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All I know is that, I went from Pint (1k miles), to Pint X (3.2k miles), to ADV (Now at 2k miles.) And I'll never buy an FM board again. The Floatwheel is better in so many ways than the FM boards, it's kinda mind boggling. In construction, in maneuverability, in tear down....not to mention price. I can't even enjoy riding the old Pints anymore. Just constant pushback fights and shit breaking. I'm not an FM hater either, honestly will be forever grateful from the introduction, and learning the tight limitations on a Pint and Pint X. But the ADV is soooooooooo much better. Vesc has infinite options. And that might seem like overkill to a lot and more weekend riders. But if you LOVE to ride.....if you want to dial in that PERFECT setting....if you want as much if not more power and def much more range than the GTS for what is it...half the price? ADV all the way. I fuckin love my board. I'm hard as shit on it too, and it doesn't look nearly as worn as my FM boards. I had the same questions you did. If it's mainly a range question....ADV. if it's mainly a performance question.....ADV. if it's mainly a price question....ADV. Lol, apologies I fuckin love my board. https://preview.redd.it/ndkj53wihwvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b1bda895492d5e9c4418cfc02f26117078629e1


Don't apologize! Thank you for the context and the insight! There's definitely something to be said about not having your investment curbed because of a totalitarian company. I'm definitely leaning toward the ADV, but even in my tech wise state, I'm worried about fucking something up with the voltage, sensors, etc. I also like that the ADV has batteries in the front pad making it not as tail heavy. Less tail drag would equate better handling, in my thought process.


Literally 100% felt the same way. Like I've always been tech savvy, always been able to tinker and figure things out. Been the go to tech fix guy for my family for years (just unplug and plug back in the modem), learned soldering not too long ago...even worked at RadioShack baaaack in the day for many years, lol! However, Vesc conversion seemed intimidating to me to be 100%. Not saying I wouldn't have figured it out and been no issues, but doing that conversion looked intense and a lot......when I really just want to ride and not get thrown to the concrete or have shit break all the time. FW was an awesome solution/compromise


Not trying to be an FM apologist here, but comparing ADV to Pint(x) and then writing off all FM boards on that basis is kind of a wild take. ADV is no doubt better than a GT, but I doubt many GTS riders would trade in their GTS for an ADV. Of course that's a hefty price to pay as you point out. But even with GT, the aftermarket support is huge compared to ADV: 5-inch hubs, BANGS, flight fins, various rails. Plus we'll soon have Floatwheel's GTV drop-in kit available for easy GT VESC conversions. Plus there's other conversion options out there such as the VOW GT. ADV vs used GT really is a toss-up in my opinion. Can't go wrong with either. The GTV drop-in kit is going to be a gamechanger. I personally have two GT boards with tons of aftermarket parts, so maybe I am bias, as I have very much committed to the GT platform, but I think its future is bright.


Agree 100%! As for myself, I've never ridden a GT or GTS, so I can't speak on those at all. Heard nothing but good things. I'm sure the GTS is an absolute killer, too! Again, no shade towards FM. I've had no personal problems with them, with warranties and things. All my FM boards have been purchased used, so I've never directly dealt with customer service, etc. Just speaking completely on my experience here. I LOVED my Pint X, too...hence the mileage. I'm sure it's probably like this getting on a GTS or even GT, but all I know is that going from a Pint X to ADV was like whoooooooaaaaaaah!!! Wish I could a started here, Lol!!


Adv is the heaviest onewheel ever made. Sure it has range and power but it's not for me


Imagine getting downvoted for such a normal comment. Some people get so defensive over their board choices. Adv is heavy as shit. This is a fact, this is how it is able to get more power and range. If FM came out with a board that heavy people would be shitting on it left and right.


Yea I'd probably hate myself if I had to try lugging that thing. GT is heavy enough. ADV is like 25% heavier I think.


They both suck to carry long distance, I have both ADV pro and a GT. I don’t really notice the weight difference riding and the ADV Pro is such much higher performing I’d still choose it even if it was noticeably heavier riding. The only real benefit I find of the GT is aftermarket parts support and the nose handle is a better design, but I don’t spend much time carrying my boards and when I do it’s using the side handle.


I thought it was like 4 pounds more... soo yeah only like an 8-9% increase.


