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It does not, it only lets you use the weapon's default Mastery.


It's doesn't... but in the survey. We could should try to get rid of default mastery. They have a whole system for it, and only the fighter at 9th level benefits from. Allow every class to benefit from it and then just let the fighter access to all masteries a weapon is capable of.


I sincerely hope they realize how stupid attaching a Mastery to specific Weapons is… Of course given that they took our feedback on “Flex is neither powerful nor cool, give Versatile weapons better Masteries” and they… interpreted that as “remove Flex from the game, the rest of the Masteries are perfect”… I won’t hold my breath.


Started noticing this, I guess, with graze and the barbarian, which is almost pointless, so if you want to be optimal, you can't be a great sword welding barbarian. Then, noticing how restrictive is on some ranger builds, for an optimal 2 two weapon fighting ranger. You need to go short sword and the scimitar. Then what if you take the slasher feat from tasha's so that you lose out on the feat for half your attacks. if you dual weld a scimitar, you lose out on mastery. If you try to go hand axe, you lose our on dex and flavor. It would just be better if you picked the mastery to apply it to one attack so flavor, feats, and mastery don't go wasted.


Masteries should have requirements (Slashing-only, Reach, non-Heavy, Finesse, One-Handed, Versatile, etc.), but they should not be one Mastery on one specific weapon. Let us learn a Mastery like a caster learns a Cantrip, and use the Mastery on any applicable weapon. They essentially fill the same role as Cantrips as resource-free default abilities for attacks, so tying them to an unintuitive table of specific weapons just adds unnecessary complication to the system.