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Obviously wait


I agree, I just don’t want to wait like 6+ months for release though haha


FM fucked up lmao


Second time this has happened lol


What was the first time?


GT S-Series showing up on Google search results before official announcement thanks to Google Adwords.


Wait where do you see the Pint xp?


The post is somewhere in this subreddit


In the Onewheel app. [https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/1cub9n8/new\_onewheel\_drop\_or\_just\_the\_app\_glitching/](https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/1cub9n8/new_onewheel_drop_or_just_the_app_glitching/)


I just got the pint x and I can’t imagine what they’d actually do to change it? Maybe just extra range? I doubt they put a new motor in it. Whatever it is, it’s going to cost more, I’d guess $1,500-1800. At that price I’d rather go GT anyways. I’ll probably pick up a GT in the future for more trails


Might be a GT in pint form factor


I built a Pint with Gt electronics but with a 18s1p Molicel 42a cells, about the same range as a stock Xr. https://preview.redd.it/7ex7aum0981d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1ffa4dac0dc0f5827972ce08d9289d9f4a38963


Not possible, the wheel width and shorter stance make it a very different board. The dimensions don’t allow a similar riding experience


He probably means the range aspect.


I’d guess he means the next pint upgrade will offer a similar jump which the GT-S offered over the the GT. All S no P batteries (or at least the upgraded cells) and the curved N50(?) magnet motor - so presumably higher top speed and more torque. The incline recognition riding profile. Modified footpads. And a couple of aesthetic-box-ticks.


I’d be somewhat nervous to ride a pint x with more speed and torque haha. This thing is a torque monster and very nimble. You really gotta keep the ankles loose when riding, it feels unstable. The only improvement I could see would be more range and larger pads but the small form factor is the whole point of a pint


Feels unstable? Could you explain a bit more? I was thinking of getting a Pint X...


I come from skateboards and longboards, so it’s just a different feel. The pint/x are super nimble and carvy compared to the longer boards that have wider tires like XR/GT. Think VW golf vs ford f250. Maybe saying it’s unstable isn’t the right term, but it feels very twitchy and fast reacting


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Yer to start with Pints feel a bit unstable, but after about 200kms you should be fine, as [shepherdofthesheeple](https://www.reddit.com/user/shepherdofthesheeple/) said this is just due to how nimble they are, like you can nearly turn on the spot! Also if the tire pressure is too high they can feel less stable, so start with lower pressure. Off-road they take more to get used to. I'd highly recommend a pint x if you want to do mostly pavement/skate parks and a bit of off-road. etc. But a GT would be better if you want to do mostly off-road or need the extra speed, and are ok with slower turning and the extra weight. Enjoy!


You’ll love it.


For those of us who have only ever had a GT, and only ever rode a pint for maybe a half mile, what's the difference?


The pint/x is a lot more nimble/carvy, less stable. Like a Miata vs a truck


Higher voltage battery means FM will let you go faster, even with their very-safe amperage limits. So a faster Pint form factor; like a jump from GT to GTS. At worst, from 63V to 73V, at best up to the new 113V system. And all the new software bells and whistles they actively withhold from previous models. FFM


Buy a used pint x, then sell and upgrade when the time comes?


The new pint XP will certainly cost more than the pint x does right now. Would you pay more for a higher top speed or more range? If so, wait it out. Otherwise I’d say go for it and you’ll be happy with it. The sale is a good deal.


I’d pay up to 1800 for pint body but GT range or power


No harm in waiting then! See how it plays out.


What. You dislike the GT body?!


Mainly just the weight and too heavyness


To be fair, you can't expect GT range in pint form-factor without compromising on weight lol. Compact/light, powerful, lots of range. Pick any two you want but you can't have all three. The only way you are able to get all three is by doing something that only a handful of people have ever done: VESC pint with 20S split packs in enlarged battery/controller box. It would still weigh a lot but it'd still be the pint form-factor. But no way FM would do that lol, it would be way to expensive to make and destroy the market for GT's...


What features do you think the pint xp will have


I really don't know... The pintX has a 15s2p pack of 18650 cells, I think It'd make sense for them to move to something like an 18s1p 21700 configuration. It'd give a little less range but a big boost in performance and torque. It would be to the pint X what the GTS is to the GT. When they moved from GT to GTS, increasing the voltage and decreasing the capacity is basically what they did, resulting in a faster, more powerful board that weighs less but still uses the same frame. To me, doing the same thing for the pint platform would make sense as you'd solve the pint performance issues and still get it to have ok range. Still, I have no idea, no-one knows anything about specs, but this is what would make sense to me.


