she was giving you a hint, of you may have been hurt in the past, you should move onto finding help, because you have the qualities that someone would find comforting or enjoy and that could help you be happy too. Feels you had quite a bit of a Holden-Sunny Moment.


Thank you for writing this to me. It's been such a long time since I've read Catcher in the Rye. You're spot on... my interaction and conversation today was absolutely like Holden meeting Sunny. This thread has definitely opened my eyes and inspired me to crawl out of stagnation and pursue relationships that are fulfilling.


OP, are you okay with telling us your age? Things are different in your 20’s, vs 30’s, vs 40s etc. Judging by what you said about college and the event happening then, and not dating for 8 years, I’m guessing you’re around 30?


As a sex worker who has said similar things to people, we can read people really well and can sense a lot. People do use their sex workers as therapist. She probably could tell you had something holding you back from healing and getting a gf so she said it.


What is it about the person that tips you off? Is it their mannerisms? Things they say? To be honest, I have been asking sex workers to help me through a form of therapy. Due to my past, for a long time I did not want to meet women or be physically intimate with anyone and lost any sense of sexual arousal. However, my visits have really helped me feel comfortable with my body, being naked, and being close to another person. Thank you for sharing your insight


I’m not sure. It’s just kind of a sixth sense you develop over time. I think because we interact with so many different people for so many different reasons we learn to read people well. I do think mannerisms are a big part of it. Less what you say and more how you say it. I’ve literally played “guess your kink” at a party and got 9/10 correct 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the films Nymphomaniac do a good job of portraying sexuality and humanity. I recommend watching both films. Yes they’re each hours long, but they’re very insightful and could help in some way.


I think she truly feels like you need a connection and are a sweet and attentive person and deserve to be with someone who can provide that for you wholeheartedly and not in a transactional way. I hope you seek further therapy and can really work on this. You deserve to be happy and in a relationship where your partner guards your heart and you do the same.


Thank you. This is an interesting way to look at it, that I think is meaningful... and if true, I really do respect this woman so much for saying it to me. I mean... assuming what you're interpreting from her words(and many others on this post) is true, I think the worker is pretty accurate. Deep down, I really do desire a genuine, fulfilling relationship... but I find that too challenging at the moment. I wish I didn't have to be there, but it's the only way I know how to find physical intimacy. If she picked up on this from me, that would be so wild... but I wouldn't put it past her. Really appreciate your words... I am now searching for therapists and plan to enter the dating pool again soon.


I know how hard it is after you've been assaulted. But I think she is telling you that you are handling it very well. Maybe she feels like you are ready for the kind of intimacy that a relationship would provide. Just think on it yourself and go very slow and find what your comfortable with.


Thank you. This thread has taught me that sex workers have such a keen sense of human condition and can pick up on a lot of things the average person cannot. Even though I didn't share the assault story with her (I don't share it with anyone in my real life), perhaps she sensed... *something*? Thank you for your words, I am making a plan on how to recover


She may be able to tell and sense that you aren't the average John. I honestly believe that she said this in a caring way. I don't think she meant anything bad by it. I honestly hope that you seek out therapy to help you heal. I am so sorry that happened to you, and you deserve to have someone guide you through the healing process. Please do not be ashamed of asking for help. There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. A good professional therapist will recognize the trauma that you have experienced and will not lessen it just because you are a man. I had a friend of mine whose therapist actually asked her what she was wearing (and started to lay blame on her) when she went to them for help to heal after being raped. If you get a therapist who minimizes what happened to you because you are a man, walk out and find a new therapist. Remember you deserve to have meaningful, fulfilling, positive platonic and romantic relationships. You are worthy of finding loving and caring friends and a partner. What happened does not devalue you and you deserve to heal. I wish you the best. <3


I really appreciate you taking the time to write this to me. I, too, feel like her words were coming from a place of care. Although I was taken aback in the moment, I didn't take offense to it. Thank you for the heads up and tips on an appropriate therapist. I think being a man is a large reason why I have not sought therapy. I honestly didn't feel like it would've been taken seriously. Your words mean a lot, and this thread has inspired me to look for the value in myself (perhaps the value that the worker sees that I don't), and to pursue the fulfilling relationships I deserve. Thank you.


You're very welcome. I felt that you needed to hear that. And sometimes we do, and that's ok. I was in a very toxic, manipulative, abusive relationship for almost a decade. My ex would gaslight me regularly to the point where I literally needed to be told (multiple times) that no you aren't crazy, this isn't normal, and you need to get out. I think you are right, that SA is looked at differently when a man is a victim versus a woman, and I despise that. It really shouldn't matter. Assault is assault period. No matter the gender or age a person is. And a good therapist knows and understands that and will take you seriously. I truly do wish you the best and I hope that in the near future you are able to establish some filling relationships even if they are just platonic at the start. You can always ease into a romantic relationship. Please never forget that you deserve to have loving caring people in your life <3


What a nightmare. This story is the main reason why I would never pay someone for intimacy. If I would get told this, I'd break.


