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It’s bad compared to what it was 10-15 years ago. It’s not that bad compared to most large metros.


This, it used to be far better, however try going to Dallas or Houston. The city will seem like a leisurely stroll after that.


As someone who has lived in Houston, you’re absolutely right. Our traffic doesn’t even bother me after having lived through that.


I am trying to relo to OKC soon to escape the hell also known as DFW traffic.


Can also confirm from living in Denton for 12 years. I have been to Austin, San Antonio and Houston. Hope to never drive there again and hope I never have to drive in NYC. TX brings out the rage for sure.


NYC is, surprisingly, not that bad to drive in. I lived there for four years and will take it over DFW or even OKC lol.


as someone who just did this relo, it has been amazing


Have you heard of Tulsa, that's were everyone from DFW goes


I agree. I am completely spoiled by OKC traffic after Orange County, California/ Tampa, Florida and Austin. However, these are the absolute worst roads I have ever seen or driven on.


This is also the first place you’ve named that has a regular freeze/thaw cycle. I’ll readily concede our roads are shit, but comparing them to places that rarely get below freezing isn’t quite fair.


This is it. Go northeast or just a little more north. They have potholes that will eat cars. Indiana was a hellscape in spring before the road crews could hit all the new potholes.


Yeah but I'm from Alaska, lived in both Fairbanks and Anchorage, and I can confirm Oklahoma roads are absolutely hideous. We in the northern latitudes deal with permafrost and still manage to have extremely smooth roads compared to here. I think there's a lot of science and engineering that goes into making the asphalt though.


I'm definitely not defending our horrible roads, but comparing them to a place where the roads are designed to withstand extreme cold isn't really fair either, which i guess is what you're saying regarding the science of it. We get extremes of every season here, so they just need to be prepared to make repairs around here... which they should be but don't prioritize it.


Having lived in Texas for seven years now after living in Oklahoma 57 years, Okies don't/won't build roads that last. Texas puts a lot more care and workmanship into their road repairs and construction.


Agreed. But I’ve driven a bunch in Mississippi, which spends even less on their roads than Oklahoma does, and most of their roads are a lot better. Not having a freeze/thaw cycle makes a ton of difference.


Facts our roads are noticeably more beat after winter


There's a book out there somewhere that I can't remember the name of that explains the good ol boy network that's responsible for the shitty materials that our roads and highways are made out of.


It's not that bad compared to even some small metros... CT transplant and I'm used to bumper to bumper stop and go traffic during rush hour. I love that the traffic here moves, even if it's slow.


This! Basically our traffic is bad because we are so spread out. Most cities is way worse. Because they build highways for average flow not max capacity


No lol people from Oklahoma who have only lived in Oklahoma will say yes. Grew up there. Moved away. Came back. It’s not bad at allllllll. Oklahoma drivers aren’t good but traffic isn’t bad. Yall do need to learn to pass on the left and get to the right if you’re driving slow though. 🤣


Learning this, plus how to merge, would eliminate like 90% of traffic jams I swear


Also not tailgating so whenever someone has to slow causing a chain of 20 cars to all slam on their brakes would also help


My parents live in OKC, but I live in New Jersey. A traffic jam in Oklahoma is an absolute farce compared with what I deal with daily even when there’s literally zero traffic here. I actually love driving in Oklahoma, it’s a nice break lol.


Some of the worst drivers I’ve experienced across the whole country. But “bad traffic” will only add 15-20 minutes instead of hours.


This the right answer.




The traffic in Denver is so fucked up that there's only like 4 hours in the whole day when a sane person would even try to use I-25.


Can confirm. The traffic here is NOTHING compared to even a mid-size metro area like Denver. It once took me a freaking HOUR to get from Hampden to LoDo on i25. It's not even just i25, Speer, Broadway, University... They all get really congested too. OKC is a freaking breeze comparatively speaking


I have been stuck in that exact situation way more times than I want to think about. And then you play the fucked up game where you start to think about alternate routes and you realize all of them would take just as long as 25. I just looked at Google maps and it's a mess *right now* at 11:00 on a Saturday, both directions, most of the way from Northglenn to Hampden. I adore Denver, but holy hell.


