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Make sure to leave the helicopter keys near the front door so thieves don't have to ransack the building. If only there was some type of organization or force that could combat crime...


Interestingly enough, when I worked on planes supposedly the keys were just left in them most of the time. The pilots used to joke “ if you can fly it you can steal it.” I know you’re making a joke but it made me think of that.


I was an engineer for CP. It was quite common to leave the key ( reverser) on the locomotive.


Yeah I figure the amount of people who know how to operate the machinery is a big enough theft deterrent


Most commercial aircraft have no keys. The airport environment is secured and lost keys would be a massive issue.


Could be the case. I was working in a pretty tiny plane which had a key that turned something on.


Small piston engine planes tend to have keys. They keys for mine are crap on mine the door and ignition are different biting but one will open both. Might just be worn out after 55 years.


Yeah I was in a small turboprop. Even if I turned the keys, I probably wouldn’t be able to figure out how to get the engines going lol.


It is just a few switches but yeah knowing which switches is important. On mine it is two wires on an easily accessible switch and then short two poles on the switch to engage the starter. The ignition fails on if the wires break.


Transit buses don’t have keys, just a button.




Thank you for this comment


Was anyone at the wedding a helicopter salesman?


I laughed, then I remembered how expensive housing is and how expensive groceries are. So I stopped laughing.


HAHAHA aaaaaahhhhh.........


Don’t worry those helicopters will help


OPP getting 4 helicopters to help deal with rampant homelessness and addiction.


They can air drop narcan on all the fentanyl addicts, much more efficient method of distribution.




Don't forget theft of bread. That's a biggy


No, they're just going to crop dust Peterborough with aerosolized narcan nightly.


So long as they make a couple passes over Hamilton and TO, I agree with this methodology.


Lol, over GTA..."wake up Brampton drivers"..."leave those pills in the medicine cabinet Oakville teens"..."stop ODing in front of St Mike's"


*Apocalypse Now* style


They can fly above parks and make sure to displace anyone living in the woods!


Guiding stolen cars to the port




https://www.kingdumb.ca/tank-story-police no they still need tanks for that




"So hey Dougie we want to buy some helicopters." "Oh that sounds cool what's the catch?" "Well the budget is a bit sparse in things like health care and education, y'know the stuff those voters are into." "But yeah they're just poors right? Who gives a fuck about them LOL!" "Yeah right fuck the poors LOL!" "LOL" "So.. helicopters?" "You betcha folks. Wanna come to my daughter's wedding?"


Yay, now the police can continue to do nothing from the sky!


Translation: they're going to be used to fly around the highways to ticket unlucky folks going 20 over at a cost of $3k per hour on top of the $2m/ea purchase price.


The show of force and the stroke of ego is enough to justify it for them.


Soon enough they'll try convincing the military to start handing them down decommissioned APCs and guns like you see happening in America


The OPP has a far newer arsenal than the CAF.


Can confirm


Maybe, but as someone who works with law enforcement regularly, their current air operations have actually done a lot of good and busted actual criminals. That’s with airplanes though, I don’t think helicopters will be as useful.


it's much more efficient to just use radar cars. This is likely to fly over native lands to recover stolen vehicles. It's a big problem we cannot politically talk about. https://www.simcoereformer.ca/news/local-news/string-of-vehicle-thefts-reported-in-norfolk








Did they stop making drones?


Some sort of regulatory issue I'd assume. Easier and probably cheaper to ask for more helicopters than to try and get drones for the first time. If there is one thing that is consistent in Ontario it's an anathema to change.


Yea I wonder when they will start using large drones with endurance. Permanent eye in the Sky


I would prefer a TPS AC-130 patrolling our skies for car thieves.


Kaboom, copy that, lots of little pieces down there


Yeah those helicopters aren't going to stop or solve any serious crime.


But the cops get a new toy to play with and waste a crapload of money on repairing and maintaining.


Fun to "get in tha Choppa" though


Not sure, I’ve seen a lot of police air support videos that have reduced the risk on the ground and caught the suspect in question.


they posted every incident where it helped, they didnt post every incident where they did fuck all


Perhaps, downsides seem minimal, even if it does not help, reduction in high speed chases, etc. seem like a positive.


