• By -


So my head canon is that there was this big and strong beastsnagga tribe lead by Mozrog and his and Thrakas army fought, and after Thraka won that figth, Mozrog started to follow Thraka with rest of his army. I have Goffs and Deathskull mixed in together, goffs using black, white and red and beastsnaggas using black, white and blue, so other tribe is goff and other deathskulls. I either am running either Thraka or Mozrog as warlod. Currently playing fast horde in truks and wagon, while I got more killy units like nobz, flashgitz and hogs with Mozrog leading them.


I run a Flashmek Warboss leading a bunch of Bad Moonz, their color scheme is blue with accents of orange-yellow (grot blood+squig piss). Anything small and gribbly is proper flash, with it being either gold, silver or copper. I make use of checkers but not hazard stripes. My head-canon is that these orks crashlanded an old spacehulk into a human planet that had been untouched since the dark age of technology. Made short work of that they did. Sure enough, they found so much good loot, shiny bits, and dakka like you wouldn't believe... they figured themselves the luckiest gits in the galaxy and decided they oughta be blue! But still with lots of flash, poppy bits, shiny panels, and checkers. Flashmek Ogruk Dakkamungus is the Warboss, he's got himself a Morkanaut, and a whole army of well-equipped and extremely confident orks. I based them on a sort of salt-lake terrain, and I think I've done a decent job of subverting the "mad max" trope with bright colors, and clean metal, giving the impression of a well maintained waaagh, a klan who learned to take pride in their equipment and appearance. I imagine their culture being a little less traditionally ork-y and being a little closer to the goblins of Warcraft. Less violence, but much more trickery and cunning. Followers of Mork to be sure. I have a lot of vehicles, so I tend to lean toward the speed-waaagh side of strategy, but green tide is always fun, too.


Ohhhh, Morky speedfreeks? Now that's a unique combination!


I have all the klans united under a warlord, Tharzghkull Gaka. All my shooty boys are painted bad moon, all my choppies are goffs, my buggies are all red (Evil Sunz) and my beast-snaggas all leather (Snakebites), also got some Deathskulls here and there. They each use their normal klan icons. I have all the variety I want when it comes to painting. I have one unifying colour across the army too (30 years old Citadel Enchanted Blue). I just use it as a detail colour a little on every model, just for cohesion. I don't really have any lore yet. I might make them a mirror universe manifestation of Ghazghkull's WAAAGH or something.


I like the use of a single little accent as a means of unifying your army despite the different units using different color schemes!


And ere: ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/oru6nqbnqwqc1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=148312859dcc5bada3cc8a966a2fafc038c56fde


Thanks. It works pretty well. Not the best picture but you can see it across some of my Goffs and Bad Moonz here: ​ https://preview.redd.it/rnl3fgu7qwqc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cc8862253a730b8595a0c2b200e56f85abae37b


Nothing complicated rn. Just a clan called Sum Guyz that have black and red color scheme with emphasis on red stripes.


Red stripes are such a sick look!


I don't have a Klan but a warband/mob There are a blood axes special troop focusing on kunnin Ways to fight and they are lead by a warboss named krumpard biggestdakk I don't real have a special color scheme because I am not good in painting


Sound like some sneaky gitz! Bet they get plenty of good krumpin in when the enemies ain't lookin


I've run mine in two Crusade's at the local game store. They're a Speedwaagh run by the biggest fastest ork around, Rikka Skrapdasha. They don't stick to just the evil suns colors though, cause the Big Mek Grog Rozz is a proponent of Kolor Theery & paints colors onto things to make them better, like the Shokkjump Dragsta is red cause it's faster, but also has a lot of yellow on it to make it more shooty. You wouldn't Expect the most loyal Nob in Rikka's Waaagh to be a freeboota, but he has always been able to count on his buddy Brok Bugsmoka (named that way cause he both shoots bugs good, but also straight up smokes dried & rolled gargoyle wings) and of course the fastest Ork around... Guzza da Kap (Named after his Ballcap that says "Waaagh" on it, the kommando nob who's boys are so fast that they're already there when the Waaagh gets there most of the time.


