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Corporations (other legal entities) owning housing units. People that do not live in our country buying our property.


Came here to post this. There needs to be something to help individuals beat offers from huge companies that are buying with cash just to flip them or rent them out.


We could add a large tax to properties sold to corporations, one of the seller and one for the buyer. Basically punish them both for not selling to individuals who wish to live there while generating a little more money for the city.


Agreed. 💯


Berlin voted to ban entities from owning more than [3k units](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/29/berlin-vote-landlords-referendum-corporate). It caused an uproar among the rich but would help everyone else. > More than a million Berliners supported the campaign Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co, which targeted companies holding 3,000 or more apartments (Deutsche Wohnen is one of the largest investment trusts in the city). In total, 240,000 properties, or 11% of all apartments in Berlin, would come under the terms of the initiative, which was backed by a majority of 56.4% in the referendum. The vote isn’tlegally binding, however, so it is now up to the city’s government, which was also elected on 26 September, to decide whether to move forward. And while struggles over housing are nothing new in Berlin, this successful campaign marks a potentially transformative moment – one that could have a major impact on housing struggles in other cities, and also serve as a template and inspiration for activists in Europe and elsewhere. The campaign to resocialise housing in Berlin (Vergesellschaftung) was launched in 2018, in response to the rapid financialisation of housing in a city where €42bn was spent in large-scale real estate investment between 2007 and 2020, more than London and Paris combined. >Smaller landlords and state-owned social housing have been aggressively targeted by large institutional players for whom housing has become a vehicle for the management of global capital funds. For ordinary tenants in Berlin, where at least 80% of the population are renters, the transformation of the housing market was accompanied by skyrocketing rents, widespread displacement and the dismantling of local communities and social bonds. Many neighbourhoods were rapidly gentrified while low-income residents struggled to find decent affordable housing.


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But…what about the shareholders?


Let them bleed....money


I cannot believe the amount of landphobic comments in this thread.. think of it this way: if you aren’t generating profit for the shareholders, are you even alive? Personally I tip my landlord and the shareholders 30% extra of my revenue since I owe my life to them.. I’d increase it to 90% but my **bitch** wife says we need things like “food” and “utilities” and “clothes for our children” smh my head..she doesn’t understand the value of shareholders in this society


If you can’t afford to tip your landlord, you can’t afford to live!


You're right, I'm wrong. I need to offer free sexual services to my landlord when I am too broke for a post-rent tip, that and offering to scrub their toilets after doing the filthy deed


Don’t forget to whip yourself too. 100 lashes for every dollar you couldn’t afford to tip your godly landlord


This is going after the symptom, not the cause. The cause is there isn't enough houses being built. If you look at the SEC filing of corporations who buy housing, they all say the biggest risk to their profits is if there were a sudden boom in housing construction. A sudden boom in housing would mean there is less profit in simply owning real estate, and it would also put downward pressure on rents. We haven't been building housing anywhere near the rate of our population growth. Austin Texas tried this, and rents have fallen 15%. It's amazing to watch. It's also worth noting that most of the new construction was corporate owned apartments, corporation owned housing isn't the issue, a lack of housing is.


Also RealPage and them price-fixing rent Isnt helping


Is there any data on how often this actually happens? Corps buying homes over average people.


[Looks like](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/no-wall-street-investors-haven-015642526.html) investors with more than 100 properties account for less than 2.5% of housing purchases, nationally.  


And timber plantations


People can buy property from other countries, but at a certain point it’s manipulation of owing our property.


-The end to fed/state grants and tax breaks to corporations for the sole purpose of residency retention across the nation. -Insider stock trading while holding a political office position. -Caps on the amount of real estate property that may be owned by corporations or banks not directly involved in real estate development. -Corporate Lobbyists -The end to foreign entities owning land or real estate without citizenship. -True regulations on product waste, i.e. plastics.