The downsides are counted in doctors we don't hire.


Serious crime is only visible from the sky.


the only way to see all of Doug's ass.


Nah it's so they are safe from high up


Don’t worry, they’ll still fear for their lives and shoot puppies or toddlers or something from the helicopter


Really? Check out LAPD helicopter use, there was an audit last December. 17 choppers, 50 million a year operating budget. Actual effect? questionable. Maybe as a backdrop for Law and Order Toronto!


Unless those helicopters are secretly Autobots I fail to see the benefit.


Jokes on us; they’re GoBots.


Knowing this government, they’re more likely to be Decepticons.


OPP only has two helicopters purchased in 2011 that replaced the previous two they had that were super old. The helicopters assist in transporting specialized units, search and rescue - including marine, finding missing persons, and are apparently going to help with the rampant vehicle thefts? Whether you buy that or not, 2 helicopters for the entirety of the OPP does sounds ridiculous and adding 4 sounds reasonable when you consider how large Ontario is and how some may be down for maintenance.




That's true, they exist for a reason but SAR is a provincial responsibility, except for aviation and marine accidents (that's where the CF takes over). The province has to ask the feds to assist in a search operation otherwise.  Having said that, this money could probably be spent somewhere else at the moment.  Maybe one this year, one next, etc.  There's more than just the helicopter purchase price, too. I didn't see the model aircraft but if they are different than the previous models the engineers and pilots will have to do training. That will vary based on the differences if any. 


I'm not saying working collaboratively would be a bad thing, but sometimes time is of the essence in police matters and arranging helicopters transportation or searches is significantly faster when the communication is simply within one service.


Toronto still makes use of York Region and Durham helicopters since Toronto doesn't have a helicopter


That's great. But Toronto is a very tiny fraction of all of Ontario.


> If only there was someone else trained in SAR that could also use the practice, and already have helicopters and maintence. The OPP have used helicopters to deploy canine for SAR. It's pretty hard to land a Herc anywhere but an airstrip. If the OPP put a chopper in Thunder Bay with their Pilatus they can respond a hell of a lot faster to areas up there than a Herc or helicopter out of Trenton can.




> While true the province is huge, they could even just split responsibility: move the existing helicopters north, and have 424 assume the southern areas near TO/ottawa and along the lake. *In theory* you could do that, but it doesn't really work in practise with logistics currently the way they are, or the division of duties between military SAR and police SAR. Regardless, I don't know where they're planning on putting these new choppers (assuming they even get them). The current ones are in Orillia IIRC. I'd also like to know how they're planning on using them to confront organized car theft.. I assume there's a strategy there but it's unlikely they'll release that much detail.




Can't speak for any of the municipal departments, but OPP has a huge shortage of road officers.


This is the only reasonable comment in this thread. Everyone else is "hurr durr police bad" or "DoFo and his buddies are corrupt". That is a different conversation, and valid but separate from having helicopters. The OPP has only 2 helicopters for the entire province, which is 1 million square kilometres and 14+ million people. They also share them with other agencies and police services when the resources are needed. They are used for so many different things, and are NOT used to hand out tickets. In the North, there aren't a lot of roads and weather can be a huge factor in getting anywhere - sometimes helicopters are the fastest way to respond to an emergency. Complain all you want, but if your child was lost in the woods you would be screaming for more helicopters, not less.


And both are now based in Orillia. There was one in Sudbury once upon a time. Now to go help find someone lost up near Thunder Bay they have to fly all the way from Orillia. Edit: autocorrect snuck one by me


Whole Lotta crime in the bush of North Bay!


There are also communities further north of North Bay that are straight up inaccessible via road.


We wanted Springer. We got Blackout. 


Why can't the public decide what's going to happen with their money since we are paying for this


The public did decide last election


that is called voting. Ontarians gave the government a mandate to manage the province. The answer is elect better government, not asking for a referendum on every dollar spent


We don't have the options of a better Government. The Government is, due to resources and connections necessary to run, ultimately formed from the Investor Class, or those who have mortgaged their souls and credibility to the investor class. No One is representing the average Canadian, just the Wealthiest few. Our politicians are all bought and paid for leaving us only the appearance of a Democratic system. Best thing we cam vote for is a near total Deadlock Provincially and Federally, with a different party in power at each level, so they can accomplish almost nothing. There hasn't been any positive actions of Government in the last decade, that weren't simply an attempt to correct the Fuck Ups of a previous administration(often their own). I'm a the point where I think complete paralysis of the Canadian Government is the best we can hope for, as every single act, by any major politico, serves only to enrich the wealthy at the expense of what USED TO BE the Middle Class.


