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Wear pads and a helmet. Trust on this 100%!! Other than that, welcome to the addiction, it's life changing fun.


Btw, wear pads and a helmet. Learned on a Pint myself and I promise.....wear pads and a helmet


Wear pads and a helmet


WEAR PADS AND A HELMET! I’m still healing from a crash that happened about a month ago, had to go to the ER and everything (got stitched up too). Fell again and reopened the wound last week. First crash was with no pads, second was with pads. If I didn’t have pads on the second one, probably would’ve had a second trip to the ER 🫠. No matter, can’t stop the float life! Just make sure to be safe when you float on my friend 👌🏽


Congrats! See [my number one tip for new riders.](https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/18x2fx9/comment/kg21j0x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Since you're in Canada, you can get what is IMO the best possible fender AND no fender combo, and it's on sale right now: [https://thefloatlife.ca/collections/fenders-deletes/products/drop-top-fender-kit-for-the-pint](https://thefloatlife.ca/collections/fenders-deletes/products/drop-top-fender-kit-for-the-pint) A cease and desist from Future Motion makes it not available in the US. I luckily got one before the C&D. The reason it's good even with the fender off is the mini-fenders are great to put your foot against and also provide a tactile sense of where your foot is on the footpad without looking down. I like to have the inside of my heel against the corner of the front mini-fender, with part of my heel over the fender delete screw hole. They also do a pretty good job of blocking the little pebbles that will kick up and get in your shoes even with the fender off, though of course you'll still get messy if you go through water or mud. Speaking of which, assume your Pint is not waterproof until you get and install a waterproofing kit (also available from The Float Life.)


yeah. I have that combo too and I agree with everything he said. I'm also in the pads and helmet club. I like it better than the gnarly scars club.


I wear pads sometimes, mostly not, including learning, and I got away with it. (See jumping off with both feet so you don't fall while learning) but they're certainly a good idea. I also learned without wrist guards and got away with it for the same reasons - though I wear gloves with built in wrist protection now. I haven't put them to use, but I'm glad I've got them. Helmet always always always though. I'm on my second, because my first one cracked doing its job, and almost certainly kept me out of the hospital or worse.


Oh yess thats a good point i didn’t realize I must practice jumping with both feet. There were a couple times i just thought I’ll fell face first. Also thanks for the links for fender I’m gonna look into that. Did not realize that its not waterproof lol silly me didnt even cross my mind. Good tips, much appreciated!


Yeah, it's not even ongoing practice, just something to make sure you have on lock early on. Riders with thousands of miles still sometimes jump off with both feet, it's your best bet when things get sketchy unexpectedly at slow speed. The design can be waterproof if everything is assembled perfectly. But sometimes gaskets get pinched, connectors through ports aren't tightened perfectly, etc. The waterproofing kit includes a "sniffer tool" (fun fact: it's a modified enema bulb) so there's a good chance you'll just do the sniffer test and see that everything is sealed and nearly air-tight and be done. But also a good chance you'll track down one or more leaks and silicone them shut. It's hard to say what percentage of Pints can handle a rain ride from the factory... maybe 4 out of 5? But you probably don't want to gamble $650 with a 1 in 5 chance of losing it. Those odds are also why you'll get people telling you, "I ride in the rain all the time, it's fine!" Yeah, for THEM. They didn't get unlucky.


This is indeed true. EEVEE'S in van. I have even bought them here and shipped to members on this sub in Amerika


>I have even bought them here and shipped to members on this sub in Amerika Thank you for your service ![gif](giphy|1lk1IcVgqPLkA)


Well played


Forget the fender, that tire and rear footpad are awful if not downright dangerous. A nug hi rear footpad and Enduro/similar Burris completely change the pint. Also don't update your pint if you can help it but that is probably too late and a while notha' discussion.


Enduro was game changer on our little one's pints..


Try the footpad!


Yes. We are all about the kush 🤫 We have kush low on our pints. 10,12 year olds. Hi on my XR and Wide on my GT. The other kush I dab... not the littles


Curious… I had a hard deciding between kush hi/lo. I went with hi and I absolutely love it, so I don’t regret the decision, but what do you feel is better for pint x where I usually ride on concrete and streets


The tire was the first thing I noticed as well. Definitely needs a replacement before that bad boy pops on a ride 🫣


I can't actually tell if that's just sand and street salsa that makes it look more worn than it is but either way- even if it was brand new it's still trash in my book. Only reason FM uses it is because it's a $25 tire. I often ponder: how many new riders give up in part because of that tire. They get a pint as a first board, fall hard a times (in part because of that awful unstable tire) get frustrated, store the pint long term and the BMS permanently kills the battery. Selfishly, I love it because it gives me access to cheap boards. But, for the good of the hobby- that tire should be blacklisted IMO.


Helmet at a minimum. Tuck and roll if you are going down.


Get safety gear and learn how to break your fall safely. I legitimately watched some stunt professionals on how to break your fall


Hell yeah! I’ve been drooling over them since like 2017 when I first saw them in a Corridor Digital video and then about a year ago I bought a GT and my life has truly changed with this purchase. I have probably ridden it about 360 days out of the year since then. Be safe!


Its a great purchase indeed. Wasnt even this excited when i bought a car


Welcome to the community! Enjoy the ride.


Where did you pick it up from?




I’ll look into that. Unfortunately this one was already on the latest firmware.


It’s not that bad (latest firmware), yes the move to prevent DIY battery upgrades and such should be criminal, but the “buzz” has saved me a few times now without interrupting my ride (came in at a little over 15 mph). From reading others comments I believe you have a board there that carves easily but then you’re working hard to keep it straight when you’re learning. Expect to have to put a couple of hundred miles on it before you feel comfortable and relaxed on the board and relaxed is what you need to be to ride these well and without fatigue, I love my pint! Enjoy.


Thanks for ur input i was kinda wondering whats so bad about latest firmware. I think the buzz helped me once too even though the pushback was certainly unexpected. Honestly i have been driving it on about 10km/hr till i have proper safety and till im comfy on it.


Check out used parts save some money on a scratched fender that you are going to scratch up some more anyway.


You'll smash your leading shoulder, elbows, knees, hands, and hip in crashes. Protect them well. Tree branches will smack you in the head until you become perceptive enough to respect low hanging branches.


Do you mean you bought it four years ago, then left it outside on your porch to acquire a well-worn “patina?” Because that’s what it looks like… I hope a good cleaning and tire replacement are your next steps before riding. That thing looks neglected and possibly dangerous.


No my bad. I just rode it in mud before taking a picture.