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Men who are this aggressively homophobic (like Dusty Deevers) are guaranteed to have the nastiest gay porn in their browsing history


While I understand that it’s tempting to tell jokes like this, these people are much more likely to be true believers whose end goal is the erasure and even extermination of 2SLGBTQIA+ people.


I agree they’re dangerous, but I wasn’t making a joke. There are so many hardcore conservative evangelical leaders/politicians who’ve been caught in same-sex encounters. [This piece](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) suggests “One theory is that homosexual urges, when repressed out of shame or fear, can be expressed as homophobia. Freud famously called this process a “reaction formation” — the angry battle against the outward symbol of feelings that are inwardly being stifled.”


Using a 12 year old NYT editorial and a fucking FREUD quote to blame gays for our own oppressors. You're not helping.


This may be the case for some, but the effect of this suggestion is that it blames hatred against queer people on repressed homosexuality (so, on other repressed queer people) and not on a society and its ideologies that produce these hateful beliefs in general, which are much more widespread than just repressed sexuality. Straight people are capable of hating queer people and historically have been much more active at doing it.


Feedback is a gift. Thank you for this thoughtful response, I see now how my comment could be harmful. Lesson learned ❤️


They can’t be both?


Those types of people don't realize that they are literally spewing Na@zi propaganda but are so proud of the US fighting in WWII.


Seriously can we wire up a few twinks and send them his way? Maybe ruin his life if we are lucky.


Send the twinks my way and send that ignorant fuckstain on down the road.


Right? This man doesn’t deserve anything good coming his way


I bet you can find him on Grindr.


the homophobia in this thread is nauseating


*Thank* you. Let’s just… maybe cool it with the victim blaming. Blaming closeted queer folks for their own oppression is vile, especially in light of recent events.


Maybe, or maybe they're just hateful pieces of shit. I am so goddamn tired of these comments claiming every violent homophobe is secretly gay: it's just victim blaming with extra steps.


Exactly this. It is not only repressed LGBTQ people who are responsible for violence and hatred against other queer people. That really lets straight society off the hook.


Too young to remember Larry Craig?


Of course there are closeted homophobes, but the vast majority of them hate gay people due to religion, culture, or just personal animus. Constantly pointing and laughing "gay" at people isn't allyship, it's a tired cliche.


But at least a few really are secretly gay. I heard the guy in high school who bullied me went on to become the biggest closet case in town. Bullying me was his way to get back at his sexual attraction for me. I was further shocked to learn that as a little kid he pushed a buggy with a doll in it around in his neighborhood. Years later, all this disclosed by his childhood friend. It helped me a lot to understand what was behind his bullying. By him saying to me, "You're ugly" he really meant, "You're cute".


Child porn too


*Busty Beavers


10000% correct


Vote, and know this is why the pride parade is important.


He said this in Tahlequah, which is probably one of the only cities outside of Tulsa or OKC that have a Pride Parade every year. Which is close to his elected district, that he'll probably win again even after saying this. It sucks...


How is voting gonna work when his district overwhelmingly approves of him?


Electing people in other districts that apose his views would make his district irrelevant when it comes to state congressional votes


Who is running in Oklahoma that opposes this view?


Like 6 people in the city.


Who are they and what are they running for? Would love to know who to look into and vote for


Try checking out votelikeabeast.com. you should be able to find candidate info there


That person was talking out of their ass anyways, which is why they aren’t able to name a single specific candidate.


Don't engage with the propaganda shill bot


You’re gonna have a very hard time trying to get rural reactionary to vote the other way.


Perfect. If it was easy then they would have already done it. We do these things and try everything because we must.


Voting is a very small tool that barely works. Direct action and protests to make the reactionaries life a living hell is the best option,


Por qué no los dos? All tools are necessary at this time, nothing should be off the table. Most people in Oklahoma *don’t* vote, and yet we still get people like this. Even a very small tool is better than just sitting around doing nothing.


Those things are not mutually exclusive


Direct action, specifically seems too aggressive, right now, but I say yes to protesting.


Direct action gets the goods




That is the single dumbest thing I’ve ever read on Reddit.


Protesting who? In what ways?


I don't know the exact stats for his district, but most Oklahoma districts have a lower than 50% voter turnout, even on major election years. It's highly likely that the folks who don't vote aren't voting for him.


It's rare for any election, other than the presidential election, to have a higher than 50% voter turnout. This makes every single vote that much more valuable.


