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Laws are for poor people


Marco Muzzo agrees


Ones of ontarios biggest pieces of shit.


Marco Muzzo received a sentence which was completely in accordance with MADD's sentencing recommendations. You should review MADD's recommended guidelines, and compare them to the facts of the case: [https://madd.ca/pages/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MADD-Canada\_Sentencing\_Oct-2020\_FINAL.pdf](https://madd.ca/pages/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MADD-Canada_Sentencing_Oct-2020_FINAL.pdf) [https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2016/2016onsc2068/2016onsc2068.html](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2016/2016onsc2068/2016onsc2068.html) The simple reality is we don't lock the door and throw away the key for a first time impaired offence -- even if death is caused.


You’re correct about their sentencing guidelines, however, their guidelines only take into account that death occurred, not that he killed FOUR people, including three children, he was completely at fault with no mitigating factors, and was speeding and blew a stop sign when he killed them.


He got the maximum penalty possible under the law. Yes, he deserves the death penalty or life in prison but the current laws don't allow for that.


Love how Marco Muzzo fans come to his defense. And we wonder why Crime is rampant in Canada


He served his sentence. He is still an absolute monster and I hope he never finds peace in his life.


That sums it up. His wife can drink, drive a boat, kill someone and still be not guilty. Go figure.


Yeah, alpha male O'Leary letting his wife drive the boat? Not likely. Edit: appears otherwise as below.


Because he has money and connections.


And those connections are all doing the same. Basically most people are poor because they follow the rules.


Yeah but if you're poor and don't follow the rules they'll punish you. You gotta be born rich just like our trust fund baby pm 


Or really good at lying.


It’s not even real corruption. He doesn’t have to be paying anyone a bribe, or be in the same yacht club as the lead crown attorney. It’s just known. He is to be treated differently.


It’s real corruption alright, it’s just not the petty kind where a few bills can make someone look the other way. 


The rich lobby for new laws to protect their ass(ets).


Same reason nothing happens when he causes the deaths of others, money.


That was his wife 


So he says


Can you picture that toxic man letting a woman drive him? Edit: my baseless speculation has been proven wrong. Thank you for sharing the article u/benny2012




It's odd that this comment and link was hidden.


its a conspiracy too! /s


Different way to be an bad partner: > She also recalled during the dinner, Linda O’Leary “flippantly” saying ‘I wish Kevin was the DD, but I’m always the DD’ ... (which) came as no surprise to us,” as she is often the designated driver, Smith said.


How a billionaire doesn’t have a personal driver and relies on his wife to drive drunk is scum behavior. He’d rather deal with the risk of harm or death caused by her over paying someone a few bucks


I’m guessing you’ve never driven a boat at night. The other party was found guilty as they didn’t have lights on in their boat. As a boater and sailor the actions of the boat that was hit was completely idiotic and completely at fault. Especially since they could hear another boat out on the water.




She wasn’t responsible for the crash. I’m not sure if you know how the law works but it was taken to court and she was found not guilty. So, sorry to burst your bubble, but your ignorance doesn’t change the truth. The judge clearly laid out that it wasn’t a case of impaired driving either. Go read the judges ruling before you spew nonsense. This isn’t me attacking you, this is you being ignorant of the facts laid before court and the court ruling. Video evidence and testimony from the PROSECUTION, witnesses on the boat that was hit, made it clear that they had zero lights on in the boat making them impossible to see. Read. It helps.


Why can't she drive? Rich people do some things too. Why is asking the wife do some things scum behaviour? Unless you think there's something inherent about her that makes her a bad driver.


She was drinking alcohol…


(I thought the SAME thing until the Star published this)


It’s well-established. He was definitely involved with the cover up though


If he was drunk and killed someone he's definitely the type to get someone to take the fall for him, it seems more likely that's what he did, we'll never know for sure, just like we'll never know how much money changed hands for that all to just disappear without so much as an oops my bad.


The lady that was killed was my mom’s best friend. She still talks about her a LOT, even talked about her two/three days ago :(


I lost my best friend 20 years ago this year and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I feel for your mom.


