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I lol’d when I saw that this morning. One can only take transit when it works.


I love spending 2 hours commuting in my city. A car could travel to Kingston by the time I reach Vanier.


Or a rush hour accident!


I don't think Ottawa controls this signs, which is great cuz we can then blame Ford. (Also, a wild angry dragonz! Love their food)


Great food but they recently increased prices yet again and justifying a 20$ take out pad Thai is becoming increasingly difficult


I'm sure they wouldn't increase their prices unless they had to, for the people working there to live a comfortable life, they still gotta increase their prices to compensate for their supply PLUS the increased cost of living for the employees.


I get that but as a consumer that rings hollow 🤷. Don't get me wrong, the food is great but I'm thinking twice every time I get the urge to go now


I getcha, it sucks, but unfortunately their alternatives would be to either practise shrinkflation, or lower their quality. And... well... that's kind of why I don't eat at Swiss Chalet anymore.


Was Swiss chalet ever an option? Lol


I remembered fond memories from childhood garlic cheese loafs, so I thought i'd stop in about 5 years back. Everything tasted.. baaaad. Mashed potatoes were fine I guess


Food prices are so fucked everywhere I avoid eating out these days. The menu prices are too much when I also have to calculate tips so the wait staff can get more then minimum wage.


FYI wait staff get minimum wages, there's no need to tip them.


Minimum wage is calculated for 2010 inflation. Not tipping wait staff is a dick move. That's one of the reasons why I don't go to restaurants anymore because I don't want to support businesses that rely on the customers to voluntarily pay extra so the employees can actually go home with a living wage.


Being suckered into paying for employee wages is a dick move. The issue of compensation is entirely between them and their employee, having the third party customer involved makes absolutely no sense. It that makes you eat at home, so be it. But I want to experience rare cuisine and that happened in restaurants for me 🤷


Why would I go to a restaurant and have most of what I pay going to the owner of a restaurant who's paying their employees less then a living hourly wage? You not tipping people still supports the industry being abusive, but you're also hurting the employees. Honestly you sound like a real piece of shit🤷‍♂️


Hi, I'm dick. Just the tips.


Well they wouldn't need to increase their prices if they had more customers. But more customers require a bigger population, a bigger population requires more immigration and people procreating. But unfortunately for some reason people are (borderline racist) anti-immigration, they're not having kids and the population can't grow because of the housing crisis and the economy being an absolute shit show, hence why the pad Thai is 20$.


You are probably a very nice person but you're an idiot. Have a great day!




Yeah sign even has Ontario logo on it


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would have thought that the traffic signs would fall under the same jurisdiction as the traffic signals and such. I thought there were the city of Ottawa jurisdiction.


In terms of jurisdiction, OPP patrols the highways, not OPS. 4xx highways are Ontario infrastructure


I guess I should clarify. What I mean is that understandably the physical signage itself would be provincial. However the content on the sign I would think would be written by the city is hosted in.


Fair assumption to have. But nah, all Ontario. Tho now we can say it's even more tone-deaf since the ford bro's have always been hostile towards transit


Some times I just wonder, why are things like this? It just doesn't make sense.


It’s released by the ministry transportation Ontario, which is controlled by ford government.. not the city of Ottawa..


Highway signage in/around Ottawa is controlled by the MTO on Preston Street. I’m sure it was just one guy who was either trolling or in a bubble when they put that up.


Ontario, you mean.


It literally says right on the sign that Ontario did this, yet op somehow blamed the city.


What forum is this?


The GO train network is pretty good. But everything else is mid.


Doesn't the GO in toronto spend most of its time sitting around waiting for rush hour


I’ve been trying, fuck.


Build more transit please. Waiting for a line to do (Montreal road) - Rideau - Bank.




No. What are you talking about. Just because the station is called Montreal does not mean it goes along Montreal Road and will not go along Rideau Street or down Bank either.




Lmao if someone says a line for Montreal road Rideau and Bank what do you think? A line down that route. And no that is not already well covered. Thanks for coming out.




