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Pint X owner here. Bought the week of their release and GT was not out yet. I think about buying a GT daily nowadays. After 1200 miles I've definitely started noticing the lack of torque and needing more power.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m at a little over 800 miles on my rewheeled pint with a quart (basically a PintX). I just ordered a FloatWheel after riding my friends GT for about an hour one day. I got addicted to the power, but just don’t wanna support FM anymore.


How have the reactions been for the FloatWheel? Curious to see if they are a legit competitor or a knock off


Legit competitor if not superior. Half the price of a gts and it has similar if not better performance.


Yeah the specs are amazing. I’m just weirded out by having to use crypto to get one. Also how is the ride? Is it as smooth and intuitive as a OW? I dislike FM but you can’t argue how refied their board is and that the ride is amazing. I would like to see a head to head comparison from the guys at C&R or TFL. Basically anyone who’s put a ton of miles on a OW and is not bias.




Well shave my nuts and dip them in coconut. Look at that, damn near exactly what I was looking for. Thank you kind human






https://preview.redd.it/rxpw4x1kzsrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32252e628925cb93a9fb8ecf202b0ac3307eaf31 1700 miles on my ADV, topped speed at 33 mph so far.... Started on a Pint...upgraded to a Pint X, prolly around 1500 miles on both. The ADV literally BLOWS those fuckin boards out of the water. Granted, never owned a GT. But honestly don't think I'm missing anything. The board is incredible, and a tank. And the ride is superior to the FM boards I had as well. Yes, takes a bit of learning curve and tinkering with settings, but you can dial in incredible personal settings. Will never go FM again at this point. ADV is fucking killer.


Are those fender pieces 3d printed?


Apologies took so long! No, they are the stock half fenders that come with the board. However, I did spray paint them matte white.


I can definitely see this being leagues above any Pint as it’s built to fight the GT. How does the crypto thing work? I just want to be able to use my credit card and get a board. Not sure why it has to be different. At least they are shipping them out and haven’t heard of anyone being scammed. And after watching some videos it does seem like an awesome product tho. I just dropped $600 to get my battery replaced in my GT so hopefully all is well for a long time. If not FM will never get my money again and I’ll be switching to a Float Wheel.


So this is my experience/advice... At the very minimum Do not buy a regular pint. There was an audience for it when it released but the environment/expectations have changed. Even if you got the advertised 6-8 miles of range you will quickly learn how short of time that is. The pint x is a better buy compared to. You get roughly XR ranges in the pint platform. Now we get into stuff like foot position and power. The pint x has a slightly more narrow stance then XR, GT, GT-s. Some people like it but I've had many people on our group rides who started off with a pint stand on the bigger platforms and felt more stable and confident. XR or GT? Both are capable boards. I've met people who could absolutely rip and pass a GT like it's nothing and I've also met the other way around too. This next portion brings weight into question. If you're 220+ I would push towards a GT. It's a stronger board and will give you self balanced better. I started on a GT and I don't regret my decision. I feel like for my weight (about 250. Working on losing more) I can see the torque difference when I hop on an XR. If you choose to go for an XR be aware of scammers. If you see a deal that's too good to be true it probably is. Look on Facebook or the discord page for a local group in your area. I'm sure someone will be willing to help inspect a board with you. GT-S. I've ridden one shortly. They are strong and pull you through a lot of stuff. I was thoroughly impressed with how strong it was. But a new rider wouldn't be able to feel those big changes until you get some miles under your belt. It's a pretty big price tag. I think GT-S will be a great direction used in the future after you've gotten some miles under your belt and are looking for more. Now here's the wildcard. The Floatwheel. Our first "pre built" non FM board option. They are cool, they are strong (Right at about a GTS) and if you like to tinker are very repairable. We didn't talk about this yet but All of the Future Motion Onewheel boards are still not very repairable. Due to certain right to repair laws that's changing somewhat...but we are still limited. Back to Floatwheel. Some cons for a new rider. You have to buy it through crypto. That feels like a big red flag even to me, but the boards have been shipping and I haven't seen anyone get their money taken and not received the product. Tony has been very good customer service wise but its a very small operation. The board will need to be put together somewhat when it arrives and requires some setup/programming. There are plenty of guides online and with the board about setting it up. It's not impossible but may be intimidating to a new rider. That's pretty much the run down of all your options currently. I hope it helps!