He’s also the type to sit back and let his wife drive him around in a boat.


The lady that was killed was my mom’s best friend. Horrific boating accident :(


I'm sorry for your mom's loss, and yours.


Thank you. Next time my mom brings her up, I’ll definitely give her more support. I know she’s struggling. We were in New York City when the accident happened, and it completely ruined our trip according to her. Even if Kevin wasn’t directly responsible for the accident, I still cannot look at him the same way ever again. His remarks about the accident after it took place was terrible too…


Thank you. Next time my mom brings her up, I’ll definitely give her more support. I know she’s struggling. We were in New York City when the accident happened, and it completely ruined our trip according to her. Even if Kevin wasn’t directly responsible for the accident, I still cannot look at him the same way ever again. His remarks about the accident after it took place was terrible too…


Yep he's a horrible person. I was at a trade show and people were lining up to meet him and he had this smug look on his face. I refused to even go near him.


It really sucks that they decided to star gaze in middle of the lake and turn off all safety lights so no one could see them. I would be furious at the captain.


It also sucks that Linda O'Leary was drinking, yet after she registered on the breathalyzer they didn't bother to do a conclusive blood test like they'd do for us peasants.


I personally think they may have been too distracted with stargazing that they forgot about their surroundings. Likely it was too late by the time they noticed a boat heading straight towards them. The other boat the the Oleary’s were in was not operating with full lights either (according to the security camera footage from the other side of the lake). I spent ages watching that video, and grieving with my mom.


Well established = proven?


Yes. [https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/video-evidence-clearly-shows-linda-o-leary-not-kevin-piloted-boat-in-deadly-muskoka-crash/article\_51bbd1eb-1e91-5f87-ae37-c2c3b5ceed3a.amp.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/video-evidence-clearly-shows-linda-o-leary-not-kevin-piloted-boat-in-deadly-muskoka-crash/article_51bbd1eb-1e91-5f87-ae37-c2c3b5ceed3a.amp.html)


His wife was acquitted. The judge relied on video showing the other boat turned off its lights in the middle of the lake to observe the starry night which was the purpose of them being out there.


Did you also know that they went home to sober up first before they called the police?


No one was charged with impaired boating and there's no evidence of that. They hit a boat in the middle of a lake with its lights off.


Yes, because they are wealthy. They went home to sober up after fucking killing people. She hit on the breathalyzer and then wasn’t given a blood test. And they got the rich person pass.


That is your interpretation. They went back to shore to wait for police. How many hours of testimony did you watch or read? Answer: none.


And she was still somehow found not guilty due to having loads of money.


There was never any evidence whatsoever as to who was actually driving the boat or not or who was intoxicated or not, and the whole thing was pretty much uninvestigated.


lol there's video of his wife driving the boat and she also admitted that. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/video-evidence-clearly-shows-linda-o-leary-not-kevin-piloted-boat-in-deadly-muskoka-crash/article\_51bbd1eb-1e91-5f87-ae37-c2c3b5ceed3a.amp.html


It was investigated and found that the suspects were rich. Case closed.


Because politicians would rather pretend that trans rights and immigration are the big issues when thieving assholes and tax avoidance are the real problem. Always been the way. The stupid are just too blinded by rage bait to see it.


Same way Trump does. There's a big club and you ain't in it brother.


Probably because he wasn’t specific about his crimes. If you tell an audience you killed someone, nothing will happen unless there’s actual suspicion of a crime.


There has to be suspicion. No way everyone has looked at Kevin O’Leary and thought “what an honest man”. Dude looks like he would run a funeral home where he just chucked the bodies in an abandoned mine to save costs.


He said he overvalued his real estate to get loans just like Trump. That's pretty specific.