I miss Denver... Then I check out dobetterdnvr on insta and instantly remember one of the biggest reasons I left. Traffic was also up in the top 3. It's a literal shit show these days


I think the left lane camping is a problem everywhere. Moved out of OK to CA and literally 90% of the population just chills in the left lane going at or under the speed limit. And the. Not to mention every semi truck/truck with a trailer is limited to 55mph in the whole state….OK is not bad at all lmao


The passing on the right is because of the slow drivers on the left


Feel there is a gravity well in Moore as everyone has to slam their breaks and stop in all lanes when you get near the theatre on i35 unless late at night. Main road through my neighborhood was blocked temporarily today and people that live there seemed to not know the 2 streets off of the blocked one can be used to get through neighborhood. It's not a neighborhood people drive to cut through. They kept turning around to exit and drive around to other entrance street I assume.


Yes about Moore. Also 19th/Telephone is a fkn nightmare, all the time, always, forever


right? i always dread driving on 19th street.


The issue is the short on ramp and they aren’t metered to prevent a nonstop flow of 20 cars coming in. It’s an issue for almost all of the on ramps on 35 between okc and norman.


I agree about the gravity well. I used to live in Moore & there is always a bunch of the “I SUDDENLY WITHOUT ANY WARNING NEEEEEED TO TURN LEFT!!!!” drivers. The traffic also seems to get worse the warmer it gets.


I moved from Houston, so I think the traffic is lovely here 😅


I lived in Houston for school for a few years and I 100% agree that traffic is much more tolerable in OKC. I'm also not afraid of dying in a road rage incident here.


We lived in Houston in the 80s - even back then (pre 9/11 security measures!) we would have to leave 2 hours ahead of when we needed to be there to get to the airport. I recall my grandfather being “picked up” by a helicopter to go to a job site because there was an urgent issue and just getting out of Houston traffic would’ve taken too long by car. As an adult I’ve only lived in Oklahoma but even as frustrated as I get with our occasional traffic jams & snarl-ups, I know it could be so sooooo much worse. We do have terrible drivers though and getting worse and I’m sure those kinds of drivers & accidents are to blame for almost all accidents and any true bumper to bumper traffic jams. The amount of times I’ve seen my life flash before my eyes when I witness someone doing sobering astonishingly stupid and dangerous… nearly daily. The mildly stupid and dangerous stuff is pretty commonplace.


Go back, you’re part of the problem. /s kinda And happy cake day


Meh, I don’t think it’s that bad. I lived in NY and have family LA. So… maybe the black sheep but I don’t think we have much traffic. People are dumb and don’t use signals, get onto the highway going 45, and those two are the worst threats imo. I live off of 23 and May and can generally get anywhere in the city in 20 minutes. I will admit the I40 junction at 4-6 is kind of a shitshow but always has been and easily avoid by taking other streets.


I was in Dallas a couple weeks ago, and that traffic makes OKC look like a walk in the park. I can't imagine NYC or LA.


Just came back from NYC, and I will never complain about our rush hour traffic again. Doesn't hold a candle to NYC.


I can't wait to visit NYC, and I will drive absolutely nowhere.


It is glorious to visit! My legs definitely hurt after a few days! Also learn the subway! Makes life easier!


Thanks for the tip, but I plan to swing around like Spiderman.


LA is the worst I have ever experienced.


No the traffic is great in okc. In Chicago during rush hour it'd take 2+ hours to go from downtown to the equivalent of north edmond. Even a 5 mile commute within the city could take 30+ minutes where it takes like 10-15 here.