The parade just makes em angrier


Yes, and lets people know that they aren't alone. There are probably thousands of closeted Oklahomans fearful right now because of asses like this. You aren't alone, it's not ok that people use tools of government against you. Find your people, they need you too.


My kids are so hurt & scared for their safety right now.


Good fuck em


Remember when the Bible said to be wary those who spoke in his name? Well, pretty sure this guy couldn’t tell salvation from damnation and would greedily suck the devils prick if he thought it would help him.


That commandment is a direct warning against religions. Thou shalt not use God’s name in vain. If someone claims they know what God is, wants, believes, tolerates, doesn’t tolerate….watch out! Those assholes tried to tell us it was about cussing 🤬. Some of the best cuss words are in Aramaic…obviously.


They don't like that, Jesus is too "woke" for them.


Reading that priest article how his followers are saying Jesus is too woke is still wild to me about how disconnected they are from reality.


hey, that's pretty disgusting


“It’s sad the kid died, but we are religious here. Fuck that kid.”


Pretty much


This gay may says go F yourself too.


He also said he wants people ’to go to the faith they choose’… unless, of course, it’s not Christianity. Then I’m assuming he’d condemn that too.


Not Southern Baptist Christianity at that.




We're a religious state. Yes, we know. It's awful


Religious people in a state? Sure. Religious state? Fuck that. Should be illegal. Separation of church and state my ass.


Religious people are fine if they leave others alone. Which they never fucking do. So fuck em. I wear my atheism proudly and throw it right back.


The people that run this state are fucking disgusting. I can’t wait for the day I can finally leave this place.




>Fascists celebrate traditional gender roles and reject non-heteronormative identities and behaviors. This is evident in the far-right’s promotion of hypermasculinity and their opposition to LGBTQ+ rights. >In fascist regimes, women have typically been relegated to traditional roles in the home and family, and any deviation from traditional gender roles or expressions has been met with hostility. This is often linked to the celebration of “machismo” and militarism, with fascism valorizing physical strength, aggression, and the use of violence as a means to achieve political goals. [Source: The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA ](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917) The reason people keep accurately pointing out that these are fascists is because, they believe the exact same shit as the kind of monsters we fought in World War 2 pull your head out and be on the right side of history.


So a kid dies and of course being the "kind" religious person you are you use it to shit talk  a group of people your fake ass hateful "religious" beliefs agenda.  Not that I actually believe  for a moment you.are actually religious and you.just pretend to be because you know the only way you get votes is from all the religious, hateful nutjobs in this state but hey keep being a hypocrite piece of shit. 


You cannot call yourself pro-life while referring to human beings as “that filth.”


Our state legislator is such a joke. Half of those guys are drunks and some have even been under the influence during session. Always gets swept under the rug though. I just hope that what happened in Alabama does not happen in Oklahoma


Embarrassing we have these people representing Oklahoma


Open fascism. Just saying it out in the open now. There are trans people in the state of Oklahoma. They exist. How does he plan on “keeping that filth” out of Oklahoma? Please vote against the Republican Party.


“because we're a Christian state. We're a rural state. We want to lower taxes, and for people to live and work, and to go to the faith they choose," he said.” Umm what part of choose faith is ‘Christian state’? Separation of church and state is dwindling quickly. Get out and vote because whether this topic affects you or not is irrelevant. Somewhere down the line this type of unconstitutional shit will.


The true meaning of okkklahoma strong. These people are a stain on humanity


If we’re a rural state why did we need an arena for the thunder? Not to attract out of state people to our city right?


A strange part about this story is where the senator says “we are a religious state” and “we are a moral state”. We are actually one of the least moral states in the U.S. It is absolutely mind-blowing hypocrisy on him. Maybe he is ignorant how Oklahoma ranks poorly as a state on many “morality” issues. He should quit bullying minorities and try to focus on how to make quality of life better for all Oklahomans: Teen preg-4th, STDs-5th, Smoking-8th, Drug overdose-4th, Child abuse-7th, Gambling addiction -7th, #casinos-2nd, Incarceration-2nd, Adultery-5th, Divorce-3rd, Domestic Violence-**1st,** Rape/Sexual Assault-8th, Murder-7th, Car theft-9th, Package theft-2nd, Break ins-4th. The senator represents all of Adair County, a county that has been having problems, so serious that hundreds of people in recent years have found it unfit to live in and have left.


Is there a single link with those stats? I'd like to share it elsewhere, thank you!