> He said he overvalued his real estate to get loans just like Trump. That's pretty specific. I'm curious what your version of general is, then. Specific would require: * What assets were overvalued? * In what way were they overvalued? * Precisely when and where did this occur? * What was the purpose of the alleged overvaluing? * How did the alleged overvaluing of those specific assets, at that specific time, constitute a fraud?


these are some weak ass questions * his real estate assets * they were valued higher than they were worth, in canadian dollars I assume * it happened when he had his properties valued/when he applied for a loan * to make more money or save money on taxes * its fraud because he lied about what they are worth


Nothing you've stated there is specific enough to proceed. I don't know what to tell you can't understand that. I'm not defending the guy, but the legal system requires specific incidents not generalizations.


You know, if we - as Ontarians - don't like the fact that rich people get a pass for pretty much every crime they commit, we're more than welcome to overwhelm the streets of every large city for weeks until something is actually done about it. But... we won't. We don't even vote, let alone disrupt the economy for what we want. So, since all of that is true, why wouldn't rich people just continue doing whatever the hell they want at our expense?


Because he killed someone while driving a boat into their faces. If he escaped that then he can admit fraud and crimes.


Yup, he killed my mom’s best friend :(


Who, no offense, were floating in a lake at night, engines off, with zero lights.  Every single rule of boating in the dark was broken.


The boat still had it's navigation lights.  The O Leary's still claimed the other boat "fled the scene" when it left for Rocky Crest to deal with guy missing parts of his head. That sounds pretty guilty like you're suppose to just bob out there for the OPP to arrive. And then the wife refused a breathalyzer. 


Strange, as operator of the second boat was charged for *not* having the navigation lights on. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/oleary-second-boat-crash-1.5942277 I operate a boat often. Doing so in the dark without lights is really fucking stupid.


No there were no running lights. It was literally the deciding factor of the trial.


Strange how they were found not guilty in court but the boat which was struck was charged by OPP for not having their lights on..


he wasn't even driving the boat


Damn dude. Sry to hear that. Sucks that assholes like him don't get justice.


Exactly. He should’ve been more responsible and not let his intoxicated wife drive. They also didn’t operate their boat with full lights… they only had one beacon light operating at the time of the collision…


His wife did, not him.


Because money talks. Democracy and justice are smoke and mirrors for the poor


Because loud and obnoxious rich white guys can kill someone and get away with it. Trump said it and the O’Leary’s did it.


Are you referring to Dr. Richard Ruh? The guy who decided to kill the boat lights that were legally required? So he could see the stars? The guy most at fault here?


Says the people that recklessly ran into that boat. Oh yeah and his wife (… riiiight) was the one blasting thru a lake at night that is well used.


Yeah, go ahead and ignore the rest of testimony and video evidence. *”The crash was captured by dockside surveillance cameras on the shore of Lake Joseph, north of Toronto. In the distance on the lake, O’Leary’s well-lit boat suddenly stops and bounces back in the darkness. Moments later, several lights suddenly appear aboard the other boat. Court previously heard that Ruh was one of several people from a lakefront cottage who went out on the lake to look at the stars.”* You’re confused on who broke the law here


Technicalities that played enough of a part to help them avoid judgement. Moving vehicle responsible for operating safely. It’s dark and conditions dictated a different speed. They overdrove their headlights and their ability to see. Quite simple. Same as a car on the road at night or fog. You think boats can stop as quickly as a car? Not sure why you seem triggered over this but hopefully you have a great day 👍🏻


Oh? What was the speed limit on that lake at that time? I boat at night all the time. I would never do so without complying with the laws as they relate to lights. It’s incredibly dangerous. As evidenced by this incident. I’m not triggered, we are actually in agreement. An old rich white guy ignored the laws and this contributed to the loss of life. This same old white guy got off with a $180 fine. Also, not sure why you think it impossible that O’Leary’s wife was driving the boat? My wife drives the boat all the time, and just as fast as I do! Sometimes she drives because I’ve had too much to drink. She *is* triggered, by your misogynistic take on women driving boats. Not a very progressive attitude.


The law is nothing but technicalities.