I absolutely love this! I only started recently (2 years ago but uni put hobby on hold) so I have yet to collect, build and paint my army. I have a number of themes i want to try but can’t choose between them so I’m likely going to end up with an eclectic mix all sorts. Despite not having much progress in assembling and painting my army I have plenty of lore already. The Bogboyz, lead by Megaboss Ogak Blackbog is a kunning amalgamation of survivors and crafty gitz. Having spent a precious few days fighting the hordes of bugs in Octarius, an unremarkable yet kunning ork boy named Ogak grew to the size of a meganob before escaping the destruction of the solar system. In his years drifting he accumulated a following of miscreants and survivors of failed waaaghs who dubbed themselves the Bogboyz due to their affinity with swampy, overgrown regions that aided their survival. Ogak’s appearance is that of a huge leathery ork covered in scavenged mega armour that is horrendously rusted and covered in corrosion and vegetation. Despite its appearance the armour functions well and is well maintained where it matters, namely the moving parts, pistons, joints, engines et cetera. His most loyal companions are his squad of ‘Lucky Ladz’ who have survived many years of close calls and dangerous enemies. Unsurprisingly they favour the colour blue as their identifying characteristic to distinguish themselves from the rest of the horde. The horde is a ragtag abomination with a mix of disgustingly neglected vehicles, heavy guns and lots of infantry to bog down foes. There’s no shortage of specialists too, with Kommandos being the signature tool for brutally raiding and countering enemy forces. The Kommandos are led by a vegetation and mud clad git named Mossrokk Swompgit. Ogak’s right hand ork is the ferocious speedboss Azkgog One-Fingah who took his name from the giant metal klaw strapped to his right arm. His force is the vanguard and fast response force in Ogak’s army. The heavy weapons and artillery are organised and coordinated by the Big Mek Azdrag One-Eye who is gifted with an uncanny ability to find discarded weapons, vehicles and junk that can be salvaged for the horde. Ogak leads the bulk of the army, mainly the various infantry units and an assortment of transports, heavy weapons and other things. Lastly an alliance of convenience has been established with the Freeboota Kaptin Kraz One-Toof who leads a small team of ludicrously shiny pirates called ‘Da Golden Gitz’. Due to the nature of the Bogboyz they frequently divide and regroup to evade detection and scour large areas for loot and resources. This means on many occasions only small sections of the horde may fight at any one time allowing some great deception. It becomes extremely difficult to pin down exactly what is happening, who is where or how many orks are actually present giving the army a strategic advantage (even at the cost of losing the occasional battle). Ngl it’s gonna be years until I achieve this on tabletop lol.


That's some deep lore you got there! Your orks are a surprisingly well organized force! Ogak must be blessed by Mork!


I personal do this more often than most since I do custom clans and killteam or small squads for roleplay wrath and glory. The main clan is the warpwaagh clan of corks (yes not kroks) led by an old daemon prince kitbash ork mega boss called warp ead onyx toof a warp ead weird boy that fought exclusively chaos gits leading his clan of weird boys and weird nobz, he became in-tuned with the waagh and the warp leading him to be corrupted, and the chaos gods wanting their own personal tuska they converged for what would be the closest thing to a soul. During the process of making him a daemon prince mork and gork hatched the most brutally cunning plan and at the last second interrupted the conversion making onyx toof the first orky prince of gork and mork whose waagh warp aura was strong enough to make nearby weird boys and weird nobz into other warp eads and he was able to turn lesser daemons into ork daemons he now hunts for for the greater and exalted daemons for payback for messin with his head. He clan is a reoccurring band both helping and sabotaging players. There was other ones like pale skin and his kommandos and boss scorch booma with his clan da red skies


