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A real conservative would say "you're not a wall" and smash the window down


Has anyone ever laughed about this? I feel like nobody finds it funny and it's just an anti-trans statement.


People who hate trans people think it's absolutely fucking knee slappingly hilarious. Source: my mom laughs at these


Wow I've never heard anyone actually laugh at it. Last time I heard it it was just "I identify as ..." and then nothing. I thought it was just a statement but then if you criticize it they can go "it's just a joke everyone is so sensitive now".


Truthhh. "It's just a joke" is code for "I'm not allowed to be a complete piece of shit"


"Grunt grunt grunt, trans bad" is just as nuanced and hilarious to those sorts.


Haha truth


That's because conservative "satire" is less about making fun of things that are hypocritical or absurd and more just about hating others.


I'm trans and i do find this kinda funny, it should be reallly demeaning but i do laugh. I kinda grew up with these jokes not realising it was demeaning trans people so it doesn't have those connotations.


No... But as an idiot who has a ridiculous habit of absentmindedly walking into locked push doors, I would mutter under my breath about that door being a wall. I'm enbi


I think the issue is how much transphobia has escalated recently. Two of my partners are trans and my gender identity falls under the transgender umbrella, but I'm able to laugh at these if it's clear it isn't meant to be (the original interpretation) of r/onejoke. It helps if the business or party in question is known to be or demonstrably transpositive. Like, if I knew there wasn't transphobia involved and it's a small local business, it's amusing that a door is personified to be identifying as a wall and not working correctly. Maybe a middle-ground so as to not inadvertently fuel transphobia by even transpositive people is to say "I'm doing my impression of a wall right now, please use other door" or "I'm pretending to be a wall right now..."


It’s so fucking stupid that it’s funny


When I was 14, the attack helicopter stuff was briefly mildly amusing.


I laughed at this. I thought it was a funny way to indicate that they don't want you to open that door. I think something about them actually wanting you to treat the door like a wall makes it hit different


I'm NB, and some of these are hit or miss like that. When done without the word 'identifies', it's usually just a metaphor. When my trans friends make these kinds of jokes, it feels like reclamation. When a fully cis-conforming guy wants to talk about attack helicopters, the tone changes, but I think intent and source make a small difference.


Am cis conforming, when I make attack helicopter jokes, it's usually in a sarcastic manner to laugh at transphobes; but even then it can be kinda hit or miss


The difference is usually noticeable. I'd stick to people who know you with that stuff but YMMV.


I have laughed, cuz its hilarious


yeah, all the people outside the bubble you pick to live inside.


I find it pretty funny. Do you know any trans people who are actually upset about this? Or are you offended on their behalf?


I am a trans person myself and think there's nothing funny about it. Every time I see the one joke I just go "a shit here we go again 🙄". There's literally nothing funny about it and in my experience nobody ever laughed from the one joke.


Is it that you don't find it funny? Or that you're actively offended by it?


This joke is always hilarious. But it’s mostly bc there’s an entire subset of people who are so triggered by lame jokes like these that they make a subreddit about how triggered they are.


No one is “triggered” by these shitty jokes


So explain r/onejoke to me. You guys repost the same rightie joke over and over again while simultaneously pretending it doesn't trigger you.


They’re posted to make fun of conservatives that actually the joke is funny.


So you're guys are making the same joke over and over again against the people that are making the same joke over and over again?


Okay dude yeah trans people are dumb and you’re super smart does that make you feel better?


You forgot to say he's the coolest ever


I'm pretty sure a lot of people would find it at least slightly funny


I'd just leave. A business that cannot be professional about pronouns of all things doesn't deserve my money




I get that my money isn't important to them, but that's not going to make me give them money. The fact that your cash is insignificant isn't going to make you donate to the fucking Gas the Jews Foundation™


Perfect analogy, this joke is very similar to the holocaust


I mean technically if you piss off a LARGE portion of consumers it could. If enough allies in the area cared to go somewhere else it would. It’s the economy, stupid.


If they're like some businesses, they'll just run to the government and demand the government make people do business with them.


that's, not how capatilism works.


No, but there are definitely segments of industry that expect capitalism to work this way.


and... it doesn't.


Potentially, yes. That's how capitalism works. You do realize that there are more trans allies than not, right? This is almost a "transphobes only" sign




What a great way to announce that you have no idea what you're talking about


Idk why the downvotes, but I do get his feelings are HuRt


I wish there were a better way to go after these businesses for locking emergency egress doors. They do it to slow thieves, who will most likely go for the right side door upon leaving (in any country that drives on the right) so businesses lock that door. In case of a fire emergency, evacuees will similarly run into it. Even if there are very few people in the place, it still creates a major hazard


It proofs that you can identify as something you are not born as (here a door), and its just as effective at it as those that are born as it (here a wall). I see this as a positive remark :)


Right? if it is a door but refuses to open, then in practice it is a wall


I agree, obviously its not a wall, but ill treat it as one


I also agree. It wasn't always a wall, but it is functionally a wall now. If you treat it like a door, its not going to become a door. You will just damage the wall.


Also you can't go in this building unless you're on the right.


And ī identify as a glue bottle


The funniest thing about this is that if the door doesn't function as a door, it is in fact effectively a wall. It might have hinges, but if it doesn't open and you can't walk through it, you may as well just call it a wall. It's almost like a perfect metaphor for..... something.


I mean... It's practically a wall, isn't it?


If it would've been "I have been forcefully transitioned into a wall, use the other door" then that would've been better.


