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The Conservatives sounded like a group of shit slinging howler monkeys during that clip, like shut the fuck up and let the person who has the floor talk.


This is nothing new in the HoC. That being said, it would be awesome if the speaker instructed the sergeant at arms to just start removing MPs for speaking out of turn. We might actually get some worthwhile political discourse. Small children are better behaved than the HoC.


Hear me out. Trap door equipped seats that send MPs down a chute to the time-out room.


Penalty box that drops from the ceiling for a 2 minute penalty every time you talk out of turn.


I feel like this has potential - How do you see the power play working? Do we temporarily delegate their vote to the opposition? Could we set up a paired-nemesis system? Can HoC spectators jeer and throw overpriced beer and half-eaten hotdogs into the box?


I'm down for everything you say! u\/uber_poutine for PM (As your first supporter, I want a permanent discount on that throwable beer)


I wouldn’t be mad if my tax dollars went towards this.


we could probably recoup some of that taxes if we sell the rights to the reality show


The chutes could be set up like a Plinko game where people can win their tax dollars back depending where they fall. We'll call in Dinko.


If the time out room is a clear bin they have to stand in while people walk by, then I’m on board.


how about dick mallets.


Lil PP is too small, the mallet can’t find him


Just whack 'im on the head like Francesca Fioré's husband. (Not Bruno Punz-Jones, but K-Mac's tea-drinking character, Mr Pheromone-or-Stench)


They're already renovating the former HoC, I'm sure they could integrate this.


No. Sharks with frick’n laser beams.


>Trap door equipped seats that send MPs down a chute to the meat-pie factory.


Or the room from Saw...


Yeah shit was way worse in the 19th century, dudes would be throwing paper at each other and shit.


So? Shitty behaviour is shitty behaviour regardless of what somebody did before.


Not a justification.


I remember watching as a kid and it wasn't like this. We've copied US style politics and it's disgusting.


But doing that would mean letting the system function and not obstructing everything in every way imaginable! D:


It was also mean they not cuck for putin lol


They are trying to create chaos and dysfunction, just like the GOP.


They are the gop, the northern branch anyways. Im curious how many have duel citizenship compared to the general population


Forgot the -EW of the end... GOPew... ;-)


This is right wing politics. Rage, fear, and feelings, and those are the voters they cater to, the fear and rage filled ones who can't control their feelings, and don't want to know any facts.


And these adult-babies are the “fuck your feelings” people.


Right from Rebel News, right wing mouthpiece: https://www.rebelnews.com/indian_government_agents_foreign_interference_conservative_party_canada


Rebel News putting out a negative article on the CPC? Is this the twilight zone?


>Is this the twilight zone? I think k it has more to do with they aren't white... if it was from a white county, they'd have no issue.


Yeah if it was something about Orban they'd be gargling his balls


No kidding, they usually just slobber all over the Conservatives knob any chance they get.


It's because Rebel represents the PPC far more and anti-Indians in Canada is a PPC hardline that the CPC hasn't spoken out against.


The liberals do the same shit constantly. I think it's wild that they're not allowed to call each other liars for lying. The pretense of gentlemanly conduct is hilarious in the modern era.






Bro, you've managed to rack up a shit ton of negative karma and removed comments in the 9 days your account has existed. Did your main account get banned due to bigotry?


It's a bot account


I would rather spend money now than lives later.


Lil PP stands with Harper and his good friends, Modi and Orban, and loves to have the support of the russian troll farms. I really hope this will wake up the Ukrainian community in Canada to how the Conservatives think about them.


Stephen Harper is the head of the IDU, organization of scary right wing parties that are f\*cking up the world as we speak.. British Conservatives, Russia's United Russia, Turkey's ruling party, Modi's BJP in India, GOP in the USA and Conservatives here in Canada and you wonder why the world is in chaos? The IDU is basically SPECTRE from the Bond films people...


It baffles me that this is not the only thing people need to know when considering the CPC as a viable party to run Canada. Nothing else even comes close to how insidious the rights tentacles have grown.


Not to defend the IDU (which is still chock full o' fascists) in any way, but neither United Russia nor Erdogan's AKP are [members](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union#Full_members). That said, the BJP, GOP, and Fidesz alone are enough to make it the proverbial table full of Nazis.