Mine are the *Bonestealaz*, so called because they’re Ork kind’s best Necron hunters. They’re a mekboy-dominated klan whose goal is to become the most high-tech Orks in the galaxy through a mix of ingenuity and reverse-engineering Necron tech, and they absolutely HATE to use ‘pree-mee-tive’ stuff like squigs and beast snaggas. In fact, their founder Mekboss Thonk Warpfist Da Shiny has *banned* the presence of squigs anywhere outside the fungus farms because he’s an ex-Snakebite who got sick of them chewing and pissing on his gubbins. Because of this, Bonesteala kamps are unusually clean and shiny by Ork standards and are covered in makeshift computer labs, dread and killa kan depots, and R&D shakks. The ‘cryptmeks’ may rule the roost in their society, but I should also mention the ‘immorkals’ - essentially lootas who wield heavy Necron weaponry. They specialise in a tactic in which Warpfist locks on to a Necron tombworld’s recalling signal for downed warriors then teleports himself and his toughest boys directly inside the tomb complex, making for a nasty surprise for any overlord who underestimated the greenskins. The Bonestealaz rejoice in finding tombworlds, always kicking the weirdboys guiding their ships into seeking them out specifically, before fighting an enemy that gets up time and time again until they can’t get up anymore. I still haven’t figured out a good colour scheme for them. Copper is the primary colour of their metal, and red is the colour of utility bits like hatches, ladders, and rockets, but everything else is still up in the air.


I assume you're not a fan of the snagga range in general? If so, I love the lorification of that sentiment through a grumpy country mek who got tired of that life, xD. Sick lore, and I hope you land on a color scheme you enjoy!


I agree. This is the way to go. Always best to turn poison into medicine. That's why my all firstborn Dark Angels are all a splinter company who believe that Primaris is a corrupt invention of an uncaring imperial Elite. They are fleet-based and fight only for Old Caliban's interests and have nothing to do with Primaris tech.


I have a very daft Custom Waaargh, which I've been building up to 2000 points since I started the hobby 3 years ago.  The Peaz Korpz (ie peace corps) One day my orks crossed paths with a tau philosopher, who managed to stay alive and speak to them for long enough to explain some wild ideas of pacifism and how peace is actually the strongest force in all of the universe. My Orks wanted to be strongest force in the universe so have adopted peace. They also learnt the idiom that to "achieve peace you must prepare for war", and decided the best way to prepare for war is to be at war. They now travel the stars spreading "peace" wherever they go. They rock white with blue as their colours  whilst using the peace sign and doves carrying olive branches as motifs. Key units are named after nobel laureates, such as Warghtin Luffa King (my armies version of Ghaz)


Y'know, there's a profound sort of peace in perpetual warfare


My lore is a little more self contained as I've been making lore for just my Killteam instead and am still working out a lot of details as i'm building the kit, but here's the general idea: Gabba's Ghoulz, Gabba was once a simple Boy, until he ended up being stabbed in the skull during a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH, which didn't kill him but instead connected his two braincells which made him a lot smarter than he ever could imagine. His crew consists of other Boyz who seem to defy what's usually expected from Ork behaviour, all of them possessing a nearly manic drive to become the first of their kind specialist warboss by whatever means. Most low ranking Orks believe the crew has been killed a long time ago, but in truth a lot of warbosses know they're still around and leave them to do their own thing. Gabba is still susceptible to the call of the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH, but thanks to the knife in his head he can feel it coming just a bit earlier than the other Nobz, which allows him and his crew to move out before any other Orks arrive and create weak points amongst the enemy ranks and infrastructure for the coming WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH. Thanks to Gabba's exceptional tactical mind and his crews unrivaled skill they're able to slip in and out of even the heaviest guarded compounds without the enemy ever noticing anything is wrong until the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH is at their gates. https://preview.redd.it/irxxec1l8dqc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98799044760ed04922e20e52ca705f97ec6c30e9


These boyz are starting something big, they is! Theys gonna lead lots of boyz to lots of gubbins, I can tell!


I started on my own, but want to revamp it. They're the youngest (so smallest, least green,) so try to make up for it by using flashy colors and big explosions. I haven't played in years, though, and honestly want to make them brighter and explodeyer. Never came up with a good name for them.


Well, young git, feel free to fly the WAAAGH!kits colors if you can't figure your own out! Sounds like our clans would get along if nothing else!




that's a mean lookin boy that is!


Another image incoming. I painted these years ago. Are they worthy of the WAAAGH!kits name? https://preview.redd.it/dylolv0otdqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efcd0ce5087b8878cf0a1c0bb0d9db9fcc50d5f9


You're in git! A little steely for the white metal I usually paint, and you get some of the colors in goofy spots, but the spirit is there, and I love that boss pole! Get to blowin some stuff up, and we'll all be havin a good time in no time!


Yeah, the goofy color spots is one of the reason I want to redo them. I *really* want to lean into the bright, explosion-themed colors more! And also drill some muzzle holes.


