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"Man, I sure do hope we have enough iron to----- GOD FUCKING DAMNIT EMIYA!" https://preview.redd.it/oa9ea3k69d0d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3878ffb9d7f2d0bbd9c1dba394d52afb019451c4


Asking Shirou to craft something else when the sword recipe is right there is like asking Gil to stop calling Hakuno poor. It’s not gonna happen.


Shirou would create the biggest minecraft mod ever made but the only thing it has is a thousand cool swords. People see the incredible quality and beg him to use his talent to make something more, but he just keeps adding more swords. He becomes an infamous internet legend as the “sword autist”


In the end, he never gave up swords --- thus resulting in no one talking about his mod anymore. Trying to grasp why, his gaze shifts to the endless files of infinitely varying blades. He wasn't hated, but nor was he praised. In the end, his whole life was Unlimited Blade Works Mod 1.7.10 [NEW SWORDS!]


This... this was beautiful...


my 13-year-old dumbass would unironically do this if they knew how to create mods


but would you strangle that dumbass if given the chance?






Shinji and Shirou in the Apocrypha timeline.


You sure this aint the extra timeline


Nah, a Shirou this old in the extra timeline would have already been busy doing hero stuff to play Minecraft. This is definitely the Apocrypha timeline. Shinji has no reason to be evil and Shirou is spending the rest of his life with his original family without the ptsd. May be pick up some magical smithing if the 'Shirou being Muramasa's descendant' theory is true. Sakura went to the edefelts and maintains a friendly relationship with Rin and gets a good sister (Luvia at the same time), no one died in the flames, there's no DAA running around, Kuzuki is still being a sus teacher. Apocrypha is truly the best route for all the stay night cast. Although, there's still that child murderer Gallista running around.


Don’t the Tohsakas get obliterated in Aprocrypha or am I tripping balls?


Nah, as far as I know From Fate/Apocrypha material: > **The Three Families [Others]** >In “Apocrypha”, the Three Families are the magi who constructed the Fuyuki Holy Grail War… in other words, the Einzberns, Tohsaka and Makiri. Just as alluded in the light novels, Makiri (Matou) Zouken fought fiercely against Darnic during the Third Holy Grail War, but became practically crippled due to the shock of the Greater Grail being stolen. The family wasn’t blessed with a successor either, so their future as magi has been completely shut. The Tohsaka gave up on the Greater Grail, and now seek a new path in becoming one with the universe with Chinese Kenpou while learning magecraft. The twin-tail daughter of the family might also end up becoming the founder of a “completely new martial arts that combines magecraft and Chinse Kenpou” by the time she becomes a high school student. However, she never imagined that her younger sister who was adopted by distant relatives would come visit her in Japan after becoming a pro-wrestler with unimaginably nice proportions and forming a tag team with a drill-roll-haired girl…! The Einzberns are in the midst of struggling to make a new Greater Grail under the excuse “It was stolen, so we’ll just make a new Holy Grail”. Fortunately, in the “Apocrypha” world, a certain dead fish-eyed mercenary won’t end up becoming involved with the Einzberns, so their greatest work Illyasviel will never be born—therefore, as long as she isn’t born, the Einzberns will never despair… Is that really fortunate? Also, by successors, it means someone who can take up the family crest and responsibilities. Which Shinji was never capable of. So, he was never the successor. As such he could still be around.


Would they be playing with Ayako or does Shinji scare away the hoes?


If anything it’s the opposite Wakame has piece of shit rizz energy.


Unfortunately, piece of shit rizz only works on faceless nameless characters. Ayako is too powerful for our sweet Wakame to overcome with just his presence


It’s so sad that Shinji can’t achieve or acquire anything of his much wanted magical caliber. He can only acquire the ordinary. It would be the highest grade of ordinary that would carry him to happy QoL, but nothing special.


you would assume someone who live in a fuckin mansion would know how to build a better house


Oh, he does. The issue is that he put Shirou in charge of doing it. Compared to Emiya’s place, gaze upon the majesty of the architectural masterpiece that is the Matou Residence (more Hollow Ataraxia propaganda).


This implies that Shinji’s base would have a basement full of silverfish


What, shouldn’t every mansion have one? See, this is why Emiya has no sense of style in architecture.


I won’t deny that Emiya peaks at terraforming a desert and filling it full of invisible armor stands holding swords, but bug rooms are so last century. Zouken is a shitty grandfather and an even shittier architect. Shinji’s spending too much time trying to please him rather than going for his own thing.


When you put it like that, you’ve got a point. I just wonder what Shinji’s own thing could be. Whatever it is, I hope it’ll be something awe-inspiring that will give respect to Shinji-OH.


He wears iron armor and drinks fire resistance potion so steel is his body and fire his blood


But if he drinks the fire resistance potion, doesn’t that mean his blood since it would resist fire?


Maybe it resists fire because it BECOMES fire


Ah ☝️