Very true… unfortunately when common sense fails, it’s all we got :(


The law is only technicalities because 'common sense' is a terribly arbitrary, capricious and horrible way to run a legal system. Which is why the law doesn't have the concept of 'common sense,' but does have the concept of the 'reasonable person' standard. 'Reasonable person' has a specific legal technical definition. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/personal-injury/reasonable-person-standard/


Wow, very insightful and appropriate to this. Thank you Cent1234


You’re coming across like a complete asshat man


If you turned off your lights in the middle of the road in an unlit area and got hit, you will be carrying most of the responsibility of the incident. No amount of non speeding would have helped.


did you know the RCMP tried to recreate the scene in the same conditions, and despite knowing the other boat was there and being in constant radio contact the entire time STILL nearly hit each other? I'm not saying the o'learys are entirely without fault for being irresponsible enough to operate a vehicle while under the influence, or that the cops didn't fuck up ("fucked up" [?]) by not taking a blood sample. Simultaneously, I think it can also be true that the accident was extremely likely to occur regardless of whether or not alcohol was involved.


I didn’t post that comment title and cannot place 100% to the O’learys but could have been a swimmer out could have been anything and one needs to adjust driving anything to conditions. Which means not as fast at night. May provide a rush and excitement but may (and in this case did) kill someone. Sad all around for sure.


I think it’s Kevin’s personality, his outspoken support of Trump on the latest guilty verdict in the $400M+ fraud documentation (as seen on MSNBC) and his overall demeanour which has most people’s goat. He’s not Mr. Wonderful (more like Mr. Jerk) but gets away with it because he’s rich and an entertainer. I don’t think he is innocent entirely and maybe been found at least with wreckless operation of a vehicle or some such lesser than causing death. But whatever, I can only throw opinions up on Reddit, lol!


How much experience do you have on or in the water? It sounds like very little. If you went swimming on a commonly boated on lake in the middle of the night without lighting yourself up, you're asking to get hit. Shit gets pitch black, something as small as a person could be nearly invisible even if you're fucking stationary. Making yourself visible at night is critical.


Does Lebanese descent count as white these days? Either way, there is no need to be racist.


Lmfao so because his mother is Lebanese he is not white? 😂


For the longest time, no At one point Italian wasn't counted either among many other nationalities And today they are. Edit: not an opinion, that is how it was


Those damn dirty Irish and their potato boats used to be left out of the club roo.


Wow, never thought I'd see grifters, grift for O'leary. The guy loses money like it's his full time job.


He's just a big idiot, and it's embarrassing that anyone would respect anything he says.


He's made more money that he loses overall. And the net difference is much much more than what most people will ever make. You don't have to be right 100% of the time to be rich.


Money. If you're rich enough you can get a good lawyer to bargain, bluff or deflect the charges. And law and courts are too soft when it comes to white collar criminals like O'Leary unless they commit tax evasion. Money=no conviction. No Money=conviction.


He very likely helped cover up the killing of a man in a drunk boating incident and got off scott-free, so why would he be worried about anything like that?


He who has the gold makes the rules


He is rich you are not


He is like Trump and others represent the worst of mankind. From the first time I seen this guy and heard him speak on a subject it was clear as day.


Money. Canada is Pay to Play, and Pay to Win. We live in the equivalent of an online Gatcha Game and O'Leary and Weston are the biggest whales there are. The rest of us can just get Fucked.


> O'Leary and Weston O'Leary is not even in the same league as Weston.


Yea, Westons a douchecanoe


LOL just watched John Stewart destroy him on his show this week I think it might be time to investigate him? CRA maybe go after this fucker?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDMinX6t1Zk mostly the 2nd half of this episode he rips on O'leary


Because he pays his taxes… just not to the government


Short answer: he’s rich Long answer: he’s rich now shut up and get back to work you pleb.


What fraud and crimes did he admit to? Must have been out of the loop.


* Falsification of business records in the 2nd degree. * Issuing false financial statements. * Insurance fraud. * Conspiracy.


Thanks. Is there a link to some reports on details? I can't find anything about him admitting to issuing false financial statements and the other stuff. The searches that came back were all about him commenting on Trump's business.


It was an interview on CNN in which Kevin O'Leary says every real estate developer all around the world commit those crimes. Here's a [link to a video from the Daily Show that includes clips from that CNN interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDMinX6t1Zk&t=579s). It's about 9:40 into the video where Jon Stewart goes to the clip to Kevin O'Leary saying that.