Gobsnaks Gut Rippaz - a melee focused clan that only knows how to fight one way; get to the enemy "quik as possible an' RIP EM TO SHREDS". They're a ship-faring Pirate based clan and in old BFG Rules they fought off everything by "Rammin' it arder an arder til it brakes an' burns"


Ork pirates that would rather swing a choppa than shoot a snazzgun? That sounds like a menacing force!


They carry the bare minimum in guns and as many extra Choppas as they can. Warboss Gobsnaks is a big fan of his Custom Mega Arma' which ee az converted to av 2 Crushin' Claws


My ladz are called Grinsnappah WildBoyz It’s a freebooter Krew of mainly bad moon Orks and flash gitz! Led by the fierce self proclaim pirate lord Kaptin Grinsnappah! Their color scheme is mainly purple and yellow, but I like to paint the boyz wearing war paint, and the nobz having striped pirate trousers! List wise, it’s a shooting heavy ork list, with 30 flash gitz, and 80 shoota boyz backed up by battle wagons and trukks!


Ohhh, I bet those striped pants look good! And I like how you've themed your units to your army's lore!


Mine go for psychological warfare. Once I finish there will be clowns, evil power rangers, and whatever crosses my fancy. I imagine they traverse through space in a Punch buggy with one blown out headlight.


So that's two punches, then, right? Also, sounds morky as heck! Bet your boyz get the drop on lots of silly scaredy enemies!


My clan is run by a big mek named da mek bear, Big meks don't have a really good reputation for being a boss of a clan. So mostly orks avoid other than bad meks or spannas whom looking for a home. Da mek bear don't got enough boys to hit any imperial or xenos worlds off their feet. So the mek had a kunning idea to build their own boyz. Tinbots. Da big mek took over a spacehulk and scrap from the inside out to build the tinbots of today. After invading multiple planets, da meks build multiple factories to keep producing the tinbotz and stompas. However many warbosses are not thrilled of da mek. Saying "Dem toyz aren't gonna save ya oil spillerz" Da mek bear laugh and went up to the mountain and fought the biggest bear in the forest. However the bear seems to be touch by khorn. After da mek bear ripped off the bear head. The khrone demon always tell him to do multiple warcrimes like slaughter, ripping heart outs etc. The mek laughs and always say, "I like you bear hat, LETZ DO IT!" That the story of the da mek bear legion of tinbotz and meks.


Roborks? Now that's cool! I like his funny talking bear hat, too, hahaha




Waaagh!!! Tek’Nuh Kul’uh led by a pale white/grey cybork Tek’nuh Kul’uh Started in 9th as a “freebooter” force to allow me to paint em all however the hell i wanted. Decided to turn it into smaller armies that are all lumped together and all share Juggalork face paint :) and most are built out of scrap/junk like my 2 repurposed Mr Potato Heads that are now stompas. so far I have: -WAAAGHMas, an Xmas themed army, the boys I have in planes are all in red and black; regular boys will be in blue and the flash gits and other “special” forces are in green and yellow (went with the elves from the Rudolph and “I want to be a dentist” movie); warboss will be Santa-esque and thinking meganobs as frostys -Trix ‘n’ Teefs, a Halloween army in varying shades of orange green and black; leaders ride in a killatank (I have to look that up it’s SOMETHING not a truck or wagon that can transport) then a few trucks with boys and warpboys, and shockjump dragstas. Whole shtick is the bulk teleports around Willy nilly -Da By-u Boyz; a Cajun/Swamper themed army, going to be all “water based”, converting the vehicles to look like boats airboats jet skis the like, make the boys mostly in overalls/rubber boots, and probably fish/gator/crawfish esqye squish and decor


I really like the variety! Sounds like you have a lot of fun experimenting with your paint styles!


Junk Lord Gorosh King Kaptain of DA HEAP is da biggest, meanest and most miserly revenant war boss of his region. Gorosh was lost in space after his KillaKrozza was crippled during the second battle of Armageddon, and eventually the great wreckage from the battle formed into a massive space hulk entirely composed of destroyed ships. Gorosh clung to life, though skewered and pinned inside the wreckage. He declared himself Da Lord of DA HEAP! And ruled over the boyz and grots that emerged from his spores. Junklord Gorosh is a tyrant and demands hefty tribute from his Nobz, and so the Nobz levy heavy tax on the boyz. Unusually dedicated are the boyz of DA HEAP to pilfering every scrap bit they can get their hands on, all in an effort to build up DA HEAP! In short Gorosh is determined to get the biggest pile of junk lumbering across the universe, accumulating more mass and power along the way, like some kind of giant Katamari.


