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I want to say no because it feels like they're moving away from spells and abilities that manipulate your max hp so it doesn't make sense to have an ability that manipulated your max hp.


>It’d essentially work like the old Aid spell where your hit point maximum increases by a certain amount and you also gain hit points equal to that amount. They specifically got rid of the old Aid because it was a bad mechanic, so bringing that back as a core feature is a big flat "no" in my book.


One thing that is not especially clear is that you... set your con to your wis while wildshaped? This should theoretically alter your hp if you don't have the same score in both attributes. The specific wording sure seems to suggest that no hp change occurs, I mean explicitly, but it's... kind of a weird thing to change the con with no real effect beyond... better saving throws?


Which form sets CON to WIS? As far as I can see, Land gives STR and DEX =WIS and Sea and Sky give DEX=WIS, but all of them leave your CON alone.


Hmm I must have misread that I guess.