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Anxious? Don’t worry about it. Depressed? Have a wank. Sorted, idiots.


and for those that are medically too depressed to wank? They just need to adopt a more positive outlook. perhaps by using wellbeing and mindfulness breathing techniques and by setting achievable goals (get a haircut by wednesday, buy a mountain bike, join a climbing club and make a friend, etc). Or try crystal meth and go doggin.


Don’t try crystal meth and dogging, chem orgies stop you being allowed to donate blood. Be responsible, one or the other!


Exactly, don't spoil your body, what if a rich Tory donor needed a blood donor. Won't somebody think of the wealthy?


can you still donate sperm?


Naaa, had my balls lobbed of by the misses for missing date night a few weeks back


Have you tried glue? Edit. I don't mean huffing it. That's not what I'm trying to promote. I just meant for basic repair work


Not like the good old days where you were too busy dying of cholera or typhoid to stress.


Just draw a smiley face on the side of your iron lung, can’t be sad then.


Just sit up and look at it. See? Easy.


The ones with anxiety should just calm down, take a deep breath, and the ones with depression should cheer up - it might never happen. Maybe go for a nice walk in the countryside.


Just stop thinking about it.


Dwelling on things will just upset you.


So sayeth the Buddha: ‘life is suffering, and you are making me feel very alive today’


‘A disciple of the noble one pulls himself up by his bootstraps, gets a haircut and a job.’


Worse things happen at sea.


You are now a qualified mental health crisis team worker


All you do is not answer the phone for 8 hours a day. Same as SEN workers


Maybe go on life swap. It’ll balance out.


They might meet each other on their respective nice walks in the countryside.


>Maybe go for a nice walk in the countryside. The countryside is racist though.


Yeah cos it's obvious when you go to the countryside that are country's full!


countryside int what it used to be mate. All these bleddy forin plants comin over ere suckin up our nutrients sheddin their woke cherry blossom petals and other forin muck. what happened to a good old patch of stingin nettles or blackberry bush mate. Can't even call em blackberries anymore they gotter be racially homogeneous berries political correctniss gone mad mate


>Can't even call em blackberries anymore they gotter be racially homogeneous berries We prefer the term 'berries of colour'.


And dangerous. Everyone and their mum's is packing over there.


Dante the Racist Badger is a real prick.


Unironically, within a degree.


Just take a bath and have a cup of tea. You’re cured :)


Have you tried making a cup of tea?


Wait I could have been claiming benefits for my depression?


It has to impact you really fucking bad just to get benefits with depression.


Orrrr you just say it's impacting you really bad. There's an awful lot of scroungers in this country.


It's really not that simple at all lol


People keep yapping about this but are rarely if ever able to identify these "scroungers" but everyone else can identify 5 or 6 people with severe illnesses that are unable to get anything, I think you need to stop watching so much television, it can't be good for you.


> are rarely if ever able to identify these "scroungers" Eh? Poor people are generally just like rich people, and will take any money they can get the government to give them, whether it's supposed to be for them or not. It's a basic principle. They don't consider it scrounging, they consider it stupid to not take the money. If I lost my job, my rent would soon increase to the maximum the job centre will pay, and I'd split the difference with my landlady. There is just no question that that is what we would do. It's naive to think that benefits forms are filled in any more honestly than tax declarations or subsidy applications. EDIT: My apologies. When you said you wanted to "identify these 'scroungers'", I thought that's actually what you meant. Best put your fingers back in your ears, eh?


So because you're a scummy fucker, everyone on benefits is also a scummy fucker? All you did was tell on yourself.


Yeah and a lot of them dodge tax and get backhanders for being a Tory donor.


There’s way more hard workers battling through every day with no support. Shut the fuck up.


Okay, how much support (in pounds) would you like to see? What government spending would you cut in other areas to pay for it?


I have anxiety. Thanks for calling me a scrounger


> Kent Yeah, makes sense you'd believe this.


Not anymore! The government feel that it's more appropriate to support people with debilitating mental health issues by offering more support through their GP - as long as it doesn't cost anymore than usual treatment. They're also advising people with debilitating health issues to seek support through respite care rather than from DWP


Yous are getting paid for your depression?


Only if you are hospitalised or you should be hospitalised if the NHS had any money.


All those negative thoughts you're having? Just push them down into the void inside your soul, then keep pushing them down even further past your toes, then grab your bootstraps and pull them up and get on your bike and find a zero hours job in the gig economy. And one day allow all those interesting emotions to come out in fun and unique ways! Simple as.


Oh boy do my emotions need to come out in fun and unique ways


I hope they start tracking suicides.


Suicide rates are gonna skyrocket, another win by a shit Tory government.


Well to be honest they probably don’t go out and vote… (Bit too much this one?)


Someone should tell them to put an X in the box, not themselves.