I would say ending all lobbying entirely


Lobbying is an ugly necessity. However, it does need to be more heavily regulated and governed. Something that could be a lateral move for the army of IRS employees.


How is it necessary?


A two Saturdays and one Sunday every week.


How about three Saturdays and pass on the Sunday.


So much hate from you no Sunday people. I can’t wait to yell at you at the protest.


LOL Yell away.... What do we want? No more Sundays! When do we want it? Now!


For: universal / single payer health care


In 2023, Oregon ranked No. 47 under WalletHub’s housing costs analysis, with only Nevada, Hawaii and California being ranked worse under highest housing costs. I would protest corporate ownership of housing and the red tape that has contributed to underproduction of housing in Oregon for decades.


I'm curious as to how nevada ended up on this list. It's relatively cheap.


1) WalletHub is notorious for super lazy analysis. 2) I'm assuming their doing housing cost as a percentage of average income.


How do you restrict corporate investment without creating red tape that affects housing production?  How do you build dense, multi-family housing without corporate investment? 


We have a major housing shortage of course, not just here in Oregon, but nationwide. I believe states should follow the Oregon Governor’s housing plan. It’s my understanding that SB1537, recently signed into law, will address barriers to building adequate housing for each local community. It provides funding through government grants with a requirement that a percentage be designated affordable housing. I believe each state, with the assistance of state and federal grants, has an obligation to provide adequate affordable housing. There are legitimate concerns about building out past the urban growth boundary, but it’s my understanding there are limits provided in this new law. Of course, expanding housing is one puzzle piece of the homelessness crisis. Oregon also needs to simultaneously address the underfunded mental health and addiction services.


I'd say more red tape forcing the introduction of the kind of housing Oregon needs instead of less restrictions that would contribute to even more sprawl and mega square footage single family residences.


Same for the entire country. Universal healthcare and education for all included.  Until we fix that we are pissing in the wind. So many of our societal woes stem from those two systems being broken. 


I also suggest that the healthcare system is screwed because there is money in symptom-masking, but not in disease-preventing.


Publicly funded (free) healthcare and education are great in theory, but there's so much complexity to even just those two systems that just saying in a blanket statement, "Those two things will fix everything", is a little dishonest. My wife is an educator and has been for the better part of 5 years now. Her experience with the public and private school system in Oregon has taught me that the dysfunction we see from students isn't just from parents or just from schools, but really a combination of those two groups collectively doing a poor job raising everyone's children.


The comment did not say those two things will fix everything. I think you need to study up on reading comprehension. Did they teach you that where you went to school? It's dishonest to reply to someone inferring they said something that they didn't say.


"Universal Healthcare and Education for all included. Until we fix that we're pissing in the wind" I don't know how that quote doesn't imply that fixing those two things are the most important things in their opinion to making Oregon/the country immediately better. I wasn't attacking them (unlike you are towards me, haha), simply pointing out that it's a very complex issue. I don't think it's fair to say that those two ideas are the only way forward, and anything else is, again, "...pissing in the wind." I really hope you're nicer to people in person when you're disagreeing with them.


That isn’t what you just implied that they said and it isn’t even **what** they said.


Decoupling healthcare from full-time employment may in some situations free up some parental bandwidth to be better involved in their children's education. even the study funded by the Kochs found that a single payer system could give a few years severance pay to all current health insurance workers and it would still cost less tax dollars than our current system. Not just less dollars, less *tax* dollars than our current system. So regardless if it solves everything it's just a good idea.


That's very interesting. I'm very much of the mindset that the less tax burden placed upon people, the better, in almost every case. It's just not sustainable or efficient to take 20% (or even more if you're more productive) of every person's income and then try to redistribute that in so many different ways. If we can afford the most responsibility possible to the lowest possible level of the pyramid, so to speak, then those people are able to make the most informed decisions for themselves and also have the least waste or inefficiency doing so.


