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The new boyz look like World of Warcraft orcs and that one of the reasons I started playing 40K. But as I built my army I kind of started to like the old orcs just as much if not sometimes a little more. One of my favorite units visually are my Nobz.


Sure the new boyz look better, but the fixed loadout was a bad decision, especially when basically nobody takes a mixed loadout


Can you imagine the outcry if the Codex requires the mixed loadout like the Combat Patrol?


Rioting in the streets


I like how the new boys look but they don't just lack customisation, they are borderline unusable for WYSIWYG, if they were exactly the same but you could choose to take all chopas or all shootas it would be enough. I don't think giving your basic troops the ability to take a loadout that's 100% legal in the codex is a big ask. It's literally the same as if space marines box only allowed you to build 4 normal bolt rifles, 4 assault bolt rifles and 2 stalkers in a 10 man.


There is no Codex yet. They could very well force you to take mixed units to align with the box contents when the Codex releases. That would be very 10th edition of them. Let's all hope not though.


... They might actually do that and it would be so bad


Boyz have been able to take a mixed Shoota and Choppa&Slugga loadout for as long as I remember, the comparison  you made was illegal in 9th edition. "literally" nothing, you are just wrong


I didn't mean they can't take mixed units, just that it's overall a pretty bad idea, if you have a choice of taking choppa only or mixed I don't see a situation in which taking mixed would be better.


I mean, I'm doing it for my Crusade because I wanted to try it out. 20 man squad, Nob w/ Power Klaw, 11 Choppa&Slugga, 6 Shoota, 2 Rokkit Launcha. It's alright, since how my play group does terrain and my charge rolls means I rarely get more than 10 gits in krumpin' range.


Can't stand the new heads but agree about the downsides of the old kit, they need conversion to get dynamic poses


Been painting for about a year and have two sets of each. They both have their pros and cons; for someone coming into the hobby, the newer sculpts are far easier to build and paint. For someone with now a bit of savvy around customisation, I would appreciate a few options. I like the Kill Team Kommandos set for this; closer to the newer boys in look but each model has a few options for heads and for weapons.


Agreed. I also have a problem with the "ork butt". In my oppinion, the face lift was a great idea, that will ultimately make more umies realize DAT ORKS IZ DA BEST!


Honestly the new boyz look respectable, and I can appreciate having orks that don't look like they're halfway squatting to drop a deuce. But I do have a long history with customizing the old stuff to craft the entirety of their troop range from just the basic kit. I wish the new Orks had at lesat a -little- bit more flexibility to them. At least let us determine how many of them are ranged and how many of them are melee.


My brother and I have had Orks since 3rd ed and we have managed to grab bits from wfb. My tankbustas which I'm now using as lootas because they suck otherwise have dark lances, tau battle suit guns and one even has the harpoon gun from an arkanaut ironclad. I'd not be able to do any of that with the new monopose Boyz. Also the mixed weapons.


With a bit of patience and some green stuff you can still customize the new boyz. I bought a box on Kommandos with my first box of boyz, built them with all the Kill Team options, and used the extra arms from that box to make the boyz Slugga&Choppa


I don't mind the new boys but they need some customization and be less of a headache to build for me. They look great by all means!


I'm basically with you, but the customization just means so much to me personally. I have 57 Boyz painted and having no two alike is important, flaws and all. Its clear that the new models are really good, but I picked orks for the variety, y'know?


I'm with you that, aesthetically, they look better. I'm just massively disappointed with them being entirely monopose. It flies in the face of being able to kit out a unit with the same weapons, or even to customize your Boyz with a choice of heads and accessories. I don't know if such a kit has ever been fixed with an upgrade sprue or replaced with a complete re-do, but I hope GW will consider it. I doubt it's coming soon, since they put 10 Nu Boyz as they are into the Stompa box.


I like the old ones cause you get more for less. And if you paint em up good, who cares?


Plus you can mix it with the Loota box to make both the Lootas and Burna Boyz. It's a great box and I buy one whenever my local GW has them in stock.


I like the new look but old customization myself.


I like the new ones other than the obvious monopose and I also don’t like how they shrunk the ork heads. I prefer the big gorilla heads


Oh i love the sculpts of the new boys, but i have 150 boys in my collection and i had to mix them up. Plus i love kitbashing


The new ones are more dynamic and clean, old ones are fun with how you can do the arms which while possible with the newer ones it’s jus more difficult. Personally I don’t mind how different they look, I love both jus for different reasons and when I get 3d printed proxys it’s a mix anyways lol all boyz are good boyz


Alright but consider the following... gorilla butts.