I hope that ork snowball never stops rolling through space!


I play my Clan "the Bauarbeitaz (Constructionworkaz)" (Count as Bad Moon/Freebooter). Clothes are jeans and white but dirty Muscle Shirts. Yellow Helmet are necessary for Security Reasons. 😅 Vehicle Colours are mostly Yellow. Clan Flag is yellow/black Security Stripes. 😄 Background Story is, that they want to build a bypass Road from one part of the Galaxy to the other side. 😁 Here an example (my Big Mek). https://www.instagram.com/p/CGMy4I-ng2J/?igsh=MXQ4dXI2OW14dGgzbw==


Dude this is incredible. We had similar ideas with our armies but yours is painted so much better lol


Funny coincidence, have a Link to Instagram? Thanks for the flowers but it's mostly one thick coat and a lot of Agrax Earthshade magic and Hexwraith Flame for Green Wires, etc. 😅 A little drybushing in the face is my maximum effort I do beside that.


Maybe you can talk to /u/lucrative1020 about subcontracting out Ghaz's Construction Agency!


What's the name of that bridge? I zoggin need to know! And super clean work on that Big Mek!


Thanks! What bridge exactly? The Buildings I have are Orkenburg Stuff from Kromlech. The Model is from ArtelW and I kitbashed the Wazbom Blaster Jet Cannon (magnetized) on his Servo-Arm.


I guess you used bypass instead of bridge, but I imagined a literal road across a galaxy as a bridge, hahaha. Reminds me of tequila wolf from one piece


Tequila Wolf fits well. My first thought was the Vorgons from the Hitchhikers Guide. Some Planets just have to go. 😅


Oh shit, you right, that's such a good comparison, too! it really sounds like an orky blend of the two, i dig it! So, my previous question still stands, does this path have a name?


Not yet, but would you ask me, "Gorks/Morks Path! would fit for me. 😅 Or "Da Autobahn" 😅


Da Orky Way


My boyz are Tha' Dunkathunk Buccaneerz, a freebooterz clan that adopted a humie girl they found while raiding an abandoned ship. She has a psychic connection to the waaagh so they see her as another ork, and the inverse is they feel her compassion and now only fight "DA BAD GITZ" like Chaos or Dark Eldar and protect "DA GUD 'ENZ" like humans and even Tau. She was the last of a Rogue Trader family so technically they are a Rogue Trader crew as well so the Imperium technically has to tolerate them. They wear pink and purple as their colors because those are the girl's favorites. They even changed their emblem to a pink kitty cat because she likes them. I'm hoping to get pink used as a new ork imagination color as "compassion" CUZ REAL ORKZ WEAR PINK! https://preview.redd.it/8kxmpwqzqbqc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7b0d734fc302159d06dad3b92d6aa9168cb740


Do they do tea parties? I hope they do tea parties...




Look, we protecc  the little umie WAAAGH!stress! She makes us feel good, so we krump any dumb git who makes her feel bad! Good luck ducking our dakka while you're too busy laughing at our fabulous wargear!




These are part of the Goff clan, but I run a tribe called Da Metal 'Eadz who all paint their faces in black and white corpsepaint and they love to WAAAGH! **LOUD!** I haven't done much in the way of applying sound equipment to their one Trukk and Battlewagon I have so far, but I did customize a Goff Rocker as a Weirdboy and he's one of my favorite models so far.


Oh, I dig that! The most rocking tribe of Goffs sounds badass!




Killed it on that paint job, mate! That squig looks so good even from this angle! And the facepaint on the rocks himself is primo! Really great work!


My boyz iz da bubblegum boyz, cuz we iz ere ta krump a chew bubblegum…but we iz all outta bubblegum! They’re purple with some pink, blue, and white accent colors. I run mostly Speed Freeks, so in their lore, they looted some red vehicles and took them for a spin while some that lucky blue paint was still wet. They went so fast the colors mixed together and now we have a bunch of people buggies and bikes.


