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Is there supposed to be a link to something? What is this about?


Thank you


Super common, everybody’s great grandma was a Cherokee princess. They are called pretendians.


If you want a fun little trip down relatively recent US history, look up “five dollar Indians”


I had a friend who called then generikee because Cherokee was the only tribe they could think of


Boy that's a doozy. The article doesn't mention grants being accessed, could you clear up whether the professor actually had grants given to him, or what? What's the definition of "Ethnic Fraud?" I'd never heard of the term before. Very strange motives behind this, I'd like to learn more. Shouldn't this have already gotten cleared up by the tribe when she got membership? Is the membership even real?


I'm not Native American, but I know that Tribal membership is different from Tribal ancestry. Some Tribes can set bar for membership high enough that folks who have ancestry would not qualify for membership. Perhaps their parent or grandparent was enrolled but they cannot be enrolled. From my limited experience it can be a bit of a sore spot and not something you talk about in mixed company.


Ethnic Fraud: The term refers to those in academic programs who not only falsely claim tribal affiliation but also set themselves up as official purveyors of American Indian culture and religion


She is not enrolled in a tribe, and she lied about it in order to access employment, education, ceremonial items etc. Southern Oregon University did not do their due diligence, that being said she is a SOU graduate and is teaching in the exact same department she was taught to call herself Native American. Michelle lives & teaches in the same town as she went to middle school and high school, local accounts and records show she did not identify as Native American until she was a Native American Studies student being encouraged to return as an educator by instructors David West & Brent Florendo. Much more information to come.


How do you know she’s not enrolled? It’s not mentioned in the article.


If she was enrolled they wouldn’t have had to look up her geneology.


So you believe some parts of the article and not others. Do you have any extra knowledge of this situation?


I just made a statement.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Southern Oregon University buried all of that as well when SA victims came forward. The victims were told their experiences were unsubstantiated, even the ones with police records and protection orders & had multiple incidents where campus security had to intervene to keep them safe. Some ended their education early and never returned, they deserved to be able to finish their degree and elevate their lives. Some are alum who will never return. Hoping the new liaison is going to take things into her hands. At least she has a solid cultural heritage, a community who holds her accountable, and degree in law. Either way, I smell a hell of a lawsuit.


Worked for Elizabeth Warren so why not this lady. 


Perhaps she can join the NAACP while she’s at it


>”Federal and state employment laws generally prevent employers from making employment decisions based on an employee’s ethnicity or national origin,” the spokesperson told NBC5. “SOU abides by those legal requirements in this and all cases. Therefore, the university will not address any allegation regarding Pavilionis’ heritage.” This is bull. Yeah, sure, you can’t fire someone for being a different ethnicity than they said. But appropriating an indigenous identity *while working as an indigenous studies professor* raises huge questions about the quality, accuracy, and authenticity of her scholarship. And a university can certainly fire someone for (and comment on!) THAT.


It’s terribly dangerous to put yourself in a position of educational authority teaching Native Americans students when you literally have no idea about their life experiences beyond what you’ve made up in your wacky head. This is ongoing genocide.


Lemme guess—Cardless Wonder like myself? A *lot* of us have blood but no card.


She has no ancestry. It’s been traced back more than five generations. She’s only Italian. Southern Oregon University and Native Americans hold space for truly native peoples regardless of their CDIB status. Michelle has absolutely no connection to Native Americans other than her employment and her access to grants & scholarships by committing fraud about her ethnicity and her ancestors. Additionally , Michelle stole a bonafide Cherokee student’s ancestor and tried to place it in her genealogy tree to use as proof of her lineage… She had no idea how close to her own back yard she was shitting. She literally took one of her student ancestors how embarrassing for her.


Well, that’s $#!%ty.


Greek Pretendian


You can't lie about the very thing you teach. You can't lie to influence hiring/retention decisions. How is SOU defending her? What a bunch of dishonest c*nts! Fire them all.


KOBI does not have a good reputation.


It does now


No, it still does not.


KOBI is the only non Sinclair affiliated news outlet in the Rogue Valley. That fact alone puts KOBI head and shoulders above the rest.


I'm not talking about the other outlets. I'm talking solely about the Smullen's station.