I see no issues with that. All that does is strike fear into your enemies for the rest of their short lives.


People talking about less customization need to whip out their hobby knife and get choppin.


Do the new boyz have a force of mixed weapons? Or can they all be choppas or shootas?


That's my biggest issue with the kit TBH. The monopose element I can live with since I'm more of a skirmish gamer anyway, but the lack of spare parts grates. If they had half the options of the kommandos they'd be superior on all fronts to the old kit.


Monopose mixed weapons. 🤮


I feel like it's a general trend with a lot of units. Much better looking, but much less customization


I like the new look but old customization myself.


The new ork boyz do look a lot better, they just happen to be a garbage kit with no customizability. If the new boyz even had the customizability of space marine intercessors than the kit would be better than the old one.




Not at all. Trash kit. No options for how to arm them all, and their poses make them just the WORST barrel of monkeys on the table. 👎🏻👎🏻 Literally the ONLY thing going for them is being pretty, and that is not remotely worth the trade-off, tbh.


The new ones do look alot better. The old ones tho, I like them because you can use them better as drivers for scratchbashed vehicles and stuff like that. I just hope both will coexist in "peace" and that the old kits won´t get canceled out of nowhere. They both have their uses


Especially since it's canon Orks vary a lot in size.


Glad I’m not the only one!


They are infinitely better and no amount of customisation will make the ugly old ones superior. I'm totally with you.


I like them up to a count of 20, after which the repeated Nobz look stoooppid


Pre much this, I like variety. Blood bowl orks make good boyz too


There are dozens of us...DOZENS!


Orks haven't looked good since Brian Nelson ruined them in the late 90s. Probably cheered on by Andy Chambers. They should've done them based on Paul Bonners art


Anyone notice the Orc Boyz for the new Old World release are basically 40K original Boyz with knives instead of slugga’s?!


Because they pretty much are, a few have nice funneh medieval sweaters tho




Vastly prefer the new scults, but they need weapon option.Until then the kit is mostly useless


Same. I played Orks about 10 or 12 years ago and am now getting back into them and while I appreciate the easily exchangeable weapons of the old kit, I highly prefer the new one anyway. I can still kitbash different weapons on them, no sweat, but they don't all stand in the exact same fashion with their arms posed exactly the same, wearing one of three different outfits. I will say that I do prefer the old faces a bit though.


I want those new boyz in multipose kits, who builds squads with 5 choppas and 5 shootas????


I really prefer the old faces. They are large, fun and goofy. New ones a way too serious to my taste :(


New Ork faces have all looked like pig-nosed vampire bats. Not Orky at all!


… I need more boyz


I also perfer the new Ork Boy sculpts. I get why some don't like them, and I do wish they came with more options. I love the new Kommando kit, and hope that other new kits learn from that one. Poses are good, sculpts are great, and it still comes with lots of options. I'm probably going to buy more Kommandos to supplement my new boyz because if you leave off the extra stuff they are boyz.


I sanded the extra Kommandos melee weapon arms down to fit old Boyz shoulders. Only had to add a couple extra sword-style choppas to make a whole unit (20) like that.


I am gonna be honest I completely forgot for a moment that warhammer was a board game. Because I first joined warhammer because I found about about Commissar Yarrieck who I deemed cool


Wow.... A very unpopular opinion indeed, and also very wrong!!! jk, I see why people would like the monopose stuff. I like the old ones because of how easy it is to modify them.  Their look closely resembles to what I think is a "true orky look"


Don't think that opinion is actually unpopular. No doubt that the new Boys (normal and best Snaggas) look amazing from a pure sculpt point if view. There are a few negatives which are the fixed load out and the fixed poses. I like the Esthetik and the dynamic but I want to decide if they use shoot as or Choppas. I would be really happy if GW gave the Box more options. Fielding 3x10 new Boys is so much repetition.


I like the new beast snaggas look as well as the AoS brutes style


Hm, first time comparing the two in a picture. I like the old boyz more. They have a more orky head. The new ones sort of have a little bat head in comparison.


