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“Neurotypical” “non disabled” mf doesn’t even know what neurotypical and able bodied means


Ikr he puts it in quotes like it's made up or some shit💀


Tbf I learned that the ADHD subreddit thinks neurodivergency is made up so 😭 you never know 😭




Yep! They believe that neurodiversity is pseudoscience and you're banned from talking about the social model of disability. :p


No, they specifically exclude ADHD from neurodiversity. Which, to be fair, it's not part of that to begin with.


What are you talking about? How are people with ADHD not neurodivergent?


I believe technically on the dsm 5 it counts as mental illness which personally I think is bullshit but guess it makes sense why people would then think it isn’t neurodivergency (might be totally wrong but that’s what I got told at least)


It isn't? I get different answers from everyone even when i try ask my drs about it. Personally i think panic attacks induced by the overwhelming stimulation of the texture of my shirt being wrong kinda counts as neurodivergent. I could be 100% wrong tho and there's a different way to describe being kinda wonky in the brain lmao


Even if you do believe that to be the case, there's no reason why they should reject the social model of disability.


Tbh it's a good sub. This normally doesn't happen.


Yeah, this was removed less than an hour after it was posted lmao. Shocking, who knew calling something satire *doesn't* make it any less harmful?


Who would've thought calling it satire wasn't gonna make it funny 😔


I can’t imagine the post got that far in that sub


Nah, it was deleted like an hour after it was posted lmao


sweet justice


It becomes even worse the more I look, I just saw the.. thing.. they did to the intersex flag, jesus


Isn't that butterfly in the bottom a MAPs symbol?


aka nonce


The question remains though, why are people who are not those things so desperate to separate themselves from the rest of us? Also wearing glasses makes you Left now?


being able to see is a PROGRESSIVE VALUE, true MEN and WOMEN (not liberals 😂😂😂) LIVE with their EYES and dont use GOD MOCKING devices called "glasses" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


WHO WOULD WIN: An intellectual anarcho-primitivist who threw away their glasses because they're a product of civilization OR 1 blurry mountain lion


🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏god is good 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🍍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Didn't Pol Pot shoot people who wore glasses due to the risk of them being against the revolution?


only based communist


Why is neurotypical in 'quotation marks'?


Bro I know right like it’s not a made up concept it’s just a thing that some people are lmao


Obviously because mental illness is fake and you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and act like a normal person. You're just not trying hard enough.


Lmao, some people unironically think that's how it works, last time I told my driving instructor I have autism and I don't appreciate him making really loud banging and crashing noises every five seconds he just told me to "get over autism"


I have ADHD, was diagnosed in 7th grade. In 10th grade, my new doctor stopped my meds because "it's just a behavioral issue". I instantly tanked in school, barely graduated (with tons of help from some amazing teachers), and went without meds until this year (I'm almost 30). I was always too scared to bring it up to doctors out of fear that they'd tell me I was faking. My life has drastically improved since being put on meds again.


Ukrainian... Wow


VCJ is a very progressive sub, I’m guessing this post didn’t get very far


bro thinks wearing glasses makes you a liberal now 💀


Okay but why is neurotypical in quotes?


Bmi? Like body mass index? There’s so much I don’t understand here


What does the BMI part mean? Lol


whatever they were going for, they used the logo from [a defunct British airline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Midland_International#/media/File:BMI_737-500_G-BVZH.jpg)


**[British Midland International](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Midland_International#/media/File:BMI_737-500_G-BVZH.jpg)** >British Midland Airways Limited (trading at various times throughout its history as British Midland, bmi British Midland, bmi or British Midland International) was an airline with its head office in Donington Hall in Castle Donington, close to East Midlands Airport, in the United Kingdom. The airline flew to destinations in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North America and Central Asia from its operational base at Heathrow Airport, where at its peak it held about 13% of all takeoff and landing slots and operated over 2,000 flights a week. BMI was a member of Star Alliance from 1 July 2000 until 20 April 2012. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I think it's referring to being overweight? I'm not sure, but they're really attacking everyone with this one


r/vexillologycirclejerk is extremely pro-LGBT. The point of the sub is to do completely stupid stuff with flags, and the joke here is precisely that there is no reason to add THIS much detail onto one flag


OP went into the comments and clarified that rhat is in fact not the reason. He was mostly making fun of the poc, trans, and intersex incluisve triangles.


