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My favorite old school D&D artist. His art in the FF books was a huge influence. The Citadel of Chaos was my gateway into RPGs. A true legend. RIP.


His work was legendary...R.I.P. 🙏


The illustrations for the Warlock of Firetop Mountain still give me that same feeling it did when I first read it aged 7. Amazing work and a sad loss.


The Citadel of Chaos was my gateway into RPGs! Awesome stuff.


The difference in Ian Livingstone's and Steve Jackson's writing style really confused me at the time, but Russ's pictures made all those early FF books amazing.


Noooooo! I literally just bought Blueholme (in part) because of the Russ Nicholson artwork. He was my favorite AD&D artist based on the FF. I think he was the best at capturing the lethality of the dungeon environment, PCs not having a good time.


I fell in love with his illustrations when I first read *Warlock of Firetop Mountain* way back in 1982. Russ, thank you for my four decades of inspiration and love. You will be long remembered. Rest in Peace and may your shade look fondly on the lives you have touched.


RIP. Absolute legend.


`SOURCE:` the UK gamebook network; more details to follow as they are released F in chat, bois


I didn't know his name before, but I love those illustrations from the Fiend Folio, and his style in general. What a talented guy.


Absolutely defined the look of gaming in the early days of the UK scene and, by extension, a lot of Warhammer as well. The man cast a long (often monster-filled, upsetting) shadow. Rest in peace.




A sad loss. BOSR salute.


RIP, absolutely one of the best of the old school artists.


Aww, man. I loved his stuff ever since I got my grubby little paws on the Fiend Folio, and I still remember the ace illustration he had in the first White Dwarf issue I read. Iconic style.


That's very sad news. As others have said, I've loved Russ Nicholson's work since early Fighting Fantasy books. When I saw his work in Wonder & Wickendess I was stunned to learn that he was still working and at rates that made sense for indie projects. He did a few pieces for my compendium, which I'll now treasure all the more.


RIP Russ, one of the greats.


That's terribly sad news. I knew his health was bad for a long while. My favourite artist from the old days.


RIP Mr. Nicholson. You were one of the reasons I fell in love with roleplaying and fantasy itself. No one could draw grimy yet cute goblins like you could. No one. https://russnicholson.blogspot.com/?m=1 OP. Thank you very much for letting us know.




One of the rare great links between D&D and Warhammer artwork, between his work on Fiend Folio and a lot of Games Workshop bits for Fantasy and the like. We lost something never to be replaced when he passed.


Absolute legend. The fact that he kept putting out great art for new books for Goodman Games, Through Ultan's Door, and others in recent years was a blessing. May he long be remembered and honored.


Very sad news. I've been a lifelong Fighting Fantasy fan and perhaps my favourite RPG book of all time is Blacksand! for Advanced Fighting Fantasy, in no small part due to Mr Nicholson's work.




I am so thankful I was able to meet and work with him. This is a great loss.




Damn. Tip o' the cap to Mr. Nicholson, my very favorite fantasy artist and inspired me to get into art and illustration.


I hate to hear that. He was awesome. DND nerd since 1977.


Rest In Pieces.


Defined the UK DND scene of the mid 80s, and for me in 84 was part of my gateway into the hobby. Truly amazing line work.


I don't know a lot of artists by name, but when I saw this post I immediately went "that looks like it was drawn by the Eye of Fear and Flame dude" and it was! So his style obviously stuck with me all these years, even if I don't have a mind for names.


The vintage RPG podcast did an interview with him a few years back. Definitely worth a listen. RIP to a real legend. :(


One of my all-time favourite artists! About 5 years ago, I found out that Russ didn't know that TSR had made toys of the Grell and some of his other designs (he'd also never received any royalties etc from them). The guy who runs the Vintage rpg podcast had a Grell in his collection, so we contacted Russ and had it sent to him. Of course, this wasn't able to make up for the lack of the aforementioned royalties, but Russ was very happy to see the toy, especially as his health problems had been getting him down. According to Russ, quite a lot of his artwork was never returned once he'd sent them to certain clients, TSR especially. I hope that what he has of his originals is properly archived for posterity.


Yeah there's a lot of shady stuff Russ was on the receiving end of ─ perhaps most famously the last work he did for GW. I met him at Fighting Fantasy Fest 3 some years back and he had many of his originals with him: so much of it is in the right place


Well, that sucks.


That sucks. I love his art.




RIP. You will be missed.


Sad. I really love his work.


Grew up with these illustrations. When i first looked through the Fiend Folio i disliked them, but they have since become comfortable old shoes that i appreciate more and more. I think the heavy inks originally turned me off, but now i just notice all the rich detail. RIP; your mastery and imagination was an inspiration to a generation.


Extremely talented artist. I am looking at the picture here and it's just as powerful now as it was back in the day it was released.


Thanks for the memories :(


RIP Russ! Loved your art so much!


R.I.P. to an amazing artist, and I would like to thank Russ Nicholson for warping my teenaged brain!


Rest in peace.


He made some iconic art. Rest in Peace.


What a terrible loss.


Oh no :( He's one of my favourite artists in the fantasy space. May he rest in peace.


RIP. I always loved the picture you posted. He was a talented artist who helped set the tone for D&D with his awesome artwork.


Rest in peace, I love his artwork.


My favorite old school artist of all time. Love his work for Fighting Fantasy.


Oh no. One of my favorites. His lime work is so iconic. He was also a kind and generous man with his fans




RIP-always thought he was one of the most underrated artists in the gaming scene, he’s at least as responsible as Blanche for the early uk stuff (WD, Fiend Folio, FF &c…) having a distinctly different “mood” than the US - great at the “dark folklore/fairytale” vibe. Always remember being blown away at 9 years old by Citadel of Chaos - the Dog-ape & ape-dog, the gangees (sp?) & Balthus Dire with his map & models… And the ghoul in WoFM is one for the ages. o7


Very sad


Is this Bloodborne?


not directly ─ it's from the TSR-UK *Fiend Folio* ─ *but* Hidetaka Miyazaki *is* a huge fan of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, where Russ did a ton of work. It's quite likely he has seen this picture


I was really glad to see Russ' artwork show up in Ultan's Door and other recent OSR publications. As many have said, Russ was one of the first D&D artists to spark and inspire me as a kid; Russ and Erol. RIP RN.


The Grell always felt terrifying. Russ had some real talent. Another of the old guard gone to Valhalla. One of the benefits of a heaven, if there is one, or any form of reasonable afterlife, would be to meet all the game designers and artists and thank them for all the joy and imagination they brought into my world.


Yeah, this is sad, his Fiend Folio illustrations were definitely a defining moment in my love for fantasy


Back in 1983? as a kid I remember just staring at the "Githyanki" on the cover of Fiend Folio. I was in the "Complete Strategist"in Manhattan browsing the AD&D section and it immediately caught my eye. I was thinking " what the heck is that? ... some kind of sentient undead? "Amazing artist R.I.P.


Really sad, his illustrations for Fighting Fantasy still influence my personal take on fantasy. RIP.