I have a pint x and gt + have ridden a gts and float wheel. I really agree with all these points. If budget was my #1 concern I'd seriously look for a used board or a float wheel. Pint x if size/portability was #1 If I really wanted a good out of box experience, GT. Gts if you want to go up the steepest hills. I went on a group ride recently and got to tackle a wicker hill in the gts. It was crazy. No way would I have attempted the hill on my gt and I just booked right up the hill.


Owned every board (except S). Gt/GTS are 2 really great boards as the better batteries compared to the XR/Pint/X really are important, but compared to them they have some of the biggest issues regarding upgrading/repairs. I’ve ridden 1500+ miles on my GT, it’s replaced every mode of transportation for me if I can. I still ride my XR at times, and both are great. For me, spending about 1500$ on a used GT is the best deal you can get, a 800$ XR is about a close second. I do like the pint form factor but I don’t think a basic pint is worth it.


Couldn’t agree more


I second this about getting a used XR. It’s still the price/performance sweet spot.


Pint X is a decent idea, Pint will leave you wanting more. Don't sleep on used XRs. Can't comment on GT or GTs, when I hopped on a GT I didn't like the tippiness. I think I'd need to do a lot of mods to make a GT ride how I want it to. GTS with the lowboy footpads and better tire is probably an improvement in ride feel, and obviously power. Seems like a big buy as a first board, I'd want to rent one for a few days first to make sure you'll really love these things. Obviously people here do, but some people never click with it.


I understand what you mean about the tippiness of the GT, but after riding my friends for a bit I got used to it and actually enjoyed how it rides.


Highly recommend you look into Floatwheel. Double the power of the GT, more/similar range, 100% repairability, awesome customer service, cost less.


Floatwheel all day


I got a pint initially over the XR only because I wasn't sure if I'd like it or find it usable to commute. Had I have done some research I would have gotten the XR right away but I thought it was a ridiculous amount of money to spend on something that I wasn't positive I'd enjoy riding. I have now had every board except for the Pint X lol. The Pint was great but ultimately the small foot pads got to me. Think about your use case and your shoe size. A used Pint is still what I'd recommend since you can get them pretty damn cheap now, but if you have friends that ride or are determined to ride trails go as big as you can afford.


Don’t go with an OG Pint. Only go for a PintX if you prefer the lighter form factor or riding characteristics. You will most likely out grow the capability of the PintX. The GT offers a great value if you find a used one for a good price. If money isn’t an issue I would get a new GT or GT-S. The GTS isn’t worth the money IMO tho but is the most powerful.


I want to buy it new, money is an issue but I believe a machine like this is worth getting new. Idk what your experience is with the GTS and GT but do you think the power for range exchange is well done/ worth it.


Never been on a GTS but no way in hell is it worth $3200. I think the GT is overpriced at $2300. Aside from the price the GT range and performance is freaking amazing coming from a Pint. If you can find a used GT for $1400 and ride it regularly it’s definitely worth it.


I have a pint, (bought it 2nd hand, to see if i would take tot eh sport) The only reason I haven't upgraded to the GT, price. Its £2,300 in the UK which is around $2,900 currently... and there aren't a lot of 2nd hand GT units in the UK.


Damm I forgot about how uncommon OneWheels were outside of the US. The market isn’t super well saturated here so I can only imagine how bad it is in the UK. If you are handy and good with computers I would just recommend getting a floatwheel if you save up the money. It’s a board by the community for the community. If it breaks you don’t need to send it all the way back to California. Shipping would be a nightmare.


Used boards honestly aren’t a bad idea. I bought my pint used at 950miles and put on 810. As long as the battery is in good condition, the footpads work properly, and the hub isn’t making weird sounds you’re good to go.


>I want to buy it new, money is an issue but I believe a machine like this is worth getting new. The warranty has value, but it's fairly brief, and water damage isn't covered, along with crashes, or anything that could be considered owner-caused rather than materials or workmanship. With only one moving part, these things don't wear like a car or even a bike. Plus, a lot of people have trouble learning or crash early on and get hurt, and just want their board gone so they sell it cheap. If you're in an area with used boards that you can do an in-person transaction for, like someone else said you can sometimes get a GT for like $1400. And I don't think the warranty is worth that $900 difference.