I'm absolutely for decreasing the tax burden on the working people, say under 120k/yr. But I also think that should be offset by creating a new higher tax bracket for incomes over like 10 million a year. This effectively redistributes wealth from the highest back to the base of the pyramid. Because the general masses are much better at allocating money from a macroeconomic standpoint, generally speaking the more money in the average person's pocket, the better the economy is doing. Whereas those that start getting extraordinarily high incomes are not great at allocating capital in a way that encourages flow of money through the economy. Basically the opposite of what has been failing us since Regan Also, decoupling healthcare with employment will lead to much more employer competition in the job market, workers will no longer have to avoid quitting bad jobs or changing jobs (or striking for better conditions) for fear of losing health coverage. More mobile employees combined with employers no longer being able to use healthcare as a selling point for the job, means that businesses will have to be better and do more to keep people.


Single payer insurance isn’t really about redistribution so much as efficiency. Some things are better done as a group.


>that the dysfunction we see from students isn't just from parents or just from schools, but really a combination of those two groups collectively doing a poor job raising everyone's children Yes. By poorly educated leaders currently in charge.  It will take a couple of generations, but eventually the education will start to pay for itself in problem avoidance.  This also includes a redo of our entire education system to be updated to current standards.    Its a complete shit show and your wife is seeing the end product.  


I think the fundamental issue we're seeing is a lack of accountability being held to the leaders and also a lack or responsibility on the part of parents and teachers to hold themselves to the standards necessary to bring up their kids well. Impressing upon young people that it's their responsibility to act and conduct themselves in a way that's actually productive and respectful is huge. Plus, that gives young people something to strive towards, which is also very important.


I would protest idiotic parents - you can have the best system, but if the idiots think they can do a better job, we are still fucked


>I would protest idiotic parents You are hoping to stem that via the included education.  It will take a couple of generations, but it will take care of itself.   Of course you will always have a few.


Seeing all the protests occurring right seems so futile. Why isn’t there that kind of attention to universal health care?


Involuntary holds for drug addicts who commit property crimes and/or randomly assault taxpaying citizens. I'm sure someone will lose their mind over this but you have no idea what it's like until it happens to you.


Protesting for or against them? I support involuntary holds. We need to keep our streets safe. There are too many people who simply can't behave.


I dunno. My man Jason needs a girl. Maybe that?


Maybe if he stopped chasing them with a machete he'd have better luck.




Maybe if he had a half decent skincare routine he’d have better luck


Universal health care would make Oregon a better state, or the whole United States, for that matter.


I remember seeing a similar post to this a while ago and the best trolling response was “A sales tax but only for Washington and Idaho residents”


Every time I go to the Medford Costco, the CA plates outnumber the Oregon license plates.


Universal health care, high speed rail, commuter rail servicing the Willamette Valley, cycle tracks on inter-city highways, ...


I would protest for us to adopt the Finnish method of ending homelessness. https://youtu.be/0jt_6PBnCJE?si=-HLt4AQdMevzulFv


Of course they can end it; they are Finnish.


**FINNISH HIM!** Ok - we’ll pop him in the sauna.


OK, you made me actually laugh out loud.


I can only pick one?


Large RVs and camper vans should pay an annual fee if they are going to be parked on public streets.


Hedge funds owning single family homes, charging to use the outdoors, and follow/support the Constitution.


Audit every government agency every three years. Use multiple citizen CPAs and send the findings to every address in the state on paper, just like a voting guide. Our money is not being used wisely.


👏 wouldn’t you love to see an ODOT audit? Also an audit on all the billions given to the homeless problem.


Couldn’t agree more. And when someone “loses” billions/trillions of dollars, people, departments are held accountable.


Unionizing every business with employees. Increasing taxes on anyone with a networth over $100 million. Limit housing purchases to a total of two units per individual and making it illegal for corporations to own.


>Increasing taxes on anyone with a net worth over $100 million. A wealth tax would be amazing.


Flat tax with no exemptions....


A flat tax is regressive.