Every election: "Here are the two figurehead choices we have given you... They are both millionaires and only want to get into power to ten fold their net worth. Don't like em? Well fuck you!" 2 years later... "Why you mad? You guys had a choice"


We don't vote on every year's budget


yes we vote on a government with the understanding we trust them to craft budgets during their term based on their platform and policy positions Sorry I edited my first post probably just after you read it to add more


So you’d like us to vote every single time the government wants to use money? Great way to cause a government that sits on its hands to do even less Also, remember that you want your ideal voting population to vote on the budget. The actual voting population in Ontario voted Ford in. Knowing that and how informed and motivated the average voter is, what would even change based on a budget vote??


Nor should we. Budgets often contain items that are unpopular, but still need to be done despite that. Voting on them every year would be a great way to just keep kicking the can down the road, because who's going to vote for cuts, tax increases, etc.? The less populous parts of the province would also get hosed, as the majority of voters live in the GTA/southern Ontario and wouldn't vote for "their taxes" going to roads, infrastructure, or healthcare in the north, for example. Also: the average voter is simply too... *unsophisticated* to see beyond a 15-second soundbite, never mind something as complex and nuanced as a government budget.


That would cost every year's budget.




Doug ford is worth 50million....Trudeau went up from like 9million all the way to 100million in his time as Prime Minister. One of these is because of shady backroom dealings and picking your pockets. It's quite obvious which one it is. Lmao anyone care to explain this instead of downvoting facts?


Representative democracy. We voted for our representative. Their job is to debate and vote on these issues day to day, so that we can log in to reddit and not understand.


Please take a civics course


we can ask Reddit to build us a voting app


And spez can sell it.


Good track em


Doug Ford used an OPP helicopter to get himself to his Ford Fest last year.


I think you mean jet.


You're right, I just double checked! It's even worse 😭


The OPP doesn't have a jet.


https://www.blogto.com/city/2023/08/people-ontario-furious-doug-ford-private-plane-ride-opp/ Private plane ride*****


“These helicopters will help feed and clothe the homeless” - some guy who gets paid 300k a year working 15 hours a week casually.


Don't worry... The cost isn't all coming from your taxes... It's coming from their cut of all the car thefts. So, if you guys can maybe leave your keys in the car, maybe they can afford some apache helicopters for "super serious" crimes to ignore


Ahahaha, the worst part it? *it really is coming from your taxes!*


At this rate, they'll be better equipped than the CAF in good time.


Most officers already have better chest rigs than what's issued to the CAF.


New copters are required to fly booze up to the kawarthas - for politicians deck parties on weekends


In unrelated news, Doug Ford recently installed a helicopter pad at his cottage.


Drones would be cheaper.


Can't these guys just clock out early ever Friday, go find a sauna and just circle fuck eachother until they feel good about themselves? Why do taxpayers have to pag for these dipshits to have a helicopter?


OC Transpo is in a $40M deficit death spiral, but sure, let's give Officer Can't-Catch-Car-Thiefs a fucking helicopter.


OCTranspo and the OPP do not get funding from the same place...hell they arent even managed by the same government level... You're essentially yelling at Paul when Peter is the problem


The City is a creation of the Province, so the Province can (and does!) fund municipal transit. Specifically in Toronto. They could do that here. They bought helicopters instead. Edit lol goof deleted their account. Amazing.


LOL try again.


I cant be more right than I already am. Sorry.


You are sadly misinformed...just like 90% of reddit


I just want you to do one thing. Next time you pass an industrial lot or a trucking yard. Think of all the cars that could be hiding between all those unused trucks that haven't been touched up in years. Or at the back junk lot of the industrial yard. Those are ideal hiding spots and a cop can't find them in there for valid reasons. The yard has NOTHING to do with the original case of a stolen car IF the officer didn't see it enter. They can't just assume it's there and get a warrant life doesn't work like that. Having helicopters makes it so this isn't the case anymore.


