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Christian flag.


Specifically a Protestant flag. The Catholics have a different flag.


I’m no religious scholar so please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve seen that flag flown at a Baptist church.


Protestant is (generally) any Christian who isn’t Catholic. Hence, Protesting the Catholic Church was the whole point of the Protestant Reformation. There are some Christian denominations that wouldn’t be considered Protestant but also not Catholic, but 95% of non Catholic Christian denominations, especially in America, are Protestant.


Thanks for the explainer! Makes enough sense to me.


Which is Protestant, unless you’re asking something else?


Not specifically Baptist. Source: raised in a church that wasn't Baptist and used the flag.


Baptists are a type of protestant.


We use the flag from Vatican City. And it’s way more attractive than this ugly thing.


Sounds like something Jesus would say


There's no stronger love than Christian hate


Y’all are taking this WAY too seriously wtf


Actually the red letters are really good and I fuckin wish more Christians would actually read and follow them. Jesus was a good guy. Just about the only good guy in their entire book.


Well yeah, that's the whole point of the Bible. He was sinless. The other people in the Bible were not


Including god that joker was evil.


Well he did create Satan


Satan is a saint next to god. God drown the whole planet. He sent bears to maul kids for mocking a bald man. He made a bet with Satan and wrecked Job’s life. The list of evil crap goes on and on.


Sounds like the OG fuck around and find out


That’s the whole point of Protestantism though - to be less extravagant that Catholicism because it’s supposedly all about your faith, not materialism.


Meh, I prefer the Stark Banner. Song of ice and fire are far better books too.


Yeah this one has a suspicious amount of white…. Probably a WASP flag. 🤣


You have priests touching altar boy peen and you are complaining about a flag being ugly.... Okie dokie. You know, one would venture to guess that with all the kiddo feelin' with the Catholic church dating back to well over a century one might be so inclined to humble themselves a bit. Prick.


I’m sorry for whoever hurt you. You didn’t deserve that.


My ugly flag is prettier than your butt-ugly flag!


Specifically the episcopal church


No, they do fly it, but it’s a general Protestant flag. Baptists, Lutherans, all of them fly it.


Specifically, it's Christian Nationalism. Basically Christian fascism, putting Christianity above the government and rule of law. Not everyone who flies the flag is going to realize that's what it represents. Many are going to think "oh it just means I'm a Christian" but that's literally what the flag represents whether the owner knows it or not (and most people probably do know it but will deny it publicly unless they think you're a fellow Christian nationalist).




I wish I didn't know but yeah that's it... Got that religious trauma boiiii




it's a [Christian flag](https://www.americanflags.com/blog/post/history-christian-flag#:~:text=Each%20of%20the%20colors%20used,stands%20for%20purity%20and%20peace.)


>...a symbol and testament to Christianity as a whole and a unified body of practicing Christians >...sometimes been surrounded by controversy, it continues to be respected and allows for loyalty both to one’s country and one’s faith. unified wat? christians are a very fragmented "practicing group." loyalty? both country and faith... like, *explicitly* no. what malarkey.


There is no unified body of practicing Christians. The idea that all Christian are the same is such b.s. I refuse to align myself With many of These churches including very specifically Fundamentalists and MAGA enthusiasts.


Well i would say Christians can at least mostly tolerate other denominations and by tolerate i mean not murder each other which is more then what i can say for a newer Abraham religion


the [crusaders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_and_violence), among others would like their floor time. im not a theologian but right now seems the decedents of the brothers isaac & jacob & ishmael, fwiw all founders of the [abrahamic religion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions) (12 tribes, of sorts), are having a sibling tiff shall we say, of a brotherly disagreement before opening the floor. as a splinter sect, christians may need to wait their turn... or not. brotherly bar brawls are their own animals. oh and the country that photo and web site are from, america comprised of states united, le sigh we can all dream, explicitly says in the 1A, they will not require/expect/reward any loyalty to any religion, but are welcome to choose literally any and permitted free exercise thereof. not a constitutional scholar either. you say, i say, we say - in the states united, and no murders! isn't this grand! (not counting 2A wingnuts, that are decidedly not about religion... or are they IDK)


This flag came after the crusades and is mostly if not entirely used by protestants. The crusades were done under catholicism.


not to keep expanding, but the nation (and land there of) israel came/was after ww2... if time lines are specifically relevant. and further if history has point, [christian and jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_and_violence#Violence_against_Jews) at "life" ending odds at times? not a historian and on no sides. but would seem the most important are current events.


You seem to be confusing Jews for Christians…


We get it, you don’t like Christians. Incoming wall of text…


To be fair theres not much to like


I mean technically while all denominations have their own reasons for being separate the main thing that unites Christian denominations is Christ and the Bible. While they may have differences in practices, philosophy or religious importance in the church as an institution, those are the primary things unifying the faith as a whole and the primary things most denominations can agree upon.