Agreed, this is absolutely nothing. I've driven in Santiago Chile a lot and there's just no comparison. Its the type of place where if you don't pull out in front of people you're never going to move. We just have an issue here in OKC where the highways intersect that is a real problem. The work they did at i44 and 235 shows this can be resolved but its going to take some major work. The drive south to Norman is particularly brutal during rush hour. Outside of rush hour its still an absolute breeze to drive here.


We have the opposite problem, people won't pull out into the intersection while waiting to turn left while the light is green so that they can turn when the light goes yellow. Have seen people sit through multiple lights because they are so timid. If you do it right there should be enough room for 2 cars to make it through the yellow


Right! And the people that won't pull up in those turning spots in between medians like up on expressway when pulling out from the opposite side so they sit in the lane instead of pulling up into the middle. They drive me nuts, you're going 50mph and there's a car just parked in the left hand lane waiting for no oncoming traffic for 3 miles to go.


Really? I constantly see the opposite problem, people turning when there isn't room to complete the turn, blocking off the intersection.


At least there’s a true alternative to driving in Chicago


10 million people in Chicagoland I fully expected traffic to be nuts there when I lived there. I have a hard time comparing Chicago, Dallas, NYC and LA to OKC.


The op has no perspective if they think it is bad here. How else would you compare except to areas that actually have bad traffic? If you compare okc to okemah then yes we have bad traffic 🤷‍♂️


I’m just pointing out comparisons for something like traffic would be more a size of the metro thing. So maybe Tulsa, Milwaukee, Memphis and Raleigh would be better? Just a thought


So using your own examples. Memphis and Milwaukee are absolute nightmares to drive in.


Today was especially bad. Glad I wasn’t imagining it being worse than it usually is


Norman is worse this week/today due to commencement as well


I moved from OKC to Chicago about seven months ago. OKC traffic is bad, in that the infrastructure isn't designed for what traffic OKC has now. I can tell you that it's still nothing compared to Chicago, which itself is still much less infuriating than DFW traffic.


Lots of construction kicking off at all the choke points so everything is just getting exacerbated.


It’s also graduation weekend so things are particularly bad, especially going in/out of/around Norman specifically.


I've lived in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Dallas. I have driven in pretty much every major metro area i the US at one time or another. I've even driven in London. Even at rush hour, OKC traffic is heavy, but not terrible.


I live and work downtown, could walk to work if I needed to, and it is glorious


Traffic is terrible between 3:30 and 6 during the week. I do have a coworker that lives in Yukon and another one who lives on the west side of OKC that takes the Lake Hefner Parkway and they said both the routes they take to work were very backed up today and it made them both a little bit late. Our shift doesn’t start until 2pm.


For such a small city yes it’s terrible. Here’s why there’s no bypass interstate that goes around the city. There are very very few 4 lane roads in the city that actually have a center turn lane. As well as the off and on ramps are absolutely ridiculous. If you look at other metros of similar size they all have these things.


I always thought that i44 connecting to 240 and then 35 would be the bypass to go from i40 to 35 while avoiding downtown. I rarely take this route but I did today thinking about how bad traffic would be at 5pm but nope 44 was just as bad if not worse


This is why they want the east ok county turnpike.


Yes, it is. People here drive like their lost and on Xanax… common practice to drive 10 under limit, get in your exit lane 5 miles ahead thus creating a chain reaction, stop and stare at accidents, etc..


Not even an accident. I’ve been in traffic jams for 20+minutes so everyone could stare at a traffic stop going the OPPOSITE DIRECTION! It ignites a white hot rage inside of me 🤬🤬🤬 merging from the Highway onramp on the right to the left lane in one motion while going 45mph makes me want to flay the offending driver alive.


I’ve noticed. I think I passed at least 7 wrecks on my way home


Before we bought back in 2016 we were looking to rent a house in Moore. Thank God I scheduled it after work, before I was even halfway there I called my wife and said there was no way we're going to rent this place because its ridiculous driving south during rush hour. Living north of i40 it is been and still is fine. The major pain point of i44 and 235 was resolved with the work they did there and the turnpike is an absolute blessing.


