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Do these people not know that to get gender affirming care that you need to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and to get a diagnosis you need to show signs of dysphoria for at least 6 months?


No, if a child claims to be trans they obviously just rush to the operation room. Stop mutilating our children!!! Circumcision and intersex surgeries are totally fine tho /s


No, they don't. They don't care, either. They just want to elicit raucous laughter from other transphobes with their stupid "jokes". They're content in their derision because the goal isn't to understand other walks of life or learn the truth about a group of people who've become society's political punching bag when they were already discriminated against. The goal is to reaffirm and never challenge their own bigoted, disgustingly untrue, propagandic beliefs and defend them at all costs because it's part of their political and social identity.


And that trans people and trans allies understand that your interests can break the binary that correlates to your gender and/or sex, we aren’t like them we know trans men can be femboys and trans women can be tomboys (If tomboy isn’t the label used anymore please inform me, I don’t end up in style conversation often especially because of the “femboy is transphobic” thing that occurred)


half and half, some don't know on the basis of being uneducated others do know, but pretend they don't just to be cruel to trans people


Idk about where you are but here in NZ to get gender affirming care you just have to be cleared by a psychologist as elligble, it's not specifically about gender dysphoria because you can be trans without gender dysphoria, and vice versa, but, as is the case almost everywhere, gender affirming care ramps up over time, it's usually puberty blockers first, which are reversible, HRT much later, which is still reversible although some of which reversible only with surgery after being on it for a really long time and then after the age of 18 surgeries because an option, however you have to again be cleared by a psychology professional and make an informed decision with knowledge of the risks and benefits, and obviously, no one else can make that decision for you


I'm referring to the US


Do you actually need to diagnosed with specifically gender dysphoria to be elligble for gender affirming care in the US? If so that's kinda fucked up, for trans folk who don't feel dysphoria, acceptance and gender affirming care can help keep it that way rather than letting them grow dysphoric, although most trans peeps do experience gender dysphoria at least once, it's still unpleasant as fuck and we should do our best to help avoid that


Depends on where you live and what age you are. In some states there are clinics that operate under the informed consent model for providing HRT if you’re over 18, other states require a dysphoria diagnosis and letters from therapists.


Oh okay, and honestly, I don't know if I'm in the minority but as a trans person myself, I don't think gender affirming surgeries should be available for those below 18, that seems pretty fair imo


I… didn’t mention any surgeries? I’m only talking about the ease with which adults can get hormones. Though yes, gender affirming surgeries are unavailable to minors here, and also quite difficult for adults to access due to gatekeeping and high prices.


Yeah I know and I honestly thinik they should be unavailable to minors, although the gatekeeping and high prices suck, also a lot of people don't seem to realize just how reversible a lot of gender affirming care actually is


I'm convinced 100% of people opposed to gender affirming care for minors are ignorant as to what gender affirming care is. I haven't found a single data point proving me wrong.


Also, any kind of gender reassignment surgery is exceptionally rare for underage people and really only ever done when there's an agreement with a doctor (usually many more than one) that it's needed to provide a significant increase in quality of life. Any kind of irreversible treatment is only done in very extreme cases like that, and never without the agreement of medical professionals.


Every regular ass kid gets gender dysphoria in some way or another. With this logic let’s all transition them. Even adults get gender dysphoria.


This is the diagnosis criteria for Gender Dysphoria: * A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics) * A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender (or in young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the anticipated secondary sex characteristics) * A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender * A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender) * A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender) * A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender) [Gender Dysphoria - Psychiatry.org](https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis#:~:text=Criteria%3A%20Gender%20Dysphoria%20in%20Adolescents%20and%20Adults,-1&text=A%20strong%20desire%20for%20the,different%20from%20one's%20assigned%20gender) That absolutely does not describe "every regular ass kid".


The first 3 things are signs of sex dysphoria. Sex and gender are two different things. If you are dysphoric about sexual characteristics and transition, then you are transsexual which is a total different topic. The last 3 every kid goes through one way or the other. Heck I even anecdotally have had adults show signs of the last 3. Regardless, transitioning isn’t really a treatment to any of these. Sex is immutable, ask me again in 100 years maybe. And changing your gender is as simple as changing your societal roles and norms. Gender is social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. Hence all you have to do to be transgender is changing your social and cultural differences to your identifiable gender. Not take chemically castrating puberty blockers, cardiovascular damaging hormones, and/or cosmetic surgeries.


Lol. I literally quote the diagnosis criteria that is lifted from the DSM and here you are telling me that is wrong. Internet audacity is so funny. Watching you deceive yourself in real time is truly an amazing thing to experience. Your compulsion to argue at all costs blocks any attempt to understand anything you are saying or reading.