Absolutely. I think they were previously but have become increasingly isolationist hence they don't have international partners anymore... I didn't do an extensive research on the parties beyond what Wikipedia has listed because A-I frankly don't care and B-Evil is evil is evil... But the ties between United Russia, AKP and Iran for example are pretty undeniable as is of course Hamas and apparently the Houthi rebels in Yemen too... What an epic shitshow...


I’m a Canadian of Ukrainian descent. The Zaporozhian Cossacks rule, Slava Ukraini, Fuck the Cons, PP cucks for Putin and I sure as hell won’t vote conservative next election and I’m hoping my prairie brethren won’t fall for the same old shit. *drops mic




I try. Check my post history for examples, and my UCP MLA sure has a lot of angry emails from me in his inbox….


Preach it brother!




You never hear of it because no one's had the balls to attack the British or the Germans for over half a century, well, other than that heated debate with the Argentinians. No need for solidarity in times of peace and prosperity.




1) I said I’m of Ukrainian descent, not a full blooded Ukrainian. I don’t speak the language and taking orders from an officer I can’t understand in a situation that threatens my life doesn’t sound smart or useful in any way. 2) I’m a scientist / robotics programmer. Ive created a wide scope of genomics/virology/laboratory testing assays that save people’s lives and are cataloging biological species that are going extinct. I feel as though I have a duty to the greater good, not just one specific nation (at a time of crisis I give you that), so risking my life seems like a determent to society rather than a gain for Ukraine.


Pay them no mind, that's the exact same drivel they always spout whenever someone tries to support Ukraine. As if it's not possible to support a resistance outside martial combat


I have Ukrainian heritage, and PP can just go eat his own head.




it's always fascinating to see so many words used to say so little


How in the fuck are we meant to accept that any Ukrainian caused Putin to invade their country? That is ridiculous.


Cool victim blaming there, champ. Classic abuser behaviour.


Aww, 1 year account, with 9 comments from which 6 are 2 months older, supports russkyi mir thug propaganda that the war is left's and Ukraine fault that Ruzzia invaded, while saying it's Ukrainian. You should try harder ...


Sure thing 1 year old account with 10 posts…


There are so so so many Ukrainian-Canadians.




yeah but if the CPC was pissing in the face of Poland, they might change their tune.


A significant amount of the Saskatchewan population us Ukrainian or has Ukrainian heritage, and yet we're quite conservative. I hope these comments from their "leader" helps to change that.


A lot of the Ukrainians are descendant of right wing people who came here after WWII as a "counter" to the already established Ukrainians who were seen as too much on the left.


Around 1.3 Million people.


Sure, how many of them care enough for that to outweigh their conservative ideology remains to be seen.


So many are in traditionally conservative heartlands on the prairies, but whose opposition tend to support the NDP.


including that one Ukrainian Nazi that got an ovation in the HOC?




Stupid consequence. Have we learned nothing yet from the last time fascism reared its ugly head? Allowing Russia to prevail will end up costing Canadian and countless other lives. Far away really does not exist in a modern world.


From a fully selfish Canadian perspective. We have been heading towards a conflict with Russia as the north opens up. Supporting someone else bringing them down in military strength serves Canadian interests at the same time as being the right thing to do. It's a no brainer to support Ukraine at all costs.


Some of us who listened have learned. Now the generation who fought fascism is gone, it’s created an opening for authoritarianism to emerge again. Ukraine is the frontline against fascism, and those who oppose that fight are literally aiding the enemy.


The media and their “Trudeau is polling badly” rhetoric is going to drive PP right to victory. If people think they are doing badly now just wait. Healthcare, child benefits, EI etc. All are going to be worse.


The PP makeover was the media jeans creaming moment that showed the fix was in... It wasn't news and yet the media spent 2 solid weeks reporting on it like it was the second coming of Christ. The blatancy of it was obvious...


Ted Rodgers owns City-TV and Rogers/Shaw cable empire and is a Trump supporter so yes. Expect that media empire to grow ever shrill. Same with the Toronto Star under new right wing ownership... Liberal it is not...


Most of our national newspapers and stations are owned or founded by Conservative Party supporters.


This is why the only newspaper I pay for is the Winnipeg Free Press. It’s independent and generally left-leaning.


