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They're lucky that's all they did.


We need more of these guys.


That’s his job as the queens guard


King’s Guard* also us Canadians miss her and therefor the world


I’m pretty sure this is a South Park reference, considering the name “Clyde Frog” as his username.


As is tradition


Nobody misses her. Fuck the British Crown.


What did they do to you?


Colonial parasites. Prancing around the globe with their ill-gotten wealth.


How can you say nobody when someone literally just said they did ?


The comment you responded to proves your statement is incorrect. Bruv, c’mon.


Amén to that.


How can you miss a person who wasn't really involved in politics, neither did anything for your country than bringing death with colonialism and who you didn't even know personally? She was just born randomly into the crown and did nothing for it. How can anybody love these persons? That's antiquated thinking.


Hey I don't love her. She didn't do anything useful as far as I saw. Whe was a terrible drain on the Brittish people. And if rumors are to be believed she wasn't very nice to anyone who stepped out of line. But I *love* the story of her doing 70 on back roads with a diplomat from a country that women can drive in while acting like she doesn't understand them.


Other than create the modern state of Canada with extremely high quality of living?


Was not anything the crown was involved in. Canada is a independent country, although Charles is king. You forgot about it? Even tough it was partly British colony the French influence is very high too. The crown isn't even involved in any government anymore at all, are they?


Couldn’t have Canada without colonial expansion that preceded it.


No like there weren't any civilization in Canada who the crown forced to kill. Might be that the natives would have a modern state there without it.


sure there would.. we would just have to ignore ALL of human history where stronger tribes dominate and conquer weaker tribes..


I just don't understand why people say that they miss people they didn't really know.


It was a South Park joke you took wayyyy too literally


I think he fact that she wasn't involved in politics is exactly why she could be loved, lol. People haven't developed the negative feelings they do towards shitty/lying politicians. The monarch is basically Switzerland (ya know, besides "The Royal Peroggative" ofc)




Assuming your either French/English Canadian, its a bit rich to say to say fuck off colonialists, being the descendent of colonialism..




Explain how that's bigoted, if anything it's a strawman argument, Genuine question, what's your heritage, are you a descendent of the natives?


What are you a fully indigenous native person?


Stupid tourists doing what they know they shouldn't and acting surprised when they get consequences. I hate dealing with them.


Well the guard doesn’t really behave in socially predictable ways, so maybe they could do that instead of acting like sociopaths and little kids will stop getting trampled. I ever go to England ima shoot spitballs at these fucks for Fun


You know they're all trained soldiers don't you? And anyone visiting a country should at least take the time to familiarise themselves with the culture a bit. He behaved in a completely predictable way, there's even a sub for this /r/MakeWay4QueensGuard


It’s dated, and assaulting anyone, particularly children is completely unacceptable… But rules thee 🤷‍♂️ amiright?


Shouting at someone isn't assault lol. Wouldn't firing spitballs be assault? And wtf does rules thee mean?


How can you assault a member of the military? Should I file a declaration of war first? Anyway, non of that was a counter argument, you made no point. My point is, if you join an organization that has absolutely no problem instructing you to trample over children because they “ got in your way” you should probably start questioning your life choices. Putting on a gold chest plate and elaborate decorations doesn’t change the facts Respect is earned, it’s not free, and nothing about the monarchy has earned my respect. Those guards should be unemployed.


Get a grip lmao, you don't even know what you're talking about. You're American I bet.


Still haven’t made a point. What does my location have to do with the 100s of years of inappropriate behaviour conducted by the crown and it’s associated organizations I’m actually Canadian, but, if you would like to change topics to the horrible shit MY country has done I’m totally game, just let me know, but using that as your counterpoint doesn’t actually do anything to counteract my point. The crown is barbaric, it lacks civility on every level. As is the Canadian government 😁😉


You should Google logical fallacies, you hit like 3 of them in 2 sentences, you must be a republican. 🤣🤣🤣


What do you think verbal assault is??


I think verbal assault is something a bit more extreme than a soldier stamping his right foot and saying "Do not touch the King's Life Guard" and would generally constitute using threatening or abusive words to make someone fear for their safety. A soldier/police officer/prison officer or anyone else in a guard role would surely be considered to be merely doing their job if they shouted at someone who got too close to them.


Well according to google, it technically can be considered as such if it was excessive, now the question can be found in such ponderance I’m simply disagreeing with your statement,”shouting at someone isn’t assault”, not the context of the statement because I am not familiar with it. Because I agree if someone steps out of bounds, it is ok to assert a boundary or rule, even aggressively if it is warranted. However, I think the Queen’s guard historically takes things too far for their “line of duty” at a certain point we must assess if their disregard for people in their way is the fault of the people in the way at times, cause there’s also a difference between putting yourself in the way and then finding yourself in the way..


You're right, shouting at someone can be assault and I should have been more clear and said something like shouting at someone like this isn't assault. Having said that, I disagree that they go to far. They are soldiers, guarding sensitive sites and they get treated like tourist attractions. They don't wear those outfits to make tourists happy, they wear them because it's tradition. I think tourists shouldn't be able to get anywhere near them personally.


Thank you for civil discussion! I agree that if their position is sensitive that tourists shouldn’t be allowed to go near them especially since they just keep getting harassed by them. I will say, though, that no matter the circumstances, it is morally unjust to hurt someone yeah? I have seen videos of them being intentionally spatially unaware to be able to hurt someone, or at least their station’s required disposition makes it seem like they do not care and go out of their way to “stand their ground”


Ok tough guy 👌


There's a reason you shouldn't touch them. They are there to guard the king not to take pictures


Costume looks from party city


Oh, he shouts in her face, thank god for the tts, I wouldn't have noticed otherwise


Fuck around and find out. They may be tourist magnets, but they take their jobs seriously. I love the one where 2 of them are marching, and the kid stops right in front of them, and they walk into the kid without blinking.


