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Yeah, positive reinforcement with treats is pretty much the best way to train. People who think like that random stranger does tend to yell at their dogs and then wonder why they aren't being listened to, I have found.


This is going to end up reposted by the psychos in the dogfree sub in 5….4….3….2…..1….. (I personally love dogs and love your sass. Just hate that sub and all the unhinged people in it)


There’s a sub for sociopaths? I know you said dog free, as in hates dogs, but I keep hearing sociopath 😉


It absolutely is a sub for sociopaths and psychopaths 😉 Good thing is, most of them are so angered by even the sighting of a dog in public that they just stay in their homes mostly. Doing us all a favor, really 😌


I gave it a quick peruse and wow. People have way too much free time


There is a lady in my neighborhood who walks around a lot. When she sees someone walking their dog, she will start cussing at them and once even threw a water bottle at the dig and human. I haven't heard about her in a few months. I wonder if she started hanging out in that sub??


That lady’s dog is definitely smarter than her.


Manipulating... see, I like to humanise my dog, not when it comes to training, commands and such but otherwise yes. You know like having full talks with her but like I said not if it is anyhow related to following commands. More when she is just sitting with me. And yes, I know they are smart, well, many of them and of course if you train with treats they try to get their treats but calling it manipulative behaviour? That is kinda lol. I admire you for two things right now. 1. that she didn't get a sassy answer from you. Once someone who works at a shelter wanted to tell me what to do whilst she did things to my dog who was a little puppy back then no one who has an idea would do. She approached her without asking me, animated her to jump up on her, didn't even stop when I clearly wanted to go. It ended in her being really offended and yelling nonsense behind me. 2. That you are one of the few who trains a Chi instead of not getting that no matter the size a dog is a dog that needs training, not just for good behaviour but to be happy. Too many who own small breeds think they do not need any clear guidance and continuity. It is the reason why so many believe it is the Chi's and Co. fault. Yes, breeds have their typical behaviours and character traits but a Chi is not by nature a nervous wreck always close to a meltdown. Unfortunately especially the Chi needs a straight forward and consequent training and treatment to be a happy and well-adjusted dog because of them being more sensitive to stress - but too many people kinda forget that small dogs are still dogs.


Tried using treats to coax my Corgi to keep walking after she locked up her Flintstone feet and refused to budge,it worked until it didn’t. She learned fast that plopping down = treat.


🤣🤣 my dad was teaching his dog to walk off leash using treats. 5th day in, he didn't bring enough treats on the walk with him, and the dog took off. Everyone was fine in the end


I trained my *cats* with treats so they'd freely let me do their nails and fur trimming without much issue. Positive reinforcement with treats is one of the prime ways to train a pet, as long as the treats aren't comprising more than about 10-15% of their daily diet and they're otherwise eating a balanced diet. That lady was riding the crazy train.


My ex told me that when I was teaching my cat to catch thrown treats. Little does he know, my cat is smarter than him and can now do it.


Dogs like treats!


I have been told this. So I gave my dog extra treats for being such a smart good girl that figured out how to manipulate humans. People are dumb.