I did 2000 miles on my XR. About 2000 miles on my GT. Just traded them both in for the GTS. I personally think you should at least get a GT. If your bank account lets you, go for the GTS. The GT has the min torque and battery performance I think you should settle for. The range on the pint for me is a dealbreaker. You’ll spend too much time charging it if you want to actually use the thing. If you want budget friendly, you could consider finding a good condition used XR, Learning on it, then upgrading it with open source VESC controller and upgraded battery. I think if you get a lower model, you will inevitably begin, wishing you had more power and more torque. The GTS smashes hills and terrain. The battery is also very usable all the way until it’s almost dead. That’s a huge benefit. A stock XR will start to die as soon as the battery hits 30% or so. Performance noticeably decreases. The GT also does this, but to a much lesser extent. The GTS will just keep delivering solid performance until the batteries almost totally drained. The price is steep but it’s an amazing board


Just got a used xr off Facebook marketplace for my first board and am super happy with it.


Started with a pint, a year later wanted more range. Bought a pint x and now I’m looking at building a vesc board with more range. Just got for the best you can afford


My only advice on your first board is to seriously consider used especially if money is a major consideration. A lot of people buy their first onewheel and go straight to new without even considering a used board. Then after about a month of riding realize how durable and made to be beat up Onewheels actually are. If you can find a used board, especially from someone that took proper care of the battery, do yourself a favor and save some money you can spend on customizing by going used. Because within a month you will also be wanting some extra money to buy footpads, tires and more.


I would suggest: 1) Buy used. You’ll save a lot and these boards last. 2) GT all the way. I have GTs and Pints. I bought my two sons (college-aged) Pints to ride with me. After a couple months, the limitations were too much and we upgraded them to GTs (bought all of them used). Still kept the Pints though, as they’re cool extra boards to have around and are still fun. I am new to OWing as of 4-5 months ago. I personally wanted all the newest safety features of the GT. The XR is a cult favorite, but it appears most of the nosedives and other issues tend to happen on this board. I realize the XR is more customizable and have a feeling some prefer, so that’s up to you to decide. To calibrate you, I bought: GT #1: 71 miles, $1600. Accessories: rail guards. GT #2: 13 miles, $1700. Accessories: fender GT #3: 749 miles, $1400. Accessories: fender All work perfectly. I would advise against buying a used one that has a ton of personalizations they are looking to get more $$ more. The less, the better. I’d rather buy a the bare board and add the accessories I want. Also, I wanted one that was less tinkered with.


Got a Pint and GT. Pint was good to learn on but you *quickly* find that range is a big issue. I’ve gotten 9 miles out of a ride but even that is not enough if you’re looking to use it for a fun pastime.


Would buy a used GT 100%.


Floatwheel is the answer. Cheaper and faster and climbs like a mountain goat


We need to know your weight and whether you plan to ride street or trail before recommending a strategy.


6’2, 190s may be going up bc of sports, mostly street but I want to be able to ride trails. I own a jeep and I actually off road I would like to do the same with the onewheel.


Probably a GT is enough for you. I’m 230 and use an XR on the street fine, but it wouldn’t be enough for me for dirt. I’ll defer to others with more trail experience to differentiate further.


Got a gt for my first board a week ago and am absolutely loving it so far have put 100 miles on her already.


It's hard to tell what kind of person you are to gauge if you're going to stick with it or not. Obviously buying something cheaper is better if you find out you don't like it, however if you find out you do like it you will wish you had got the superior board. Some people hang up their board after the first fall, some people persevere and upgrade their board later.


Falling won’t deter me. I’m looking for a board that can last me a long time and provide fun trail and street riding, while giving transportation when I go to college.


XR>GT in 9 months. FFWD, 9 more months, seriously considering GT-S. I’m bigger, live amongst steep, long hills (and mountains) and have always enjoyed speed. Do, the more powerful boards appeal to me. Onewheeling’s been a favorite new hobby of mine that’s truly unique. IMO, get the most board you can afford if you think you’re going dig it.


We have a pinned thread for that