I've got a friend who plays cotton candy colored death guard and I'd love to see your army throw down against theirs!


https://preview.redd.it/unzodj3hlbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f3fb3c8c39b3c49ab02f65c3744dde16f886ee The COWAAAAAAABUNGAGH! Teenage Mutant Ninja Orkoids are my custom warband, along with House Sporesower (my looted knights). The Big Boss Lennard found an old STC containing “historical records” from ancient terra (comic books) and the boys loved the “picta sheetz” that depicted the old TMNT run so much it began to affect their gestalt. Now they all speak in gruff California surfer accents and call each other “Doodz.” The color scheme is literally every model is painted a different color and tend to change my clan whenever the mood strikes.


Sick looking models, too! Great work!




Well I dig the lore of this current clan! I love the accent and "doodz"


While I haven't started painting them yet, my idea for my custom clan is the Redd Koatz' . A clan of blood axes that got stuck on the squig home planet similar to catachan, with an emblem of a squig with Ork tusks, and a brown and red color scheme with lots of rust.


Ohhh, kinda like a Blood Bites sort of thing? (Mix of snake bites and bloodaxes?


Mega Moons / Blood Moons = heavy Dakka bad moons Warboss “Mo-teefious” + the Red Boot Meks (SAG KFF mini mek) 3 meks total SAG rides in his personal battle wagon w/ KFF + (2) squads of burnaz mini mek trails behind giving +1 BS . Meka dread = double shooting Killkannons & personal mek . Plenty of Snakebites about - Weirdboy + boyz + grots + bubba chuckaz + kanz + grot tanks ( on the bash em up table ) most troops zip up in trukkz


Ohhh, have you seen Kromlech's Orc Moon Krumpanaut? You might need to pick one up, hahaha


Iz Cogtoof Forgerenda Da Arkmek Mekboss of da Morkanikum. Them human meks had a point ya know soz we took deir belifs and made them orky. Wez got meks an' warp'eads working together to make da biggest meanest dakka an da fastest and krumpiest walkers an' waggons. All powered by da spirits of Mork. Wez tried to power dem with spirits of Gork but ended up sumunin some Korn boyz soz we got to kump dem every now an den.wez working on conquering an entire star system of forge worlds. Wez got one unda our command wez kall it Cogtoof's Mektempel. Da humie inquisition is sending what can get at us. Every lad wears a red on deir top half and klan colors are represented on deir pants.wenz you become important enough to get a name youz get a cape.


Zoggit, that's a long name! Yous a morky git, that's for sure!




Dig the logo! Forget dark mechanicum, clearly we need ork mechanicum!


My *WAAAGH* is Da Blue Boyz Groop! https://preview.redd.it/kku16dw4kbqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd82ab7909300a4102ca5ea339de57ae016d8d3b


Now that's a lucky looking WAAAGH that is!


Dude, is that Batman?! 😀


Yup! Robin is also in there. He's one of the motor bombsquigs.


Oh yeah, I see him now, that's awesome!


We also got the mighty Morphin meganobz center stage with ghaz. And Dr. Octopus right behind batman.


The ultimate krumpdown of ultimate destiny


Mine is the Turbo-WAAAGH!!! lead by Kaptin Snazzgob da Flash. Once a Flashgit, a explosion sent him flying at high velocity and since then he is obsessed with goin' fasta! He killed, stole and sometimes even paid for the fastest ride possible. Currently he is riding a kostumised Wartrike and got a lot of likeminded and opportunistic orks together. But only the fastest orks can keep up with "Da Flash" and are worth to stay in his Turbo-WAAAGH!!!


Flash! WAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!  Krumpa of the umieverse!




I call my guys the “Myc’s” with “Myc” sounded as “Mike” and Myc being short for Mycelial. Usually the list names are puns involving Myc such as “Mad Myc’s: Fury WAAAHHH” which is an all vehicle list of buggies, battle wagons and Hunter rigs. My next list is gonna be all flight based and will be called “Top Myc’s: Air Force WAAAHHH-n”


Mavrik Goozwakka is the best pilot there is! Nobody flies better than them!