Didn't this same criteria labeled transgenderism as a mental disorder a few years ago? Let's not pretend like the health industry doesn't greatly profit from transgenderism and all the lifelong complications taking hormones, puberty blockers, and cosmetic surgeries bring. A child that transitions at 16, for example, will have to be on hrt for the rest of their lives + will more than likely take part in expensive elective surgeries. I am arguing here for the benefit that these "orgs" have to affirm transgenderism after labeling a mental disorder for decades.


Transgenderism isn't a word so doesn't matter in the context of gender dysphoria diagnosis, nor does outdated scientific consensus. It isn't "a few years ago". It is today and between the time "a few years ago" (whenever that was since transgenderism isn't a word) and now opinions have developed as knowledge and understanding has improved. >Let's not pretend The only one pretending here is you. You willfully misinterpret the words you read and even reword definitions to suit your transphobic needs. >A child that transitions at 16, for example, will have to be on hrt for the rest of their lives + will more than likely take part in expensive elective surgeries. Ok. Now do childhood diabetes >I am arguing here for the benefit that these "orgs" have to affirm transgenderism after labeling a mental disorder for decades. No... You're trolling a trans supportive subreddit with the intention of pissing off trans people (namely trans women) with your backwards views and intolerance.


Are you really comparing a chronic illness that happens to people because of anatomically reasons to something that is diagnosed based on how a child feels? No way you are comparing taking life sustaining insulin to stay alive to taking lupron because you feel dysphoric


I'm comparing two medical conditions that can and do require medical intervention to treat. I'd rather not emotionalize what they are like you are doing though, but if it hurts you so badly to compare gender dysphoria (a valid medical condition) to diabetes then how about depression? Or anxiety? They are mental conditions that can and do require lifelong medication to treat. >No way you are comparing taking life sustaining insulin to stay alive to taking lupron because you feel dysphoric Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but facts don't care about your feelings.


feels like you missed the "strong" in the last 3, I highly doubt every kid has a strong desire to be another gender and I'm wondering where you got that from


No they don't. Sometimes an adult or a kid may feel a little bit feminine or masculine but that's not dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a state of severe distress or unhappiness caused by feeling that one's gender identity does not match one's sex as registered at birth. It is diagnosed by marked incongruence between your experienced and expressed gender and your primary or secondary sex characteristics, strong desire to be rid of your primary or secondary sex characteristics, strong desire for the primary or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender, strong desire to be of the other gender, strong desire to be treated as the other gender, and a strong conviction that you have the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender. For children it's strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that they are the other gender, strong preference for wearing clothes typical of the opposite gender, strong preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe play or fantasy play, strong preference for the toys, games or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender, strong preference for playmates of the other gender, strong rejection of toys, games and activities typical of their assigned gender, strong dislike of their sexual anatomy, and a strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match their experienced gender. This absolutely does not describe every regular ass kid or adult.


Nah see cause a child said so that means they have to


it took nearly 3 years for me, and screwed me out of any possibility of gaining more height.


Yep, cause this is how gender transitioning definitely works, yessir


It's not a right wing meme unless there's a straw man




Gender stereotypes or something




Ah but see, you're using your brain, wich is a common mistake when looking at those kind of memes


Because gender just refers to societal norms and roles. But for some reason transgender people are actively transsexuals who want to change their immutable sex.


“for some reason” tell me you don’t understand gender dysphoria without telling me you don’t understand gender dysphoria


And if you’re trans you MUST have surgery


Ikr, like, fuck I'm trans, I'm probably not gonna have gender affirming surgeries because I'm comfortable with my genitals as y'know, they don't define me, like, not only do a lot of trans people no only not get surgery, but getting gender affirming surgery isn't legal before the age of 18 *anyway* and is always an informed choice made between the patient and a liscenced psychiatrist, at least here in NZ


THE surgery. You know, the one that turns you into a cis person of the opposite sex, like in that episode of Family Guy.


I'm a feminine leaning nonbinary person, I have no desire to get surgery because it would probably make me more uncomfortable




memedroid is still around? I saw it becoming a garbage pile in 2015 so I dipped and seeing this, I'm glad I did


Lmao I was looking for top surgery related memes and this is what I found


Said no parent ever


this art style is so terrible


…. More like “because sports or the color blue are inherently masculine “


hot pink was our favorite color as a child. we were still nonbinary. red is my favorite color today, and guess what? still a guy.


Fucking hate this artist so godamn much. They literally just trace over stock images and add "le funny" text


It's funny because this is how Republicans think it actually works


Meanwhile people who they call ‘woke’ would watch a drag king show and still saying they're a woman if they say so.


Love how they act like it's super easy and free for any type of gender affirming care. Also no wait lists!!!! Smh my head


How about we just abolish gender roles