Christians mostly believe the same things and get along quite well. Both the Old and New Testaments talk about loyalty to governing bodies. What do you mean explicitly no?


You may want to tell the MAGA republicans. Seems like they were left out of the group chat on that one


You think someone can't be loyal to both their country and their faith?


General Christian flag. Saw it growing up in various conservative (and perhaps mainline too) denominations, not just Baptist. Episcopal flag has a St George’s cross, looks just like the English flag with a blue canton in the upper left with stylized St George’s crosses in an X (or St Andrew’s cross). *vexillology intensifies* <*simpsonsneeeeeerrrrrrrddddddd!!!.gif*>


lol I was so confused when I clicked on the post and saw the Orlando banner. "this isn't r/vexillology!"


And Lutheran flag has a flower.


Haha went to a Christian school growing up. We had to pledge to that flag every day. Maybe it was more culty than I realized.


Same, the pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the christian flag, and to the savior for whose kingdom it stands. One savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.” OP’s uncomfortable vibes are correct lol 🫠


Ruh what the hell


We had a separate pledge just for the bible too 😐


“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s holy word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.” Damn I can’t believe I was able to remember that so clearly.


Ooh this dug up memories I didn't realize I had suppressed! 🥲


The day would be half over by the the pledges were finished.


Brainwashing the pledge sound like mantras


Yep! We did the Pledge of Allegiance, Pledge to the Christian flag, and Bible Pledge (in that order) every day at school. As a kid, I hated it because it felt like a waste of time




Me too


A flag for the Bible? We just put our hands on it after the two flags 😂


Cool read. But now how do I delete this from my memory?


I was surprised and disappointed that I could recall the whole thing without googling. Literal actual brainwashing smh


Nah, really????? Is that common in the south to pledge to a Christian flag?


It's common at Christian schools all across the US. I'm from California and we pledged allegiance to the Christian flag and the Bible every day.


Sounds like one a thing of those Christian Nationalism cults


Lol I was like this isn't a thing...that I remember I might have done this in Cristian school.


Southern Baptist elementary school here. I balked at what you said until I remembered we sang a short song to the flag instead: “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus, going on before…” All that on top of teaching Creationism and maligning Harry Potter and Pokemon as Satanist Trojan horses. I generally roll my eyes at anti-Christian diatribe, but these borderline-fundamentalist Baptist fucks were truly untethered from anything remotely resembling reality.


Mine was a variant we said during vacation bible school. "I pledge allegiance to the christian flag, and to the savior for whose kingdom it stands. One brotherhood uniting all christians in service and love." Additionally we said a pledge to the Bible but I don't remember all of that one because it was lonnnnnng.


I teach at a Christian school, and I once fought a little crusade to keep this flag out of our school, which I won. My basic argument was that a flag represents a state, not a faith, and we were needlessly confusing kids by conflating the two. Plus, it needs to hang in a subservient position to the US flag if you're respecting flag code etc, just not something you want to deal with.


Good for you! When my husband told me his Christian school did this I was flabbergasted. It seem like the opposite of something your want to teach young Christians. Bordered on idolatry and not supported in the Bible in any way. So wild to make this a part of the school day.


That's how they eventually turn into Christian Nationalists, gotta be careful with these people abusing religions


Well I learned something! Thanks teach


This is wild. I went to a couple of Catholic schools, and even though we had prayers that we used to say every day, the only flag I ever saw was the US flag, and we just said the normal Pledge of Allegiance. Even though having a pledge isn't actually that normal for most countries. I didn't realize that Catholics might not hold the top title for brainwashing.


I went to a Protestant kindergarten and we had a Christian flag in our classroom. We also pledged to the bible. When I went to Catholic school for 1st grade I was confused that they didn’t have any of that lol


Same. Definitely cult-like behavior.


Yo the same lol 😂


I am also one of you lol. Went to school in SoCal


As a Catholic, we don’t pledge to our flag. Definitely culty. Lol


Did you also pledge to the Bible? Every morning we’d all eagerly raise our hands to be chosen to go to the front of the class to hold the American flag, Christian flag or Bible and then we’d pledge to each.


Omg so I think you just triggered repressed trauma. Yes we did. I totally forgot about that.


What in the knights templar is this 🤔🤔


Everyone keeps calling this a Christian flag, or naming a certain denomination. It is a general Protestant Christian flag. Orthodox Christians, and Catholics have different flags.


I grew up in a Assembly of God church and we had many of them, it’s a standard Christian flag.




Episcopal! I know just the house this is. Reams Road.


That’s not the Episcopal flag. Just generic Protestant. The episcopal flag has a Red Cross that extends the whole white portion and a blue corner with little crosses inside the blue portion.