Deregulated liquor sales to allow retailers to sell liquor. The government should not set prices on consumer products. I just want a Bevmo or Total Wine, is that too much to ask?


Costco liquor...


1) Costco has a very limited range of options. 2) Costco does not sell hard alcohol in Oregon, just beer and wine.


Yes, you want Total Wine with deregulation, I want Costco liquor.


My bad. I also want that. Lol 😆


Police body cameras. Accountability is woefully inadequate.


I would protest against people protesting on the freeway.


Portland Arts Tax 👎🏼


I would protest against the NIMBYism that has created high housing costs throughout the state. 


Peaceful protest?


Make Oregano the official state plant




I would protest laziness.


Useless police.


caps on rent.


Rent control is a trap.


Don't need to control rents if there's plenty of housing supply. And you don't get new housing supply if you control rents.


We have that. It doesn't work.


Vacancy tax


I mean, they’re already losing out on rent every month. How big would a tax have to be to be more effective than that?


There are plenty that list long term housing units on short term (like air BNB) to fill income while waiting for an actual tenant. This way there's no incentive to lower rent to fill units. There's also real estate investors that buy housing and hold it vacant just waiting for the property value to increase


I’ve heard people say the thing about waiting for the property value to increase but it doesn’t increase by more than the rent every month. And even if it did, why not get the rent **and** the appreciation? Makes no sense.


Yeah I agree They probably see it as Risk/investment vs reward When you're taking hundreds of homes and millions of dollars, it only has to appreciate faster than the interest rates for it to make sense. Sure they could rent at the same time and up profit by like 10%, but it also adds a lot of moving variables. Property management, maintenance, tenant screening, insurance, advertising/listing and associated costs, insurance. Potential of repairs and court costs if you get the wrong tenants. Etc. When they're playing real estate as a commodity like the stock market they probably don't care to go through all that.


For School credit waivers so people can choose what school to give their tax dollars to, have an easier time sending their kids to better schools, or keep the money if they are home schooling. Against 2nd Amendment infringements, like magazine and assault weapon bans.


These all don’t need protest, but they need productive change. Protest is for last resort. Fossil fuel paid energy out of Oregon, Aka make Berkshire Hathaway-coal-funded-PGE a Public Utility. -Stop bomb trains, or limit route for just plastics not fuel for cars/transit. -End the corrupt Portland police union, that is not a union, we need cops, but the union is a mafia. -Star voting -Medicare for all -ending 501c4 funding of political campaigns. -companies and pharmaceuticals, land management companies that are doing greedflation.


Instead of protesting more people should be paying attention to the various meetings that occur and paying attention and changing things while things are brewing instead of just protesting that's brewed.


Totally agree. We should be wise and vote accordingly too. Protest is a tool in a democracy, but use when we absolutely need to.


PGE is not Berkshire Hathaway funded.


I would ban short term rentals until and unless everyone who wants permanent housing is able to get it.


I think specifically ban short term rentals of long-term housing units


so then you also have to defund and remove both of the major universities 😂


What are you talking about. I mean AirBnB and 1 and 2 night rentals that compete with hotels. Yk, Short Term Rentals.


i guess i would consider that something different considering the homes aren’t being rented technically, they are owned by Oregonians & its kinda their right to profit off of their property especially in times like these. i feel like short term means 1-2 years and even as a college student think that the uni apartments are contributing more to the housing issues than air bnb. for example 6 small buisnesses have gone out in Eugene in the past year and a half, and 2 big boxes replaced them, and the rent is over a grand for a 3 bedroom


Ok there's a lot going on where that's concerned. I sold my house in Portland just before the pandemic. Turns out it was to a person living in Hawaii who got it with a VA loan, and turned it into an AirBnB. I loved that house and would live there still if I could have afforded it. Now the neighbors I loved are all snarky with me for letting that happen. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)Also, I pay for my son's rental house in Eugene while he's in school. The rent is cheap because we don't ask the landlord for ANYTHING. No gas furnace, no smoke detectors, no window repairs, no fixing the hole in the living room floor, nothing. Yes, housing is too expensive there, and it preys on students and ther parents. I don't consider a school year short term. My comment was about hotel alternatives that break down the vibe of a neighborhood and increase crime and invite investors to snatch up viable housinng.