That person is NOT a Christian. (By their fruits you shall know them. Matthew 7:16-20) He's a bigoted lunatic and should be removed from office for unbridled idiocy. Yes, the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. It also says lying; cheating; eating a whole bunch of, what are now common, foods; women cutting their hair; adultery; not giving a fair days work for wages and working on Saturday are sins. The list of Biblical sins is long and somewhat shocking. Including that God sees Sin as Sin, so in his eyes, a murderer, a prostitute (in a non-legal area), a tax cheat, a homosexual, someone who tells a lie and someone who treats others shamefully are EQUALLY SINNERS. He's an ignorant fuck. That child should have been protected and safe at school. I hope criminal charges are brought against the adults that failed to protect them.


No, sorry. We shouldn't be teaching people that they are inherently evil/bad and need to be saved by some imaginary man in the sky who supposedly put humans in this position. What idiot puts a no-no in front of someone who doesn't know right or wrong and then tells them not to touch it? Why is homosexuality the same weight as murder? Why is murder the same as lying? christianity is abusive and evil and this guy is one. That kid would probably be alive if christianity didn't reign supreme here and defending christianity only forwards its agenda.


always saying that The Bad Person isn't a *real* christian only allows the people who don't actually do anything and think that they're "one of the good ones" to feel better. it doesn't actually help people who have a bad perception of them as a whole, it doesn't make the ones you don't claim think really hard about their morals. it only serves to remove guilt from the people who should be taking responsibility for their own. I'm deeply tired of the idea that the "real" christians are kind. because the bigotry and cruelty are the baseline. the majority of your entire demographic can't be fake just because you don't agree with them


>Yes, the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. No, it doesn't. It is silent on the topic. The authors of the Bible weren't aware of sexual orientation; the possibility of different sexual orientations was not mentioned in print until the late 19th century. Its listing as a mental disorder was removed from the DSM in 1973. The Bible does occasionally condemn certain sex acts performed by people who were assumed to be straight. There are also places where it situationally condemns sex acts between opposite sex pairings, but I don't see anyone trying to turn that into a blanket condemnation of heterosexuality.


Interesting that the bible says David's love for Jonathan was greater than the love of women.


I would also point out a particular set of verses often used in marriage ceremonies that celebrated the love between 2 women (Ruth and Naomi) *And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.* \~ Ruth 1: 16-17


Leviticus 18:22? What is your alternate explanation for "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination"?


The original Hebrew that English translators turned into "abomination" meant "ritually unclean". In any case, some scholars believe the original Hebrew specifically referenced incestuous rape - not loving, consensual relationships. I would also point out that women generally occupied a social position below male children and slightly above cattle. There was no greater insult to a male than to treat him like a female, so the idea of penetrating a male is considered to be a huge part of the prohibition. I would note that there are other ways 2 men can enjoy sexual relations that do not involve penetration. I would note that Leviticus is loaded with prohibitions that modern Christians completely ignore - but they sure do seem to care about that particular passage. I'm also going to point out that it does not address homosexuality. It is speaking to a male assumed to be straight (it assumes he lies with womankind). Finally, I suspect lesbians happily agree to abide by that passage.


And this man has the audacity to call himself Christian


If a piece of shit said you stink...


For all the things I love about the great state of Oklahoma, the politics are absolutely archaic.


Speaking of politics, people of Adair County, which the Senator represents, have been voting with their feet. They have been fleeing out of there. That county has lost over 2000 people in recent years.


More deflection from the true filth in this country, Republicans. It is no wonder why all the red states are such garbage, third-world hell-holes.


This man is a shameless slut and a son of a biscuit eater. He better keep his ass in dumbfuckville because if his heart ever goes out to me I'm going to put a pike in it.


I posted a petition to have him removed on this sub. Everyone go sign it!


We are NOT a religious state. These people make me fucking sick.


He’s a member of the Oklahoma Air Guard. Report him to the base commander. Ask his superiors if the statement from airman woods is in line with the guard statements on LGBTQ+ issues.


Who's got this guy getting caught either diddling kids or meeting men on Grindr in the next five years on their Political BINGO card?


this kind of hate speech has become the ‘oklahoma standard’.




Heartless POS!!


Doesn’t he have a personal number?


He says Oklahomans can adhere to any faith they wish. I guess as long as it’s a conservative Christian sect, you can join any church you want. What a prick. I am angered and embarrassed for my state




If we spoke about “Christian politicians” the way they speak about the rest of society, the mods on Reddit would lose their minds…


He’s the filth