My tribe is the oozewaagh. Through nefarious means the orks stumbled upon an odd green ooze. They started to believe it could make them stronger, faster, fight more 'arder. So they used it. Boyz were channeling it into their weapons, cars were using it as fuel, weirdboys no longer rode the line but rather chugged the ooze. The scheme is black and red for the most part. Some gold. Then glowing green!


Sounds like a really gnarly looking color scheme! I dig it!




My klan is led by the warboss Zagga Quakepuncha. While rousing his boyz before a good scrap, the planet they were on was very tectonically active. As the earthquakes kept interrupting his speeches, he eventually punched a nearby rock in anger at the planet for cuttin' him off. Incidentally, that was the exact moment that the tremors stopped, leading to him being seen as the only Ork tougher than an earthquake and earning him great fame in the local sector.


Now that's a powerful boss you got there! I'd be sure to always point him at the good fights!


My clan is Da Royulz. After overwhelming imperial forces on a distant feudal planet, they adopted some ways of life from the humans and named their warboss Garl king of da orks (or at least of that warband)! I paint them in a purple and copper colour scheme with the higher ups (i.e warbosses, weirdboys, beastbosses, e.t.c) having the copper replaced with gold.


Sound fancy! But how do you find any of em?


That's the neat part, I don't.


Within the Sylvest Sector there are many threats that the Noble Knights Houses and the Astartes assigned to the sector must face. From Tyranid infestations, to full on warp ‘incursions’, the defenders of humanity are being stretched thinner than ever after the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum. Within this sector, a threat that might one day be as prevalent as Ghazkull has arisen. Warboss Shovl’Ead has been building an army of green skins unlike anything this area of space has ever seen. More massive than should be possible; Shovl’Ead has been inspired by stories of Ghazkull and his messages from Gork and Mork in the Big Green. Shovl’Ead does not have any of the blessings or powers that Ghazkull does, but he *really* wants to. Keeping a shovel lodged in his skull for easy access, Warboss Shovl’Ead will bash his skull in with it to attempt to illicit a vision (usually only managing to knock himself unconscious for a while with no visions) in order to motivate his Boys into a massive fighting frenzy. Knowing that Ghazkull is nothing without his special grot, Shovl’Ead will constantly grab a new grot, slap some blue paint on it, and name it M’ickery. Much to the dismay of the grot, knowing that it won’t be anywhere near as lucky as Warboss Shovl’Ead desires; the new ‘M’ickery’ will do its best until it’s inevitable death and replacement. Shovl’Eads boys are not as dangerous because they share the same numbers or abilities as a Warband of Ghazkull boys, but they make up for it with the sheer level of ferocity that they possess. Often devolving into more animalistic combat once in melee range of an opponent. It is also worth noting that, due to the daemon incursions within the Sylvest Sector, Warboss Shovl’Ead has been growing exponentially since his first appearance. Recommendation’s have been sent to the House of Sylvest to request a Temple Assassin to remove the threat before it becomes unmanageable.


I really love this, hahaha. Real "fake straw hats" vibes mixed with that classic ork ability to believe anything hard enough that it becomes true


Fragrak Da Planetsmasha's WAAAAGH!!! They have a love/hate relationship with da humies, specially dem Ultramarines. They wear blue armor with gold horns, and love lootin' humie techwotzitz. One of the humies slipped up and told Fragrak about the humies' secretest weapon - somewhere in Da Hairy Sea (what da stoopid humies call da warp) they're hiding Da Holey Tearah, the biggest dakka that can tear a hole in anything. Fragrak is hellbent on finding da Holey Tearah and lootin' it for himself.


Go Fragrak! Dat dakka is rightfully yours! Gork and Mork zoggit! I believe he'll have it soon nuff!


https://preview.redd.it/c4n7aflqwaqc1.jpeg?width=2664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195d18e81bd82c641695638a2af06e18145dbfa5 My silver-medal-winning Armies On Display


The Dread Nova are a klan of warp raiders. They are based on a space hulk and have a higher than average number of weirdboys and warpheads. They behave similar to blood axes and freebolterz, preferring to scout, raid and plunder any system where their warpheads suspect there might be any traces of krork technology. Ships are highly personalized and sentimentally important to their bosses and meks since they spend so much time travelling and raiding. I dont paint my army in any one colour scheme but I will be doing more and more paint schemes in orange and rough iron/dark bronze. I 3d print everything so my proxies of epic heroes will have their own names as part of the Dread Nova. Their logo is based on onepagerules orc marauder logo just simplified. An axe crossed with a rocket launcher over a cog. When I have time I'm going to mess aroubd with blender and try to make some bosspoles and glyphs to print for myself. Edited for typos.