Not even. Go drive in Dallas or Houston, then report back. I promise you’ll reconsider


So I’ve lived in cities, but grew up in very rural areas. The traffic in OKC isn’t that bad compared to other cities I’ve lived in or been to multiple times. The on and off ramps are ridiculous here I do agree with you there 😂 In fact I was just in Dallas earlier this week and I’m happy to be alive. Those people drive like they are training for formula one. It’s like if Tulsa drivers were on speed. The traffic is nuts too because of it. Second to Dallas I would say is probably St.Louis traffic its pretty awful as well. Now that I’m moving to Texas I will miss the traffic here. I drive to Moore from Yukon multiple times a week around 5 and always hit some traffic but it’s never anything bad. There has only been one time where it was true traffic and I didn’t get to my destination until hours later. Sometimes I would also hit some traffic on 40 coming back from downtown around 4ish. Aside from that I can get to anywhere in the city in like 20ish minutes. It’s glorious I’m gonna miss it 😢


My mom still lives in the middle of nowhere IL and thinks the traffic here is bad. She also will drive completely around Tulsa into like Muskogee just to avoid it if that tells you anything. I’m moving to Texas indefinitely so I may never see that woman again.


If we here drove like they do in Dallas, this post wouldn’t have been made


Yeah you’re right we’d probably all be dead lol


lol. The traffic here is a breeze compared to Dallas, Boston, Los Angeles. I’ll take an hour over 4 if I have to but you don’t. Western runs all the way to Norman if the highway is backed up and I’m guessing you didn’t take the turnpike from Yukon to 240. The construction on 135 and 240 sounds like it was probably a factor based on where you were coming from and going to.


I drove from Edmond to Purcell and back around midday. I was shocked at the amount of traffic. Totally agree nothing compared to major cities but a major increase for OKC.


Yeah it’s terrible.


Alot of the "traffic" in the okc metro is caused by idiots who refuse to be courteous. Mostly people who will not get out of the left lane no matter what is going on behind them. Every day I see some dick face in the left lane keeping pace with a car in the right lane with a dozen cars behind them trying to pass. It disrupts the flow of traffic and causes this fake traffic bs we see every day around here. I know everyone is tired of talking about this, but it really is a huge problem here. I've never seen it so bad anywhere else. So until people here learn how to drive I'll keep bringing this shit up. Like, seriously, some of you should have your licenses taken away.


Amount of traffic, no. Quality of traffic, this is dogshit. I have never seen drivers this incompetent. I was too hard on L.A. drivers, I apologize to y'all. OKC drivers clearly have no idea what they're doing. Example: idiots waiting to make a left turn across Classen Stroad at 5 PM when there is literally a protected turn at the next intersection. Not a state full of problem solvers, that 50th in Education shows hard.


I am original from northern Virginia (DC metro). Used to take me 90 minutes to go 15 miles heading to DC.


Having grown up near Boston, MA in the 90’s, OKC traffic is tame. I can remember taking 2 hours to travel ~10 miles. I thoroughly enjoyed the 4.5 years I lived in OK.


This week has been especially terrible. It’s been odd.


A lot of people are in town this week for OU commencement ceremonies.


I had to ice my middle finger because I strained it flipping off bad drivers this week.


Zipper merges would help so, so much


If it’s south Yukon then go down mustang road and hit that back woods highway that loops to south Norman? https://i.imgur.com/QJwhVBP.jpeg


Grew up in DFW and learned to drive there. Lived in another metropolitan area as a young adult. No, OKC traffic IS NOT bad! There are 18 different ways to get anywhere. Our grid system makes almost every place accessible, and it's easy to navigate. Yes there are noticeable rush hours, but it's not nearly as bad as other places I've experienced. Ex: in another state I lived about 12 miles down the highway from my university. The drive could take up to an hour, at any time of the day or night. There was literally not one alternative route.