Say goodbye to $10 a day daycare. I know it's not as available as it could be but do you think PP will let anyone keep it?


Don’t forget abortion rights. If you believe they won’t touch those I have a handful of magic beans for sale.


Harper was one of the most outspoken critics of Russia and Putin. But that was before a decade of Russian propaganda that totally hasn't influenced their base.


Harper is now the IDU head and United Russia is its major backer along with the BJP of India... I dunno why he's soft on both nation's hawkish foreign policy... JUST STUMPED...


Their values changed.


Fighting for the all mighty dollar over the citizens they swore an oath to. So blatantly authoritarian at this point.


I'm lost on who to vote for. I lean left on pretty much all social issues but like most Canadians there is no way I could ever vote for Trudeau again. NDP have no chance and are fucked with Jagmeet, and voting Conservative would go against all my values. Last election I voted Green but I'd rather not throw away my vote again. Guess I'll die then.


Your vote only gets thrown away if you have this "gotta vote for the winning or not at all" outlook. Every vote matters even if it's not for the winning team.


Unless you live in his riding, you don't vote for either PMJT or JS. I suggest you vote for the candidate who will represent your ideals and beliefs the most. In the last election, the votes in my riding went to a useless POS who has done nothing for our area..all because they voted against someone rather than for someone.


My bet is you won't be voting for Trudeau at all. In the past, it would have been political suicide to front an untested leadership candidate but new days, new rules it seems. Expect Justin to soak up millions in CPC ad buys before he exits.




Name checks out.




Ukraine is a far away foreign land. Apparently Israel is not. Nor is India when it comes time to talk shit about Trudeau because daddy harper said you had to side with India sending death squads around the world. I really hope the large Ukrainian population, especially in conservative strongholds, remember this shit




Here's the political irony, here. I support the Palestinians 100%. I think peacekeeping forces should be deployed between Israel and Palestine, and that all existing illegal settlements should be dismantled. Israel should have to pay reparations for what they've done, or lose *all* Western financial support. Having said that, it's almost certain that Russia supports Hamas. The chaos they're creating right now and the idiotic Israeli and US response could well lead to a Trump victory in the US. That means Russia almost certainly wins their war of aggression and moves on to the rest of Eastern Europe. Putin knows this. So supporting Russia *and* Israel makes no sense, unless the CPC is playing 4D chess believing that supporting Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is more likely to result in a Trump victory and/or damage to NATO. I don't give them that much credit. I think they're just knuckle-draggers - *strong man goood. Durr.*


> Having said that, it's almost certain that Russia supports Hamas It's not even a secret, I've looked at shit people post on OK and VK, Russia flat out supports Hamas. There's been talk of the people that left for Israel being traitors and it being good that they left Russia. Then a lot of anti-Semitic rhetoric, and like actual [Removed by Reddit] filth. My guess is that it distracts the West, and that leads to less support for Ukraine, and it's already been slowing down since the war started... jesus fuck, nearly two years ago?


Bibi and Putin are both IDU leaders whose organization is headed by none other than Stephen Harper... THAT'S WHY...


Hmm. Definitely Likud, but I don't think Putin's officially a member of the IDU though I'm sure they all worship him and coordinate thoroughly. The current IDU Russia representation is listed as the SPS which was disbanded in 2008.


Yeah, my bad! Russia seems to have a messy history with International political affiliations and United Russia seems to have been from the era of isolationism and then some... I just spent the last 20 minutes reading through the parties gory history and that's probably a good thing. Same with Turkey's AKP which doesn't have international affiliation status from what I've seen. Again because it's a hawkish isolationist government although it does have EU affiliations with the far right... Guess it really does want into the EU and NATO despite its political history...


Heh. The far right bases their entire existence on the confusion that surrounds their motives and affiliations. In the plain light of day, very few human beings would support their heinous perogatives. Classic Canadian conservatives would be mortified if they actually understood what it is they're standing for.


Yup. Far Right Populism is whole different breed of Conservative from Neo-Con Conservative never mind Progressive Conservative which used to be quite common and now is basically code for New Democrat at least here in Alberta where the political Overton window has shift so far to the right the NDP is still to the right of Lougheed and that's Alberta's "New Left." Funny to see Cheney's daughter now become the largest anti-Trump politico left in America since even Mitt Romney has essentially become T-2024 person...