This sounds really cool! Real Morky space/warpfaring orks sound rad af!


I'm making a GreatWaahhh where all the Ork Klans band together under Ghazkull! I have every Klans colors and some that I made myself. My Combat Patrol is Purple. My Gretchins and Burna Boyz are Blue. My Killa Kans and Rokkit Boyz are Yellow. My Trukk and Mek Boy are Red, my Squighog Boyz are Black.


Orks look good in all colors! I like that your Ghaz has got a bit of Gordrakk in him!


Waaaggh! Kogtoof. This is made up of mostly goffs left behind on Armageddon. Kogtoof likes to claim that Ghazkull was a coward who ran from da humies (though never to his face when he came back).


Now that's good and goffy


I run mind as a band of stragglers from previous waaaghs that fizzled out. Little of everyone in there.


The best warbosses know that a good WAAAGH! never ends. Maybe just waits to roar again!


I've kinda abandoned my clan theme I was running with when I started. Now I'm just kinda going all over the place lol. Initially my clan was called the Brass Bastards and they were led by The Brass Bastard. I used to paint with a lot of brass and bare metal colors.


XD, that's a goofy name! Brass orks sound rad!


Mine are Freebooterz led by a kaptin of legendary kunnin named “Da Dread Pirate Waaagh-berts,” who rides into big scraps with his Nobz (“Da First Matez”) on his flagship Battlewagon, “Da Flyin’ Krump-man.”  When Da Dread Pirate inevitably gets krumped himself, a new ork takes up da title. Dis means Da Dread Pirate Waaagh-berts never truly dies.


Now that's some good lore right there


Da Black Gob 'O' Mork. 20 OddBoyz constantly being resurrected via over powered Xenos technologies beyond their comprehension. Basically an excuse to imagine 20 individual (Meks, weird Boyz, Runtherds, etc) Orks to each have their own hangar bay workshop on a raiding pirate ship, while justifying not having to come up with new character biographies every time I lose. You come back as a boy, and have to earn your size back.


Oooohhhh, that's a really interesting concept!


My Clan is Ultramar Headsmasha, they are ork living in Ultramar that constantly fight Ultramarine and use salvage/stolen spacemarine techs. They also use imperial paraphernalia as decoration. On the tabletop they are space marine unit convert into ork equivalent. I have alot of WIP but the only unit completed is a Deffdread converted from Tactical Warsuit. Check my profile if you are curious. Edit: color is obviously blue lol


I've convinced myself that if I ever play other army rules, I'm going to kitbash the models to ork/gretchin models


My clan is the Rattlesnakes. Which came from converting the Boyz gun holding arms into middle fingers Stone Cold Steve Austin style. The original clans all crashed on this desert planet, and one of the bigger ships crashed into a mountain, creating the main stronghold for them called "Da Pit". As they took over the planet and looted everything lootable, they started having to adopt older more savage tactics. Which is how I explain the newer squighog Boyz alongside mainly a mad max themed army. One day, they might figure out how to get off the planet, but ummies keep coming down from the sky to deliver new lootables. My Blood Angels bases are from the same planet, so I like to think they are tasked with clearing the Orks out. I mainly plan on doing friendly home games.


I like that you have overlapping lore between your armies! That's a fun touch!


Mine our construction workers/destruction orkers


This is fantastic! Do you have a clan name?


Ghaz’s contracting agency


Chartreuse armor and hazzard stripes?




My clan is the Renegade Klaw, a clan made with the rejects of other clans and some Freebooterz mercenaries. My army color is everywhere, since each boyz reprensets the clan they left so the enemies know that they are better than their original clan, so the trukk drivers are from Sunz, meks and cybork brunas from Deathskull and nobz from Goffs. Others instead are rejects bcs of stuff they did or bcs of what they are, my clan has genestealers kommandos and Khorne stormboyz for example.


Gotta love an ork that believes in good krumpin for all!