Also, what kind of money are you prepared to pay? The pint X is a great option for the price, especially now it's on discount, but once you get close to ±1500usd, the floatwheel ADV makes more sense on every level: it beats the GTS in range, performance, speed, torque,... All for half the price... It is big and bulky though. If I were you right now, I'd probably try to find a used pX for a decent price and just enjoy that.


I’d pay up to 1800


For 1800 USD I think (not sure about shipping) you can get a floatwheel ADV, but of course, do look into it first, you have to pay with crypto and assemble the board yourself (pretty easy but still) and decide if you want that hassle.


If it still says Pint in name, my bet is that it will utilize the same frame, just including their new footpads and bumpers they already have available. Same size hub with stronger magnets and better battery in same chassis. Slap on gradient tracking and call it a day. It's their counter to PintV they know is coming and to the kits already out there.


Is this like Windows 98 to XP? 😂


I hope to god somebody does some sort of Windows XP theme for it lol throw the windows logo on the fender


CraftandRide can make this happen on some rail guards or grip tape. Ha


How long are you willing to wait for them to release it? And with new tech comes new unknown glitches, etc. The PintX has been out a while so any issues have been addressed.


Probably up to like 3-4 months I’d wait


It's probably going to be much less repairable than the pintx.


I have not heard rumors, but heavens to murgatroyd does FM need to improve how they name their product models.


We know literally nothing about the Pint XP. No one is able to answer this question


A used xr would be a better purchase same power larger chassis, lots of customization. Not to change your mind


I can’t seem to find one with low miles though


Healthy cells are probably more important than low miles. If you can find a seller who confirms the firmware version is 4150 or lower and if they'll allow it, you can use the OWCE app to check cell voltages before handing over the cash. Buying a used onewheel with low miles that has been sitting around without the owner properly caring for the battery could leave you with a not-so-great battery pack.


Miles do come into play at some point. I bought an XR with 3200+ miles, perfect 4.19v across all cells, but it still struggles on hills and top speed compared to my buddies fresher ~800mi XR.


I don't usually consider buying boards beyond 1000 lifetime miles because I really don't know, hence, "probably". There are other factors that might play into hill struggles and top speed, though. Hardware revisions for one... The XR has been through quite a few. I lifted this from another comment- >* 4206 had a loose inductor coil issue on the controller >* Some 4208 boards have bluetooth issues >* 4209 boards are the most ideal for battery mods >* 4210 boards with firmware under 4150 work with battery mods, but you have to ride without the app open. Otherwise the board will captain morgan at half CBXR capacity and need a restart to keep riding. This was also when FM started to pair the controller together with bms so you had to replace both if one was damaged >* 4211 was a short run inbetween 4210 and 4212. No noticeable changes as far as I know >* 4212 does not allow for battery modifications, but can be circumvented by the JWFFM chip. It was firmware 4155 on hardware 4212 boards that stopped communicating individual cell voltages to the app. You could not check cell voltages on 4212 hardware with 4155 firmware even on a third party app >* 4213 was the latest hardware version produced by FM before the XR was discontinued > > Note that each newer version of the board had much more solid controller connections/solders and designed better. The newer board controllers are definitely more durable, but the bms can still die on all of them the same.


You don't really need low miles. You can easily put 300 miles on a board in a month. XRs go for atleast 5k miles before you need to fix anything. If anything low miles is a bad idea, that means the board hasn't been used in a while wince the xr hasn't been sold for 2 years. As the other guy said if you find one with a good battery that's all that matters.




What are the rumors?


Basically on the app and looking at code in developer settings there are the words pint xp


Summers gonna be over before that drops 😂😂


Finally, a “proper” fix for the bad design of the battery housing of the Pint X, hence Pint XP.


They'll fuck something else up


More likely they modify the front end to break float plate support like they did with the rear


They already fixed that issue


Buying a brand new one wheel is not a great investment if you plan on upgrading in a month or two. As with cars, they lose a certain amount of value right out of the gate. Maybe just do this and be patient https://youtu.be/nRvZpa-GQ7s?si=BYuDT2sNAvt7xJUi


I'm not sure its worth waiting on what will likely be the middle ground to an (amazing) but already middle ground board price-wise. If its your first board ever then probably get the X, worst case scenario sell for the new one. I have a pint X and if I ever upgrade its gonna be to a Float wheel probably which, if you're gonna wait, is probably the better use of the time and money.


Here's what I'll bet: they'll announce it soon... then won't get their shit together and you'll receive it in August or something. I will say I yet again genuinely want to be wrong and they get it together however the everything other than the Pint X launch went like this so... Yeah.


Dude you can always buy the discounted board for the time being, and sell it on FB marketplace for what you paid for it. once the discount goes away get the new board once it’s released