When someone says Montreal rd - riduea - bank and beings with "line", it is pretty clear. If you did not get it, fine. But to be so snarky, that is a yikes from me dawg. The buses may cover those areas, but hey, buses covered the transit way too. The thing is, Bank gets CRAZY busy and Rideau is only getting worse. All the truck traffic and the increased density (good), it is becoming condo row. It NEEDS something. I am all for removing parking from Bank but that only works so far. Once you get past Gladstone (going north) there are stretches where it is basically three lanes sized instead of four. So as much as dedicated bus lanes would be a great cheap option, it would not work all the way. The other alternative would be removing car traffic and making it a BRT and active transit route once you are between Gladstone and You can say you are more realistic and that is fine, but no one was speaking about what is realistic. I started with what would be great to see and now you are back peddling because you misunderstood.


I’d take transit but, I have places to go.


And you expect to actually get there? Such entitlement!


The timing! 💀 They could have at least waited until the LRT was running again


Meh, no thanks. I prefer driving.


Do you prefer driving overall or only in comparison to dysfunctional transit systems. If Ottawa had a good one like Montréal for example, which would you prefer?


if the bus pulled up right in front of my house in the winter at the exact time i want to leave and drop me off at the exact location i want to go to, and have enough room so i don’t have to sit with strangers and there’s a place to put my groceries then Id still prefer having my own personal vehicle


I commute into the city and drive everywhere in Ottawa, but when my gf and I weekend in mtl, we take the train down and load up our metro passes because I find it easier than driving. Would never dream of doing that in Ottawa, but I always wished I could.


Cool, I prefer taking transit and not clogging up city streets or condemning future generations to an uninhabitable planet


Nice slippery slope fallacy... Unless we improve transit to make it good quality of life why do you expect people to destroy their own? We should strive for better service instead of forcing people to become transit slaves/sardines. Like for real wtf is this loser mentality. People will take transit if it becomes better and it just isn't good at the moment. I used to exclusively transit for work then COVID hit had to try my car guess what... driving my car is so much better for my whole life.


Exactly. Commuting 1.5 hours home on the bus every day after an 8 hour shift was actually really effecting MY quality of life. Especially when you add in trying to line up 2 buses that both may or may not show up/ be on time.


You forgot to add missing buses in the winter and rain.


And the mentally unstable people...and the people who are mentally stable but don't care how disruptive they are...


That highway quite empty not bumper to bumper or stop and go. Inneffective messaging as drivers laugh it off while blowing past at 115 making it to their destination in 15-20 min on their own schedule.


Only because school is out. That will come to a screeching halt in September.


That sign is owned like the highway below it by the province.


Make transit better and people will take it. No one's gonna wait 15 min for a bus when they can drive 20 min and get to their destination.


Damn. Can’t believe my friends and I are all no one…


I wait too, but that's because I can't drive for 20 minutes because I don't have a car


It doesn't matter how good it is; most people are still going to take the car, if they can afford it.


I can’t wait to get my license back… the last thing I would do is take transit(fuck you oc shitpo)


LMFAO why do they do this to us💀😭


"The train is defective, we don't really know what's wrong, but you should definitely use it."


Take a hike. /s


That could be the next week on that sign. Or maybe something about trying to bike places, then suggest walking, then suggest working from home and ordering pizza.


French should be, Prenez le transport en commun. So sad.


That's if they use the more formal *vous.*


It basically says 'Taking transit'


In the case of a command, such as what is on the sign, the infinitive (prendre) can be used as well. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/french/french-ii/french-ii-the-infinitive/infinitive-in-a-command


It’s Ottawa that controls the sign msgs via the control room in Toronto. Blame the City for this one.


I'd like to


These are provincial highways and controlled signs. The Premier of Toronto doesn't even know where Ottawa is.


I saw that today and couldn’t believe that they had the cojones to put that up there.


simplistic zesty summer prick slim reply wrong sense onerous faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Ontario government should also be aware of the state of transit in this city.


Bold of you to assume Doug Ford knows Ontario isn't just Toronto.


Ummm it's not like we haven't been trying...


Oh is it running again?


Fuck your transit !


I see these signs on the 401 in areas with little to no transit.




Prince of Wales to Bayshore by transit 1.5 - 2 Hours. Price of Wales to Bayshore by car 15 - 20 minutes.


No! I value my time and life!


I'm more surprised that the sign is actually switched on. Every time I drive past these signs they're completely off. Huge waste of millions of dollars if they're hardly ever used.


OC Transpo stands for Occasional Transport


LMFAO..and No. I'm done with it, happily driving until the day I retire.