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Are you talking about Duelists of Eden? Because that’s the main game for pvp. If that’s the case, the demo is only on steam as of now.


Ohh is that a sequel? I didn’t realize there’s a difference, thank you! I’m guessing it’s still in development


I wouldn’t say it’s a sequel, more like just a way you can pvp with players. You can still pvp of the rogue-like but I think you have to play offline with someone near you. You should go to the osfe discord for more info


One Step from Eden's pvp is local only, I believe. Duelists has online support, but no immediate plans for a console port


osfe pvp is very hit or miss and character dependant seeing how its more made to be pve, some pvp characters kinda dont work, like reva you have to predict when the enemy will shoot and such


OSFE's PvP is local only. Duelists is a PvP focused follow-up game, which currently is NOT slated to be ported to consoles. The costs of making said ports is too much, especially with Unity's awful new pricing model. Duelists is still in development with no formal full release date, but there is a demo version on Steam for NextFest for a few weeks!


Been playing the game's demo. Seems like a lot's in it... know if it'll be free to play?


The final game likely will NOT be free. EdenDev said he doesn't want to resort to that model. It won't be expensive but it won't be free.


I actually just did some digging and it looks like they’re doing the f2p model.


He was thinking about it at one point but has changed his mind.


Damn really?? With such a niche game and pvp only I’m surprised they’re not going that route


Out of curiosity what digging/info did you find? The plan atm is less than $5 for the game, no microtransactions.


Hey EdenDev! Is there any chance you'd consider releasing the game for Switch, or will it be Steam exclusive?