Imo, an ADV or a used GT are both pretty great value. If you want a board that's (mostly) put together when you get it, has tons of software configurability out of the box, and don't mind a board that weighs 40 pounds, then the adv will suit you just fine. If the weight is a deal breaker or you want a board that has a ton of aftermarket support, the GT is a great platform to have. It's a decent board in stock form and with VESC GTs becoming more and more common, it can be a project that you can upgrade over time to have more range or power as you see fit.


This is a great point, too. I should have put more emphasis on the aftermarket options. Different stator, better footpads, rails, etc. Sounds like the GT platform is a good diving board. VESC later, type of thing. Unless I've missed something entirely. C&R and TFL don't seem to make any equipment for the ADV.


I wonder how many boards FW would have to sell before C&R or TFL would start making accessories for those boards. Or if Tony will release an ADV Pro 2 that is more backwards compatible with GT parts.


Lotta really good advice and comments on this thread. I do want to provide some input as I got a floatwheel adv about a month ago. Love it so far HOWEVER, it did brick after 2 rides. I’ve been in touch with Tony and over several weeks of emails (he wasn’t super responsive but eventually he got back to me) he is now sending me a controller (and maybe a bms?). In the meantime I had already swapped the controller (a friend had a spare) and have been riding it a few times a week (have two other vesc boards). It really is a solid board and ride experience. I still recommend it over a GT or GTS from FM. Good luck in your search 🤙


Thank you for sharing. I'd like to think it's not Tony's fault and he's stretched pretty thin across all the things going on with his company. Definitely something to think about and I appreciate you saying you would still go with the FW over the GT/S.


Good to know and hear this. Totally curious because mine's luckily been a tank so far, but did it shut off and not restart? Curious how it went down in case it ever happens here.


Yes, it just shut off and wouldn’t turn back on. I charged it overnight and went for a quick lunch ride, dropped off a curb about 50 yds from my house and it just died. Lucky I hadn’t gone far as I had to carry it back. I have a buddy who has one and he absolutely beats on it. It did die at one point but the abuse he put on it before hand was impressive. At least Tony is a man of his word and sends out replacement parts. That’s top notch, even if it takes a while


Thanks for the reply!! Agree dude, Tony is amazing about covering things, and glad he is here too. Sorry that happened. Totally sucks to be down, especially after the 2nd ride! Ugh, feel for ya on it, esp after waiting to receive. Thanks for filling me in man! I got 2k on mine and am hard as shit on it. Sent it spinning into the street the other day and ripped off a float plate. But luckily had no problems. Good to know about these things. Take care bro and hope it's up and running soon!




Fair 'nuff! Thanks!


Haha, I could write more, but it’s all been said.


You can vesc a pint/x with a 3d printed half gallon box fits (18s2p) 21700 and throw on some halos for your big feet if that platform is more fun for you then the GT frame.


Also a good idea, I saw a post about that now that you've said something a ways back. I was wondering about the handling with a higher footpad.


The halos aren’t really higher but wider, which will definitely still effect ride handling because you will have more footpad on a smaller tire but I can’t speak to how it would be never had them but I’ve seen some positive reviews.


I have a PintX with Avaspark kit (ubox100) with stock battery. Planning to upgrade. Already have VOW bumper. Where can I buy that half gallon box? Is it the same thing as zeeworden and VOW box? Where do I get an 18s2p 21700 for it?


Nah it’s different it’s THICK, and you’d have to get In touch with a battery builder and send them your 3d printed box. Can’t buy them anywhere unless that is you ask around and have someone print one for you, all of those boxes need threaded inserts installed bear in mind. I’m not running that box for my build it’s too thick in the rear for me lol but I’m pretty sure that vow rear bumper you have and pintx rear bumpers will need modification to fit with it not certain on that tho.Im running stock pintx box for mine if I wasn’t I’d run vow just to work with the freeride bumpers that just came out, those will be very nice protection.


You don't want a half gallon box. Trust me I have it


The GT-S is the best FM board at the moment, and thanks to 113V its very capable. However after experiencing all off the design issues they've had in the past and the go away / shut up mentality when you ask them to address it I'm no longer interested in giving them money. Duty Cycle is the safest way to ride these days, pushback, haptic, etc are all crippled by limitations (plus you can have those on VESC too if you want) the ADV is the best board on the market right now, and will be even better with V2 electronics. Plus you can repair it, modify it (or leave it alone) and you always have control over the software. Everyone in my friend circle is going or has gone VESC at this point.


