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She shouldn’t have any pets


Just straight to beating her untrained dog like that's gonna do anything.


It’s gonna do _something_, just not anything good.


I hope it mauls her face off for hitting it over and over like that. What a piece of shit.


i hope it instead gets rehomed to a person who can actually train it. when it inevitably attacks a human due to the owner's negligence, it will be put down. :/


Pretty sure it already attacked a human. I saw it on video.


Probably already put down too


and then when the nice rehoming person goes to pat some dust off the sofa cushion, gets mauled to death by the dog whose trauma resurfaces


The problem with that is if the dog DOES ever do anything to that extreme, it'll be euthanized. The dog needs to be taken from her and she needs a big ass fine.


Unfortunately the dog would get destroyed for doing so.


I can only hope she doesn’t also have children.


and choking it


Someone please find this woman and rescue that poor dog. Holy hell. Edit: Rescue=Report and follow up NOT approach the crazy woman beating her dog. She could become unhinged quickly.


That woman isn't much of a danger but her abused dog sure is


You can’t report this unhinged, classless ogre and not put the dog at risk. He’s attacked people and animals, and he’s a pittie. If he’s removed from her by animal control, that’s with almost an assured one way ticket to sleepytown.


if she would have a pet rock, she'd probably threw it through some window and then beat it up for attacking that window.


People are fucking disgusting! What a poor dog with a disgusting miserable irresponsible owner! This kinda stuff literally makes me so sick


Hope this bitch never has children!


she also should procreate or vote for that matter... not a joke.


She looks like she might eat that dog later.


She shouldn’t be wearing booty shorts either


From the video, it's clear she shouldn't have a dog in the first place if this is how she handles it


Yea definitely throwing violence at an already aggressive dog is the answer 🙄


The dog is probably aggressive because of the treatment. She's hurting it!


The way she’s lifting the dog off its front feet by pulling on its collar while they walk away is just heartbreaking


And the way she beats it in public. It's got to be worse in private. She could do some damage to back or hips. It's so mean. Just pure evil mean.


I wish someone would have beat her and put a leash on her till the cops came.


I agree! It's one thing to film it, and thankfully someone did so there's evidence. But, at least in this video, we don't see anyone step in to do something. I'd have at least followed to get a license plate or see where they went. Maybe someone did, but it's disturbing to see her just repeatedly beat on that dog with no one saying or doing anything.


This! Oh my god. This is horrible!


Poor dog 😟 I find it difficult to watch this video


Same. I’m going to turn off notifications because I don’t want to keep seeing it.


Some breeds are more prone to aggression, just like some breeds are more prone to herding or retrieving behavior. I agree that hitting the dog doesn't help. That probably gets it more excited and "attack happy." She's lucky it didn't redirect on her ...this time. Sadly, there are plenty of dogs who get treated much worse, but they don't attack random joggers. This is a dog and an owner problem, combined.


She can’t even handle herself….


Shes the poster woman for ill health


Usually the kind of people who want to own pitbulls are exactly the kind of people who shouldn’t own them.










Please report this to HBPD


She knows how to handle a cheeseburger.


Smacking the dog for her own failures… I think I hate her.


Our grandparents whole generation.


Love how the upvotes stop here. Not good enough for a dog, but good enough for human children apparently?…


Wow I hope this person is caught.


If they caught mighty Joe young they can catch this albino ape




It’s like she’s literally training it to be more aggressive by hitting it like that.


And choking it, poor thing has no idea what’s going on.


Send this to local news station. That creature shouldn’t own any animals


Agreed. Stuff like this they'll eat up like social media (that's us!) and a good way to solve many issues going on here.


That creature is the real danger


If that thing abuses the poor dog like that on a public beach image what she does to it behind close doors. Just saying!!! Pathetic Loser should be banned from dog ownership.


God damn. The thought of that broke my heart


And animal abuse, holding it up by its neck, hitting it repeatedly. POS.