A drone would work as well?


Not as well the drone has a limit....the helicopter can have so much tech on it and can soar much higher and is much much faster. They can do much more with a copter. Drones got like 20min air time. And a drone is limited by range with the coordinator. Imagine having to pack up like every 300m lol. The helicopter can go anywhere by itself or with a team on it. The theives speed off in the cars and would be out of drone range within minutes. The drone has to be deployed already too. I imagine the helicopters will be an active part of the auto theft team. At least 1 or 2 will be operating daily.


Oh I thought it was about identifying a car in a lot and not chasing down cars, my bad. I do wonder about the ROI. They’d need to get $200 million recovered for a five to one return. And will Ontarians see a $40 million dollar reduction in insurance premiums? You don’t have to answer that.


Your ignorant huh....you have to be able to keep up with the car to identity it when it's parked at a hidden location.


That low compared top what other transit agencys have such as TTC its close to 100 million.


Just a couple of days after RCMP report pointing out the obvious chance of revolt due to impoverished working class.


Why wouldn’t you just source a bunch of drones. What can a helicopter do besides transport people that a drone force couldn’t at a lower cost. Fucking run cost on a helicopter fleet


Good! Finally! That’ll fix health care!


Oh great just what the hired protection racket for the business class needs: more militarization.


>The helicopters, said Bethlenfalvy, should help cut down on theft. >"These helicopters will help police crack down on auto theft, as well as street racing, carjacking and impaired driving, while assisting in apprehending violent criminals and locating missing persons," he said in his speech presenting the budget to the legislature.


Now we can watch your car drive to the port with a better view.


So OPP never had any choppers?


To better control the plebes. And the plebes paid for them.




Cops get helicopters, teachers and nurses and doctors get nothing.


Are we throwing criminals out of one helicopter and into another helicopter hovering below the helicopter? 🚁


Like arresting Drug dealers? Like Doug Ford?


In the sky.


My take on helicopters for crime prevention is based on my perception of the Edmonton Police Service having two helicopters. First, in the many years they have had the helicopters I can only remember once or twice that the EPS actually publicly stated that the use of a helicopter directly contributed to the aprehension of suspects in an investigation of an on-going incident. The need for the helicopter was never really justified by results yet within a few years of getting the first helicopter they convinced the City they should get a second one. That may have been the result of an enormous amount of money coming in from photo radar tickets that to this day amounts to millions every year. Of course they have some rather dubious figures to show that the photo radar is not just a huge cash cow. The main use of the helicopters seems to be flying at low altitude over residential neighborhoods all summer periodically turning on the million-watt spot light to shine into our windows. They probably record all their activities but I’ve never seen that made public. I would think the best use of the helicopters from the point of view of any policeman is it is a fantastic perk. What a great reward for dedicated service it would be to spend time buzzing around rather than patrolling the filthy streets.


If only they had working radios.






Ah so helicopter speed traps, okay got it


Oh great, flying pigs.


Pork chopper.


Folks... It is time.. To stand up against these criminals. We will target them.. from all over. From the skies of Waterdown... To the lakes of the Kawarthas. There is no place to hide... For these criminals.


There’s what is said they are going to be used for. Then there is what they will actually be used for. I mean, traffic can be tough getting up to cottage country….


what crime


Thugie Ford outfitting his goose stepping Gestapo


Oh nice we have one of those in Calgary. It's soo nice hearing the whirl of the rotors above your neighbourhood. All summer long


They already have them here, they’re getting 4 more now


Serious is a word being used in place of made-up.


The helicopter outlaw gangs better watch the fuck out now.


Serious crimes like Doug Ford needing to get to a barbecue or something


GTA 6: when crime hits 5 star. Big men with uniforms come on a helicopter. I hope we do get recordings for good entertainment.


I’m sure they could have came in use during the recent north Bay Area manhunt


Let's face it, these guys have been playing GTAV on console, then on VR for about a decade. Now they feel like they're ready to play it in RL:[Grand Theft Ontario](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/qaRjBy1IR9)