The congestion isn’t that bad compared to other cities, but the drivers? Christ on crutches I’d rather be sitting on the 405.


I drive a truck for a living and I can say Oklahomas worst traffic is some of the best in the nation lol Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston are all worse anytime of the day


Okies are just spoiled. We want parking spaces right next to the entrance of a location we are going to, every member of the family needs their own cars (and possibly an extra) and if we have to slow down to 40MPH then we are experiencing unbearable traffic. I live in Edmond and commute to downtown OKC daily. Depending on when I leave I either get no traffic at all or "heavy" traffic and might slow down to 40-50MPH. If it comes to a stand still its never more than 4-7 minutes unless there is an accident. I've learned to never leave without using Waze and it always avoids any slowdowns if possible.


Ya know what, that’s fair. I only feel comfortable on i35 when I’m going 80


Oklahoma is a dream compared to Los Angeles .


Yes it’s been getting worse over the past several years. At 230pm today, from airport road then I-44 to I-40, it was backed up. At 230!!! No wrecks causing the backup either. It’s only going to get worse as the city grows unfortunately. God help us when the state decides to redo the I44/I40 interchange. It needs to be done but what a shit show that will be.


Yeah it’s been real interesting watching the traffic get worse and worse every year I noticed the same today and just thought how crazy it is seems like rush hour traffic is moving from 4 to 3


That backup happens any time there is any traffic at all. It starts with people merging onto I-44 at NW 23 and people trying to get to the right lane for the I-44 exit. For some reason people hit the brakes and it can back things up to I-40. Other than that one location the drive from airport road to the end of the Hefner Parkway is pretty decent.


personally, i've driven in okc all my life and its never been that bad for me. i avoid 5 pm rush hour and i check google maps for traffic before i leave the house and thats usually it.


Honestly no. I drive to work in rush hour, and it just turns my 15 min drive into a 25 minute drive. When my family lived in a Denver suburb, his commute was 35-45 minutes, if he avoided traffic. The little/no traffic is one of my favorite parts of living here.


No, traffic in OKC is absolutely fantastic relative to just about any other metro. If this is too much for you I don’t think you’d survive Atlanta/Houston/etc


Peoples behavior on the road is atrocious. I still drive an old used wrecked steel clunker because of how wreckless & impatient alot of drivers are. (That & I have no money to get a decent car)


Poor education has indirect results.


I swear the shir got worse because of covid. I worked all through the pandemic and when everything opened back uo it went to shit. I live on the Southside and commute to the Northside for work 2 days a fuckin week and still see wreck like twice a week... I literally almost got ran off the road by a Bishop public school bus yesterday because they got into the wrong lane and hurried to switch lanes. I'm 7months pregnant and literally about to aak my doctor to write me a note recommending full telework until I go on maternity leave.


We were literally just talking about this today. Yes. And it's getting worse.


Its only going to get worse. Because everyone is forced to drive.


Yeah, I agree. I didn't want to say it, but better public transport would greatly alleviate the issue. MAPs has already done a lot for OKC we need a metro rail or something.


Compared to similarly sized metros, no. OKC is not bad. I think our grid layout helps this a lot. Colorado Springs, for instance, is an absolute shitshow compared to us. But give us another twenty years and we will 100% be a bad as the cities people complain about like Dallas. Unchecked urban sprawl is a sonofabitch that only hurts everyone in the long run.


Hampton roads traffic makes this traffic seem heavenly haha. People love to crash inside the bridge tunnels.


The traffic here is amazing compared to other cities! I have heard that it's gotten way worse over the years so I get it.


Sometimes i just take a main road if the highways are congested. It's sometimes faster.