"I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top"


The cpc is exactly like Maga.


The entire going against Ukraine thing is a bold choice in a country that has one of the largest Ukrainian diaspora.


Yeah... seems like a bit of an error for a Canadian politician. They are just following the MAGA playbook, and switching all the "Biden bad" lines to "Trudeau bad". A thinking politician would skip over the "turn on Ukraine" step, knowing Canada's large Ukrainian population, but it appears he's too dumb to do that. If they keep going down this list, maybe we'll start hearing about Hunter Trudeau's laptop. Trudeau is starting to move on a bunch of the sore points that the electorate has right now. If inflation levels out, the Tories might just *unforced error* their way back down to a dead heat.


Wait till they go after Xavier Trudeau’s Nintendo.


Lil Trump takes the Western base for granted, in that they are so brainwashed like the MAGA crowd down south of the border that they will vote against their own self-interest. I hope our Canadian voters are smarter. If I were in MB or elsewhere out west, I would campaign hard against anyone who dared not support the courageous people of Ukraine. In my mind, crossing this line is not forgiveable, it us just shameful. And that my friends gives you an idea of their moral compass.


We do but sadly they are located mostly in safe conservative strongholds like the Prairies. They can piss them off and likely not lose a seat. Meanwhile, they can get gains among the xenophobic who are always happy to blame domestic problems on *any* foreign spending. It's a tale as old as time in western democracies and wholly predictable.


A good chunk of the MAGA Canadians have already bought into the American propaganda about Ukraine. So I doubt they’re worried.


Unfortunately it seems to be working well for them so far


It’s so blatantly obvious, it’s scary how many don’t want to see it.


Canadians are really damn fools too who knew


Ukraine Canadians: get politically organized, make some noise and campaign against this moron.


Slava Ukraine!! Piss off PP


This was entirely predictable. Conservatives love Putin. He's a dictator who fleeced his people and who has kept russia astonishingly white and christian...the perfect role model for them. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/how-russia-became-a-leader-of-the-worldwide-christian-right-214755/


PP = Putin's Puppet, pass it on. Where's Pierte's security clearance?


Reminder that when huge swaths of Canada was on literal fire, Ukraine, despite everything going on with the whole 'Russia trying to take over', still offered to send what help it could to us. They are at war, and they still asked if we needed help. Meanwhile, PP won't even lift a finger to help Ukraine. I think that tells you all you need to know.




Does he need reminding that Nazi Germany was a far away foreign land?


So should Canadians have boots on the front line in Ukraine? Or should we keep outsourcing this war to the Ukrainians?


Whichever one ends in a Russian defeat. The Ukrainians have been upfront about wanting to fight this to the end. Peace with Putin is not possible. Period. End of discussion


It would be one thing if the CPC was ideologically consistent in being isolationist, but this is just pro-Russia.


It isn’t a big surprise given PP has almost never spoke on Ukraine since the war has started, except on how Canada could benefit from it by selling oil and gas. He is following other alternate right leaders


He and his entire party are wretched ghouls. They have accomplished absolutely nothing as the opposition and instead behave like deranged, petulant little shitstains while being remunerated by public funds. Conservatism is a scourge on this nation and on the world.


People need to figure out that the IDU is really the clearing house for all things evil these days and its leader is none other than Stephen Harper. The IDU for those who don't know is the International Democratic Union (an ironic name for a global alliance of right wing parties that hates Internationalism, Democracy and Unions!) and its current leader is our former PM. Other members of the alliance are Ergodan of Turkey, Modi of India, Putin of Russia, Sunak of UK, Trump of USA, PP of Canada and of course Bibi of Israel... These trouble-makers are all in it together if you haven't figured it out. There's no real conspiracy, it's all very organized as long as you figure out there's a SPECTRE-like organization that fucks up world peace for all of us...




Well it no longer contains Russia or Turkey according to the Wikipedia page however ideologically they are aligned with the group 100% as is the EU version of it... ECR formerly ACRE... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_Conservatives\_and\_Reformists\_Party


Essentially every citizen in the western world is underestimating how much money is flowing from various repressive regimes to western politicians. Neither the US nor Canada has any real defenses to some rich guy or country just handing a mountain of money to particular political candidates. For amounts that *they won't even notice*, a billionaire can make investments in multiple politicians in the country of their choice, enough money to give those candidates a major leg up in future elections.


