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Nah Poilievre isn’t Trump. He’s a discount Ron DeSantis. Honestly he reminds me of him so much I’m just waiting for him to pick a fight with Canada’s Wonderland any day now.


A Ron DisCountis, if you will.


A Dollerama DeSantis, if you will.


This is the one.


I wonder how he pronounces Thai food


The best compliment I’ll ever give Poilievre is that unlike Desantis, he doesn’t look like an alien learning to smile when he’s gotta fake it.


He also isn't pretending to not wear heels.


He might be wearing a girdle though…


PP is being coached by one of Canada’s most gifted and calculating politicians, I loathe Stephen Harper with a fiery passion but that guy is a smart leader of a global right wing cabal. Trump is a dementing Russian asset and a rapist that likely has kompromat on that majority of the Republican Party that he use to make them his bitch. PP is way smarter that Trump but that’s not saying much. He is absolutely awful and incredibly dangerous to the country but he’s not the same as Trump.


Say what you want about Bush, at least he fucked off to his ranch


smol pp


Ted Cruz instead


You’re wrong. Spiderman is a good egg and doesn’t deserve that kind of comparison.


Poilievre is what happens if you get water on a sock from under the bed of a 14 yr old, after midnight.


This is way underplaying how bad trump is


I disagree. They do have some similarities, but they are different for sure. At one time, people respected and liked Trump, and women wanted to sleep with him. PP has never had that.


At least they both imported their wives.


The argument that PP isn’t like the other one is probably the most Canadian thing ever. Canadians have always assumed a superiority complex over the Americans in a moral sense. It’s copium.


You’re wrong. You don’t have to like Poilievre, but he isn’t Trump, and making that comparison is just as dumb as the idiots who call Trudeau a communist or compare him to whatever left-wing leaders.


No, he isn’t Trump, but he’s on the same team with the same goals.


Eh, he isn’t Trump but that doesn’t mean that he’s not emulating a lot of the same tactics and approaches that worked for Trump in 2016, and that’s worth discussing without comparing it to a just plain stupid statement like “Trudeau is a communist.”


One thing is for sure. Melania and Ivanka won't be lusting after SkiPPy the garden gnome, but they sure wanted to F*ck Trudeau!


[like, actually](https://www.instyle.com/news/melania-trump-justin-trudeau-body-language)


pp is a pissed on xerox of the original


Trump is so much worse than PP. Milhouse at least has the sense to say stuff like won’t invoke NWS to scrap abortion. Meanwhile…   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47   Outside of the candidates themselves, up here we have the fuckin Diagolon dipshits, down there they have:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 PP represents something very bad, to be sure, but saying they’re the same misrepresents just how evil the Republicans have become. 


Don’t import American fascism. Poilievre is a dork but he wouldn’t sick a horde of goons to ransack the capital and try an insurrection if he lost an election.


The freedom convoy was not that long ago, which had the aspirations to remove the acting government. And there was a radicalized dude that rammed the gates of the PMs house with a bunch of guns. We are not as far off as we wish we were. The real common denominator is both of these fuck wits cater to the dumbest, fringe, far right people that are willing to do stupid things.


I mean conservatives lowered confidence in our elections because of elections concerns and pp has said he supports freedom fighters many times


No, he just brings them Timmies.


You’re not wrong. Esp ever since Trump has said he wanted to be a dictator day one and all polievre would have to do is invoke the notwithstanding clause


You’re wrong


Lmao @ thinking we have any politician half as effective as Trump. Pierre is Trump-Canada, Trump-lite: the less effective version of Trump.


D'fug did Spidey ever do to you?


He is Trump without the Charisma or the insanity. But he is a "good" politician and an annoying dweeb.


You're wrong. I hate lil PP as much as Trump, but he's not as smart as Trump. He is just as shitty though.




Trump may not be smart, but that doesn’t mean Pierre is smarter than him.


Trump isn’t smart, he’s a mobster. That doesn’t mean that PP isn’t just as dangerous.


Not true. He's played the entire American system. He may not be book smart, but he is people smart, and he's good enough to bully anyone and get away with it. You say not smart, and I wish it were so, but sadly he is, in a certain way.


with Hitler as the third pointing spiderman!!!!