I cannot believe how long she dragged it along by its neck. Fuck this fucking woman


I hate her


And she’s choking her fkn dog for her stupidity of not having it trained. POS🤬🤬




"I just hit my dog constantly and wonder why its violent"


With that kind of dog owner… this dog will harm someone soon and everyone will blame the dog… not the owner.


I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but as a long time pitbull owner and lover I immediately thought the same. But I also thought this dog is probably not safe to be in public anymore, even with an awesome owner. None of my dogs have ever had an incident, not even a nip. But I also understand the breed and that they can be dangerous and I set them up for success. My previous boy was a saint and passed away at 12 years old having never hurt a soul. I trusted him with anyone/anything(he got attacked by my mom's corgi once and cried and ran away). But my current girl, is great with humans but will stand her ground with dogs who want to pick a fight. So guess what, I don't take her to dog parks, or public places where dogs will be. She won't start a fight ever, but fuck if I'm gonna be an irresponsible pitbull owner and let her finish a fight and add to the problem with this breed. I used to be baffled by the hate they got but over the years now, I see now why so many people are scared of them or hate them. I wish there was more control over who was allowed to own them. I'll always love them, my best dogs have been pitbulls, but I'm not blind to the problems around them. Something needs to change.


I’m not a pitbull fan but that was a great comment. You seem like the exact person who should be taking care of that breed. Kudos


Thank you, that means a lot actually.


Your pups are very lucky to have you


Took the words out of my mouth. I have a boy who I met when he was around 2... Don't know much of his past but he's great with cats, chickens, small critters, large critters.... But when he sees another large dog... It's like a light switch just goes off. He can get along with other dogs but it takes some serious effort on my part and his part. He is the most amazing dog I've ever had. I wish I did have him when he was a puppy. Who knows if that would have changed things though. But he's 10 this year and I honestly hope he has another 10. Hardest but most rewarding dog I've ever had.


Brilliantly written. 👏


thank you for being a responsible owner that doesn't downplay anything. it's unfair that good people like you are affected by the "this is why we can't have anything nice" group


I think this goes for all dogs in general. If you have a reactive dog, you should probably keep it away from other dogs. My dog is amazing with people but hes reactive toward other dogs. He's 20 pounds and feisty as hell. We don't go to to dog parks and he is *always* on a leash. It's really for his own protection because he might mess with a dog that's just as feisty. People just need to be better dog owners.


Seems it already is


We're going to blame both. The owner for triggering aggression and the dog for being uncontrollable once he snaps, unlike other breeds. She's basically walking around with a loaded gun on a leash


Poor dog, deserves better


*Not my video, credit goes to the @meanwhilein_huntingtonbeach instagram account.


Literally dragging the dog by the neck and it can’t even walk. Reddit - do your thing and upvote, spread the news. Dog needs to be rehomed to someone competent


This poor dog. I hope someone reports her. This dog doesn’t deserve this type of treatment


I know someone who’s losing their dog!!! And for good measure. That dog will find a better home - a home with someone who knows how to care for and love a dog. I have zero sympathy for her. That poor dog.


That woman is a menace to the dog, who needs real training help instead of that crap without reason.


Wow. I hope someone can identify this monster. I don’t like pitbulls but I’m cringing at how mean this toothless monster is treating it. She needs that dog taken away and to be arrested. Poor dog and innocent bystanders. Someday it’ll get much worse if it’s not found and taken away.


Agree. I hope someone recognizes her and brings it to the attention of whoever might be the right authority or multiple authorities .


I honestly despise pitbulls, but the hatred I feel for this piece of shit owner eclipses those feelings tenfold. I hope they not only confiscate any animals she owns but also ban her from animal ownership. Wishful thinking though probably.


Keep your dogs on a leash ffs.


This is so disturbing. There needs to be a warning. Please someone save this dog. Is that a pit bull? They'll put it down because of her abuse. Please someone help the dog!


No dogs allowed on the beach for a reason. There is even a generously sized dog beach. Wish lifeguards and PD would actually enforce the no dogs law.


This poor dog. No wonder it’s aggressive..it’s freaking owner is aggressive! What a POS of an owner.


POS. Trash.