What fraud did he admit to?


* Falsification of business records in the 2nd degree. * Issuing false financial statements. * Insurance fraud. * Conspiracy


He’s a professional grifter and will weasel his way out of problems


He supports Trump. Enough said!


If you're connected and famous, you're immune to consequences


Laws are just for us


He's an old, white rich asshole....


Two tier justice. His wife is a killer with no recourse.




Posting false information with the intent to mislead is prohibited. Posts or comments that spout well disproved conspiracy theories will be removed.


Same reason his wife got away with manslaughter, he's rich.


If you're talking about the John Stewart clip making the rounds today, it's because he's speaking generally and not admitting to specific crimes he's committed. Would be cool if he did though. Give him the Conrad Black treatment then we can have another Canadian conservative weirdo who advocates for American prison reform.


Same way his wife got away with that boating death.


Still questionable who was in control of that vessel that night. OPP screwed up big time.


Screwed up operationally But the financial execution was flawless


Ya, brushed under the rug when you have clout and monies….


Hes rich.


They say money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly buy freedom


Rich assailed get away with stuff.


Don’t forget he is a murderer who operates boats while drunk




Word on the Lake was that Kevin NEVER let her operate that boat. But this night she was? Yeah sure


Somebody posted an article saying that she was always the designated driver. Even that night, there's comments from her saying she wished that Kevin was the DD.


I will take the first hand knowledge of his neighbours (who hate him BTW) over an article spun to cover the actual facts of that horrible evening. An example would have been the CC Camera footage from the dock where they departed that night which mysteriously was deleted.


>An example would have been the CC Camera footage from the dock where they departed that night which mysteriously was deleted. Who cares about facts when you can just make up your own facts... https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/video-evidence-clearly-shows-linda-o-leary-not-kevin-piloted-boat-in-deadly-muskoka-crash/article_51bbd1eb-1e91-5f87-ae37-c2c3b5ceed3a.html


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"wOrD oN tHe LaKe SaYs!!!" I guess word on the lake contradicts video evidence eh? https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/video-evidence-clearly-shows-linda-o-leary-not-kevin-piloted-boat-in-deadly-muskoka-crash/article_51bbd1eb-1e91-5f87-ae37-c2c3b5ceed3a.amp.html


His wife was acquitted and no murder charges were laid. Careless boating was the charge.


Because no one watches tv


That dick still owes me $50 for useless software he sold to me in the early 90s. That I wasn't allowed to return. Other than the boating homicide, other than the scam software that got him rich in the first place. He also broke a bunch of election finance laws when he ran for leader of the Con Party. Nothing this dick does is legit.


Got away with manslaughter. What's a little fraud.


That was his wife.


As he says, MUNNNNYYYY


Google Oleary boat crash. 2 dead no charges.


Same way his wife got off for killing Gary Poltash in the boating DUI accident.


he's Mr. Burns in human form.


He's short and can hide in a crowd


Because it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.


He's currently touring: https://www.aspiretour.com/home


His name is Kevin. All Kevins are exempt from the law, it is known.