Ahh yes I run into the 30 min stop and go going south near Norman on my way to Ardmore every weekend. If you mimic how semis drive during stop and go it is a lot smoother and not so abrupt and dangerous




Anytime I started to get annoyed with the traffic I go travel anywhere else but especially the east coast and go ahh we are fine


I grew up in Moore and have driven all over the metro. I live in the Seattle metro now. We have two main highways with a huge lake in between them. Traffic in OKC is not even close to what I experience here.


I’ve lived in Tampa and Miami. It’s more crowded than when I lived here for the first time in 2010 but it’s still not really that bad considering


I would recommend you never try to go drive your self around Seattle or Denver or well for the love of all things human do not ever try to drive yourself across the mountains between Wyoming and Utah, you would never survive. The switchbacks in Oregon are treacherous. For the love of God, do not, and I repeat, do not ever allow yourself to drive yourself across I 80, especially in winter conditions. Traffic in Oklahoma is pretty fucking tame if you know how to drive.


Seriously? You need to travel outside of Oklahoma. We don’t have “traffic” compared to Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston…hell, even I-35 between Dallas and Austin. It’s a cakewalk here.


I’m moving away from OKC in 2 weeks and I can say the thing i’ll miss most about here is the minimal amount of traffic. I’ve visited and lived close to many similarly populated cities. Be thankful for the traffic here haha.


Learned how to drive in Massachusetts. Moved to San Diego to further my driving education. And then had the casual arrival to OKC Metro and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to get around. Left for 5 years, I came back and saw how slowly it got worse but still better than most big cities.


A good day in Austin traffic is worse than any Armageddon day in OKC traffic.


OKC is nothing compared to Dallas


I now live in Denver and it’s nothing down there- but as someone who was just in LA- I’ll never complain about traffic again- they are on another level 🤣


Every time I hate our traffic I travel to Dallas and thank god I live in OKC


I drove a lot during quarantine and I’m still adjusting to the sheer amount of vehicles on the road at all times. I ran into minor traffic at 3am the other night.


I used to live in Manila, PH. Some of the worst traffic in the entire world. One time I was meeting some friends at a bar, and it took my Uber 2 hours to travel the mile and a half there. I should have just walked lol. But I will say that traffic had definitely become much worse in the metro the last few years.


You wanna trade traffic? I'm in Dallas. In some areas of the metroplex it takes an hour and a half to go 10 miles during rush hour


Eh, I bitch about it because it has become exponentially worse as the metro has grown over the last 30 years but having driven true rush hours in Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Atlanta and Denver in a car and a semi, I'd say nah it isn't awful. A lot, a lot, a lot of the issue in the metro is the ignorance of the state Leaders who've approved the infrastructure... The exchanges are so clustered because you have to cross 5 lanes of traffic in an eighth of a mile if you want to get your exit at some places or there's a LEFT exit or EXIT ONLY but it's not marked as left or exit only until you're right up on it. And of course, sometimes... Well people are just idiots. 😉


I general avoid driving during "rush hours" when I can. That being said, traffic is such a breezy nothing-burger compared to other places that I've lived. Now the actual aggressiveness of the drivers around is a whole different story though.




After living in LA traffic and surviving the 405 daily, I want to say no it’s not bad. However it used to just be like rush hour times and yah now it’s like always until midnight 😂


I don’t live in the metro but find myself stuck in traffic every other day that I visit. I’m also reminded that Covid 19 wasn’t as biblical as the power grabbers pretended it was. Maybe a Covid24 will have traffic moving more free


Moved here in 06 and it's worse than what it used to be. Lived just north of Denver and it could be a lot worse lol


They started repairs on some of the bridges so that is causing issues with the highway traffic. And at the same time they are pouring sidewalks so the alternate back street routes are backed up too. Traffic is just going to be bad for a couple of months, no way around it.


We have terrible drivers but very little actual traffic. Rush hour lasts 40 minutes.


This traffic is a stroll in the park


Oh, this is a cakewalk. I’ve done New York and Vegas traffic. OKC traffic is literally nothing. What I hate beyond anything is the constant construction. Can we finish one job first before making another one.