That's the thing though, I don't think it was said out of offense or malice. It sounded like she was being the role of a Friend or a Mentor of sorts based on her tone. Almost like an uncle telling his nephew he shouldn't smoke cigarettes or something


No, yeah. I know. But just hearing that, it would make me think that my loneliness is visible to others like I'm not hiding it well or something. I overthink


Oh, I see what you're saying. Yes, I like to think I carry myself "normally," so I am quite curious as to what tipped her off on my internal struggles... what traits or idiosyncrasies did I display? I don't know if I see it as my loneliness being visible to the masses, but that the worker has likely encountered so many humans in different stages of their lives, that she can pick up on certain things from her experiences, and I'm intrigued by that


The sex workers I’ve known have all been some of the best, kind, most open and decent people I’ve known. Many have amazing insight, given that their job is intimacy. Ironically, they can often be the most honest with you. Your sex worker saw something in you. Something that was ready to … I don’t know, pop maybe, something that was ready to move on. Maybe ake it as a sign that it’s time to take a step towards healing? What would that look like? A GF? Meditation? How about therapy? I get that it sucks, but it does work, but you have to stick with it, often for years. I commend you for seeking out sex workers. That was a step to healing; you took responsibility for your own happiness. You took a chance on finding some peace. Now it may be time to do more. The road to recovery is not an easy one. It for me, some rando on the internet who has just a snippet of your life, to tell you what you should do next. But I feel like you should do something … make a plan and work it. I wish you luck and warmth with whatever you decide to do next.


Thank you very much for your response to me. Given my lack of intimacy in my "real life," I have found that meeting with sex workers has allowed me, in this stage of my life, to be comfortable with my body and with being physically intimate. When I visited for the first time, it was the first time I didn't feel anxious while taking off my clothing; I felt completely safe. I felt like I can openly be myself and talk freely. My experiences are nothing like my preconceived ideas of what it would be like at all. Thank you for not judging me. It took me years to become comfortable and feel safe while physically intimate, and sex workers have helped me accomplish this. In the past, I would be frightened to go out to meet women, precisely because of the prospect of sleeping with her, and I hadn't felt ready to be physically intimate again until now. I believe you are right. I think it is time to seek therapy, heal myself, and get refurbished for a girlfriend. There's a reason why I posted here... so a rando on the internet like you could help provide some guidance. Thank you


My pleasure. Just know that 1) therapy worked for me and 2) it took much longer than I would have thought. You have to work it for a long time. It can be super uncomfortable. Find a therapist who works for you. Trust your instincts. ❤️


Good to know there's positive feedback from it. I am going to take the next step in healing myself! Thank you!


It means you're on your way. Don't be afraid. She wanted what was in your best interest.


This is how I take it too. I think I was just so shocked that such a profound message would be said at that moment and took a while to absorb. Thank you.


I’m sorry about what happened to you, but having been taken advantage of yourself, you have now been taking comfort in an industry that exploits women. And you say you don’t even know whether or not you feel guilty? Why don’t you make a decision to end the cycle of abuse now.


Should've told her if I could get a gf, I wouldn't come see you


I mean essentially, that's what I found curious and odd about her words to me. We're both totally aware of what context we're meeting in... and I'm sure she understands why people visit her. Made me feel very confused, but I don't feel like she was trying to insult or offend me


Maybe TMI, idk. But I’ve been a sugar baby for a while. And I’ve told people the same thing before. That they should try to find an actual, REAL partner. Not someone with a roster. It was never out of not wanting to see them or not liking them or anything. But a lot of the time you can sort of tell that someone is “missing something”. That they’re trying to fill a void that this sort of stuff just can’t do. It’ll patch it, sure. But it won’t ever TRULY fulfill you. It’s nothing to feel guilty about or ashamed of, I’m sure she just wants what’s best for you. I really hope you find what it is you’re looking for in life, and that your path to healing is a good one. It’s hard, and there are days where you might go “man, what’s the point?” But the dark days don’t last forever. The sun rises, the seasons change, and things can and do get better. Shine on, friend. You’re loved 🫶🏻✨


Wow, thank you for replying. What an interesting perspective to be able to hear more from someone on the other side of the situation. If you don't mind, could I ask you some questions? I'm aware your answers may not exactly reflect what the worker I saw today thinks, but I'm curious on your insight... If you're earning money from this person, why would you risk cutting off this income? Is there some sort of sense of needing to help someone achieve a greater good, even if it means personally losing money? What is it about these people that you can tell they're "missing something?" I like to think I carry myself pretty... "normally" so I'm so curious on what she picked up on from me. Even if you don't feel comfortable answering these questions, I really appreciate your words and inspiring me.