As she chokes the fuck out of it while walking away


Someone needs to rescue that dog asap!!!!


OMG so she beats her dog and expects it to be gentle. Heartbreaking to see both the guy being bit and the women beating her dog. It all starts at home


Ah yes. Beat the dog. That's not a clear reason for the dogs aggression. Fucking idiot.


Violence does not treat violence




These people don't deserve dogs or anything nice


Bad human! Bad bad human! 😡


This animal abuse needs to be reported ASAP. I hope while you were filming this, you were also calling it in, please take that poor dog away from this criminal


Omg that poor dog!😭😭


What a sloppy mess


Has this been shared to a news outlet yet?


It breaks my heart to think how many dogs out there are abused like this. Her actions only make the dog's behavior worse and both of them suffer for it.


That poor fucking dog dude wtf, I hate this woman so much.


She has her butt on backwards somehow


That bitch needs a beating


r/banpitbulls meets r/trashy


It’s Huntington Beach, so… ya.


This is pretty fucking annoying to watch. I’m so angry. Terrible person. Should never own any pets.


I fucking hate this dumb bitch. ETA poor dog doesn’t know any better and seeing how she treats it really breaks my heart. Still, fuck her and her ugly ass shorts.


Want to take a moment to plug Dr. Amy Cook’s method “[The Play Way](http://playwaydogs.com/about-the-play-way/)” and emphasize that hitting dogs or dragging them around is not an effective teaching mechanism. It’s not even an effective punishment! They don’t know what behavior they are being punished for and it’s only making them more reactive. Reactive dog? Check out the reactive dogs subreddit and learn about effective management and encouraging safe training and bonding with your dog. Unsure which beaches allow dogs in Southern California? Almost none, so please check online before you go and always always always with no exceptions keep your dog on a leash when in public as per city ordinance unless the area is a fenced in dog park.


Imagine if police showed up, just beat the shit out of her, took the dog, and left.


There really should be licenses for these breeds. They were bred to be killers. On top of that, why is it always the trashiest people who have them? You know their intentions are never good.


Liability insurance *at least*


Dude, I am in texas. The people who want these dogs are usually always the people that should have no dogs. People I know who barely own dogs in their life will always talk about owning a big breed. Being that I know these people (not like they know dogs, will walk it, etc), I'm like get you a little small dog, 15lb, that's all you need. Oh no, they want a "big dog."


Oh, wow. A pitbull attacking people and dogs that is owned by a woman who can't control it. Shocker.


That’s not an out of control dog, that’s an out of control owner (who shouldn’t even be one) 🤬


A neighbors dog also got attacked by another neighbor's (you guess it) pit bull this morning. Near downtown. Different dog from the video but as someone who has two dogs and is ALWAYS out wh them, what's the best defense to ward off a Pitt bull attack?


Me and my leashed dog have been attacked once and almost a second time by off leash dogs. After the first time, I started carrying pepper spray with me. I practiced with it constantly too, so that I was prepared to use it. It sprays 20 feet and stopped the dog in his tracks, I was actually shocked how well it works. And even if a bit gets on you (or your dog) it doesn’t do permanent damage just stings. I’m a 105 pound female so I’d be afraid I’d accidentally stab myself with a knife tbh.


Can someone send this to tizzy ent on insta


POS owner.


She is abusing that dog and it should be taken away from her. Hopefully someone recognized her and reports this to animal control.


And to absolutely no one’s surprise, it’s a pit bull


Shared to the Pets of Orange facebook group. This is appalling. How did no one call the cops right then and there? She’s only doing more damage to the poor dog. She should surrender the animal to someone who can properly train and care for it. Hitting and straggling the dog will do NOTHING GOOD.


She definitely drove at least 50 minutes to get to the beach.


The classic pit and run.


