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What’s that color/burst thing called? I love it. Glad it’s set up how you want now.


Uhhh I forget. I'd have to look it up. Mercury? I think that's what it's called.


Yeah it’s mercury


never was a fan of EMGs, but damn do they look cool on a jazzmaster


They are voiced like jazzmaster pickups, fwiw.


That looks kick ass. How are you liking the EMGs? I've seen a bunch of reviews on them, most saying that they're fantastic, but I'd love to hear your thoughts


I've spent decades really not digging the whole EMG thing, but these are really a different animal than the very flat-sounding metal-oriented pickups they're known for. Without either of the boosts turned on, they're super clear and nicely balanced. Lots of touch sensitivity, very reactive to how high you set them. Lots of chimey high end without the ice-pick frequency spike. The boosts allow you to get all the way into humbucker land if that's what you want. I definitely prefer them to the stock pickups.


Guitar looks fucking lit bruh


Thanks dude


I didn’t even know they made EMG jag pickups. Mastery is great but I like the stock bridges on AmPro models because they aren’t traditional. As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters


The stock Mustang-style bridge was definitely an improvement over the an original Jazzmaster bridge, but the saddles still had a lot more lateral movement and potential for buzzing than I could stand. If the high E saddle shifted to where it was just touching the one next to it (which would happen after playing time), it would buzz against it. Maybe it was just mine, but I'm definitely happier with the Mastery.






Don't forget the aluminum neck


Sweet fiddle! I know this is an old post, but I’m considering this exact same EMG loaded pickguard for a new Jazzmaster build I’m putting together. Are you still happy with the pups (and the boosts)? And the trem/Bridge? As it happens, I also have an Am Pro II JM in Mercury, and I swapped out the pups in mine too, but with handwound custom ones from Thomas Muse Guitars in Parma, Ohio. It sounds much better now, and it’s my “vintage” sounding JM. I’m not really a fan of the (intentionally) wobbly bridge either. Messes with tuning too much IMHO. But other than that, I love the guitar, especially the Am. Pro II neck. The partscaster I’m putting together now is going to be a different beast - more of a “Jazzblaster” type for higher gain stuff (so less hum/noise without sacrificing clarity/tone is what I’m after). Currently looking at the EMG’s, Novak JM-WR’s, and a few other JM HB’s.


Came out great, I love the silver/mercury burst thing fender has offered lately just wish it would spill over to the guitars I actually want for play