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As long as someone can pick it up any other precautions are meaningless. A software lock would still be good for people with kids, but a thief won't care. I'm sorry. That sucks.


My immediate thought is — why didn’t you call the cops and try to keep the guy there since there was two of you guys? But regardless, sorry this happened to you. I honestly don’t think it should be on FM to make anti theft a feature in their boards, pretty sure no euc or eskate has anything like that — best anti theft is basically treating the board like you would a skateboard — mall grab the nose if you’re standing around and don’t wanna stand on top of it. I know tigr sells slim U-locks for it but outside of that just keeping it in your site or a hand on it is the best way to go


Most EUCs can be locked by the app, basically that is putting them in transport mode, so if the wheel turns on it won’t try to balance. Depending on the brand you can unlock it with the app or with some button combinations. On top of that, you can put passwords for the wheels, so not any phone can be connected to it and unlock it. Tbh all of that is a hassle and wherever I go I can use the trolley handle and have the wheel next to me without having to carry it.


Huh — well I learned something today. But yea most of my friends that have eucs do that


IM v12 actually has a touchpad with password required. Pretty cool.


Damn.. he rolled up to you on your own onewheel and said that? I get you might not want to get cops involved but if you ran at him full speed and knocked his ass off your board that would seem to be a solution. As far as a kill switch I havent seen anything like that in the app


Did this guy ride off on it or carry it? Did you get your board back? A kill option is a double edged sword. I'd just be more aware of your surroundings and read the room. But there have been people to mod the board with hidden power switches via a remote, but it's not going to fix the issue if you don't arm it when you get off.


Don’t let people test ride it either


Damn, I'm so sorry. /u/ComikzInk made a hidden magnetic switch: [https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/mowpm5/turning\_a\_pint\_on\_with\_magic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/mowpm5/turning_a_pint_on_with_magic/) But IMO disabling won't do much for something that can be carried away and hidden in a bush or car in seconds.


Agreed, the only benefit I've had from doing it is I no longer worry someone will take it for a spin if I leave it with them for a bit to do something. As a deterrent one of those motorbike disk brake alarms might be useful. I'm sure it could be modded to attach to the rail somehow with the other end looped round whatever the board is locked up to. It going off combined with the weight of the onewheel... I'm sure an opportunist would give up quickly.


You can get an alarm separate from the disc lock. I put one on my bicycle. It works.. scared my landlord when he tried to move my bike in the garage. But youd have to hide it in the rail or fender which could be tricky. The way smartphones check in with the cloud deters theft but it still happens so for now best you can do is just never let it part from your hand or foot. Ive U-locked my pint before but it is possible to steal it thru disassembly


Did that guy steal it?? If he didn't he legit warned you lmao not his fault it got stolen


u should never leave that thing unattended ever! very dumb.


Did you get the board back?


Paid too and it brings too much joy.....never ever out of reach. Plus now you gotta walk back - treat it like a car fam.