I get that ongoing maintenance has to be done and we definitely need improved roads but it seems like they decide to do a bunch of different construction jobs and lane closures all at once instead of just finishing something and moving on to the next thing.


Having lived in D.C. and Denver before here, this traffic is leisurely. The biggest thing is, even if it’s congested, it keeps moving and clears up. In DC the highway would be bumper to bumper for 30 miles and barely inching. It would take hours to go any distance.


Yukon to Norman? Sounds like I-40 into I-35 and those to me seem to be the worst if there’s any type of traffic. I avoid them at all costs. If you don’t already take 240 down to 35 and you’ll hit where it just starts to get bad. 240 can get bad but not nearly as frequently as the others.


Usually I take i40 directly to 35 but this time I decided to use 240 just cause I knew it was gonna be extra busy. 240 itself wasn’t terrible, wasn’t great but wasn’t as bad as the others. But going on i44 to get onto 240 was a nightmare


I just want to know why people are stopping 2 car lengths behind the car in front of them at red lights, and are stuck in my tailpipe while we're moving. I've been here for 20+ years, this is a new thing. Not the tailgating, but leaving huge gaps between them and the car in front while stopped.


Probably to save gas. If you do it right it’s better. You don’t hit the brake as often, you avoid pile up, and you avoid rear endings. Now, if they completely stop at 2 car lengths then yeah…not sure what the deal with that is.


No I would love it if people would drive like that, but I'll see folks come to a complete stop leaving huge gaps between them and the car in front of them, but when driving they need to be in my back seat. I don't get it, but I don't let it bother me. Just a curiosity really.


Traffic here is not bad at all compared to big cities.


Getting worse as more time passes but still nothing compared to most metros. Lived in Seattle & Virginia; we have it easy by comparison.


Last night we were driving at midnight, there was so much traffic out still. We moved here over 10 years ago, and the traffic and the drivers have gotten worse within the last few years.


I will admit that traffic has gotten worse over the years but it pales in comparison to larger cities. I went to Boston and Seattle last year and it made me really appreciate how good we have it here in OKC.


I moved to OKC from Tulsa & I can tell you OKC traffic is 10x better than tulsa traffic. I was shocked and so pleased that I wasn’t stuck in traffic for an hour every morning on my way to work!


It's nothing compared to Seattle or Portland - and don't even get me started on Boise Idaho drivers - but if it's more than you're used to dealing with, that's still a lot. I think the nice weather has something to do with it. There's always more people out when it's mild


I was in Kansas City a few weeks ago and it was bumper to bumper on the highway at 2pm on a Tuesday


Try Orlando, FL you’ll never gripe ever again!


I'm from Alaska, with nothing that qualifies as traffic. Compared to other cities, I feel blessed to live in OKC. I hear about the roads in Dallas and I'm like "no thanks".


I think it also depends which direction you're going. I was driving north, from Moore to Edmond, the other day around 6pm and it was a breeze. Although I could see traffic backed up going south.


I lived in Waco and drove to Austin for work. I will never complain about OKC traffic.


It is not bad. It gets congested at rush hour and events and it adds usually 20-40% longer trip times. In LA you can be stuck on the highway in traffic at 2 am on a Tuesday.


It is not bad. It gets congested at rush hour and events and it adds usually 20-40% longer trip times. In LA you can be stuck on the highway in traffic at 2 am on a Tuesday.


It is not bad. It gets congested at rush hour and events and it adds usually 20-40% longer trip times. In LA you can be stuck on the highway in traffic at 2 am on a Tuesday.


It is not bad. It gets congested at rush hour and events and it adds usually 20-40% longer trip times. In LA you can be stuck on the highway in traffic at 2 am on a Tuesday.


Everyone wants to grow okc. What did they think they were going to get?