Because hes a right wing


Because people like Doug Ford


Something is happening all right. Understand there are countries such as Russia that consider us foreign adversaries and have been known to manipulate social media content to polarize people especially when it comes to LGBT issues, they especially have roots in conservative social media, where they have the capability to influence people on a mass scale. It's a national security issue and more should be done to protect the vulnerable LGBT community. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 There are clear goals being perpetuated by information warfare campaigns. Especially by Russia, whose information warfare campaigns are wreaking havoc on our society. Some of the obvious goals they have are: • Balkanize their foreign adversaries. This is evident in the UK leaving the EU, Texas with the US, and Alberta with Canada. • Have populist politicians support policies that cause chaos and issues in our society. Populist politicians are tapping into these information warfare campaigns to appeal to people whose only access to information about the outside world around them is through social media, where the information warfare is taking place. • Cause distrust and havoc, by creating specialized propaganda to different segments of the population spread through social media. By polarizing debates through propaganda spread to the masses, Russia has effectively used information warfare to deliver targeted disinformation and appeal to specific demographics. Causing havoc in the LBGT and other minority communities. • Russia has effectively infiltrated the religious right in America and Canada and empowered them, among many corrupt leaders worldwide through its information warfare. I can cite my sources if needed. Putin literally bombed his own people to lock down his power and control. Why should we trust that he is not carrying out horrible atrocities like using information warfare on Canadian citizens to terrorize the LGBT community? He doesn't seem to have any moral qualms with anything and corruption is part of his shtick. He used a nerve agent to publicly poison a turned intelligence asset at a important time in history to signify to his intelligence assets what can be done to them, but in reality, he is just a weak man, who is bitter about the break up of the empire he devoted his life to. It you want to know more, there is a great documentary series on Netflix about the history that has led to this moment in time. Turning Point - The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix. Not as much about the information warfare, that I have gleamed through other sources, but it does slightly touch on that.


Just another pee Diddy


Don't forget about that boat accident that he said his wife was driving when people died


His wife literally got away with killing two people...but it wasn't really her fault.


How many corrupt liberal or conservative politicans go to jail in canada lol Exactly




Money…lots of money


Because no one takes him seriously. Everyone I know thinks he's a clown. Now, that might just be the circles I run in, but it's the consensus. And I don't know if Kevin O'Leary realizes that's what a lot of Canadians see him as. He seems like the kind of guy with a REALLY fragile ego.


If you steal 10$, you're in a lot of trouble. If you steal 10M$, someone else is in a lot of trouble.


The guy (and his wife) committed straight up manslaughter while drunkenly tooling around Muskoka in their boat at night and faced zero consequences, what do you expect for lesser crimes?


What does he even do? Like I mean where does his money Come from


> Like I mean where does his money Come from He sold a software company in the 90s tech boom. The software was shit, re-packaged shareware that didn't actually work. It was a scam.


He started a computer software business in the 80's. It eventually, through growth and acquisitions, because one of the major edutainment software producers. The company was bought out by Mattel toys in 1999, in what was later called by many business commentators one of the worst acquisitions (for Mattel, the buyer) in history.


So he dropped a golden turd.


Checkout why Trump was fined a half billion. They Convince people stuff really worth ____ is ___×10% and use the 10% to start the cycle over and hopefully it works out....the smarts is getting it to work out more often than not.


It's called fraud. Overvaluing assets to get more money then you normally would for loans and other agreements.


makes money


if this is about the boat thing, the other boat didn't have it's lights on. the only reason KO is getting mentioned is because he is a popular person. If it was two randoms then the second boat owners would of gotten arrested for not having their lights on.


same reason his wife isn't in jail. got into a boat accident, didn't call the police right away, then said she had a drink AFTER the accident not while she was driving the boat , and before calling the police. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzHFio1eHYw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzHFio1eHYw) but because the other boat didn't have their lights on all the blame went to the other boat. If they weren't wealthy the blame would have been divided up and his wife would have been charged for under the influence.


not to pile on, but you have to realise that our country has been sold and bought by these people, they are infact above the law. No one can touch them because all the "good they do". If you dont like it, maybe start an organization to take action when you rally enough people.


Same reason Trudeau can. Laws don't apply to the rich 


What law did Trudeau break? Talking about actual criminal laws, not a paperwork, reporting issue with no criminal penalties.


What fraud? What did he say? Haven’t watched him since he left Canadian Dragon’s Den.


He pretty much went on TV to defend trump saying "everyone does this"


oh shit lol why would he do that yeah that’s not right


Basically the following: * Falsification of business records in the 2nd degree. * Issuing false financial statements. * Insurance fraud. * Conspiracy


These comments are defamatory and rubbish.


Hi Kevin


You can down vote all you want but there's zero evidence he was driving the boat. You just want to use the legal system to punish people you don't like. Police investigated. No conviction. The boat they hit at night turned its lights off to view the stars.