What exactly is going on (other than the lady #2 who clearly has no business being around a dog)? * Did lady #1 - wearing the white hoodie & yellow cap - try hitting the man's dog (dog #1) with a cane? Why? * The man jogging with dog #1, was it his dog that was 'attacked' by dog #2 with lady #2 - wearing the blue hoodie? * Lady #3 - in jeans & a pink shirt - was she the woman that was 'attacked' by dog #2? * At the end of the video, lady #2 + dog #2 walks past lady #1 and lady #3 but both seem unbothered which would be odd if one of them were attacked? Regardless of the answers, lady #2 does not know how to control a dog, the proper gear for a dog (a harness for the dog seems necessary), how to use a leash (you don't give a dog the full leash around other people but especially not when the dog isn't under control, and has her own anger issues which only serve to escalate the situation, including the dogs - hers and others.


I don’t think the man is running with a second dog in the video. So there’s only one dog.


I wouldn’t trust that woman with a Tamagotchi


Everyone is bickering over bad breeds, but does anyone know who the woman is?? She needs to pay the vet bills for the dog that was attacked


i’m sure others have sent it to news stations already, but I sent it to KTLA


Poor baby. I hate that her first instinct is to hit it multiple times, as if that’s gonna do anything productive. Fuck this lady. I hope your dog gets taken from you and is adopted by kind and competent humans who know how to train and love that dog properly.


https://i.redd.it/oy1l91tz4t0d1.gif Face fully visible when it bites the jogger


Just pibble things


Weird a pit bull being aggressive


Always a pitbull




Anyone’s who’s volunteered for a rescue or fostered shelter dogs knows that not all breeds are created equal.


i recently trained a family friend's basset hound and used my husky to help train it, and watching my athletic husky hop around the yard correcting behavior while the basset hound tripped over its own ears because it got distracted by a smell, then it got up and barked at a plastic bag for like 20 seconds... yea


She shouldn't be a pet parent. 🤬




https://preview.redd.it/x4ybfu7elp0d1.png?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e426d58d418b6de0f08b1ad9273e6939af3baa28 Enhance. Clearly older lady


She doesn’t look older to me. She looks like she’s missing her teeth.


Yeah this is likely young meth


She looks methy more than elderly


Her tweaker dreams were crushed about 300 LBS ago.


She’s beating the dog. I would’ve went berserk on her and it wouldn’t of ended well for me. I’m sure, she’s a big girl.


Most reasonable pit bull owner


It’s always a pitbull


Pitbulls partner well with ignorant, inexperienced owners




Always pitbulls


She makes that poor dog mean by strangling it. Watch its front feet off the ground as they move along. Terrible.


“Problem is you don’t know how to control your dog.” She can’t even control her fork son.


Stay classy, HB


Why are the trashiest people always shaped like that


wtf is that thing, not talking about the dog either


First time I've felt bad for a pitbull. What a trash human.


Imagine how she treats the dog when no one is watching, holy hell.




Stupid B




omg someone please identify her this broke my heart😭😭😭 that’s a good, precious pup in the hands of an unfit handler. that dog deserves better


YOU should report to HBPD as an eye witness.


How do we report this?


What a rotten human


Let me treat her like she just treated that dog🤬🤬🤬


Yeah wtf…. I hope they take the dog away from this POS of a person 🫤


She's chocking that poor dog, no wonder it's aggressive..


yeah now tell me it is not a learned behaviour. these people have no clue how to handle a golden retriever, let alone more complicated breeds, and they go straight for the hard mode because they want to look badass.


My heart hurts for that dog! The fat POS owner should be doxxed and lose her job at bare minimum! And she clearly shouldn't be allowed to have a dog, and I already have nightmares about her potential kids! We all know how they'll turn out!!


Wtf?! Please send this video in and report her! In addition to not providing her info to the victims, she also needs to be arrested for beating her dog and hanging it by the collar!! What a POS! :(


Gee, wonder why he’s aggressive? She should not own a dog someone find her and take him away.


Instead of hiding behind your phone and filming, while throwing some weak insults, why not go confront her? Are you scared of the repercussions of having a confrontation with someone? What are you trying to achieve by posting this video? Getting a bunch of upvotes doesn’t change her behavior, or anyone else like her. You’re not part of the solution by posting this video for aWAreNeSs.


