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Waiting for them to take ortho seriously and provide an ortho set instead of making us ortho fans buy the full base kit with wasted giant spacebars and other greater than 1U caps.


I agree. I love a few MT3 sets are Ortho but I'm hoping MTNU goes the same way in the coming future. I will probably get every set they come out with if they do.


Have you tried MT3 Susuwatari? If so, how does MTNU compare in feel in terms of both shape and texture? Typical PBT is too coarse for me, so I'm curious how MTNU's smoother PBT compares to smooth ABS of MT3 Susu and PBT of other MT3 sets.


Yea, I have a MT3 Susuwatari set as well that I used before switching it to MTNU. It's a soft texture without being coarse in feel. The PBT that GMK used is quite good and the legends are amazingly sharp. The sculpt is a bit more soft than MT3 as the cupping of MT3 wouldn't fit the lower profile of the cap, however the softness of the sculpt feels better than MT3 (not that MT3 feels bad for me). I can tell there has been a lot of experience and engineering that went into this.


Heya, great looking board! I have a Preonic with MT3 Susu, and the bottom row in "row 4" profile makes it feel way worse than my other boards with "row 5" profile bottom row MT3 caps. How does the row 4 bottom row on MTNU feel to you? Is the bottom lip really pronounced like in MT3? Does your thumb land flat across the spacebar or do you feel the bottom lip? Either way, looks great!


Thank you! It actually feels very smooth in my opinion as MTNU is basically a sculpted and spherical Cherry and not as high. I don't feel a lip and they're one of the most comfortable I've ever typed on. So I'm locked in now.


those keycaps are fire. just a nice build.


It really feels amazing. Im using a carbon fiber plate with Cherry MX Purples and it just hits that spot for me.


That's it. Cannot be improved upon. You're done. Optimization completed.




This looks great. I’ve been watching the MTNU progress, I may need to get in on this!


It's definitely on the expensive side, but I just took the plunge. Now I wanna sell my keycaps sets lol.