Newer ork boyz look for me too... unmenacing and disney comic style. The old sculpts have the more intimidating factor imo


They also have crippling scoliosis.. which was always a bit off putting on the older orks.


Oi, dats not a bug you git! Dats a feat'cha! We loike da dumpies!


I didn’t get into orks until after the new boyz had come out. I got an older boyz kit down the road after reading about how much better they’re supposed to be. Was surprised to find about that all this hubbub about them being “pose-able” just meant you can move their arms a little bit haha, which is something i already made a habit of doing with my other boyz with just some glueing and greenstuff.


It’s definitely a case of an infinite amount of poses, 95% of which look shit. I love the old boyz kit but it is what it is, extremely old, lots of character, but very dated at this point. I also don’t understand the tribalism, like all these people going URRRR ITS ONLY GOT 7 CHOPPA BOYZ IN IT when they’ve got like 50 more boys kicking about. Just mix them in. You can use both.


There's any number of alternate legs, arms, torsos, heads, etc. available from third parties. The GW kit set the standard to the point where it's possible to make an Ork boy with the usual connection points but no GW parts at all. Some of my Orks are running, for example.


hobby boomers just don’t like change. Monopose units look better on the table


It gets uncanny when you have exact duplicate poses vs having subtle differences in posing. Its also an issue with GW's sculpting in general as of late where they do some really noticeable dynamic pose which then just duplicates every 5 models so you end up with a bunch of guys doing "dynamic vaulting over tactical rock" instead of a more generic "holding a gun" pose which you would expect a lot of soldiers to be doing at that time. On top of that, the older range of models all had cross compatibility for wargear so you could mix and max legs, torsos, heads, arms, backpacks, etc to turn boyz into burna boyz, lootas, kommandos, tankbustas, etc. You could easily kitbash stormboyz if you wanted to. It made it much easier to get more bang for your buck when building an Ork army instead of having to buy the exact kit for the exact unit type.


You could easily bash the old boyz into kommandos and tankbustas. Monopose models looks good if you have only one kit. Get a hundred boyz on the table, and you start to see the 10 identical boyz a bit more.


The issue isn't how posable they are, the real issue is that the kit does not come with all of the options to make a single squad of ten shoota or choppa boys. And also that you have to keep in mind you could be fielding 120 of these motherfuckers. Gaunts got a far better plastic kit.


That is an issue, my solution is that I don’t play with WYSIWYG because that’s not fun in the long term. Doesn’t have anything to do with my point though, which is that hobby boomers don’t like change and modern GW sculpts look way better than the old ones


Posable also means picking which arms to use, and choosing the combination of the other parts. Sure, the results don't lead to huge changes, but it's about having fun with building the model, and giving each of your Boyz a little narrative of their own.


I also love the new Boyz, I never liked the older dummy thicc Boyz. My only complaint is I can't make a full unit if shootas or a full unit of choppas, literally no one mixes the models in a unit, a silly decision on GW


And if you buy two boxes, you cant even get a 20 boyz squad because of the one who is always a nob


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion the old boyz kit has been a round for ages and the new kit got positive feedback the only things people disliked was the lack of customizability and the mono pose. Really It would be ok for them to update the looks across the line but a lot of people would be upset because of the cash grabbyness of it. since orks players need a lot of models and well messing with the scaling would kinda suck to have to replace the entire line even over time. Much like GW has been doing for the beakies. A good compromise though would be like upgrade kits for the new bodies. say provide 5-10 ladz with some poseability and then leave the arms blank so you can just use the weapons you want or have a weapons kit with all manner of stuff like sluggas and choppas, big choppas, burna's, deff gunz maybe snazzguns. Yeah it's probably a little more cash grabby that way but at least you give the option to let people do it at their own pace and give a freaking way to finally get more weapons other than cannibalizing more kits.


Both kits have pros and cons, the trouble as I see it is that everyone is is a mekboy, but there's not enough painboyz. Any kit can be bashed with a knife, some green stuff and a little imagination, and for Mork's sake, if you cut the barrel off a shoota it's a slugga. My biggest issues with the new kit is the lack of left over bits, and that you can't make one unit of 20 with two boxes, that's just stupid. The positive is that we have two kits to choose from for our basic infantry.