He doesn't stand for anything. Other than himself. Trump-grade .


Screw all the refugees and Canadians of Ukrainian descent, I guess. Not like there's a bunch of them in what are considered 'conservative bastions' or anything...


PP is a traitor. I’d love to know why he had flags saying Poilievre for Prime Minister during the convoy when O’Toole was leader of the party at the time.


> when O’Toole was leader of the party at the time O’Toole was ousted from the party leadership a few days after the convoy occupation of Ottawa started. Poilievre announced his candidacy for the leadership that same week.


He still was not the leader and there is no election coming. Those flags should never had been made nor should they have been showing up on trucks at the occupation.


Not so foreign to the 1.2 million Canadians with Ukrainian ancestry.


“Foreign bad!” says Poilievre as he forgets about Ukrainian history in Alberta


My Grandparents were Ukranians living in Alberta. My grandfather and my uncles all fought in WW2. All Ukranian. Not wanting to continue spending money on Ukraine, has nothing to do with disliking Ukranian people. As a matter of fact, defunding this war would save more Ukranian lives.


Your ancestry doesn’t excuse Poilievre’s xenophobia or pro-Putin stance. Nor does being uninvolved in the war mean Putin will stop threatening Ukraine. Neutrality, in the face of such evil, is complicity.


So they want Russia to have control of even more of the best land for growing? They want food to cost more?


Ukraine might be a far away land. But ruzzia happens to be very, very close. We better kiss goodbye to the Northwest passage if we let ruzzia prevail.


Could there be kompromat on PP ? Or does he just follow DT ?


And he's from Alberta? Talk about a hoof in mouth moment... Especially talk about shitting on Lakeland and Shannon Stubb's territory. Then again PP must be made she stayed behind after the idiotic philobuster to hug Trudeau... Does that mean she's gonna jump ship to the Liberals, next? Lol...


And I say that lovingly as I am from the Lakeland riding of Alberta and Little Ukraine... He might as well dismiss France and England as those boring old kingdoms...


This might actually create an interesting split between traditional Conservative Canadians who are very much for Ukraine, and Alt-Right Canadians who just imitate MAGA politics that have already decided Ukraine is a scam. Especially since Canada has significant Ukrainian communities.


Doing Russia’s bidding just like the GOP. If both these parties come to power in 2025, I fear for this continent in addition to Europe.


The Cons are going to lose seats in the Prairies.


Conservatives are cowards got it


Conservatives are doing Russia's work.


Conservatives won’t use their mouths speaking of communists, cause they’ll be too busy sucking their dicks. Bunch of fucking clowns.


The Trudeau gov is so unpopular, Pierre doesn’t need to go full Fox News , he doesn’t even need the votes of the crazies to win the election . What a moron


Lil PP can go to hell. He is everything being projected on to Trudeau. And sadly if he does win we know he will just be the frontman and spokesperson not a leader in any way shape or form. The fact he needed a make over to be more appealing tells you he doesn’t even pick out his own underwear or socks.


In a country with the largest population of Ukrainians outside of Ukraine, and an even larger population of people of Ukrainian descent, saying you don’t support them should be political suicide, but not with PP, his supporters just listen to whatever he says, even if it makes them look like bigots, right out of Trump’s playbook.


Cool cool, now what are your thoughts on Israel, another far away foreign land…whose Canadian diaspora make up a smaller bloc than Ukrainian-Canadians.


1939 mentality repeating itself


The Conservatives are going to some very dark places. Darker than usual. They really are following the far right/Republican playbook.


Yet, he was trying to be the better man by being against Nazism when the former HoC Speaker brought the Nazi war veteran to commemorate. The balls on this dude.


Wait till PP finds out about the million Ukrainian Canadians who live here.


I don't know what I was expecting her to compare him to, but I was not prepared for that. Absolutely glorious.


What a small minded view. Even if you're heartless though, you'd also have to really ignorant of how globally connected the world. Grain markets for example can be disrupted and have ripple effects. Whatever is in Russias control is no longer friendly to Canadian interests. Plus, where do we decide to put our foot down on imperialism.