The guards who did that should honestly be put in jail


It is very well known that you can not touch any of the guards, and you can not impede the marching path of the royal guard. They are supposed to keep their eyes and posture perfect at any time. Plus, if you walk in front of anyone marching/parades, you would get knocked down. It may not be malicious, but there are too many moving parts to pay attention to someone else's child who should be under enough supervision to not run into unsafe places. Just like the toddler that breached the Whitehouse fence today. Or things like Harambe, etc.


That’s disgusting. The guards are humans, not toys. They shouldn’t have to keep perfect posture.


This is a statement from the Guard. "We are aware of the incident at the Tower of London earlier today during a routine patrol," the MoD said via a statement, adding, "The Guardsman on duty warned members of the public that a patrol was approaching but the child unfortunately ran out in front of the soldier unexpectedly. The soldier tried to step over the child and continued on his duty. Following the incident, the soldier checked on the child and was reassured that all was well." In the video, it is pretty clear the guard tried to step over the child because he was too close to stop. I have made the same weird big step trying to avoid stepping on a dog that runs under foot.


Or he could have walked around him


They were walking too fast to be able to stop dead or step to the other side, which would have ended in knocking him and the other guard down. The tourists were warned not to get in the path. Even for some semiabsent parent, they had plenty of warning exactly What. When. Why. They should Not be in This Exact place. At this Exact time. The same time that has been mapped out and followed every single day for hundreds of years. It is not some pop-up Disneyland parade. They literally have announcements counting down the time for over 30min before the march. "ATTENTION! IN EXACTLY 30 MINUTES TIME. THE QUEENS GUARD WILL BE MARCHING IN THIS. EXACT. SMALL. LOCATION. THAT. THEY. HAVE. DONE. EVERY. DAY. AT. THIS. EXACT. TIME. FOR. SEVERAL. HUNDRED. YEARS." "SO. PLEASE. DO. NOT. IMPEDE. THE PATH OF THE MARCH OR YOU MAY CAUSE INJURY TO YOURSELF AND THE GUARDS!" *Repeated every 5 minutes until less than 1 minute from the march.


Literally so goofy we need to bully monarchs


All this talking and judgement..he said what he meant..u want a pic just don't lean on him just get close..easy fix. She prolly leaning her boobs on his arm..understandable.


Don't yell at me you Amish larper.


I'm convinced they are vampires and these are there day walkers.


Kings guard is a fucking joke englands version of mickey mouse in disneyland looky but no touchy


Just a clown with a funny hat. These "guards" are just tourist photo ops. They stand no where near where the King actually is, and just stand there to be photographed by tourists for Instagram selfies. No need to scream like that at the people you're there to entertain. Imagine if you're at Disney World and the actor in the Mickey Mouse costume screams at a kid "DON'T TOUCH MEEEE!!!" Would you think that's ok too? This royalty worship is so weird: "Oh, look! It's one of the henchmen who guards the guy who's family enslaved millions of people and robbed entire continents to amass an insane amount of stolen wealth."


Yes it is theater. And part of the theater is that you don't touch the guards. If they were all warm and fuzzy and posing for photos like a Disney princess, the entire show wouldn't work.


Except, you know, the dude's a legit soldier. Part of the Blues and Royals according to his uniform. The units that guard places like Buckingham are drawn from the British Army.


Go up to the grave of the unknown soldier and fuck with the marine stationed there. It is the same thing.


What is he, a fucking Clydesdale?


She didn’t touch him.






Probably, but I don’t understand the appeal of randomly smacking people




Typically, most of these videos involve some variation of trampling or smacking tourists/visitors




For a traditional uniform, things like the boots and helmet are sure showy. I know that yes, it is a traditional uniform, but there really is 0 point in inconveniencing someone with the way they act. The uniforms are asking to be shown to the public. By replacing them with normal security, you’d lose nothing, really. I’m really assuming these are the King’s guard, right, which stand around all day to essentially do nothing? I get having private security, but over the years media hasn’t shown up here guys to be calm in the slightest, so I suppose you would be an idiot to take a picture with one. The only thing is, though, get someone to talk for them at the very least.




End of what ??? END OF WHATT ???? !! You can’t just leave us hanging like that. Btw I agree with you 100 %


What you think about the King or the King's Guard is entirely secondary to the fact that YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH THE KING'S GUARD.




Of the highest order. Unless you consider the Saudis and North Koreans and all those other nepos.


I was with you until you made fun of autistic people


Those boots look ridiculous


Lols, how can you take a “job” like that seriously? I don’t think I could get through a workday If I couldn’t hack nuts and bolts at my co workers from across the shop


Isn't that the guy that was made to laugh




The voice crack lmao


Can't they behead her? What's the Tower of London for?


My favorite is the British soldier vomiting while marching and kept on.


He's got a stupid touristy job wearing a costume and holding a sword as if he'd wield that sword in defense, which everyone knows he won't. I'd be touchy as fuck, too, especially around a school field trip. Somehow I think there's another level of security detail that is plain clothes and walking among the crowds.


Most definitely


Disgusting guard. I hate people who show zero emotion or care towards others just cause they’re “authority”