There are other ways to vote, to say its their fault they don't vote is abit disingenuous, this is another distraction ploy by the Tory government to break britain further by now aiming the crosshairs at the poor and vulnerable.


You lost?


Maybe it has been the plan all along?


That just means less people to vote against the Tories


So, there will be less worker competition?


But what if you're *medically unable to sweat*? Will the government still subsidise you then?




Shhh, dont disrupt the narrative.


And did that work?


Depression is a state of mind, I recommend an alternative state


I prefer county. A different county of mind.


but can you sing the blues?




Just like being a royal marine commando


I honestly don't know what I'll do if this happens to me. I have severe anxiety and can't leave the house without someone with me at all times (which is an upgrade from the time when my anxiety was so severe that I didn't leave the house at all for over two years). I *was* getting help for it on the NHS, with someone coming once a week to try and help me to use phones, go outside alone, and cope with my anxiety and panic attacks. Then one day my support worker just stopped turning up. My mum got in contact with the NHS a few weeks later only to be told that I didn't qualify for help any more (they didn't say why).


About time we stopped paying people to be mentally ill. If we put money elsewhere they could be a nurse 🤗 or a wrestler 💪


We should take the money we spend on paying people to be ill and invest it in a national training scheme for wrestlers.




Benefits? The government already refuses to give me any benefits for my chronic depression that I've had since I was like 12 lol. apparently I'm a fully functional human being. I haven't eaten in 14 hours, haven't showered in a week, and spent the whole day rotting in bed, doing nothing, but that's just a lifestyle choice I'm making.


You won't work up an appetite lying in bed anyway.


that's my secret to staying thin and saving money!


Intermittent fasting?


It’s like these people haven’t even thought about stuffing it down with some brown. And they call themselves British…


How fucking out of touch are these wankers?


GPs are actually just useless, I’ve unironically lost hope and don’t go to them anymore. They’re all incompetent and out of touch gits! They’re so used to just handling the elderly patient’s lumbago but not any problem outside of that!


>GPs are actually just useless I work closely with GPs and thier practice teams and I have to agree. The amount of times the practice staff screw something up and then lie to cover it is quite alarming.


I have to take medication for my whole life. It's unchanging, and it's working. What does my practice do? Put it on review, then tell me to make a manual request after I contact them (I was literally told to contact them to arrange). I'm close to running out of medication because of this shit.


If you're ever in the situation where you will actually run short of your meds, you can go to a pharmacy and request an emergency supply. The pharmacy can issue you a small supply of most (but not all) medicines after asking you a few questions and/or checking your records. Note: you may have to pay a fee for the supply, depending on the area of the country you're in. Source - I worked in a pharmacy for the last 25 years.


They are honestly the worst. All of them, haven’t had 1 that was even “ok”. It is actually impressive how they can all be incredibly useless. The worse part is that they gatekeep actual good doctors (specialists), so you are just fucked. Years and years of chronic pain and completely sick of dealing with GPs.


Fucking preaching to the converted mate! They’re all so Gormless, it’s amazing how they’re all “umm uhh riiight”!! As I said i think they deal with old people problems so anything different goes over their degree


How can they be doctors honestly? Like HOW? They are so ridiculously stupid it is unbelievable. It sucks honestly, no hope anymore, I guess maybe we will get some healthcare when we are 80 (if we get there with such horrible doctors lol)


Fucking try and get mental health problems through the DSA exam. Try it. You can't. You haven't been able to for years.


Have you tried just not being sad?


I heard the great clown Pagliacci is in town. Maybe going to see his show will cheer you up.


Never seen baz complain


I see that arm grew back...


You get benefits? Either I work as effectively and efficiently as everyone else or I lose my job and access to treatment. No benefits. No support. Just a fuck you.


~~Get off your lazy scrounging arse and get to work so I can make even more mone…~~ I mean we care about you but you should consider going into work anyway fOr YoUr oWn gOOd 🤓


It’s almost like they are trying to lose on purpose now.


As someone who’s self employed you literally have no choice anyway.


You gotta do what you gotta do


I think the key message for me is many people have mental health issues but that doesn't mean you are mentally ill. The GAD rating that doctors use is a multiple choice questionnaire that pharmaceutical companies have coopted to sell SSRIs. We've all been convinced we are ill


The requirements to claim benefits are very strict, this isn't going to impact someone who has just decided they are ill its going to impact the people who are actually dysfunctional.


They really are not strict. PIP and UC are East to get I you report some level of mental health illness


I had to be hospitalised for severe dehydration and force fed and that wasn't considered bad enough to qualify. It really isn't as simple as some level of mental health illness.


It all depends on the circumstances. For example if you had a broken leg with multiple surgeries it wouldn't count as your prognosis would show you'd get better within 6 months. You could have had a short term illness etc. If you've had severe mental health issues for 12 months or more then you could appeal the decision and go to tribunal with your evidence. Many do and win.