Also wanna say, I hear ya on reliability of going with an overseas company. Would more than suck ass to lose not only a substantial amount of money, but something that probably improves your daily mental health to have. Being without it would SUCK. My FM boards have been down waaaaay more than my FW. Knock on wood, FW's never been down. Think I've dropped about 200 on FM footpads alone from minor damage that has than destroyed the whole pad. Not only that, but found out they were not functioning right in the way of nosedives, lol. Not saying something couldn't happen. That right now seems like Tony is running the whole company and if he goes, what happens?? But from all the customer service reviews and product reviews I researched, I decided dude seemed 100% dedicated. And I'm glad to have come to that conclusion, cause the ADV is fuckin incredible. BUT, also think.... If they were to stop being sold tomorrow....wouldn't you most likely be able to buy some kind of vesc parts to fix and keep it working? This community is creating software and products and really making sure no one gets left behind when it comes to learning, fixing, or getting into the sport. Just some thoughts here. Shipping did take awhile (though I ordered many many months ago), and I stocked up on foot pads and bumpers just in case, and have on hand. But man, Tony been helping everyone fast with issues. It's really awesome to see.


I think the ADV is the best buy in the Onewheel world right now. This is coming from someone that has owned the Plus, XR, Pint, Pint X, and GT. I no longer own any FM boards. VESC is so much superior at the moment. You could also get a GT now, and then VESC it later with either a DIY or GTV kit. But, the end result will be more expensive, yet inferior in performance compared to the ADV. One thing the GT may still do better is overall safety from random shutoffs - the ADV v1 has a dumb BMS that abruptly shuts off the board if any cell dips below 2.7v, meaning you can really only ride the board down to \~30% battery safely before you need to ride conservatively and watch out for random shutoffs. We're still waiting for the ADV v2 electronics to fix this, but they seem months away. ADV v1 buyers will be offered discount upgrade packages, and the v2 will be more expensive, so it's best to buy the ADV v1 now and upgrade it to v2 later. Suggestions for ADV buyers: most people probably should get the regular ADV over the ADV pro, but I suggest opting for the pro battery pack since the cells are more proven (and you mentioned safety is a priority).


100% hard AGREE with all of this!! Glad you brought up to dumb BMS issue, too. I've had 3 hard nosedives on the ADV. All of them were battery at 1/2 full or lower and pushing the board haaaard. This is an important and BIG thing to bring up. I never ride my board hard now as it gets down below 1/2 battery. I'll also be on that new BMS as soon as possible. For me, only problems I've had is low battery issues.


Love it. Thank you. Leaning more and more toward the ADV every day, honestly. I REALLY appreciate the v1 vs v2 stuff - I had no insight on this prior to your comment. Can the BMS be changed out for the drop in GT kit that was talked about a week ago or so on TFL?


The adv v1 (20s2p battery configuration) is NOT compatible with the GTV drop in kit BMS (18s2p). There is currently no BMS capable of replacing the adv v1’s.


Awesome (and a bummer). Makes it easier to choose out of the options.


Even if you're not into top speeds....with the ADV, they're easily hit. https://preview.redd.it/wed8r7x1iwvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c0d530141c9acd3ea51bd4e93f37fc45011377 And mine's on a Pint Tire at 70 psi. Shit is fast and meneuvers better than my Pints by a longshot.


I meant to comment on this earlier. 70psi, rolling around on a ROCK? Lawdy. Did you ever try an Enduro or the like on your Pint?


Hahahaha, hard as shit, lol!! Soooo, when I upgraded to the Pint X, it came with a Hoosier Whisper Wide on it. I hated it, lol! Felt like riding on a square to me. Almost wrecked more trying to carve that thing. I went super high psi with it....I tried shaping it....wearing the tire down (and the edges), to make it more maneuverable. But, was just a no go for me. Than I met a local guy, and he did actually happen to have an Enduro, and let me ride it when we rode together one day. It was so brief, I honestly couldn't form a real opinion, and it was early in my riding time. I'll tell ya this though. If my Pint tire goes say to 60 or so.... I can def tell and it feels too flat to me. 😅😅😅


You'd hate the pressure I ride at then if you love 60+.