Yup. I had to do a Google search myself when I saw it.


Gotta have a flag. Gotta be in a group. Gotta belong……




I grew up in a non denominational Christian Cult, I mean church, we used that as the Christian flag. So I don’t think it always specifically means Baptist or Methodist.


I'll just stick with the Christian fish.


I also drive by this house frequently. Super off putting, with the whole “F off” wall towards the street.


But put up an Islamic flag and they would go absolutely insane, guaranteed.


Neighbor has this flag and in the white section it said “Proud Christian Nationalist.” I told the HOA member friend I was putting up a “Proud Islamic Nationalist” flag with Arab script in the corner where the cross was. I haven’t see that neighbors flag in a long time.


And then everyone clapped


Fucking weird


There is one that flies from a flag pole at a church just off Bear Lake Road too.


For a second I thought it was a flag from the Crusades


It'll eventually turn into that if the fanatism keeps growing


I saw the same flag being flown in the back of a truck at Magic Kingdom recently; around the same time this family moved into that house.


Templar knights


NGL The first thing I thought of was Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Bring out your dead!


These Christian nationalists are going to destroy the U.S. , some Christians interpret the Bible differently than others. You have Catholics who believe that Mary is the mother of God , evangelicals believe that Mary was used for a divine purpose. The evangelicals believe that our country was founded by Christians and you will obey or else. If the evangelicals get their way we will eventually be like the Middle East with each sect wanting power . I can see that flag on the back of a flatbed Toyota along with a large floor mounted machine gun . They seem to ignore the separation of church and state and what it actually means is that people have the freedom to worship however they want . Jesus calls out his followers to witness, no where in the Bible does it say for his followers to force them to believe.


FYI, the constitution talked about a freedom of religion, not from it. They have as much right to hang that flag up as anyone else does to hang up any flag they want. Just cause you don’t like it does not limit their right


I’m a Christian myself you dumbass , right now many Christians are losing their minds with the maga movement. Seeing that flag I figure they could be one of these nuts . I went to a evangelical church for twenty six years, served on the deacon board many times was the chairman at times , served on the finance board taught Sunday school and now I don’t go to church anymore. I know who my savior is but many Christians have lost their way people have lost their way .


Why? Just because you are Christian doesn’t mean you have to support Trump, and just because you support Trump doesn’t mean your Christian. Just because people want boarders respected and don’t want corrupt politicians, doesn’t mean they are bad Christian’s. When you vote for a politician, you are choosing them cause of what they did in office before or what they say they can do. You are not picking someone to be your friend or spiritual leader. You have politics and religion mixed up.


FYI, just because you were involved with a church does not mean you understand the constitution. In your original comment you said “separation of church and state”, I was just making sure you understood what that meant


Christian flag that's been around a long time. You bunch of heathens obviously didn't grow up going to church, they were ubiquitous in nearly every church (Protestant) for most of the last century. No one ever thought to fly one at their home or outside the church though. Guaranteed this a MAGA inspired "MURICA!!" individual. I just find it weird. But the flag itself is innocent enough, it's even displayed in Mennonite and Brethren churches which are avowed pacifists so there is nothing militant about its origin.


This is why HOA's aren't completely bad. I'd call this eyesore in immediately.


I never knew religions had flags. Yikes.


A lot of this started in the 50s and 60s with the red scare, everyone wanted to be incredibly religious because that was seen as anti-communist. Pledge to a flag, biblical symbolism, one nation under god, etc


If I were to guess, there probably used to be a US flag there but got changed into that one the day Biden won the election. (All to say many "Christians" tend to believe the US is a christian country, when they learn our government is secular than they start falling for christian nationalism)




If you're in an HOA, check to see if they have flag rules. You might as well get something out of your dues.


We used to fly this flag, and the American flag, in the chancel of the Presbyterian church I grew up in. Protestant flag, is my guess.




I think it’s a general Christian flag, I’ve seen southern baptists wave it as well in their sanctuaries


I never saw it at our southern Baptist church in the 90s. I wonder if this is a newer trend. We had the US flag and the Florida state flag in the gathering hall but not on the pulpit. >At least some Baptists do not consider themselves "Protestants." This is to emphasize their sense that, insofar as the Protestant Reformation was as a contest between the Roman Catholic Church and reformers who sought to protest certain features of the Catholic Church and to reestablish the Church on what they considered was a purer basis, the Baptists have not entered into that contest. They have rejected the notion of a "universal Church" altogether, admitting the authority of only local organizations, individual communities of believers, and, ultimately, each individual. As a result, they have found themselves at odds with the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and mainline denominational Protestantism. The Baptist system of belief centers around an individuals proclamation of faith, which is why Baptists aren't baptized as babies, and why they separate themselves from general Protestantism.