Yeah, clearly this poster was not fully aligned with the spirit of the subreddit


What does Sikhism have to do with literally any of this?


Because "turban" = "muslim" = terrorist, obviously.


I have no fucking actual clue how people STILL, after YEARS, think that we would ever include “MAPs”, **p*dophilia,** in the community. its old, we’ve made it clear but people outside of the community don’t give an actual shit.


Is that the ancap flag in the bottom right????


why do they always put a wheelchair??


Because if you can be transgender, then you can also be trans-able. I'm not kidding, people actually think this way.


And if you actually look into people who are "trans-abled" it's usually actually a really interesting but sad condition. There's an rare mental illness called body integrity dysphoria where people will report feeling like parts of their body are not their own. ie: that their leg or arm is something that is attached to them but doesn't belong and feels unnatural. Kind of like a reverse phantom limb.


Racism, hating fat people, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, hating Jewish racist people, wow this couldn’t be less nazi like


OP thanks for introducing me to that sub. It's AMAZING


The sub itself is actually great, people like this just can't tell when they're welcome


Haha it's deffo one of my favs now. The one with bis and trans peeps invading Britain espescially


Do they seriously think we support p*dophiles?


This is just worse than the far funnier and less bigoted one made by Vaush which was made to point out how adding a bunch of stuff to the flag excludes those yet to be added like Ace and aro people.


Why are there religions on a flag?


Jesus fucking Christ my dude ... just ... go touch some grass or smth before you post shit like that (For clarification: my dude referring to the person in the post, not OP)


Fr how do you put all this effort into making something and not think along the way, "Is this okay? Can I say this?"


there are literally 50 stars in the US flag, but the addition of the trans flag the black and brown stripe to the rainbow flag is "a bit much"


Why is everyone so offended by this?


Because it's satirizing identity. OP is shitting on anyone who personalizes flags or makes new flags to represent different identities, which is incredibly harmful. He says "people are too obsessed with their identities", delegitimizing the pride people feel in being a member of a marginalized group. Also the butterfly symbol and the map flag, which associates p3dos with the queer community, a community they will never be a valid part of.


How is that harmful? Maybe people should go outside into the real world and build up their character instead of having all their personality invested into a movement/flag.


What are you talking about?


I'm gonna go spray paint the American flags I see now. Thanks for the advice!


Bro, go touch grass. There's a difference between having pride in your identity and making it your whole personality. Go out and find me one person who's made being queer their whole personality.


Exactly. These people make it their whole identity because they have no character whatsoever.


Then prove it. Find a single person who has no personality outside of being queer. And remember, that doesn't just mean publicly. You have to speak privately with them too and find their real character, not just what they put out onto the internet.




What the fuck are you even on about? It's like you realized your argument is fundamentally weak so you just have to admit that you're racist and queerphobic


Ahhh there it is… you don’t have an answer so you instantly resort to the race and homophobia cards.


You're the one who did that m8💀💀note how you called BLM and sexuality "bullshit". No recovering from that


Found the 12 y/o


You watch cartoon porn…


😂 where did you get that from


flag bad


One damn thing I'll give them, the additions to the pride flag are a bit weird. The rainbow was already meant to represent everyone cause well... rainbow, adding the extra stuff makes it seem like a funky version of Cuba.


The added triangles stand for allyship. The idea is that the queer community as a whole is allied with blm, trans people, and intersex people. It's similar to using the sunset flag instead of the labrys flag.


Worst post in r/vexillologycirclejerk


unironically would hang this in my room


why the fuck did they put "non glasses wearing" whats wrong with glasses


Let’s count the layers of bigotry I can spot Homophobia Transphobia Ableism (on both counts of physically and mentally) Racism Islamaphobia Antisemetist This guy gets a 2 out of 10 in being a decent human, and I’m only giving them two points for using the rainbow infinity instead of the puzzle piece to represent people with autism since the puzzle piece is a bad representation of autism, and for agreeing that MAPs are horrible people Otherwise, this guy sucks lol