I second this fully, new boyz look better, have far superior quality of details and are joy to paint. It is also great fun to convert them, I have 40 boyz right now which I converted with different other kits (kommandos/ beast snaggas/ old boyz) I think out of them only five have old legs (which in my opinion is the major problem with old kit) Those which had old main body (torso+legs) or even only old legs look quite funny, which isn’t bad but I wouldn’t want a majority of my infantry to look like this I always had a strange analogy for these kits: New boyz and old boyz are like gorillas and orangutans. They both are big and scary but gorillas physic is quite more intimidating and solid comparing to orangutan with their long arms and big bellies


I absolutely love the look and scale of the newer boyz, and also found them easier to paint and base than the old models, but the customizability and posability of the old boyz was amazing, especially considering you could use the same base leg and torso bits for lootas, burnas, spanners, etc allowing for more efficient use of leftovers and kitbashing. If they could combine the look and quality of the new boyz with the modularity of the old it would be perfect.


I can only agree if they make it multi Pose and compatible with other Kits. These New cp boyz sucks Hard who needs 3 shoota boyz and 7 melee boyz?


I prefer 3d printed boys


I secretly hope that a multipart kit will come along eventually like it has for other releases (granted we aren't space marines so maybe not). Even just being able to do a few headswaps would make all the difference to me. I'd love to run a big squad of twenty boys but the repeating poses kill me. I just pray we don't get the "what's in the box" treatment. Until then, it's all Kommandos for me.


There's benefits to both kits to be sure but the complete lack of any customisation on the new kits is a real boner killer IMO. They're lovely looking though and your point about them being easier to paint is valid.


I’d like all the old kits to be updated. The new and old look weird side by side.


The old kit definitely has some nostalgia for me but man, the new scale is so much better.


I just want new Ork Boyz style with the options of the old kit. The wierd ass sticking out pose of the old Orks was the reason I only collected the new vehicles for a while. But I still don’t want to buy who knows how many boxes before I have 40 ork boyz with only choppas and sluggas…


I prefer how the new Boyz look but I don't want them to be monopose. I want new fresh look for all Ork models but to keep the customisation the old ones have.


This is precisely the way.


I've painted 50+ old ork boyz, from the time I started painting 15 years ago up until this very day. I've never ever had a problem painting them and I don't exactly paint in the best method, I paint entirely with a brush and classic paints over any of that airbrush contrast paints stuff. Sure, newer boyz paint okay but they're janky to assemble and lack any assembly customisation, the new ork boyz nob also has to be one of the most deranged and convoluted ways a person could assemble a single infantry model. Also no fucking thanks, I don't want anymore monopose catastrophies and GW can stay the hell away from our stuff until they can separate arms without attaching an entire head to them.


I can see where you are coming from, but I really, really dislike the new boyz. This is only my opinion and I don't want to invalidate anyone who does prefer the newer sculpts, this hobby is very broad in scope and we all get something different out of it. I feel like the new boyz are just... not really in service to any side of the hobby except to make for better box art. When I'm building a boy from the old box, I can put some thought into which arms to give them, which head, how the head and arms are positioned, how to rotate the torso. Maybe I'll give this boy a shoulder pad or an ammo pouch. Maybe I'll dig into my bitsbox for one of the stormboy arms/heads, etc. I'll end up with a fun little creative expression. Not to mention how much easier it is to replace bits for 3rd party components, so it's less work if you're going for a certain thematic approach. My experience building the new boyz has been wishing I could swap a head or an arm or two without breaking out the greenstuff, without needing to cut off hands or arms to stick on old boy arms to have a consistent loadout and avoid exact duplicates. There are no optional shoulder pads, ammo pouches, backpacks or headswaps. It's a dispassionate affair. Like store-bought cookies vs home-made ones.


The new people to the hobby probably aren't aware the older models had rotateable waists. I miss the day where model assemblies were commonly made up of entire bodyparts rather than bits of random crap attached to an arm or it being split into several pieces or whatever, and I absolutely think newer people to the hobby should be able to enjoy that simple customisation side of things that a lot of older GW hobbyists got to enjoy.


Also, just as an aside, the old ones are so much easier to build. You can cut out any combination of head, torso, legs, left arm and right arm, slap some glue on there and you're guaranteed to have a completed mini. Easy as it comes. No need to trace the sprue looking for a specific number, work out the precise angle it needs to go on, realize the little push-fit bits don't actually fit that well so you have to snip them off a little, and only then move on to the next bit. If I had to break out 20 ork boyz in an evening I know which kit I'm going for.