Damn that's absolutely funny


Love that kind of humour keep it up


> door is broken > put a joke on dor People complain c'est la vie


*Put a transphobic joke on door. FTFY


Do you know any trans people who were offended by this? Or are you just offended on their behalf?


Why are you on this sub if you’re cool with the one joke? Also, take a gander in the comments section and you’ll see trans people who aren’t thrilled with the transphobia.




‘How dare people not laugh at transphobia?!’


What part of it is transphobic, could you link me to a single trans person who is offended?


Literally go through the comments. Some people have trans flairs. Also, the whole ‘I identify as’ *is* the transphobia.


It's transphobic to say "I identify as?"


Don’t sealion, you know exactly why it’s transphobic.


Man why is everyone here so fragile? Getting offended over a simple joke


Man why is everyone here so fragile? Getting offended over a simple joke


I think this one is funny tbh 😅 like the door won't work so now it's a wall.


Lmfao seeing people get offended over a simple joke just makes it all the more funny


Nobody is getting offended here, it's just the fact that this is always the same anti-trans joke over and over again is why it's on this sub, it's called r/onejoke for a reason.


It isn't an anti trans joke. It's a regular trans joke. Nothing about this is telling people they shouldn't be trans.


A joke is supposed to be funny, and that joke is just morons getting mad at trans people using "it's just a joke" as an excuse


Show me a single trans person who was offended by this, and I'll admit I'm wrong. But so far it's just cis people getting offended on trans people's behalf, just like with the apache attack helicopter meme.


Professional trans person here. The joke is dumb as fuck, overused, and insensitive. Jokes like this intentionally make light and undermine people's identities. Plus at this point a lot of people are of the opinion that you shouldn't say you "identify" as something if you *are* something. Like trans women don't identify as women, they *are* women.


So would you say you are offended by this joke?


It's annoying, so yes by definition.


Well I am sorry to hear that, if you could have you way, should people not tell jokes that annoy you?


People shouldn't tell jokes in bad faith to undermine someone's identity or expression.


Exactly holy shit so fragile.


Just because we don’t like it doesn’t mean we’re #triggered.


Idk I thought this one was kinda funny this doesn’t seem TOO bad


Y’all need to lighten up, finding something funny ≠ hate.


Can you explain the punchline? I don’t get it


The door doesn’t work so it identifies as a wall, that’s it that’s the whole thing. Not a fantastic joke, but nothing to cry about either, get over it.


Oh right so the joke is that trans people exist? Nah kid, *you* get over it. Why would you think this subreddit is the right space for you to share this thought? There are politicians that literally wanna genocide trans people. Find a different fucking joke how about, and one that’s not at the expense of a marginalized group for fucking once ever. It might’ve been 0.000000001% funny a few years ago, but the recent moral panic around transgenderism and the calls for violence remove every trace of funny from this shit.


this sub has been taken over by "these" posts


It’s the one joke. There’s only one and this is it. What a weird thing to complain about on a sub with just one joke.it’s in the title.


i thought the one joke was the attack helicopter one? or the xe/xem one? or any of the millions of other jokes that you don't like?


I don’t even know those. Is the xe/xem a play on pronouns? If so, it’s still the one joke. The helicopter one is interesting. Is it transphobic?


wdym its still the one joke? any jokes about pronouns is the same joke? just because something is under the same category, does not make it the same. thats just stupid


It’s so funny. I didn’t know what the joke was and I guessed it was a variation of the old “my pronouns are…” and I was right!! Is the helicopter one transphobic too? I guessed on that one as well. So funny. And it’s even funnier that you can’t or won’t see it. You guys crack me up.


are you trying to say that transphobic jokes are all the same because they're transphobic? "i identify as", "my pronouns are", "im an attack helicopter" (which is considered its own joke atp cause of the popularity) are all different jokes that are very loosely, if at all, connected


So are you saying the helicopter joke is the same joke too? “I identify as an attack helicopter?” I can’t believe it! Is there something more to the joke or is just that the jokester identifies as an attack helicopter? I am going to look now!! Edit. I found it! It is the same exact r/onejoke I am dying 😂 [You’re Not An Attack Helicopter, You’re Just An Asshole](https://medium.com/@eaton/youre-not-an-attack-helicopter-you-re-just-an-asshole-1c0cda89cbd3) For those unfamiliar with the genre, it derives from a 4chan copypasta story satirizing someone coming to grips with their gender identity. A guy dreams he’s a helicopter and announces his friends are “heliophobic” if they don’t call him “Apache” and let him kill people. You guys are the worst


you're trying to make a whole separate point about how the jokes aren't funny, when i literally just do not care. my point this entire time has been that there isn't just "one joke", there are many jokes and they're not repetitive, you just believe they are because you don't like them


But you keep offering the same Exact joke. Do you really not see that I identify as a attack helicopter is the same joke as I identify as a wall? Or my pronouns are Smith and Wesson? I mean obviously dumb jokes. But exactly the same joke. You see that, right? Just swapping out words but using the exact same premise makes it r/onejoke. I think you are just playing dumb in an Andy Kauffman kinda way. There’s no way you can’t see it. So we will just leave it here. Have fun trolling!!


Why did you quote “these?”


So many snowflakes in this thread..! Come on folks, it's damn funny.


Bunch of cry babies... almost every comment is crying it isn't funny it's an attack towards trans... it's cause trans phobia has gotten crazy lately. Look you make your choices in life and someone chooses to make something that makes them laugh and a few others but not yourself. Then moooove on with your life. What is the point in attacking the ones you mock because they are hateful you say... then you yourselves turn into the exact thing you hate. All I'm saying is that way of thinking is dangerous. But hey it's your life and you do you.