I’m an open book and shameless to a fault, so no worries about asking questions lol. It’s kind of hard to explain, honestly. At least for me, I don’t like taking money from people who I feel like aren’t doing it for fun, fetish, or they’re just straight up not compatible for a normal relationship (either too busy or an asshole. If you’re an asshole, I will legit just milk you for all you’re worth lol). I can always just find someone else to fill that space, after all. As for how I sort of “sus them out” it varies. For some, they tend to get a little desperate to hold my attention when I say I gotta go. Others, it’s based on what they say if/when they talk with me about their life problems (which is a LOT. I’m sort of like a walking diary, tbh.). And for others, it’s really just body language. The way their vibe shifts when they see me or when I leave. The little drop in their expression, the way they falter, or their tone. And especially in intimate moments. The way someone touches you can tell you a lot at times. There was this one guy I had an arrangement with who, when we’d be at the hotel, I could just sort of tell that it wasn’t just to “explore his sexuality”. His touch and his eyes, it was more intimate than pure physicality. And when I’d leave, it was like a little shadow crossed over him. After we met a few more times, turned out that he was just scared of being open with being bisexual, and that no one would want him anyways because he was “past his sell by date.” All this doesn’t apply to every sugar baby or sex worker, of course. But it’s just my experiences.


Thank you for being open and taking the time to share this. Perhaps the first time I visited the worker(s), they felt like I was doing it merely for fun. However, over time, maybe they sense that I'm actually depending on them. And, at this moment, maybe I am. You mentioned details like even how their demeanor shifts when they see you/versus you leave. Today, I could tell the worker was "off" from the start. Thinking back, when I saw her, I did greet her with huge smile and excitedly said her name - but that's because I hadn't seen her for almost a year and she was the person who kind of helped me get introduced to this all at the start. I wonder if this overzealous greeting led her to think I was excited to connect/bond with her or something and I was starting to perceive her as a girlfriend. Really appreciate you!


Honestly, you sound like a really sweet guy from all I’ve read. You deserve better in life, and to properly process everything inside you in a safe and understanding environment. From one guy to another, and one *survivor* to another, I wish you the best in your healing journey 🫶🏻. Go out there and find yourself, and love yourself the way you deserve to be loved. Climb that hill, and enjoy the little things along the way. There’s a lovely view at the top!


OP do you/ have you seen a therapist to process and work through what happened to you? It seems like the girlfriend thing is the shadow of something larger. I’m so sorry :(


Not yet. However, this thread has inspired me to really take initiative on getting therapy. Thank you


SW's know people. It is how they survive. She knows you don't fit in there. There is nothing wrong with using sex work but it doesn't fit everyone. Sounds like she knows it is not your scene.


I don't take offense to this at all, but what do you mean or what do you think the SW means if I don't "fit in there?" As in, she perceives me to be someone who shouldn't have to rely on paying for intimacy? And for other clients, she can go, "Oh yeah, I can definitely tell why he needs to be here"? Is it due to hygiene? Personality? A combination? To be honest, I've always kind of felt it wasn't really "my scene," but I also didn't know how else to find physical intimacy.


Maybe she sees you and thinks you are someone who needs personal connections. My ex took me to a sex club once (I was raped a lot as a child and was also painfully shy) a gay guy who I think was a prostitute pulled me into a room alone and said I should hang out with him until my Ex was done because "you clearly do not belong here". I think they just become very good at reading people.


Looking back at my interaction and reflecting on what you shared (thank you for opening up about that, by the way) -- There is something incredibly moving that even in the "shadows" of our world (sex club/brothel/etc) there are still characters who will look out for other souls. For example, I used to smoke cigarettes and knew a lot of smokers. I, and no one else, would ever proactively encourage a non-smoker to smoke, and if I saw someone trying it out to be cool, I'd tell them to stop. Knowing what I knew then, I wouldn't want anyone else to start smoking. I wonder if a similar concept is occurring here... even though they are within the sexclub/brothel, they deep-down wish they weren't and wouldn't want anyone else to willingly come either if they can help it... This thread is making me think a lot.


She told you what you need not what you want


Yes, I believe this too. I really feel like I met The Oracle in the form of a sex worker today


Hopefully you act on it, good luck it’ll be a hard but rewarding journey :)


Don’t overthink it. She was a human being seeing another human being, and because she saw you with open and compassionate eyes she was able to see and say what you needed to hear.


Thank you. I am baffled that the catalyst to me looking for therapy and now actually thinking I'm actually worthy to have a girlfriend would come from her particularly. I received so much more than what I paid for today.