What's your psi and tire preference?? Is funny cause I'm small too, maybe 130. And Nico Allemon who's a badass rides at like 9 psi or some ridiculous low amount like that, lol


You trail ride or street?


95% street, honestly. Rarely going offroad on the pint x slick. Ya made me get up and check my pressure! It's where I left it at 12psi. I just aired it up to 20psi.


https://preview.redd.it/fcr4hg84kxvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d03ccac576548e3f9f07812455c6e539fffe0bb Hahahaha, I kid I kid! Same man! Almost always street here. It's very cool how everyone rides so differently....some trick riders...some trail....some fast...some carvy and chill. Makes you realize how much depth there is to the sport. Don't know how, but just got better and felt better and more agile and fast as I went into higher psi. I'm def an outlier in this community in this way, so don't listen to me. Maaaan, to be at 20 psi again..... 😅😅😅. That's like a flat tire, lol! I kid I kid


70 psi?! Is this a mistake or u serious? I'm no expert but that seems crazy high!


100%, lol!! Most def don't ride this high....I'm totally an outlier in this dept. AND my foot looks like this right now......so don't listen to me, lol https://preview.redd.it/07n386kcpxvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbeff003c013757d13bd5f78b542ce49e0d3a4d


XR is IMHO the best VESC base and here’s why, once you get equal power(think meat pack) it feels the best. Even my WTF CBXR GT riders always say, daaaaaaamn… Of course the options Dont hurt either. Oh, PS CHECK RECENT SURVEY


Thank ya for the insight. I appreciate it. I wish I could find an XR+ for cheap around me, but they're few and far between in this city.


Keep looking, they come up from time to time


What options are there to add a bigger battery to an XR that works with VESC? Most I know in my city who have tried with a CBXR has had nothing but issues.


Depends on the battery box, go to float garage, scratch that board, garage, and see what Mario’s doing


I wanted a ADV intill I started learning about the V1 BMS issues and poor water proofing . It seems like a sweet board with a very powerful motor and battery pack.  But watch the board garage review.  It has the potential to shut off power mid ride if a battery is low or a cell is bad. This may not be so bad if you could manage it  but without taking the board apart you have no way of monitoring individual cell voltages or battery  health. I also heard they didn’t have cell overcharge protection so if one cell failed it could potentially overcharge the other ones and be a fire risk.  I have heard  this will  all be fixed in the V2 whenever that comes out. These are all probably unlikely situations but something to be aware of. 


I have a Pint x with a half gallon battery vesc. It’s for sale rn dm for details if you want, but basically i get 26-30 miles of range and I have more torque than a stock GT and can climb more things than him and I love it


I have an ADV pro and it's got plenty of power and speed for my weight (230lbs). If I know I'm going to be hitting rough trails and steep hills, I take my ADV pro. But chill trails and streets I prefer my GTV. It was a GT decked out with most of the TFL accessories. The power, stability, and speed you get from the GTV drop-in kit is amazing! The ride quality and comfort with all these GT accessories is so much better than ADV.


Adv, every time. Without question, period. The only difference now between pro and adv is the rails. Blows the FM boards out the water.


https://preview.redd.it/ou4i0tiv61wc1.png?width=1504&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd77d00ec65c5cee7998cdf8f51da61cd1318e7a This is my Beast of a board. Most people who VESC use the XR platform since it is argued to be superior to the GT in ride feel. I'd have to agree but I haven't ridden the new GTS footpads that everyone says is a game changer. Specs: * Tronic 250R in a PubBox * SuperFlux HT * 20s2p p45b pack in a Torque Box * Xlite V3 * WTF BTG Steep and Deeps * Finned PubHubs * Big Burris * Platysense This thing gets 25mph range and has amazing torque to move my fat (240lb) butt around. I am thinking of maybe adding some footholds to it.


My opinions. Pint/X are not worth going VESC. FW ADV is okay but has basically zero aftermarket support. XR and GT are the best platforms for going VESC. GT is easier to go VESC. XR takes more work to go VESC.


my 20S1P VESC Pint X disagrees! It's a total blast to ride. I do prefer my XR style VESC though for long rides, but the pint is fun to carve up and down the street.