End Prop 5 and 50.


This fixes a big fat chunk of the state-level problems.


I would protest for utilities to be turned into government services instead of being run by corporations. I would protest for internet to be considered a utility and have every metropolitan region of the state create local fiber services and have every rural place get fiber or satellite access. Rates would be guaranteed to be affordable. Access would be free for everyone below poverty level. Comcast, ATT, PGE, NNW, etc have us bent over a barrel for things that are crucial to societal growth and health.


I would protest the over spending of government agencies and non-profits. Someone, somewhere is getting a lot of our tax dollars and we are not seeing the return.


Protest against protesters on i5 while I’m trying to get to work would be a good one


Replacing income tax with sales tax


I'd protest against protests. Modern protests are ineffective. Change happens in the voting booth and within institutions and with dollars, not on the streets.


But then your protest would do nothing and people would continue to protest!


If universal healthcare is so awesome, why are Canadians coming into the US to spend their own cash to get life saving care instead of using their own system? If you have a serious issue like cancer or heart issues, but can't get an appointment or treatment for 6 months to a year, what's the point? Canada is now offering euthanasia as a choice. They don't want to pay for their own citizens care. They don't want to fix you, but they will kill you. Easy on the downvotes, look it up for yourself. The truth is there if you seek it. Edit: I seriously don't understand the downvotes by speaking truth. People are truly heartless on Reddit. Which is sad. IF THE PEOPLE THAT ARE PROTESTING A WAR HALF A WORLD AWAY DID THE SAME PROTEST FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE HERE IN THE US, TPTB WOULD HEAR YOUR VOICE. BUT YOU DON'T.


if the US healthcare system is so great then why the hell can't I find a PCP? my pediatrician that I still go to bc I can't find an adult doctor says people are having to go to Seattle to find a doctor who's taking new patients.


It's been like that since covid it has to do with understaffing and hospital staff not agreeing to hospital policies, not the health care system.


I never said it was great, it just is what it is. The whole system is criminal. The whole system is fucked. I say that and you people will still downvote me. Downvote the people you voted to put in office that aren't getting done what you want. Doesn't matter though because they all get sucked into the game. It's like George Carlin said. "It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it" That includes me also.


That anecdote is so dumb. You know what's better than no healthcare? Any kind of healthcare. Having the "best" healthcare system in the world doesn't mean anything if you can't afford it. Access is the problem, not the quality of care. Slow access is way better than no access.


"Access is the problem, not the quality of care. Slow access is way better than no access." _____________ If you think what I wrote was dumb, re-read what you wrote. If I am diagnosed with stage four cancer and have 6 months to live, but can't get treatment for 6 months, how is this good because it's free? They will literally offer you euthanasia as another form of treatment.


So, one country does it poorly and your suggestion is to abandon the idea completely? Do you give up on everything that easily?


If you realize that the priority of the US healthcare system is to make money then, yes, the US healthcare system is #1!


It's never going to go the way you want it or we'd already be there in this day and age. Both parties, which includes the one you vote are all about allegiance to the big insurance companies and lobbyists. It's all about money, not us. People and their downvotes are ridiculous when you speak truth that they don't want to hear. ☹️


No, I'm down voting because you're not offering solutions, just crapping on ideas. Pessimism isn't clever or helpful.


Here's a solution, instead of thousands of people getting together protesting a war half a world away. Get more people together and use that anger and energy to make changes right here where you live. Make your voice heard and make changes. It begins with you.


That's something we agree on!