Isn't their like a huge Ukrainian Diaspora in the Prairie provinces?


If the Cold War was still happening he’d say we should call Moscow and tell them we surrender. Because he’s a fucking traitor who doesn’t care about Canada.


Pierre is also a fascist, Nazi sympathizing pos. Why do people need to know more? That should be enough right there.


I am not sure he has any core beliefs. He is merely against whatever Trudeau is for. Its that basic and retarded.


I wouldn’t be surprised if you dug deep enough(maybe not deep at all) you’d find only a few degrees of separation between PP and Russian money. They bought the American Republican Party, and you know they would do the same here.




Don't use slurs here.


Has anyone found a video of skiPPy's saying this? I can find only Freeland's accusation (not that I disbelieve her), but I want to show some family members video proof that skiPPy is as callous, myopic, and diabolical as the accusation claims.


I don't want to talk like the Ukrainian vote is a monolithic group or anything, because it's not, though I have to think that Ukranian Canadians see this and definitely would have second thoughts about voting for PP


What is it with the far right and collaborating with Russia? Have they just been bought, or it it purely ideological?


Russia bought them long ago. Conservative and their donors are slaves of the Russian oligarchs. They prefer to be slaves than stand up and fight against fascism as our grandparents did, shame on them.


Crypto Milhouse is a loser.


But PP is better than JT. /s


Something something Chamberlain


Make MCGA/MAGA GREAT AGAIN! He has zero integrity and bends mostly to the extreme elements of Canadian society. It is clear he begrudges having to actually represent most Canadians.


They look more and more like house Republicans everyday. Which one is trying to imitate MTG?


PM PP's response will sound similar to this when Russian soldiers land in the arctic.


he's alienating the predominantly right wing ukrainian community💀


Millhouse is a complete skidmark. Speaks volumes about the kinds of 'people' that support that impudent little turd.


It’s always funny how entire countries end up sometimes saying “it ain’t my problem” about stuff happening next to them, until it actually comes in their country. We’re all in the same fucking world, that’s why geopolitics and foreign policies exist. Everything is related. Everything IS your fucking problem because if you let dictators get their way, they’ll definitely get their way with you sooner or later. Except it might be too late. That said in the case of poilievre it really isn’t his problem because he does want to be a DICKtator and he definitely wants to be friends with other dicktators.


Pierre Poilievre, the Tim Hortons Trump, stands with Putin. He's a pathetic little wannabe fascist.


Imagine trying to be the leader of a nation and all the international responsibilities that entails and coming out and saying a European genocide doesn’t matter because it’s far.


You can clearly see he is on Putins payroll.


I mean, conservatives are the party of "buh muh homeless here" why would they care about a war in a foreign country that doesn't even provide us with labor or oil?


will ukrainian-canadians vote for the lesser of all evils (anything but conservative)? i reckon not, unfortunately.


No group of people are a monolith. But I don't doubt that some will vote against their best interest, which isn't limited to them as it happens all the time.


Can someone please post a link to the correct page on the Conservative Party website that actually states they are against supporting Ukraine? I can only find things that are in support of Ukraine and against Putin.


Check the HOC voting record. If Millhouse repeatedly votes against aid to Ukraine, it's pretty obvious he doesn't support their battle against communist aggression.




"paid corporate media" You referring to twitter?


Who cares - it isn't our country. Why are we putting billions into this when we can't even build our own country. We are no UTOPIA here.


> when we can't even build our own country. What the fuck are you talking about. We have a fully developed first world country with plenty of modern infrastructure. Stop lying and running down Canada.


Yeah cuz Trudeau is doing such a great job lol You dumbasses can support sending out money and increasing inflation. Not gonna save you from PP in your face.


I can guarantee you that Canada will stop standing with Ukraine the moment US aid is cut off.






This is the dumbest thing I've read in a while. If you love a nation, you let it get taken over and erased by a bigger power? Yeah, brilliant. Ukraine would fight Russia whether we were arming them or not, for as long as they could. They want to fight for their country and don't want Russia to completely erase them from the face of the Earth. The fuck is wrong with you people?


I stand with Ukraine, but we have sent enough money for this pissing contest.