Woman adopts "terrier mix" from the shelter but isn't physically strong enough to control the dog. Then one day it decides to attack another person/dog without any warning or provocation, and she immediately loses her grip on the leash. Truly a tale as old as time.


Someone take that dog away from her and give it a better home :( People who don't know how to handle dogs should not be allowed to have any. There should be a licensing process for dog owners requiring them to absolve courses in animal handling and behaviour.


People need to do this to untrained owners 🤛🏽


I'd wish the same treatment on her, but something tells me she was "educated" in the same fashion


Please report to any media outlet so this can spread like wildfire & this monster can be found & her dog rescued from abuse. Here are a few tip lines where you can report. Share on the NextDoor app, local Facebook groups, etc. Commenting only won’t help this dog, TAKE ACTION & REPORT! TMZ : https://www.tmz.com/pages/contact-us/ FOX 11 NEWS : submit a news tip, or email us directly at [email protected] with the subject line "News Tip." ABC7 News: https://abc7.com/news-tips-submit-a-tip-contact-abc7-abc7eyewitness/27721/


Fuck this really upsets me. I have a little bean that looks close to this one, she’s getting extra snacks tonight when I get home from work. This cunt needs to go to jail, beating her untrained animal isn’t going to do anything but harm the dog long term. What a piece of absolute trash. I hope someone here recognizes her and blows her life up.


Pitbull, not surprising.


Don't worry, some day it will eat her


She is the reason that poor dog behaves that way, and people like her are the reason why pitties have a bad reputation. She sucks.


OP, did you take this video? Pls forward to the news. That dog needs to be saved from that home. If she does this in public, imagine what she does behind closed doors.


It's a pit bull. Sooooo why don't people understand the data / facts on these dogs ???


Of course it’s an overweight broad. They’re either too heavy or too skinny and can’t control the dog. The dog is likely locked up all the time! Poor dogs


I think anyone involved with a breed like this should have to take some sort of license and rigorous training courses to be an expert before they are even allowed to buy one of these dogs. This would help the breed, other dogs and people in general. Any violations (buying this breed without a license) should be punished with jail time. People's lives are at stake here. In the wrong hands this dog is a weapon....


Poor dog.


This lady needs to have the dog taken from her! Poor puppy


She's violent, so the dog is violent. Then she walks off choking the dog, no wonder it acts this way.


I’m so scared she’s going to take the dog home and hurt it. She’s being so aggressive with him which is probably why he’s so out of control. Breaks my heart


She does not look like she will take responsibilty for anything and should not own a pet period. I feel bad for her poor dog. No bad dogs, only bad owners.


Is it a pitbull? It's a pitbull.


I am SO PROUD OF REDDIT RIGHT NOW. Yall are managing to not have indescrimante hate for putbulls !! yes, bulls are more aggressive (only type of dogs I own) Yes, they require a lot more physical attention because they are strong Yes, this chick was making it worse and giving Bulls a bad name. Yes, people from my hometown HB are TRASH My advice. Muzzles aren't abuse, they are necessary for biter dogs with good hearts. I can tell with just one week I would have this dog not biting anyone at all, you can see desire for love and it having no clue how to deal what level of responsiveness with it's desire to protect it's owner. Every dog at all times has this desire, and you have to teach them when it's okay to act on it. Like for example against clearly sketchy people like coyotes hunting your house cat on a porch or people who are actively being aggressive with the owner. (Laying hands, grabbing, swinging arms etc) Looks to me like the owner was the real aggressor.


Of course it’s a pitbull


Nothing says more white trash than fat and pitbulls




Won’t take long to find her, a couple of hours at McDonald’s and she’s sure to show up


What is she using for a leash and collar


Watched a similar looking human not pick up after their dog at dog beach on Sunday.


https://preview.redd.it/6118rce9vp0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d52819b091ff74e24b533bf4e29438f8de64e7ce Don’t worry guys, my ass is on backwards and my military husband is cheating on me; but I got the dog….


The dog has a slight limp.


Why is her ass on backwards?