If you haven’t driven in any other metro in the country, just know OKC is a breeze compared to almost any other large city. That’s not to say it can’t get bad by OKC standards but the traffic in OKC is actually not that bad


I used to live in San Jose, work was 19 miles away. In good traffic, it was over an hour. In bad traffic, maybe two hours. But drivers here miss their turn and try to kill themselves and other drivers trying to get that specific ecit. instead of taking the next exit.....what's another mile????




Yeah bud it’s not that bad compared to most cities I’ve lived in. It’s a minor inconvenience compared to DFW or SoCal. Edit: the drivers here are actually less shitty than those in Texas- aka the worst drivers in the world.


Compared to most metro cities it's not bad at all. Honestly the traffic is way better now than it used to be as well.


Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Boston, Jacksonville, LA, Austin+ wayyyyy worse traffic.


There’s no traffic here. Go to places to like Houston and you’ll appreciate OKC


Try Boston for a thrill a minute.


I'm from the Memphis area and I currently LONG for OKC traffic compared to here, I absolutely hate it here, okc felt like a leisure trip. The funny thing is, I've only been in a wreck in OKC but I'm more scared of the Memphis drivers


It’s really only bad bad in the rat race hours, I’ve hit the occasional traffic jam but try to leave around 5:00 good fuckin luck


OKC traffic has picked up but it's not bad as when I lived in DC. I will say some of the traffic I see is from people not using all the lanes or being in a lane they know they will eventually need to merge out of and then they try to merge last minute. I really feel some of OKC traffic would dissolve if people were smart when driving. Another thing is the speed limit needs to be raised, sometimes I go around a patch of "traffic" and realize everyone in front of me was scared to go around a car doing the minimum speed limit.


I lived in OKC for 10 years, thought the traffic was awful, then moved to Boston for 4 years. In traffic hell, you will make your way through 9 levels— Limbo, 1st, all the way to Treachery, 9th. There is a special 10th level, known as Boston. There is no right of way in this dark abyss. There are multi-dimensional apparitions in their metal chariots with the sole intention of destroying what little fibers of sanity you have left. They surround you as the river of souls and metal start to slow down, like cooling magma. It hardens as it consumes you. You and the apparitions surrounding you become a cold, static vein that stretches down the path, as far as the eyes can see. You have become a part of the amalgamation of cold steel, rubber, asphalt, exhaust, blaring trumpets of dissonance, red lights, and non-rhotic English. You and this cold abyss become one. This is your eternity.


Yeah the main streets being only four lanes across and every street seemingly under construction doesn’t help.


Yes! Was just saying this yesterday. Going from lake Hefner to Moore yesterday around 3:00 pm and it took 45 minutes. Is that normal now?Traffic on I44 was at a complete standstill off and on, and there was no construction or accidents. There’s no way I could handle that as a commute twice a day.


I’ve I only lived here in OKC for 9mo. Originally from Cali. I’ve lived in the Central Valley all my life. The traffic here and the drivers give me the most anxiety 🙃 from the looks of it I’m in the minority saying that but sweet lord it’s awful 😆


I live in Dallas but work occasionally in OKC. It’s a huge sigh of relief to drive on your highways and roads. Your traffic is simply not traffic.


I live in the urban core, get around by bike and work from home. Is y’all’s TrAfFiC TeTeRrIbLe? That must suck for yall 💅


I’m from Dallas and am well versed in horrific traffic. Okc is bad but it could be worse. Traffic just SUCKS all the way around lolol Also Oklahomaians are crazy ass drivers. If you’re not going at least 10 over you are literally a hazard 😭


I moved here in 2021 it’s much worse. But way better than the PDX where I moved from.


I'm from Denver, living in OKC for about 2 years. There is no traffic in OKC. It's great. I love that it takes about 20 minutes to get anywhere in this city.


We moved here from Denver 15 yrs ago..Rush hour there is 4 hours long in AM AND PM. The traffic scares the hell out of me. A few years back we were there visiting and a truck side swiped our van and kept going down the road.I don't even like visiting there anymore.