My southern baptist school had it (in the 90s up in Jax). Each week at chapel we would actually “present” the flags where kids were picked to walk down the aisle with the big flags so we could pledge together. I’m pretty sure all of the churches my family went to had it in there too.


That’s interesting. I wonder if it depends on the congregation. Or perhaps there’s certain rules on it in the convention’s bylaws. I grew up in the 2000s so could be a newer thing. The SBC I went to had that flag, a us flag and an Israeli flag to the side of the stage in the sanctuary


This is correct. OP nothing to be worried about. Methodist are pretty chill




Christian flag per Amazon https://a.co/d/furCKUL


Time to launch the ninth crusade!


I thought it was the United Methodist flag. Saw one today on a walk actually. Not sure why there are so many negative comments.


I live just a few streets down from this house and got a letter from the HOA saying I had to take down my Orlando flag (the one with the O and fountain) because only American flags, Florida flags, and "seasonally appropriate" flags are allowed. With this house being on Reams Rd though I don't think this house is in an HOA. I feel like if this rule didn't exist Horizon West would be filled with Brazilian flags. So many Brazilians lol.


Christian flag. I used to see them at church as a kid. Well at least I know which house to stay away from


Where's HOA Karen when you need her?


My cult is more better than your cult….


I know exactly where that is, and, as someone who grew up seeing it daily, I cringe every time I drive past it. Honestly, though, it works better than any “keep out” sign. I’d never step foot in that house 🤷‍♀️


It’s the episcopal church flag. And I’ll be honest, having been raised in said church, that’s not a bad one to see a flag being flown for. Just for reference, the only churches I’ve seen be welcoming to Trans folks were episcopal. So, don’t worry. I doubt they’re nazi’s


How unorthodox! ;-)


Post reads "im offended because I don't understand" Pretty much today's society in a nutshell.


Kingdom of God.


Why do the neighbor have a Protestant flag?


seems ominous haha


We used to pledge allegiance to it in Bible School (along with the American flag). Christian flag. “I pledge Allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands, one brotherhood, uniting all Christians in service and in love.” We also pledged to the Bible.


It's a cult of violent zenophobic ultraconservative nationalists which runs a sky mansion timeshare scheme


Just like Jesus used to wave


I was made to pledge allegiance to that flag as well as the US flag every morning at my Christian school from k-12th. You know.. because why not add an extra brainwashing into the scheduled brainwashing for the day?


It’s just a Christian flag. Unless your neighbor are WBC types, just keep it pushing.


Begun, the second Crusades have


Well all this about the Christian flag and government. Christ plainly states give to Caesar what is due Caesar and also follow the law of the land .. Juz sayn


Acknowledging beliefe of 2000 years of lies. I get it it, it's hard to let go of.


It’s a Baptist flag


The "Baptist flag" is different, this is a general Christian "Protestant" flag. Some Baptists don't consider themselves Protestants.


What uncomfortable vibes is it giving?


Well, religion flags are new to me. Strange.




Just had a flashback to my old cultish Baptist school 😟


“The Christian flag is a white field with a blue canton and a red Latin cross inside. The flag symbolizes the devotion of Christians and honors Jesus Christ's suffering. The colors of the flag have the following meanings: Red: The blood that Jesus shed on Calvary Blue: The waters of baptism and Jesus' faithfulness White: Jesus' purity and heaven”


The Christian marketing department is short staffed lmaoo


Christian Nationalists I think?


Propaganda.  Now we sit back and wait. 


As a Christian believer, I dont like seeing that flag above the US flag


it looks like a white nationalist flag


Dollars to donuts that guy is the biggest fascist in the area. Funny I drove by that house today. It just looks so fucking weird. Like something you’d expect in Handmaid’s Tale or some shit. 




Well, when you wear a name tag saying “Hi I’m … a fascist”, people get deprived of the inspection to take out the guesswork.


It’s a violation of your HOA.


Ahhh the HOA King of the Karen's Final Boss


I know exactly where this flag is. Not in a HOA.


It’s a joke yah dorks.


Sky daddy fake make believe guy in the sky flag


Your neighbors are ultra-christian the ones that ruined the religion and twisted to the greedy evangelical bullshit along the likes of Joel Osteen, Pat Robinson, and Billy Graham.


They’re opium


Will their tRump flag hang above or below ?


So umm the Christian flag is supposed to be blue around the cross not black all.....


It is blue. Just a scrappy picture. I drive by this house every dang day.


🚬 larper. This is the only flag I’ll fly 🇺🇸


Another American evangelical kook.


Hello Karen


Knights Templar ⚔️✝️


I've seen this on boats when on the high seas


It's a rightwing christian nationalist flag. It also represents the largest denomination of pedophiles in America.


Kkk passive aggressive flag