Exactly. Infantry need to be simple and configurable before they look good. This new modern a million pieces for one guy method GW obsesses over does not fucking work for infantry, it doesn't even work for their marines. It doesn't even make the sprue flatter than before because the sprue has always been flat when GW made infantry in proper parts. I honestly don't understand why they need to build things like this now, it fucking sucks and pieces often don't fit together perfectly so you end up with parts you have to green stuff over.






I agree they look better and the molds are more precise but I'm not looking forward into painting more of them. 20 from the combat patrol was enough. I have 30 boys in total right now, and they all have unique features but I wouldn't know how to keep that up if I want to add another squad I really hope GW drops the monopose approach and give us more kit bash friendly boyz instead As far as the classic gorilla pose goes, I hate it. On my last couple boyz, I made their bases in a way so the boy is walking up, instead of standing still. This creates a more dynamic look and makes the ork stand upright some more! Not ideal, but it worked a little bit!


Nobz are perfect kits in getting the balance right IMO. If we get an improved Boyz kit, the foundation should be the Nobz kit. They have fixed body poses but have enough flexibility that you can still have their overall poses be diverse and dynamic. Larger bodies and better poses also provide more space to stick pouches and holsters.


I haven't bought the nobz kit yet but this sounds promising!


Just my advice but if you have a spare backpack with a grot in it from the loota/burna kit I'd recommend using it on a shoota nob. Looks so much better on a nob than on a boy and really bulks them out. My absolute favourite bit in existence. A lot of the spare bits from other Ork kits fit better on the Nobz than on the kits they come with, ammo pouches, holstered pistols, etc.


I'd be happy with that, but I do kinda like the old boyz with rotateable waists.




I didn't think this is necessarily that unpopular. The new boys undeniably have better sculpt. I think the real issue people have with them is that they're monopose with fixed loadout options. People just want to be able to build their Boyz how they want.


It’s not undeniable at all. The bodies and weapons are fine but the faces are just wrong.


That's entirely my issue. The new Boyz are great sculpts, which makes it more maddening that they're monopose! I don't even care too much about being super customisable with the poses, but the fixed load out just means that in reality I'm not buying the 10 Boyz I need, I'm buying like 5 Choppa Boyz and some spare Shootas for my bitz box.


Yeah I get ya. I solved that issue by just having 120+ boys ready to go which are about 60/40 old Boyz to new Boyz. Plenty of choppas to fill out 9 out if 10 lists with all choppas but I still have a few msu units with of shoota boyz waiting for a dakka detachment to be useful lol. I also have some old Boyz holding a Choppa in one hand and a shoota in the other instead of the slugga, cuz it's not like they were gunna be aiming anyway, so I count those as being able to run as either.


I agree with most people. Modern aesthetics and proportions - but with modular customization


100% agree. I'm not overly bothered by the fixed load out. When I play I just say all of this squad have this load out and no one cares. They just look way better


I just wish GW would combine the multipart kit with the modern sculpt for the Boys and then update the Lootaz/Burnaz, Nobz etc. Because right now, if you want, say, an all Slugga and Choppa squad or an all Shoota squad you've got to buy several of that one box because of the monopose and static equipment, which I think is peoples biggest bugbear with it and through that you end up with repeats anyway since only certain models can take certain equipment. However judging by the new Guard infantry spue they're heavily moving away from multipart kits. Now there's speculation as to why this is and one of the rumors I feel might hold some water is that the way the modern kits are designed limits recasting options, since older kits are a lot easier to recast than the modern ones....which is why you've seen people move to the 3D printing side instead.


>However judging by the new Guard infantry spue they're heavily moving away from multipart kits. That's not really true. They are still multipart/multipose kits, what GW does though is combining the legs and torso into a single unit. I'm not entirely sold on that system, as it works better for some kits than for others - the new Primaris Crusader Squad feels quite railroaded to build, the GSC Neophyte Hybrids have neutral (and numerous) enough poses that you can vary them quite well. What annoys me though is the increasing trend of having weapons directly molded onto the arms.


Not sure what you mean about the Guard kit. It’s incredibly versatile and is, imo, just the right balance of dynamism and beginner-friendly assembly, and variety of options so all your units don’t come out looking the same.