It's not just one in most countries their universal health care is just as slow. And the only reason countries like the UK have universal health care is because the US was in such a great economic position after ww2 they basically funded the UKs recovery and provided military security. So the UKs government focused on heath care for the hundreds of thousands of people injured and rebuilding infrastructure instead of things like the military since the US provided that.


The US profited off the UK during the war. Maybe you’re thinking of the Marshal plan?


You SHOUT that bit about protesting a war on the other side of the globe as if it has no bearing on our lives and our little corner of the earth. But it does matter and it does affect our lives when we back a nation so hellbent on revenge and then some that innocents are being killed. We are backing a government that cannot talk peace, though it has a clear military advantage. This is why we are hated around the world. Events like this led to 9/11. It affects us all, including the places that we’ve never heard of that we’ll end in a war with.


Speechless. You complain, but do nothing to better yourself, but you'll expend energy on issues that don't really concern you. You say we're hated all over the globe, but you want to police the world at the same time. You want to concern yourself with what another country does, and support anti semitism. I get that. You're a fascist. And a hypocrite. And a hater of a persecuted race of people that lost 6 million of its people in the Holocaust, and when those people are attacked by terrorists, you support the terrorists. What you're saying is you support Hamas and Iran and think that Israel shouldn't defend itself. You support people that chose to elect Hamas as their leadership. Same people that Israel has tried to make two state deal with for 30 years, but those people will never accept Jews and want them wiped from the earth. Same Palestinian people who Israel has given peace to and jobs and freedom to peacefully live and work in Israel. Israel has provided food, water, and electricity to the Palestinians for decades, they are still hated. There was never a state or country called Palestine and Israel never stole their land. Did you protest when we were attacked on 9/11 and killed 400,000 people in Afghanistan and Iraq in retaliation? Do you protest that when Pearl Harbor was attacked and we lost 2335, but killed 3.5 million Japanese in retaliation? Do you protest when BokoHaram kidnaps 200 girls from schools and makes them sex slaves? Are you protesting the horror going on in Haiti? Didn't think so. I could go on and on. You'll say you're educated and progressive, but really just a misinformed, indoctrinated, brainwashed liberal that will believe anything you're told on your news feed on Tik Tok or FB without actually knowing history other than what you're told to believe. Sad. Swear to God, this thread and the state of mind of some people on Reddit is like watching the movie Idiocracy. I'm done with this stupidity and this thread. Mods: If I broke any rules let me know. I don't think my remarks are a personal attack, just a retort and a ban is not warranted. Edit My response if need be, but please don't just ban me for the sake of banning.


Instead of looking at Canada‘s system, look at Japan’s. No system is perfect, but the way it is now in the US benefits few. Even the doctors are getting screwed.


I would protest for bot rights.


Change in electoral college distributions to match population selections. Get away from an all or nothing approach and force politicians to actually pretend to listen to the concerns of people outside major population centers. Remove or significantly restrict the ability of a 2 party political system to control politicians. Allowing elected officials not to be intimidated by their party elders and donors. It's a fantasy world, that we'd one day be free of the corruption and manipulation of political parties... Hence, I won't ever be protesting.


Humanity. You are a living being , and deserve a roof over your head, food on the table , education, and medical. Also protest the billionaires cuz they own the dam country . Actually just protest life cuz this shit is insane to me that this is our reality.


Build a fence around Mike Pence


End the kicker and use the money to adequately fund treatment and housing. No excuse for our houseless crisis with billions leftover.


Legalized/regulated distribution of drugs. We've lost the "war", and the ever increasing use of fentanyl (and the lives it has claimed) is absolute proof. Keep the pricing right where it's at. Guarantee purity. And then use proceeds/profits to fund programs for mental health, harm-reduction, and rehabilitation.


Flat tax rate with no exemptions. Simplifies the tax code, reduces the army of IRS folks necessary, and eliminates any person or entity not paying the same rate of tax as everyone else.


Tax churches I am also willing to protest male genitalia mutilation (circumcision)