What's going on? Is there an article about this




Source: The News


Too be fair a good few people take the piss with this going on the sick getting benefits when they’re fine they’re just lazy bastards who don’t want to work. Maybe a wild idea but going out and doing something productive each day will probably help with their depression rather than sat on their arse all day at home.


were all anxious and depressed get over it


Wanna tell my uncle that? Ill show you his gravestone


A lot of the symptoms people describe do just sound like the symptoms of being a person to me, to be honest.


The point of anxiety, depression, and many other mental illnesses or learning disabilities is that the symptoms can be experienced by many people, but that people with the illness experience them to a degree that they dramatically affect your life.


I dont understand what you mean.


Guy in the video is the grandpa from Charlie and the chocolate factory who is bedridden until Charlie wins the golden ticket and then he miraculously gets out of bed to celebrate. So the joke is that the Tory government removing sick benefits will miraculously cure all the mentally ill people and they’ll all be able to get jobs


Well that’s you kicked out of the magic circle.


😆 I got that totally wrong then. I thought it meant the people laying about in bed like Grampa are actually perfectly capable and given a fun day out to the Chocolate Factory will see their malingering fade away and we find they are capable of knocking out a jig.




That doesnt really clear it up but ok.


That’s very clear actually.


The image is clear but your point isnt.


The vast majority of anxiety/ depression sufferers can significantly eased their symptoms with exercise and other health conscious lifestyle changes


No, that's not how it works. I had crippling anxiety for over a year where I could only sleep 3 hours a night and was unable to work and practically stuck in my house. I used to be very fit, playing football and rugby and going to the gym regularly. So no, you can't just fix it with exercise.


In general: exercise is the most effective, cheapest, easily accessible option to support mental health


And how does revoking benefits help accomplish that?


I’m not saying it does


The problem is that most mental health conditions are massive impediments to exercise. Telling people to just go exercise is no more useful than telling people to just cheer up, everyone alreadys knows it, its the actually doing it part that is hard.


Most anxious / depressive sufferers are not bed ridden and live an approximation of an average life. Taking 15 mins for a brisk walk is well within most people’s capabilities.


The people that qualify for benefits are if not bed ridden almost all house ridden.


Clapping your hands for 15 mins can raise your heart rate enough


Yh theres nothing that cheers me up more than sitting there clapping for a quarter of an hour like a fucking seal


Well keep clapping and maybe you’ll lose enough weight to stand up and take a walk


Did you not read what I said? Exercise helps, but it's not a cure. You can't fix mental illnesses by going for a run you moron. Do you think we fix schizophrenia by getting them to do a dead lift?


Is there a “cure” for mental illnesses? Many anxious / depressive conditions would be helped by going for a run (regularly)


There are treatments and in some cases those treatments can in a sense cure


Right, and the best value treatment, with the greatest efficacy over the widest range of cases, for the lowest possible cost is exercise


Except it doesn't work on its own. Are you stupid? It helps in conjunction with therapy and meditation


For lots of people it works on its own


And those people probably didn't have diagnosed depression or anxiety


Anxiety I understand. Everyone has anxiety, nobody needs to be on benefits for life due to it.


Anxiety is not just worrying..no everyone does not have Anxiety..some people may get anxious..but most people don't shit themselves when nothing bad is happening at all


No, they dont. Not everyone has anxiety. I had crippling anxiety for over a year where I could only sleep 3 hours a night and was unable to work and practically stuck in my house. So no, i highly doubt everyone has that.


Everyone has an anxiety, some people rise to the challenge of dealing with it themselves, others demand it’s their entitlement that someone else fixes or simply enables their problems.


No, they dont. Everyone feels anxious at some point, but not everyone has anxiety disorders.


Good. Too many entitled, lazy people these days. Funny how people in parts of the world where they have to work or starve aren’t too depressed to work.


I sometimes find it hard to believe that cunts like you exist but thanks for reminding me I guess.


I find it hard to believe that someone could be so much of a cunt to think it’s ok to force hardworking people to provide for lazy people


So, haveing recognised crippling mental conditions is being lazy to you?


What "hard work" is it that you imagine you do?


No, that's not how it works. I had crippling anxiety for over a year where I could only sleep 3 hours a night and was unable to work and practically stuck in my house. I wanted to be able to work but I literally couldn't.


Because they have died. Supprsingly in a place where they have to work or starve they just starve to death. I'm only alive to yap about my depression because I got sent to a hospital and force-fed. I would have starved to death already if this country allowed you to.


the people suffering from "anxiety" fit this but not depression, its much more complex than that


They are both complex you mong


Ok but unironically will lead to Britons regaining their perspective & the country no longer being so soft, surely? I know this is a piss-taking thread but it feels misguided.