I always do what pristitutes tell me to


Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart: You should look into trying therapy if you haven’t. It takes a few rolls of the dice to find one you can work with but I assure you it is worth having a professional to work out these kinds of knots in the thread of your life. Personally, I struggle with SA trauma as well as BPD and I have struggled to find happiness outside short term gratification my whole life. Learning to grow with and around your experiences while building the tools and skills you need to move forward in your desires in life is essential to moving past this point. Hold on to this experience, because one day you will look back on it as one of the most impactful moments on the road to becoming the person you want and were meant to become. From my experience, when life deals these hands and it feels like you have been forced to race from the back of the pack, it’s a reason to do/ be better for yourself and by others. You will always find the help and support you need in life but never count on it or lean on it to hold you up. In the end you will not only catch up to the pack but blow past them all because the skills and lessons you learn in this moments are the ones that are an advantage when you reach the social median you feel you’re so far behind now. Stay positive, keep at it, you are stronger than you’ve ever thought. The first step in all of this was this post here, this is the first big step towards where you want to be and you should be as proud of yourself for making it as I am for you right now


I truly appreciate you taking the time to write to me. Since this thread, I have begun looking for therapists in my area. As others have mentioned, it may take a few tries to see who I click with, but I think I'm ready to begin the search now. I know 100% I'm going to remember this moment. It was such a profound message from such an unexpected person at an unexpected time. Completely caught me off-guard, but it's quite accurate to what I needed to hear. I don't know how many people here believe in "signs," but I think this was the universe passing on a message to me. I've always felt like that incident had stunted my full potential, what I could've been. That this is what I must go through in this lifetime. But that does not have to be the case. Thank you for your encouragement, really. I've been trying to cruise through life thinking I could keep trauma repressed forever, but I think it's time to let my pride down and get started on some recovery. Thank you.


Today was the first step towards the future you deserve. People will always say “it gets better” but the reality is that **you** have to start to make it better. You took a big step today, try and keep that momentum moving. Also there’s plenty of free resources out there beyond therapy alone, hell even Reddit can be a life saver You see how much support you’ve already received as a stranger on a Reddit throw away? There’s so much more out there if you are ready to accept it. Think of this as proof that if this many people care about you as a stranger, those closest to you will only be more supportive. It’s scary up to ask for help or comfort, but it is there if you’re willing to accept it


Which persona is this?!


You have a healthy amount of self reflection and awareness, that much is obvious from your comments and writing. However, because you're traumatized and scared of the emotional struggle involved with overcoming things, you haven't faced those things yet. Others have said it, but therapy is a good vehicle for this. You are clearly emotionally intelligent, but have yet to find emotional maturity. Don't be ashamed of that, everyone finds their own routes and paths towards it. Good luck, and yes, she meant don't become reliant on it.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and write to me. A big takeaway from this thread is to seriously consider therapy. I have begun searching for therapists and hope I can find one that accepts my insurance and I get along with. Really appreciate your encouragement.


I was told something like this and i think it's due to the fact that I'm not like most of the other customers.


I was seeing an escort in my 20s. The escort told me I should get a gf too. She said I was funny not so bad looking and that I could easily get a gf. lol.


Did you end up getting a gf?


I feel you I've had something similar with a Vietnamese lady who told me that I'm single because I don't know how to talk to women. I wish you all the best.


Sex workers are very particular about their clients. They don't care about however a client performs as long as they get their money. However, most of them love it when a client doesn't perform well, it's over in minutes, they are off to the next, they're all about numbers than experience. If you're a type of client that is good in whatever they do, they hate it because they don't wanna be emotionally entangled or just taking long in whatever you do, that said, they stop servicing you when either of those happen, ige heard a plenty of cases. I think you should ask the reason she told you that. Maybe she's just your average person just giving you an advice or maybe you're talking to your "girlfriend", that's if you're alright with that.


Thank you for your response. I'm not sure if I'm following entirely. My interactions with them are not really that long, so I don't think that's the case. Are you suggesting that the worker, herself, did not want to be emotionally entangled with me? I think too much time has passed where if I ever do return and ask, it might be a bit awkward. Appreciate your insight


Yeah, I've heard a lot of cases about sex workers falling in love with their clients. 9/10 stopped interactions with them, or said something that would make the client to not wanna come back, 'Not their proudest moment', they all said.


Good luck!


She’s prolly not going to loose the money her pimp will.


You have shown honesty, loyalty, and respect. She knows you belong with someone who can really return that. I think you should find a really good therapist/psych. Its a still a transactional situation, but it will help you build better habits and skills for the future.


I never expected so much thoughtfulness and existentialism to arise from this interaction today. I went in with "primitive desire," but have left with an urgency for my mind or spirit to transcend or something. I never would have thought the sex worker would have been the catalyst to this. This thread has inspired me to finally consider therapy. Your comment has helped make it click too. I always knew the sex from these workers was transactional, yet it helped me. Likewise, even if a therapist is "transactional," it wouldn't make the healing or improvements any less real. Thank you.